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Chapter 319 Tavern and Stove

In the next few days, after collecting the essence of the sun and the moon that day, Zhao Cheng seemed to have crossed a threshold. He had been an otaku for a long time, but after that time, Zhao Cheng began to wander around Xianlin Township.

Take a walk and have a look.

As Zhao Cheng walked around, this familiar land seemed to "come alive", with all kinds of mysterious energy spontaneously gathering towards Zhao Cheng, but Zhao Cheng knew in his heart that this change seemed extraordinary.

, but in fact, I have just entered the threshold of Shinto.

At the same time, in such a process, Zhao Cheng's spirit became more and more in line with "heaven and earth", and he was able to receive a lot of wonderful information.

Zhao Cheng knew that even though it was sunny now, it would be overcast in three hours, and then it would start to snow five hours later, and it would not stop until about seven o'clock the next morning.

Not only that, he also knew clearly which of the weeds under his feet would be able to sprout again from their roots next year, and which ones would die in this dry winter.

The world in Zhao Cheng's eyes suddenly became wonderful and very interesting.

It wasn't until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year that Zhao Cheng stopped this shopping activity.


There is a large open space in Xianlin, with some low withered shrubs in front of it, a forest further ahead, and a hill further ahead.

At this moment, the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow, the sky and the earth were completely white, and there were scattered snowflakes falling, but the sky had not cleared up.

However, this wasteland, where no one usually comes here, suddenly became lively at this moment.

In just two days, a huge building similar to a medieval tavern was built.

This building seems to be a wooden structure, but in fact it uses a large number of alloy supports. The so-called wooden structure is just covered with a layer of boards, but at a glance, there are no flaws.

At this time, the fireplace in the tavern was burning brightly, and the warm fire dispelled the chill caused by the wind and snow outside.

Through the window glass of the tavern, you can clearly see that in the middle of the wide tavern, there is a huge table. It is not a dining table, but a table made by expanding the plane of the earth and shrinking it to a certain scale.

A big map, but there are no longitude and latitude lines.

This map is about eight meters long and three meters wide. It is a truly huge thing.

At the same time, on the map, many locations are included in grids, and many iconic locations have hand-sized models.

If anyone knows the game Monopoly, they will be surprised to find that the table in front of them is a super deluxe version of Monopoly.


Zhao Xiaoxiang was the first to push open the door and let out an exclamation when he saw the big table.

The warm stove, the scent of pine wood, and the ultra-luxurious board game suddenly reached a certain point in Zhao Xiaoxiang's heart and put her in the mood.

Not just her, other friends were also impressed when they saw this scene. Even any dinner party and barbecue are inferior to this!

In the cold winter, a tavern, a fire, and an exciting board game, that is true romance.

"Xiao Xiang, is this the surprise you were talking about?"

"This surprise is too big!"

Zhao Xiuxiu couldn't help but said.

A few days ago, Zhao Xiaoxiang asked in the group whether they played board games. Since it was winter vacation, everyone was free, so they naturally responded.

At that time, everyone's idea was to find a board game store in the city. Nowadays, there are still many such places in China, and the price is not too expensive. Generally, it only costs more than 100 yuan per person, and you can play for a whole day.

This is what my friends think.

After that, someone asked about Zhao Xiaoxiang’s activity plan.

However, Zhao Xiaoxiang played a secret role and only said that he wanted to give them a surprise.


"of course!"

Zhao Xiaoxiang smiled proudly, especially the eyes of her friends, which made her mouth corners rise uncontrollably.

Only Zhao Cheng looked at everything in front of him very calmly. Someone had already communicated these things to him before.

When he was still unknown before, it didn't matter to Zhao Xiaoxiang that he would kill first and then show off, but now that's no longer possible.

And just for a moment, a tall dwarf suddenly emerged from the decent medieval-style counter. Why is it called a tall dwarf? Because this dwarf is indeed very tall, but his dress and makeup are the same as those in the game.

The dwarves are exactly the same.

Moreover, this person was an acquaintance, the director who was shot several times in the back and committed suicide.

"Travelers, welcome to the store!"

The director used a strange translation accent to greet everyone.

"Want to have a fun and wonderful adventure in the world?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhao Xiaoxiang was the first to raise his hand and was very cooperative.


"Xiao Xiang, what on earth is going on?"

Someone among the friends asked, the battle in front of us is a bit big.

Not to mention the sudden appearance of a tavern in the wasteland outside Xianlin. The sudden appearance of a "dwarf" made them feel as if time and space were confused.

The plot is just like a fairy tale.

Just like the protagonist team in a fairy tale, they suddenly encountered something wonderful in a corner of the world.

Therefore, that sense of doubt and that feeling of unrest are inevitable.

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoxiang waved his hand and said with a heroic smile: "No one needs to bear any psychological burden. These are all obtained by me selling Zhao Cheng. It is a fair transaction."



All the friends looked at Zhao Xiaoxiang and then at Zhao Cheng, who looked calm, and their hearts were shocked.

I can’t help but be amazed, it is indeed my own!

No one has the slightest doubt whether Zhao Cheng can be sold at this price, but Zhao Xiaoxiang is probably the only one in the world who can do such a thing.

But in fact, it was the crew who first talked to Zhao Xiaoxiang. After getting Zhao Xiaoxiang's affirmative answer, they went to Zhao Cheng to confirm.

But he was afraid that Zhao Xiaoxiang would kill him first and tell him later. Zhao Cheng would naturally not do anything to Zhao Xiaoxiang when the time comes, but if he resented the crew because of this, it would be more than worth the gain.

As for Zhao Cheng, he did not expose Zhao Xiaoxiang, but instead fulfilled Zhao Xiaoxiang's lies.

Zhao Cheng knew what Zhao Xiaoxiang was thinking. In addition to showing off in front of his friends, the most important thing was that he felt that it was very interesting to play like this with his friends.

If you expect a person who has just entered high school to have deep thoughts, you are kidding.

Zhao Cheng could vaguely guess the purpose of the crew, but this was the reality. From Zhao Cheng's point of view, everyone got what they needed.

The crew even wanted to pay Zhao Cheng an appearance fee, but Zhao Cheng didn't ask for it.

After all, they had some old love, and Zhao Cheng was not short of money, so he came to play as a friend, just like the last time.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Cheng also feels that it is fun to play like this with his friends, and it is also a very valuable spiritual wealth.

For Zhao Cheng, the heart is always more important than things!

This chapter has been completed!
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