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Chapter 33 Beating someone is like throwing sand

 Chapter 33 Beating someone is like throwing sand

In previous generations of Chinese martial arts, there was a jargon saying that hitting someone is like hanging a picture.

This means that when a punch hits a person, the person's body is "hanging" firmly on the wall like a painting.

This is used to describe people with superb boxing skills.

However, Zhao Cheng now feels that hitting someone is like hanging a painting, and the purity of this boxing method is too low.

The truly powerful boxing technique should be to hit people like throwing sand.

This means that if a punch hits a person, the person's body will be like a ball of sand and immediately scatter into dust all over the sky.

Whether it is the actual effect or the program effect, it is completely full.

The only shortcoming is that he is not an audience, but a prop for the show.

His consciousness returned to reality. After a long time, Zhao Chengcai finally recovered.

It wasn't because of the pain caused by the tragic death. To elaborate, it was actually because he died so simply that he didn't have time to feel any pain.

He was just shocked!

This kind of power, this kind of boxing technique, to a certain extent, is extremely beautiful.

In reality, it's not like he hasn't seen videos of swordsman masters fighting each other.

Kendo is prosperous here, and there are many competitions, large and small.

But watching it through the video and experiencing it in person are so different.

That sense of oppression, that sense of power, no amount of words can describe it.

After coming back to his senses, Zhao Cheng looked at the panel log.


In the first hour, you concentrate on practicing swordsmanship, swordsmanship proficiency +3, and the 17th set of basic swordsmanship six editions is upgraded to lv8

In the second hour, you concentrate on practicing swordsmanship, and your swordsmanship proficiency +3

In the third hour, the blood moon appears. You rush to the Tianfeng Pavilion. You explore the Tianfeng Pavilion and encounter the boxing master (white) x1. You hack the boxing master to death. In the process, you begin to realize your attributes.

Improved, your swordsmanship has improved, your realm has improved, you have completed self-awakening, and you have gained some trophies.

You rush to Moyun University. You explore Moyun University and encounter a boxing master (blue) x1 and a boxing apprentice (white) x15. You look at the boxing master and you are beaten.

You died. The reason for your death was that the water was too deep for young people to grasp.

Simulation settlement: In this simulation, your copy's exploration degree is extremely low, and the simulation point is +1.

"Sure enough, the simulated settlement is related to my subconscious mind. The description in this text is completely my own speaking style."

Zhao Cheng thought.

"Also, that big-muscled tyrant is actually of blue quality..."

The sense of oppression brought by the boxing master to Zhao Cheng was unprecedented.

Just from the opponent's height of more than three meters, you can see how terrifying his power is.

But for such a giant, the quality is actually blue.

Of course, deep down in his heart, Zhao Cheng knew that this rating was reasonable. It was only because he had just been beaten that he thought the boxing master was stronger.

Although the opponent is indeed very strong.

This monster is not something Zhao Cheng can challenge at his level.

It is very reasonable to go to the first level to see what the boss looks like and to be defeated by the boss.

And this also gave Zhao Cheng a general understanding of the power level of the simulated world.

The water in that world was indeed very deep.

The quality of blue is so powerful. If it were purple or even gold, how powerful would it be?

As for red, that world probably doesn’t exist.

Generally speaking, purple is the upper limit of the world. In the simulated world, there is gold, which is already an odd number among the odd numbers. As for red, real dragons cannot be born in shallow water.

Even in reality, among the dozen or so golden qualities, there is only one red one. This is still a situation where red is now available and gold will be added later.

As for the other way around, this quantity may be increased tenfold before soil with higher qualities can be born.

Thinking in his mind, Zhao Cheng looked at his own screen. In reality, the world had passed not long ago, but his screen had changed a lot.


Source point:2.8

Simulation points: 9

Realm: Entering tranquility +1 (58%) (heart to heart) (30% in transformation)


???(?): God rewards hard work, and every effort will be rewarded; panel; ???

Sword type (disabled) 13% (red): upper limit of swordsmanship level +3, affinity with swords is moderately increased, and the proficiency required to improve swordsmanship is moderately reduced.






Skills: The 17th set of basic swordsmanship six editions lv8 (lv8) (26/70) (30% in conversion)

Number of simulations: 0


The source point was reduced from 8.8 to 2.8. It took 3 points to buy short the source point store. It took 3 points to simulate twice.

Entering Jing has been strengthened once, becoming +1, and the progress has increased by 6%, but the transformation has not been completed yet, only the spiritual transformation has been completed.

Only the spirit of the five-dimensional attributes increased by 0.3. However, after a period of time, as the realm transformation is completed and the improvement effect brought by entering tranquility +1 is completely transformed, his five-dimensional attributes should suddenly increase by a bit.

The biggest improvement is in swordsmanship, lv4-lv8, which suddenly saves Zhao Cheng three to five years of hard work. More importantly, there is still huge room for improvement in the future.

After two simulations, you are completely transformed!

However, what has increased the most is Zhao Cheng's self-confidence. Before, he only relied on God to reward his hard work. He was not sure how far he could go on this road.

After all, human lifespan is limited, and if the level of martial arts practitioners is too low, their spirit and blood will begin to decline after the age of thirty-two.

He doesn't have enough time.

But now, Zhao Cheng can be sure that he will be able to go very far, even stand at the top and surpass the peak.

This confidence is still given to him by the panel. If the panel suddenly disappears, he may not be confident anymore. But one day, when he has walked far enough and stood high enough, by then, even if the panel suddenly disappears,

, he can still be confident.

At that time, his self-confidence came from his own experiences, the various hardships in his life, and the insights he gained.

As for now, his journey has just begun!

It was already getting late, so Zhao Cheng did not continue to study the panel, but directly breathed into meditation and then fell asleep.

Staying up late will affect your morning practice. I couldn't bear it before, but now that I'm fresh and energetic, I can bear it.

At six o'clock in the morning, Zhao Cheng got up on time and practiced swordsmanship.

He has mastered Level 8 swordsmanship in his mind, but not physically.

In reality, he does not have the support of extraordinary swordsmanship talent, so he can only separate breathing visualization and swordsmanship moves. Although this is less efficient, it is better than making mistakes.

Zhao Cheng estimated that when his swordsmanship reaches 90%, that is, when he reaches level 7, he will be able to practice swordplay while visualizing his breathing.

As for now, his brain is fine but his body is not.

After practicing swordsmanship, the swordsmanship transformation degree increased by 1% and the realm transformation degree increased by 7%. Afterwards, he met Zhao Xiaoxiang who had just woken up. After saying hello, he went directly to school and bought breakfast on the way.

Eat, by the time we get to school, we have almost finished eating.

A new day has begun.

(End of chapter)

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