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Chapter 338 God and Tao are the same

Inexplicably, Zhao Cheng's thoughts thought of his previous life.

In the era when he lived in his previous life, not to mention the ancient gods, even the Taoist pantheon had declined, although Buddha seemed to be prosperous.

But in fact, it is just the result of commercialization. Many aspects are gone and there is only an empty shell.

Some people think that this is the inevitable result of the progress of the times. Gods and Buddhas have been knocked down, and only humanity is the only one. Zhao Cheng once thought so, but now, Zhao Cheng feels that these things that many people think are backward are also

Part of the Yanhuang spiritual civilization.

There are many things in it that are not outdated even in the latest era, and technology may become obsolete with the times.

But some spiritual things can become more brilliant with the passage of time.

It's a pity that when everyone is chasing wealth, they naturally ignore the spirit.

Only in this world, spiritual wealth can really be transformed into practical power. Therefore, the spiritual wealth created by ancient ancestors has not been drowned by the torrent of the times.

Thick and flavorful.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng was walking among them, feeling the divine power of the world. He seemed to have traveled through the ancient times, and felt the greatness of the gods and the Tao at the beginning of the ancient times!

I also understand better why more than a hundred years ago, in all countries in the world, only Yan and Huang had one or two myths born every more than a hundred years. Although they would occasionally be discontinued, in the future, there would always be descendants who could prove it again.

But overseas, there are saints who walk the earth on God’s behalf and spread God’s glory, which is already the pinnacle.

It's not that the people over there don't have enough talent, it's that their spiritual world is really limited in the nutrients they can absorb.

People overseas, even top geniuses, find it difficult to understand what Yin and Yang are, what the Five Elements are, what Tao is, what Yi is...

Of course, that was in the past. The trend of world development today is towards the unification of cultures. Although it is just a big trend, it may not take hundreds of years or even thousands of years to truly unify, but the trend has already emerged.

When those high-ranking saints overseas are willing to take the initiative to break the barriers of their own thinking, come to learn, and identify with the spiritual civilization of Yan and Huang, this nutrition will naturally be obtained by them.

Only when you accept an idea and identify with it can that empty spiritual wealth be transformed into tangible power.

That is, what they identify with is culture, not people.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng feels that there is no problem. In this world, whether it is culture or technology, we all learn from each other and make progress.

Blindly being conservative, admiring the past and denouncing the present will not work, blindly chasing the new and rejecting the old, thinking that the new is definitely good, is also a devilish way.

Standing on the basis of the past, being inclusive and introducing the new, that is the real road.

In this regard, Chucheng, or the Ancient Divine Sword Sect, has done a very good job. It has not only inherited the spiritual civilization of Suigu, but also incorporated brand new things. It is willing to show these ancient things in front of today's people, so that people all over the world can

Everyone has left their mark here.

In terms of layout, everything suddenly broadened.

Therefore, when faced with the live broadcast of Jianzheng Jiuzhou, the Divine Ancient Sword Sect was also the first to relent.

"Jace, look, this painting depicts Donghuang Taiyi, one of the supreme gods in the myth of Yanhuang Chu. I heard that there are many supreme gods in the mythology of Yanhuang, and they are not related by inheritance.

Unlike us, hundreds of years ago, our country was still a wasteland and there was no time to brew these things..."

There are many foreigners in Chucheng. It can even be said that there are even more people from overseas traveling here than from home.

At this time, Zhao Cheng heard a white man on the street corner, explaining science to his companions.

In the beginning, his English was actually not very good, but recently, through reading books and self-study, he was able to fully master the mainstream languages ​​of more than 20 countries in a short period of time.

This kind of thing is easy for him now.

The white man who spoke was not an ordinary person. He was in his thirties and was a top swordsman. Zhao Cheng took a look and was sure that he had the opportunity to prove it before he was sixty years old.

Of the holy way.

In terms of mind and spirit, the other party has become very pure in practice, but the most important thing is that the other party has an open-minded spirit of learning and will not refuse all kinds of things that can promote his own growth.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for people from one country to heartily identify with the things of another country.

Just like many Yanhuang people, they scorn some overseas myths.

Indeed, this is a manifestation of cultural self-confidence, but at the same time, is there really nothing useful in the other party's mythology?

Not entirely.

This is the so-called arrogance of human nature!

But this is not the case with this foreigner. This kind of character is very unusual.

However, Zhao Cheng did not stop there and had no intention of chatting. He was just like an ordinary tourist wandering around the city. But if someone observed him carefully, they would have the opportunity to find that the energy in him was constantly increasing.

subtle changes occurred.

Sometimes sacred, sometimes majestic, sometimes like fire, sometimes like water, sometimes like thunder...

This kind of Qi changes in an instant, appears in an instant, and then disappears without a trace.

It was like a god came to Zhao Cheng across time and space. They came in turn, causing Zhao Cheng to show various divinities.

In fact, secretly, from the moment Zhao Cheng set foot on the land of Chu City, there were many eyes watching him.

These people may be strong or weak, and may have their own identities on the outside. They may be famous or unknown, but at this moment, they all have the same idea.

That means this son is a god and a saint, and his deeds are not human!

This kind of weather is so terrifying. Just by walking casually, it seems that I have gained the source of this world.

Before, there was a saying that Zhao Cheng was already a saint for the most part, both in terms of realm and strength.

Some people believe this statement, while others are still doubtful.

After all, the gap between a saint and a swordsman is far greater than that between a swordsman and a swordsman.

Otherwise, how could there be a saying that those who are not saints are just ants?!

No matter how weak the saint is, if he faces a swordsman, he will be killed instantly.

Therefore, even though Zhao Chengjian Jiuzhou has beaten many top swordsmen along the way, and later on, this matter spread even more in the sect world, but there are still young top swordsmen who succeed one after another.

Don't believe that evil.

In the end, it’s all about hearing and seeing! Besides, even if you can’t beat him, you still want to see the magnificence of the current Dragon King.

It can be said that Zhao Cheng has beaten all the top swordsmen of the younger generation in the world in nearly half a year since he left.

This chapter has been completed!
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