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Chapter 350 Miracle of Life


A month passed quickly. During this month, Zhao Cheng practiced swordplay and ate every day to observe his own changes. At the same time, he also looked at some of his own body data, and taught himself the basics of the entire life science from scratch.

Science is easy to learn in basics, but if you want to master it, you need to have unique thinking.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng is not forcing it for the time being. He is learning these just to understand the changes in his own body's data and the papers given by the masters.

Zhao Cheng's Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword has changed a lot. In the past ten days, Zhao Cheng's body in reality has been completing the transformation process and updating the version of the sword.

The new version of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword has changed a lot, but it is mainly reflected in the spiritual field. This change has been completed as early as when the sword was created. Zhao Cheng's ten days in reality are mainly to complete the transformation of the body part, that is,

Perfect creatures with special effects·Breaking limits.

With the previous foundation, this is not difficult. In reality, the Zhou Tian Shen Shen in Zhao Cheng's body, that is, the body's instinctive consciousness, has become extremely strong and active.

The resonance value of normal human spirit and body is only 100%, which means that all mental power is converted into the force to promote body movement.

This is also the limit in the conventional sense.

The extra 50% that Zhao Cheng gained was naturally not out of thin air, but came from the cooperation of the body's instinctive consciousness.

Ordinary people do not understand the way of the body and spirit, and directly control the body mentally and manually. Therefore, even if the body and spirit are completely surrendered, 100% is the limit. Even, generally speaking, unless the divine way reaches the heaven and the earth, it is impossible to reach 100%.

Generally, top swordsmen can only reach 60%, top saints can reach 90%, and only myths can reach 100%.

Zhao Cheng exceeded 100%. It is a manual script, combining strong and strong. This is also what the word "limit breaking" in this special effect reflects.

Therefore, when the transformation was completely completed ten days later, Zhao Cheng's vitality growth rate actually increased again.

In terms of data, on the panel, Zhao Cheng's vitality initially increased by 0.1 every three days. Correspondingly, Zhao Cheng's appetite also began to increase dramatically. He ate eight meals a day, and each meal was comparable to the amount he ate the previous day.

, according to logic, his body could not digest and absorb such a large amount of energy, but he just hit the limit and absorbed it all perfectly, without wasting a single bit.

This is just the beginning. On the tenth day, after the transformation of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword is completed, Zhao Cheng's vitality directly increases by 0.1 every two days. In this way, until the twentieth day, plus the previous

Yes, Zhao Cheng finally had enough 60,000 source points and exchanged them for the Ladder of God (Level 2).

Log: You have used the Ladder of God (Level 2) and entered the second stage of genetic recombination. The genetic recombination process will eliminate the negative effects caused by the body's super-fast growth and slightly extend (about ten days) the body's super-speed growth period.

Because your body is extremely active, the level growth effect only gets a 1 (1.5) times bonus.

Log: The Ladder of God (Level 2), affected by the loosening of the body's life lock and the effects of one's own practice, the time required for transformation is greatly reduced.

As Zhao Cheng redeemed and used it, and the log was refreshed, Zhao Cheng felt that his whole body, every cell, seemed to have taken a cold bath in the hot summer, feeling endlessly comfortable from the inside out.

And with this, Zhao Cheng's vitality value began to increase rapidly again.

Those project team leaders are all numb nowadays.

The growth rate of other people's vitality is getting slower and slower, but for Zhao Cheng, it is completely the opposite.

In the following twenty days, Zhao Cheng's life data grew, even reaching an increase of 0.2 every three days, which was directly doubled from the earliest time.

You know, some time ago, Zhao Cheng's vitality growth data for one month was only this number, which was directly ten times the growth rate.

As for other swordsmen, in their growth stage, their growth in one year is no more than this amount. It is comparable to others in a hundred days. This is not genetic collapse. Is this justified?!

Therefore, even if they feel it is unscientific in their hearts, the experts all know that existence is reasonable. The so-called unscientific is just that it is currently outside the boundaries of scientific exploration. When future research becomes clear,

It's also scientific.

In mid-July, after more than forty days from beginning to end, Zhao Cheng's vitality changes suddenly slowed down a lot. Although it was still very fast compared to before, it was not that fast.

"Mr. Wang, in the past few days, the target's physical data has suddenly dropped."

In a cutting-edge laboratory in the capital, a middle-aged man in a white coat reported the situation to Wang Ruoyu. "It finally came down!"

Wang Ruoyu lamented that he had seen a lot of storms and waves in his life, and after he reached his old age, there were very few things that could make him feel nervous.

But this time, he could be said to be nervous throughout the whole process, fearing that Zhao Chengcheng would simply die. The more he studies life sciences, the more he understands the limits of the human body. There is no such thing as unlimited human potential. Just pseudoscience.

At the same time, there is a lock above life. This lock may seem like a shackle, but it is also protection and transcending limitations. In many cases, it does not necessarily mean getting stronger, both physically and mentally.

The extreme strength is easily broken, the extreme wisdom is injured.

This change not only made Wang Ruoyu, but also all the researchers breathe a sigh of relief. With the previous change, they were still afraid that Zhao Cheng would suddenly die suddenly, even though they knew that with the saint's control over themselves, it would be impossible. This kind of thing happened, but when I saw the outrageous data changes, I still couldn't help but think so.

As for the changes in Zhao Cheng, it may not be easy to understand directly. For example, a normal person is born in ten months of pregnancy. Zhao Cheng was born in three days of pregnancy. How amazing is that?

At this time, Zhao Cheng's vitality had reached an extremely terrifying figure.


The lower limit of a saint is only 10 points. Zhao Cheng already had such data when he first became a swordsman. And this is not the most critical thing. Vitality is just a load and cannot be used to measure combat effectiveness.

Zhao Cheng's mental strength, sword heart strength, and various special effects, all added up, made his combat effectiveness in reality, even before his vitality increased to 10.8, already invincible under myth.

If Zhao Cheng's body can be improved to a level that matches his spirit, his vitality will never be so small. It's just that his body is not strong enough, which limits the data of his vitality.

Of course, this is not strong enough, but it is also relative to his mental strength. In fact, his body, even when he is relaxing, seems to be as soft as a baby's body, but in fact, small-caliber bullets, even

Can't penetrate his skin.

If he is in a tight situation and wants to penetrate his body, he must use an anti-material sniper rifle.

In Zhao Cheng's own feeling, the flesh, blood, muscles and bones are as golden as jade, with the meaning of golden muscles and jade bones.

This chapter has been completed!
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