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Chapter 408 Four-dimensional Pocket

With the opening of the Yiyuan acupuncture point, the exploration of the potential of the sperm hole seems to have come to an end. Therefore, during the more than a hundred years since Ziwei has been shining in the world, there have been many assumptions about the future path.

Either develop in the direction of God and use the spirit of fist to make up for the shortcomings, or explore the potential of the physical body to the extreme in an attempt to achieve qualitative change...

These directions, in a sense, are all correct, because they are indeed getting stronger.

The only problem is that it is impossible to achieve qualitative change just like this.

If the practice of the Jing Kong system is digitized, a human warrior saint with one yuan acupoint would have ten points in Qi, only five points in body, and only three points in spirit.

In this case, if you want to become stronger and make up for your shortcomings, there is no problem, but if you want to achieve the evolution of life, you have to continue to dig deep and make a fuss about your energy.

Naturally, no one would have thought of such a thing.

There are also many ideas. One is to continue to sharpen the fine holes in various ways in an attempt to improve the quality of the fine holes, or even to artificially condense more fine holes based on today's one-yuan fine hole system, and finally to change it quantitatively.

Complete qualitative change.

There is also a trend of thought that since the fine pores have limits, then crushing the fine pores, the so-called "crushing vacuum", can sublimate the mysterious force field formed by the one-dimensional fine pores. Perhaps that is the key to going further.

Of course, no martial saint has ever been so dedicated and dared to experiment on himself.

As for Zhao Cheng, he has actually tried it and feels that this is indeed a way, but it is definitely not something that can be achieved by the Martial Saint level. It is pure suicide.

After several days of long talks with Cang, both Zhao Cheng and Cang agreed that at present, the most likely path is to "refining" the fine hole.

In the seminal pores, spiritual seeds are planted, and then they are continuously nurtured until the orifices are filled with spirits, thereby maximizing the potential of the seminal pores.

Because after attaining the King of Martial Arts, the connection between the spirit and the Jing Kong becomes deeper, and this is traceable.

The only problem is how to operate it. How to plant the so-called spiritual seeds and how to raise them. These are all global problems. It cannot be solved by just spending time, or by cultivating more and more powerful people.

The more people there are, the more fantastic ideas and possibilities there will be.

Or give birth to a few more geniuses across the ages.

In short, a system cannot be completed in a short time by just a few people, no matter how intelligent they are.

Even Zhao Cheng, in the absence of data, can only experiment on himself bit by bit, collect data, and then try step by step, but he may not be able to succeed in the end.

However, Zhao Cheng is very interested in this. It is good to stand on the shoulders of giants, but it is not bad to open up on your own if conditions permit.

In the earliest days of spiritual practice, how could there be such a thing as a road?

It was never developed by later generations.

If the predecessors could do it, he could do it too, and he still had this spirit.

As he returned to reality, Zhao Cheng did not continue to think about the fine hole system, but turned his mind to the panel and opened the treasure chest.

Log: You opened the treasure chest (color)

Miracle Points: Created by miracles, if there are enough, you will be able to do anything.

Dawn shirt (color): condensed with the glory of civilization, only given to those who save the world.

Special store redemption voucher: After passing the instance for the first time, the special store that is opened will be refreshed once in a period of time (30 days), and ten items will be randomly generated at one time.

There are not many things in the treasure chest, but they are all good things and of high quality.

Because just by glancing at the log, Zhao Cheng had already opened the store interface, the special store in the third sub-interface.

Four-dimensional pocket (color): After binding, it will open up a four-dimensional space independent of real time and space, and have absolute control. The size of the four-dimensional space is affected by the strength of the binder. (Note: It seems that there are some civilizations.

, called the world species

(In fact, this is a fallacy)

Space Gate (Origin): A comprehensive work of the Way of Time and Space. As long as you know the specific coordinates, you can go to any point within ten light years. (Note: Use will consume energy, and the energy will be automatically replenished as time passes)

Holy Grail of Life (Law): Every thirty natural days, a cup of water of life can be condensed. After drinking, it can make people younger for thirty days. This effect has priority at the level of the law. (Note: Only for black iron-level life forms.

, and at the same time, it is impossible to save the state of mind that is decaying under the passage of time,

1s, 1s, .....)

Time Pocket Watch (Law): Every thirty natural days of charging, you can stop time for one second (Note: I took out my pocket watch that day, and they all said I was a substitute messenger)

Magical Girl Transformation Stick (Rule): You can transform into a magical girl (Note: The upper limit of the power is fixed, it seems to be some kind of toy...)

The props in the special shop are all very powerful and have great effects, both time and space, but most of them don't seem to be of much use at the moment.

In addition to redeeming these things with redemption vouchers, they can also be redeemed with miracle points. One miracle point is equal to one redemption voucher.

This time, only one voucher is required for each of the ten items in the store.

I don’t know if it’s because Zhao Cheng is too poor, or because everything in the store is only at this price.

Zhao Cheng thought for a while, without hesitation, and directly exchanged it for the four-dimensional pocket. Among all the props, this one is currently the most useful.

At present, Zhao Cheng can use it as a storage bag. When his mental accuracy improves in the future, he can do various physical and life experiments in it, and even synthesize various items directly out of thin air. The whole thing is a portable

Portable factory, anything with the word "absolute" is not simple.

Later, Zhao Chengcheng knew why this thing was so cheap.

The four-dimensional pocket is in the material world and exists in the form of a mark. Zhao Cheng placed it in the palm of his right hand. After that, the mark disappeared, but he could clearly sense it, move it at will, and even move it.

attached to a place other than oneself.

The only flaw is probably that this four-dimensional pocket is held up by his own strength, so he cannot enter the four-dimensional pocket himself, and the space is not large enough.

The flow rate of time in the four-dimensional pocket is synchronized with his own time, but if he is willing to waste his mental power, he can push the time in the four-dimensional pocket into an accelerated state.

At the same time, Zhao Chengdu can knead the various substances inside as he pleases, but it only requires a loss of mental strength.

It is very functional, but the space is very small. Currently, it only has about half a cubic meter of space. Compared with other things with relatively fixed effects, the four-dimensional pocket is really just a seed.

So, in the next time, Zhao Cheng collected things, took things out, and had a lot of fun.

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