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Chapter 42 Sword Sweeps the World

 Chapter 42 The sword sweeps the world

The word "killing lives to seek enlightenment" is not a simple word. Behind these four short words, there is endless bloodshed.

If the Tao is not achieved, it will be nothing more than death on the road, but if it is achieved, then the Tao of Heaven is truly built with corpses, and these bones cannot be ordinary people, but must be true swordsman masters, or even peerless strongmen.

As for sacrificing the lives of ordinary people to swords in order to hone their killing intent and accumulate their murderous nature, in ancient times there were many powerful people who used this method to hone their children.

But facts have proven that although the swordsmanship honed in this way is lethal and evil, it is too weak. It may have certain advantages when dealing with the weak, but when faced with the strong, it will collapse at the first touch.

The true meaning of killing to seek the Tao is to kill the strong to seek the Tao, to live towards death, to pursue self-transcendence in the moment of life and death, so as to surpass oneself again and again and forge the most powerful sword.

Of course, such a sword is also in danger of being easily broken.

During the five thousand years of Yanhuang, the essence of its civilization is not blindly hard or blindly soft, but a balance between hardness and softness, seeking a balance of yin and yang.

But the change of yin and yang is easy to say, but how difficult is it to truly achieve it?!

Most people, with limited talents, want to blaze a trail through thorns and thorns, but they are forced to take the wrong path.

If we take the mean, it will only be yin without yin and yang without yang, but the true combination of yin and yang is one sword, one thought, one thought, one sword. The sword path can be extremely masculine or extremely feminine, or even yin and yang are one, which is both yang and yang.

, which is also the cathode and is taken to the next level.

Therefore, throughout the ages, there have been many people who have taken the road of killing to gain enlightenment, and even many strong men have taken this road.

When you reach the state of true breaking, you break your sword directly. Only after breaking it can you truly be sure that you have become the ultimate strength.

As for what happens next, there are two possibilities.

One is to let it go and never wield the sword as sharply as it once did.

And the other kind is to stand up after being broken, the old demon becomes a Buddha, the Shura releases the butcher's knife, and becomes a Bodhisattva.

This latter type is extremely terrifying. From then on, there is no thought of killing in my heart, and there is no thought of killing in my sword. Every move and every move contains compassion.

But such compassion is by no means weak, and the sword path will only be more lethal.

Because their swords have changed from killing for the sake of killing to a sword of mercy that kills for the sake of protecting lives and cuts off karma instead of killing people.

This is what is called, using extreme softness to control extreme strength.

And above this is the essence of civilization of the five thousand years of the Yan and Huang Dynasties, the sword of the golden mean that combines yin and yang.

Golden mean is not mediocrity, but the golden curve that separates yin and yang.

Once this sword is completed, it can be the ancestor of Buddha, the ancestor of demons, and the ancestor of Taoism. With one thought of compassion and one thought of Shura, you can do whatever you want. It is no longer yin that controls yang, nor yang that controls yin, but "I" that controls everything.

The reason why Yanhuang in this world is so powerful is that throughout the ages, masters of swordsmanship have emerged one after another, far surpassing those outside Yanhuang. Even more than a hundred years ago, the powerful coalition forces bombarded the country with artillery fire.

But what they faced afterwards was the Western Expedition of 80,000 swordsmen.

Of course, these 80,000 swordsmen first swept away Dashun established by Li Zicheng and purged the imperial court. They just remembered Li Zicheng's achievements in saving Yanhuang from danger and did not kill them all. They only killed those common people who were showing their authority.

The lucky generation has left behind a relatively clean bloodline.

Later, under the leadership of the founder of the country, Li Kaiyuan, a new dynasty was established. The new dynasty was a new system, but it was based on the ancient times, with Yan and Huang as the ancestors, and was called the Yanhuang Celestial Dynasty.

Swordsmanship is something that must be carried mentally to have power.

Therefore, there have never been any princes, generals or prime ministers in Yanhuang who are very kind, because even if princes, generals and prime ministers have the best resources, no matter how many resources they have, they cannot build a strong spirit.

Therefore, the decadent Dashun court was powerless to resist those swordsmen who were determined to save the country, had extremely firm spiritual beliefs, and had ideals and dreams.

In the previous life, it was extremely difficult to transform the spirit into tangible power, which made the revolution difficult. But here, the spirit is power!

This is why the history of this world is similar to the world of previous lives, but there are also many differences.

In history, when the internal situation was stable, Li Kaiyuan formed a coalition of 80,000 swordsmen. With the help of the captured warships, they pointed their swords at the west and massacred them all the way, taking revenge and complaining.

Now Yanhuang has colonized the whole world and sucked blood from the whole world to support itself. This has created the prosperity of Yanhuang today.

When the People's Republic of China was founded, the population of Yanhuang was only 40 billion, but now, it is nearly 200 billion.

But with such a huge population, they can still maintain an eight-hour work system and two weekends. Ordinary people can buy a house with ten years of salary, and dual-employees can buy a house with five years of salary.

This was the foundation laid by the original Western Expedition.

At the level of high-end military force, the advantages brought by civilization are simply too great.

A spiritual civilization that is too short-lived and shallow cannot create the strongest person at all.

As for the so-called strongest, that is the name given by Western countries to the myth of Yanhuang Swordsmanship.

After the Yuan Shen is cast, not only can he kill people a thousand steps away, but this thousand steps are not the thousand steps of ordinary people, but the thousand steps of a sword god.

It is also possible to avoid danger without seeing or hearing it. The ultimate weapon of destruction of civilization, the nuclear bomb, is completely ineffective against it.

In the later stages of the Western Expedition, the West had developed nuclear bombs, but they did not dare to use them.

Because it is not used, it is just to sign some treaties. If it is used, all the high-level officials will ascend to heaven to meet God.

The God of Swords is the one who truly destroys everyone and the enemy.

Therefore, this kind of person is called the strongest, and it is something more deterrent than a nuclear bomb.

Even if the technology of the West is higher than that of Yanhuang at that time, the spiritual level is by no means cold data, and its civilizational spiritual foundation cannot support the birth of the strongest.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and this is vividly reflected here.

This backwardness is the backwardness of spiritual civilization and the consequences of a too short history.

The more powerful the realm of swordsmanship is, the more it needs the support of philosophical dialectics.

Yanhuang is now vigorously promoting swordsmanship, also because they dare not fall behind. The spread of knowledge is always fast. When the power of the strongest is known, the whole world is drawing nourishment from the Yanhuang civilization.

If Yanhuang falls behind at this time, the consequences will be disastrous.

As for why Dashun closed the country and followed the old path of Zhao Cheng's previous life.

The reason is very simple. This is a shortcoming of the rulers of the feudal dynasty. In fact, as early as the 18th century, there were exquisite muskets and exquisite steam engines in the palace.

But what the rulers are afraid of is not this, but that Western ideological trends will affect their rule.

After all, in many Western countries, there is no such thing as an emperor.

Therefore, we closed the country and closed the country. Although there are also top masters who can cross the ocean alone.

But those people, when the domestic situation is stable, naturally focus on swordsmanship, and there is no emperor who is in the mood to care about them. Anyway, the emperor can't control them.

It was not until the Western powers expanded, Dashun experienced hundreds of years of decay to the extreme, and domestic natural and man-made disasters continued, that these turbulent years inspired the swordsmen's feelings for their family and country.

After that, another powerful leader was born, who integrated this force, and this was how things happened later, which led to the internal cleansing of the family and the country, and the external sweep of the world.

(End of chapter)

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