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Chapter 420: Everything yesterday

Zhao Cheng activated the mark on his hand and landed on Lingshan. He immediately saw a golden bridge crossing the sky in the online world, trying to lead Zhao Cheng out of the "sea of ​​suffering" on the Internet. The sea of ​​suffering was boundless, and Lingshan was the other shore.

It is a place of transcendence, a place of bliss!

At the same time, as Zhao Cheng stepped onto the Golden Bridge, his perspective changed subtly, and the entire "Sea of ​​Bitterness" seemed to be in sight.

Zhao Cheng knew that this was because Lingshan had a higher status. When he stepped onto the Golden Bridge, his authority in the online world was also higher. Although he could not make any actual operations, his browsing authority was higher.

A big chunk.

This setting is presumably intentional, allowing you to see a higher and more wonderful world and strive for progress.

And that sea of ​​suffering is made up of huge electronic data flows and some emotional data flows mixed together. It is extremely complicated. If the realm is not enough, one will accidentally get lost in it and burn out the brain.

At the same time, an entire real world also unfolded in Zhao Cheng's eyes.

Most of the wild land is already deserted. There are mines everywhere, and large machines controlled by miners work day and night. Countless resources are transported to factories one after another, or turned into more mining machines, as well as the factories themselves, or

Become necessary nutrients for the human body.

And cities, superstructures, and core areas are also endlessly prosperous and gorgeous, with tall buildings reaching the sky and flashing neon lights. Some people overlook the world and live in dreams. The lowest slums are dirty, dilapidated, and full of violence. Countless people are...

I can only live on the nutritional supplements provided by the company, and my only entertainment is the brain computer provided by the company for free.

But these things are not for the company to do charity, but to provide these people with brain computing power and emotional strength.

In early ancient times, there was a word called mining. Nowadays, it is just a change of mining machines from machines to human brains.

Because machines can only provide information data, not emotional data.

For "monks", emotional data is an indispensable food for their own growth. If it is not replenished for a long time, it is like a person who cannot eat. Over time, the brain and thinking will deteriorate.

This is a world without hope, but it is not completely hopeless. Today there are at least hidden rebels.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng knew that a few years later, the era of great purges would come, but all hope would be shattered.

In fact, in the era of great purges, it was very inconsistent with the company's profit-seeking logic. It wasn't that it couldn't be done, but that it wasn't worth it.

Letting people grow naturally and just providing some completely worthless nutrients is far cheaper than putting the brain in a jar.

Zhao Cheng had previously calculated that with the same income, the cost of canning increased a hundred times.

As far as the company is concerned, it can do anything except losing money, but the company just did it.

Obviously, in the 200s, it was very likely that some kind of key turning point occurred, prompting the three founders to make such a decision.

Just as Zhao Cheng's thoughts were turning, people had already entered Lingshan Mountain. Just like the legend, this place was filled with the so-called "innate spiritual energy". Golden lotuses fell from the sky, golden springs appeared on the ground, and at the same time, bursts of Sanskrit chants vibrated endlessly.

In fact, the so-called innate wisdom is nothing more than emotional data that has been refined and purified in various ways. It can be easily absorbed by one's thinking, making up for the loss of thinking, and even nurturing one's own thinking, making it stronger.

The person who opened the world and established the Tao has undoubtedly reached the realm of red life quality in terms of thinking. In such a world, the other party can achieve this in a short period of time, except for abandoning all tangible things that can be discarded.

In addition, the most important thing is that they used the power of the entire world to support themselves and concentrated all the power on themselves, which created such a miracle.

Just using the name of gods and Buddhas to refine falsehoods into truths, and at the same time, in a very short period of time, rely on almost "external forces" to complete a qualitative change in thinking. Is there really no problem with this way of cultivation?!

The main reason is that the thinking and practice of this world was born in too short a time. It sprouted in the 1960s, and the founders of the Tao appeared in the 120s. In 60 years

In the time since then, I have never embarked on the path of evolution, and have directly expanded my practice into the red realm, which is a bit scary.

Maybe from the perspective of people in this world, the development of science and technology is like this, but from the perspective of a practitioner like Zhao Cheng, it seems that the problem is not small.

After the establishment of heaven and earth, is that person really still the same person as before?!

Although he had many thoughts on his mind, Zhao Cheng kept moving without hesitation and walked directly towards the "merits pool" in front of him.

There is also a bridge over the Merit Pond, and as Zhao Cheng walks across the bridge, the life of Yun Suan Zhixing Buddha is also reflected in the pond under the bridge.

I was born in the 1990s and grew up in a social welfare institution. At that time, the national system had not yet collapsed, so places like welfare institutions still existed. Although life was difficult, there was still compulsory education and enough nutrition to survive.

In the 1990s, Yun Suan Zhi Xing Fo joined a newly established branch of the Lingshan Group. The company was just established and was full of waste, so the recruitment process was relatively relaxed. Under the temptation of high welfare benefits, Yun Suan Zhi Xing Fo came to Lingshan.

The company took out a loan and completed preliminary transformation, thus obtaining a data coordination job.

As for the debt, the principal plus interest will be directly deducted from Yunsuan Zhixingfo's salary, and it can be repaid in about thirty years.

In this era, because the country is still there, the company's face is not so ugly. Although the work is arduous, the benefits are also high. Even if the company lays off employees, they will still be given a severance pay.

In this way, Yun Suan knew and practiced Buddhism for several years.

It was not until the 120s that the war between the company and the country broke out. Under the leadership of three founders, the company alliance won a great victory. After that, along with the great changes in the social form, a cruel last-place elimination system was launched within the company.

No matter how much you do, as long as you rank last, you will be eliminated.

After being eliminated, you will have to resign, and at the same time you will have to pay a severance pay to the company. In other words, the employees will be responsible for the losses caused by the replacement during the newcomer's running-in period.

This system is not magical, but when a closed loop of monopoly is formed, it is natural.

In this case, many people who left their jobs were either directly canned because they could never repay their debts according to the company's calculations, and a very small number of them were saddled with large amounts of debt and struggled to survive in society.

That strong sense of crisis prompted Yun Suan Zhi Xing Fo to work hard and roll like crazy, even if he worked until he died, he would work to death. He saw with his own eyes that each of his colleagues who had worked with him for many years, and even

People who joined the company in the same batch as me were forced to leave due to the last-place elimination system, and their lives would be worse than death.

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