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Chapter 454 The Administrator Destroys the World

And at this moment, the prehistoric evil spirits had seen through Zhao Cheng's magical means. Immediately, the network world bloomed with immeasurable true light, trillions of data torrents, Taoist sounds, Buddhist sounds, divine sounds... all kinds of tones vibrated immeasurably.

Network cloud.

In fact, as a prehistoric evil spirit that was born directly from the entire online world, or in other words, gathered the "essence" of the entire civilization, and was born on this basis, it is itself the master of the Internet.

The vast and infinite online world is his body. If you insist on counting, Zhao Cheng is an invasion of "inner demons".

However, Zhao Cheng's moral bottom line is very flexible. Since he defines him as a "weird", there is no need to talk about moral principles.

Therefore, after the ancient evil spirit found that he had been fooled by Zhao Cheng and his foundation was dug again, he became even more "furious". His angry thoughts drove a torrent of endless data in the network world, boiling over the sky, making

The entire "torrent" is in a burning state.

Data can also "burn". Zhao Cheng never thought about this before encountering the ancient evil spirit. It was not until about two months ago, when Zhao Cheng was in front of the other party that he could hold on for a little more than a moment, that he finally knew this.

The big boss actually has this form.

This is undoubtedly a path never imagined.

Obviously, the eight-yuan founding of the Tao is only the pinnacle of Zhao Cheng's current situation, and for the evil spirits of the prehistoric times, this innate "miraculous", this is just the end of many strong men.

During this period of time, Zhao Cheng also got a glimpse of the other party's reality in the battles. If this ancient evil spirit is conceived, it should be able to undergo some kind of qualitative change. It is very likely that it will directly "open up the earth".

"Open the Sky" turns the illusory online world into a "real world" to a certain extent, turning it into a strange time and space between illusion and reality.

And in that prehistoric world, countless "data lives" will be born.

That step was just like Zhao Cheng using the divine way to reach a realm above mythology, completing a qualitative change, and his life ascending to another dimension. The situation was no longer the same as before.

It can be said that if the three founders of this world are given enough time to deduce the way forward, it is really possible for them to succeed.

The only price is that even if the power of doomsday does not penetrate, distort the prehistoric world and breed evil spirits, they will further destroy themselves in the process, and finally become network administrators who maintain the existence of the prehistoric world.

In short, they are the tool men of the prehistoric world.

And if Zhao Cheng is asked to find a relatively accurate word to describe the scene there, he can accurately say that it is a low-end version of the Digimon world. If you stop being a human being and give up your brain, you can definitely have a game.

A thrilling adventure in the Digimon world.

The entire "world" is burning. In this case, even if Zhao Chengcheng transforms into an infinite phantom body and uses trillions of dead Trojans, everything can no longer be hidden in the blazing Dao fire.

However, Zhao Cheng remained calm about this.

In the first dungeon, Zhao Cheng had a hard time fighting monsters at first, but relying on his backboard, he managed to conquer the world. And in the final boss battle of this dungeon, Zhao Cheng did the same.

The cyber evil spirits are trying to surpass him in terms of control over the online world and power. But it is different from the physical battle in reality. In reality, a punch is a punch, even if you predict

If you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to escape.

The battle at the network level, because of its world rules, is undoubtedly crude compared to the strict reality, with countless loopholes. After pre-judgment, it doesn't matter if you can't avoid it. You can find loopholes and use bugs to neutralize your efforts.

If you can’t find it once, then twice, if you can’t find it twice, then three times. Although the ancient evil spirit is powerful, it is not flawless after all. In the online world, one thing is very interesting, that is, as long as it is operated properly, a little loophole will

It can be infinitely amplified, and if no one controls it, it can even cause the entire network to collapse.


Zhao Cheng's thoughts are ever-changing, like light and electricity. In an instant, many underlying data logics are communicated, and the origins of thousands of avenues are fully visible. He does not try to rewrite these, but runs them in a fast and slow way.

Rhythm to run

With lightning speed, Zhao Cheng had already run the data thousands of times. In an instant, the tight underlying data logical structure was shattered a little bit.

It was this point that allowed Zhao Cheng to find a breakthrough. With Zhao as the center, the platinum-gold light changed everything and enveloped about one-twentieth of the online world.

Immediately, the world will be divided into two.

Zhao Cheng named this magical move, Two Points of Great Desolation!

The monstrous fire of the world suddenly stopped as Zhao Cheng took control of a region of the sky. However, the evil spirits of the ancient world did not take it easy. As his home field, the online world was just a matter of birth and death. He had already found it.

Found a solution.

But just when he cracked Zhao Cheng's two-point supreme supernatural power, Zhao Cheng secretly used Chen Cang. A small part of his mind pretended to fight with the evil spirits of the ancient world, and the other part was strengthened five times with the Tianyi Escape Technique.

version, reaching for the 403 third-order evolvers in the online world.

In about a tenth of a second, Zhao Cheng's magical power was cracked, but at this moment, the Trojan horse planted by Zhao Cheng broke out at this moment, and more than 400 third-order evolvers were directly burned.


Immediately, a series of logs were refreshed, reminding Zhao Cheng how many simulation points and treasure chests he had harvested. Killing monsters efficiently was so efficient.

If it were placed in other worlds without such a special environment, if Zhao Cheng wanted to restore this efficiency, he would have to break through the sky and ascend to the dimension, then he would be able to conquer a planet with one sword.

And this is not over yet. Zhao Cheng had already accomplished this step a month and a half ago. At this moment, Zhao Cheng could sense that many hardware devices around the world were overloaded and burned because of the anger of the evil spirits.

For the evil spirit of the Great Desolation, each thought evolver is not enough to serve as his anchor of reality, but it is also an important foundation to support his existence. Zhao Cheng's move is undoubtedly equivalent to the world chopping off his hands and feet.


Infinite light clears the network. At this moment, except for the lowest structure that supports the network world, all data and all levels have been shattered by the ancient evil spirit.

This move, Zhao Cheng calls it "Administrator Destroys the World" and re-refines the Earth, Fire and Feng Shui. Such a move can kill one thousand enemies and damage eight hundred to the evil spirits of the prehistoric times. It will greatly delay the birth of the gun.

If Zhao Cheng hadn't pushed him into a hurry, he wouldn't have acted like this.

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