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Chapter 465 The efforts of all parties

"It's so scary. This state, this kind of life force, I even suspect that he has broken the limit of life to some extent!"

"If I can squeeze my life force like this for at least two rounds, my vitality will be severely damaged. It will take more than ten years of training. In the third round, I will die suddenly."

In a conference room, there were some people sitting in the room, but these people were not real, but projections.

But if you don't look carefully, you can't tell that these people are all fake.

The one who spoke was one of the three top people. This person was none other than God, who had a close relationship with Zhao Cheng.

The other two are none other than Uranus of the Pantheon, and the other is none other than the Sage.

Although the three major overseas organizations are divided into three, in fact, they compete with and cooperate with each other.

Because somewhere, they share a common goal, which is immortality.

"Indeed, it's terrible!"

Ouranos answered, his eyes flickering, and his mind was extremely uneasy.

"Human beings have limits. Whether it is spirit or body, or for reproduction, or lack of some necessary material support, when life reaches a certain age, even if the spirit and body are clearly at their peak, people will be unable to Died of illness."

"There is a word in the East called origin. When the origin is exhausted, no matter how powerful a person is, he will die."

"But Zhao Cheng's origin seems to be infinite, and it can actually support such a fierce consumption, which is completely contrary to common sense!"

Ouranos marveled.

In the center of the conference room, Zhao Cheng's projection was played again and again. In fact, this video was not the first time he had seen it. He had seen it some time ago and watched it many times, but now he sees it again. See, there's still a magic in it.

"Actually, I'm more curious about what kind of thing drives him to use such methods. You know, with his normal strength, he is now invincible. There is probably no one more powerful than him in the entire history of human civilization. of people.”

The sage said.

"I know this because, according to him, the catastrophe in the future will begin outside the world, not in the starry sky, but outside the universe. That's why the future will be filled with mist and ever-changing."

God said.

"This is also the purpose of my contacting you today. It is difficult to control the future, but we can now."

"It is foreseeable that it is only a matter of time before mankind is completely united in the future."

"Yanhuang Mythology has contacted me, and they have the idea of ​​​​surviving the end of the world together. They can share some advanced technical information, and what we need to pay is some of the resources obtained from this, and to ensure a smooth transition..."

The existence of the doomsday is the same for ordinary people, and even for the upper class. Only a very few people at the top know about this.

If this kind of thing spreads, it will be harmful and useless, and will only cause turmoil in the world.

But that doesn't mean those people won't make efforts.

Although in Zhao Cheng's view, in a short period of time, even if he takes out all the technical information, if the doomsday really comes, for now, even if he puts all the technology into practice, it will not have much effect.

Hell Redemption World is an example.

Taking out too many things at once will lead to social unrest and countless people suddenly losing their jobs.

Every upgrade of the industry will always cause countless people to be eliminated.

Indeed, new places can be arranged for them later, but there is always a time lag.

Zhao Cheng thought that the way out of the doomsday lay in simulation. As long as he could achieve a dimensional jump before then, and even become stronger, everything would have a chance.

Indeed, the idea of ​​one person saving the world is very arrogant.

But the reality is indeed like this. He can constantly simulate it, and in the end, with one person's power, he can surpass civilization.

Don't even talk about taking that step and realizing a qualitative change in life. With the current strength of the super-dimensional body, one punch can break the mountain. Although it is only one blow, under normal circumstances, as long as Zhao Cheng is willing to spend enough time, he can completely clean it.

The surface biosphere is only a matter of time.

The combined power of an entire civilization is not even stronger than his extra-dimensional body.

At present, the significance of civilization to Zhao Cheng is not to provide him with much power, but a spiritual destination.

He promotes the development of civilization and moves it forward out of his own heart, rather than for the sake of gaining much benefit.

It’s not even a delusion that we can defeat the apocalypse with civilization.

If there is enough time, this is indeed possible, but the reality is that humans definitely do not have the time to develop.

This is just Zhao Cheng's idea. Others don't know this, so they will do their best.

Regarding the civilization that is about to come to an end, everyone who knows about it is making their own efforts.

Zhao Cheng has seen all this and will not be arrogant enough to think that they are doing useless work. No matter what the final result is, at least, at this moment, such an idea is the hymn of human civilization.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was mid-December, a full three months.

In the past three months, Zhao Cheng has been making continuous progress in terms of his thinking algorithms, mental strength, and fine hole system.

Especially later on, as there are more and more fires, Zhao Cheng's thinking algorithm becomes stronger and stronger, and it becomes easier and easier to defeat the evil spirits of the prehistoric times.

In this case, after Zhao Cheng defeated the evil spirit of the post-primordial era, he could even be saved, and he had enough time to experiment with the fine hole system on his extradimensional body.

Developing a system is never easy. Many times, what is needed is not just wisdom, but more importantly, a flash of inspiration.

This is also the fundamental reason why the more strong people there are, the easier it is to open up the road ahead.

Not only that, Zhao Cheng's Sky Tribulation is also growing rapidly at this stage.

Every evolution of Kongjie will give Zhao Cheng powerful spiritual power, making Zhao Cheng's spiritual power stronger and stronger.

In just ninety days, Zhao Cheng's Sky Tribulation evolved directly from lv1 to the limit of lv10 by relying on the high efficiency of killing monsters. In fact, there is no such level, because when it reaches level 10, it is the time of quality jump.

Exactly at this moment.

In the simulated world, with the defeat of the ancient evil spirits, Kongjie finally accumulated the last bit of evolution, another qualitative change.

Log: The evolution level of Sky Tribulation reaches 100%, and the quality of Sky Tribulation is improved to red.

Gold is a bright and immortal color, but at this moment, in Zhao Cheng's spiritual feeling, the golden nebula inside the sky evaporated, or condensed, like an ocean boiled into

After the last spoonful, only the essence remains.

This chapter has been completed!
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