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Chapter 485 Parchment Scroll


Although they were mentally prepared, several people couldn't help but exclaimed at this moment.

They were all standing in the equipment room at the moment. From the equipment room, they could see the outline of half of the missile. At the same time, they knew that the missile was empty, with only a shell, and the most critical warhead was not inside.

The reason they know so clearly is because the warhead is right next to them!

Not just warheads, but fuel as well.

Only when it is necessary to launch, the warhead will be installed and fuel injected. This is to prevent accidents to the greatest extent.

At this moment, everyone except Zhao Cheng felt a terrible sense of destruction from the warhead. Although they knew that the warhead would explode if nothing unexpected happened, the feeling of horror in their hearts still existed.

It was not their minds that keenly felt the destructive power in the warhead, but their cognition and common sense that told them this.

"Tell me, is there still a possibility of launching this missile?!"

Jewart, the member of the group of four, said, his voice trembling a little when he said this.

As a rich man whose family sells oil, there are not many things he has not played with in the first half of his life, and the part he has not played with naturally includes things like missiles.

This is not a matter of money. The cost of a large missile is only about 100 million. If it can be purchased, it is not unaffordable.

The most critical problem is that you can't buy it.

Even if you buy it, you don't dare to launch it.

At this moment, Jewart was also talking nonsense.

But this kind of thing is the kind of thing that makes people's hearts swell just thinking about it.

"Country D's technology is pretty good. Well, with a little debugging, launch won't be a problem."

Finally it was Zhao Cheng who spoke.

"I happen to know a little bit about this technology, do you want to experience it?!"

"As long as the parameters are adjusted, the missile can explode in the air without causing any impact on the surface."

Zhao Cheng said in an unhurried tone, as if he was talking about what to eat later in the evening.

But when the other four people heard this, their eyes changed when they looked at Zhao Cheng.

You can even do this?!

Facing everyone's gaze, Zhao Cheng was very calm and said: "As a qualified treasure hunter, it is reasonable for me to know some missile launching technology."

"You should have dabbled in this knowledge to some extent when collecting information before!"

What Zhao Cheng said is true. They have certainly dabbled in it, but they have seen missile launches and peace talks. Is that a concept?!

"Zhao, I always feel like you are like a character in a cartoon. You seem to know everything and a little bit of everything."

Susan was amazed. Apparently Zhao Cheng's reasons convinced her.

It's not that Zhao Cheng used the power to change people's hearts, but that Zhao Cheng's previous erudition has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. After careful consideration, it doesn't seem to be a big problem to be able to launch missiles.

"I'm a little doubtful. If there was a spaceship in front of us, Zhao, would you say you could fly it?"

Jawat murmured.

"Well, if it's produced on Earth, you can give it a try. But if it's an alien spacecraft, I can't guarantee it."

Zhao Cheng responded.

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly laughed, thinking that Zhao Cheng was very humorous.

In fact, he told the truth.

Unfortunately, in this era, many times, the truth is often unconvincing.

After that, everyone naturally rejected Zhao Cheng's proposal, mainly because launching missiles was a bit too exciting.

Therefore, even if Zhao Cheng vowed that he could definitely adjust the data and there would be no accidents, the foursome still shook their heads.

Are they afraid of an accident?!

They are worried that the international police will come to their door.

At the same time, they also had a new understanding of Zhao Cheng's courage, because they felt that Zhao Cheng seemed to be serious and not joking.

After that, a group of people visited the missile silo, then turned around and began a carpet-like search of other rooms.

The results are naturally not bad. There are more than 400 guns of all types and more than 200,000 rounds of bullets. In addition, there are more than 300 rockets and more than 3,000 various types of landmines.


This is because some of them were taken away during the initial evacuation. The rest is probably because time was tight and there was no time to take them away, so I thought of coming back and transporting them away in the future.

Unfortunately, in the end, this entire place was forgotten.

Very few people know this strategic top-secret information. As for the soldiers serving here, many have no idea where they are.

And these things, according to international regulations, belong to treasure diggers like Zhao Cheng, including missile heads.

The reason for this provision is that when this law was formulated, no one thought that someone would actually be able to dig out the missile heads.

As for things like guns and bombs, they are not taboos overseas, and many people can legally hold them.

Zhao Cheng didn't look much at these toys.

On the contrary, in a room like an office, a sheepskin scroll was taken off the wall. The content of the painting was somewhat abstract, and it still had some artistic value. But in the eyes of knowledgeable people, this skin painting,

It has a history of more than a hundred years, which is of some value, but not very valuable.

"Zhao, are you interested in this?!"

Susan noticed Zhao Cheng's movements. In fact, she, and even several of her friends, were full of curiosity about Zhao Cheng, and felt that there seemed to be infinite mystery in Zhao Cheng.

Although in the world of treasure hunting, Zhao Cheng's current identity is a legendary figure in itself, but after actual contact, they all felt that those rumors were a bit too conservative.

"This painting should be the work of Gypsies. They maintain traditional customs in many places. They especially like to use parchment rolls as paper. Their painting style also tends to be stream of consciousness."

"If you like it, I'll give this painting to you."

Susan said that she is also a very knowledgeable person with a high level of appreciation.

At this moment, the content in the scroll in her eyes was a distorted form, with extensive use of red and black paint. Some things in it were distorted, giving people a sense of horror, but if you look closely,

, and there will be a very strange, indescribable sense of excitement.

As for what she said, it was given to Zhao Cheng, but it was in accordance with the previous agreement. Zhao Chengzhi was responsible for bringing it in. It was a fixed reward and he would not participate in the distribution of the treasure after it was dug out.

"What interests me is not this painting, but the things in this painting."

Zhao Cheng said, while he was speaking, the sheepskin scroll had been opened by him, and there was actually something inside it. Inside the thick sheepskin scroll, there was actually a thinner one with a more ancient texture.


On it, there are strange silver symbols and some lines that seem to be drawn at random.

This chapter has been completed!
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