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Chapter 613 Painter

In the corner of the city, there are mostly low and old buildings. Although there are also tall buildings, most of them are still mottled by the years.

Deep alleys, garbage piles in the corners, stray cats, stray dogs, occasional rustling, and far apart, dimly lit, some even damaged street lights, at a glance, listening to the sound,

It makes people feel horrified.

In many people's perception, cities equal prosperity, but in fact, no matter where they are, prosperity is only a minority.

At this moment, in the dead of night, many people have fallen asleep, but there is a group of people dressed in regular clothes, staring at the screen in front of them. It seems that as long as there is any disturbance on the screen, they will run away from their positions.

stand up.

But in fact, the screen in front of me is just a very ordinary surveillance screen. Moreover, perhaps because the camera is relatively old, the picture quality is very touching, and occasionally there will be strange halos, which is quite a bit like a horror movie.

a feeling of.

However, everyone at the scene knew that the monster they were monitoring, codenamed "Painter", was much more ferocious than any zombies or evil spirits.

The first time the painter appeared, or committed a crime, was half a month ago.

The person who made the report was a company. One of their employees had not come to work for three full days and could not be contacted. There was no response, so the company called the police.

In the end, the professionals found the girl in her rental house.

It is said to be a rental house, but it is actually a cramped basement with a space of ten square meters, no ventilation and no lighting. The only advantage is that it is cheap.

The girl died in her bed. When she was found, she even had a smile on her face. She seemed to be sleeping soundly and dreaming sweetly.

Finally, the forensic test result was myocardial infarction.

It seems that the combination of long-term overtime work, bad living habits, and congenital diseases in the body led to this sudden death.

Therefore, this matter came to an end very quickly.

Until ten days ago, when the second victim appeared with a similar death method, emergency procedures were immediately activated and the special operations team intervened.

Indeed, for ordinary people, supernatural power is a big secret.

Even, in order to cover up this secret, in many eras, witches even used super large spells to make all ordinary people forget the existence of supernatural powers.

The reason for this is naturally not to maintain a sense of mystery, but to recognize it, which is also a kind of power. The minds of ordinary people are messy. When they know about supernatural power, strong desires will be born.

But the crux of the matter is that this power cannot be obtained by desire. Those who are qualified will eventually become witches under the impetus of fate, while those who are not qualified will have all their efforts in vain.

On the contrary, when those strong desires gather together, they will create huge chaos and allow evil to breed.

Many times, the Apocalypse took advantage of this to achieve their own goals.

As for the special operations group, in theory it is affiliated with the Era Tree, a subordinate organization of the Era Tree, but in fact, it is affiliated with various countries, and the special operations groups of each country have nothing to do with each other.

In the organizational structure of this world, the Age Tree has the strongest power. It stands at the apex, with countries below it. The Age Tree will not interfere with the natural development of each country.

The special operations team is composed of elites among ordinary people. They can also use some simple magic items, but they do not fight head-on. Instead, they collect intelligence and target the enemy.

For example, this time the "painters" found the traces and reported them, thus forming a task issued by the Era Tree.

After all, the number of witches is too small, and it is impossible to do everything personally.

The people in the special operations team are undoubtedly elites, and each one of them is very experienced. But in terms of some of the supernatural crimes they have dealt with, the painter is actually not the most terrifying one.

But it's not the most terrifying thing. For them, it's still unstoppable.

The horror of resistance.

Faced with this kind of existence, it is impossible to visit the location at close range. They even dare not install new cameras nearby.

For beings with supernatural powers, their senses are incredibly sharp, and any changes will be noticed by them.

In fact, even their surveillance behavior at this moment is very risky.

Supernatural powers come in all kinds of strange ways, and killing people following the surveillance footage is not unheard of.

In some internal files, certain "S" level taboos can even kill people according to cause and effect. Of course, this kind of power cannot kill existences of the same level.

As for the painter, he killed one fourteen days ago, another ten days ago, then seven days ago, five days ago, four days ago. He killed more and more frequently, and at the same time, the smile on the victim's face became more and more frequent.

Coming deeper and deeper.

The first victim just smiled. By the time the latest victim was found yesterday, his smile had become so distorted that it made one's scalp tingle at a glance.

But even for such a demon, their special operations team could only target a rough area, and they didn't even know what the opponent looked like.

However, for ordinary people, being able to pinpoint the approximate location so quickly is already very impressive.

And just at this moment, the picture on a certain screen suddenly flickered.

Immediately afterwards, a group of distorted light and shadow appeared on the screen.

Everyone, at this moment, subconsciously held their breath, and then, everyone felt a numb scalp.

Because at this moment, the screen went black, and at the same time, there seemed to be a silent voice saying in their ears: I saw you.

"No, the monster is not D-class!"

A man at the head said quickly through the headset.

His words were not addressed to his teammates, but were transmitted to Times Tree's data center through the satellite network.

"Our specialists are enough to solve the problem. You should evacuate immediately."

There was almost no time difference. A female voice without any emotion came from the headset.

This voice is not human, but the mastermind of Era Tree.

However, at this time, everyone was unable to respond, because the world in front of them had begun to distort.

They have all received professional training and know that the scenes in front of them are undoubtedly hallucinations. At the same time, they also suddenly understand what happened to the victims before they died.

But knowing is knowing, and knowing is powerless in the face of absolute power.

Despair begins to grow!

But soon, they couldn't even despair anymore. Instead, an overwhelming joy surged out. It seemed that the whole person was already in heaven. It was an unprecedented wonderful feeling.

At the same time, in reality, their bodies began to smile at this time, and the smiles became deeper and deeper.

This chapter has been completed!
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