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Chapter 674: Killing Gods to Become a King

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Cheng poured the power of the spark into the butterfly below. Under the power of the fire, the color of the butterfly changed from dim to bright. A flutter of wings was the birth and death of a fantasy dream, which was complicated and infinitely brilliant.

And with every flutter of its wings, there is vast information in the void, which is swallowed up by the butterfly and condensed into it, so that all the things in the dream are reincarnated, but everything is renewed.

At the last glance, Zhao Cheng saw some ruins after the world was shattered. There was no energy left in them, and even the information had been extinguished. However, under the stirring of the butterfly wings, some of the dead information was awakened.

Or they are extraordinary fragments of the past world, but some lucky information bodies.

It turns out that everything in the universe, even if it is as weak as an ant, is qualified to leave its own mark in the history of the universe.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng seemed to see some kind of truth.

But when I think about it carefully, it's still a bit foggy.

After that, Zhao Cheng's status fell and he fell into the world created by the fluttering wings of a butterfly.

This is a brand new world with old elements, gods and demons in history, light and darkness, justice and evil. Talented people who communicate with the history of civilization and sign contracts are witches.

But being a witch is no longer the only way. When the doomsday is far away, the butterfly's world will once again become chaotic.

In this world, there is an additional group called magicians.

They have penetrated the mysteries of the spirit, carried the principles of the law with their spirit, and absorbed the magic power from all things, thereby stepping into the extraordinary.

But the past becomes history, when history becomes epic, when epic becomes myth, the yellow sand of yesterday drowns the past, and the ongoing present opens up the future.

In the oldest legend, there was a demon god who existed before the creation of the world. Whenever the world faced a devastating disaster, the demon god's power would come to the world.

To the devil, the entire world is just a butterfly dancing in the palm of his hand.

Of course, no one would think that the world is really a butterfly. It is just a metaphor to describe the greatness of the devil.


When Zhao Cheng fell, the whole world trembled, and the unique supreme personality condensed at this moment.

The deepest part of history, the end of history, was originally nothingness, but at this moment, the fog of nothingness dissipated, and a supreme divine throne appeared at this moment.

The dazzling light illuminated all time and space, and all sentient beings understood clearly in their hearts at this moment that the greatest demon god had descended into this world.


"No way, this person actually exists in this world?!"

In the upper space, Laura is fighting a group of special monsters.

These monsters are the embodiment of the opposite side of history. Each of them is extremely powerful and truly god-like.

The end point of countless mortal efforts is nothing more than this.

But at this moment, these monsters are just soldiers. Laura's real purpose is to lure out the King of Darkness and kill him to obtain the certificate of king!

In this world, there are two ways for mortals to upgrade. One is to spread one's glory and preach one's holy way in each world after reaching the sixth level, so as to gather the certificates of the saint and embark on the holy road.

The other way is to summon the clones of gods and demons with sufficient personality, kill the gods, obtain the king's certificate, and embark on the road to become a king.

In the oldest legends, there is also the path of the Saint King, who is both a Saint and a King. However, the reality is that one can only become one of the two paths, either a Saint or a King, but not both.

, and became a royal property.

"System, tell me, aren't you from outside the world?!"

"There is actually a demon in this time and space, Laura, let's run!"

Laura's system responded to her, but the content did not match her impression of her system.

Her system is very reckless. When she first crossed over, she often issued some fatal tasks to her, causing her to die many times.

And when she communicated with the system, she got a response

Yes, it doesn't want to, but its own operating logic is like this.

As for her choice to show off, that's naturally possible, but the system gave her too much, so she couldn't help but want to try it, and then she died after trying it.

Fortunately, she is very special. Every time she dies, it seems that she is not really dead, but will revive again after a long time.

She didn't know exactly how long, because every time she revived, she would find that the world had changed, but it had not changed at all.

However, the system still reminds her that she can only die a maximum of nine times. If she exceeds this number, she will be completely assimilated into the world.

After wasting two lives at the beginning, she began to live in obscurity, trying every means to extend her life, and then learn knowledge. Until now, she is already on her seventh life, and she does not rely much on this waste system.

He has reached the pinnacle of being a mortal and is about to achieve kingly status.

"What exactly is a demon?!"

Laura was curious.

"A very cruel thing. To the Demon God, the world is like a ration. Our system is like a dessert to the Demon God. As for time travelers like you, it is the Demon God's favorite. Hands are the top ingredients. It is beneficial to eat them.

Physical and mental health... "

The system responded with great excitement. Even the system interface showed a bunch of garbled characters.

Laura took the opportunity to forcibly memorize these symbols that popped up.

"My current energy is enough for us to make a random time and space jump. You can run away or not. If you don't run, I will forcibly break the contract and run away myself!"

The system conveys this information.

"Wait a minute, is that the demon you are talking about?"

Laura suddenly pointed to the sky in front of her, and a giant several hundred meters tall suddenly appeared there.

Laura's system also went down at this moment.

Zhao Cheng naturally saw the acquaintance in front of him and the familiar system. Zhao Cheng had done a lot of research on this system.

However, probably because the system was too young, Zhao Cheng didn't research much, and he couldn't understand the innermost aura.

As for now, this system has grown up a lot compared to the beginning.

He injected sparks into Die before, which undoubtedly greatly accelerated the opponent's evolution. Laura and the system were one of the beneficiaries by staying in this world.

"Don't panic, I won't eat the time traveler, nor will I eat the system."

Zhao Cheng said that as he spoke, he had turned into the size of a normal person, but perhaps because he had compressed his body, the platinum-gold veins on his body appeared deeper.

In fact, he did not really become smaller, but compressed the surrounding space. Now, the second state has become the norm for him, and his recovery speed has far exceeded the consumption speed.

Afterwards, Zhao Chengcheng took out the system and studied it. Then he reduced Kongjie to the size of a carving knife and carved it on the body of the system before returning it to Laura.

After that, Zhao Chengcheng disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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