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Chapter 686: Counterfeit

The glow changed from colorful to clear, and the emperor in the light became clearer and more majestic, seeming to show mortals what God is.

Countless people saw this figure at this moment and couldn't help but feel that maybe the real god should look like this and have this posture.

Only Zhao Cheng could see that this was just an empty shell.

There are infinite possibilities in the future. If we substitute the concept of pluralism, all possibilities will exist between existence and non-existence before reaching that future time.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng's future loan is to borrow money from one of countless futures. When Zhao Cheng sees this operation, it is no longer a question of whether he can understand it, but whether he can see it clearly.

It is true that calamity and luck are integrated, but if one's own abilities are insufficient, it will be in vain.

This question is beyond the scope.

Zhao Cheng naturally wants to learn it at this moment. If he learns it, he can completely borrow power from the future like crazy.

The main body is just that, you have to repay it if you borrow it, but for the extradimensional body, every simulation is a fresh start, and there is no concept of repaying debt. If you can learn this, the future is boundless.

A thought emerged in his heart, and Zhao Cheng felt regretful again. Unfortunately, he still couldn't defeat him and couldn't kill the treasure chest.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng couldn't help but think that whether it was the Conferred God in the first half or the routine loan in front of him, it was something that did not exist in ancient times and had never appeared before.

The history of the ancient universe is cut off from the Dark Ages. No one can tell clearly what happened during that period, and there are no records.

After the Dark Ages, records show that the first lives came out of the ruins. They knew nothing and had nothing. They carved a way forward in the ruins, and that was how they became what they are today.

So, is the black hand hiding in the dark a remnant from before the dark ages, or is it an outsider?!


With this thought, the figure in the light finally became clear.

The white hair, petite body, and small crown on the top of the head can hardly conceal the childishness. As for the arrogance in the eyes, it does not make people feel the majesty of the king, but makes people feel more disparate.

"Mortal, it was you who summoned me?!"

"You should kneel before the Emperor!"

The figure said contemptuously.

On the other side, with the appearance of this figure, the whole world fell into a brief silence.

This is because gods and humans are different. If a person does not say his or her name, usually no one will know who he or she is, but gods are different. Their names will be clear to anyone who sees them.

And the figure that appears now, its divine name is none other than the Emperor of the End? Zhao Cheng.


Zhao Xiaoxiang was numb and numb from laughter.

I never expected, never expected that Zhao Wudi would be here today.

Direct social death in front of the whole world.

At this moment, everyone knew that Zhao Cheng entered the card pool in the future and was transformed into a white-haired and young-toothed version by his mother.

Zhao Xiaoxiang can guarantee that in two days there will be someone who is not afraid of death and will make a similar game and it will definitely sell out.

If nothing else, she will definitely explode.

Sure enough, people in the future will understand games and players.

Indeed, now that Zhao Cheng is still alive, naturally no one dares to do such a thing, but when Zhao Cheng becomes a historical figure, he will naturally change whatever he wants.

Not to mention the future, right now, there are many historical figures who have been brutally murdered.


On the other side, Yas, who was doing important things as an executor, was also lost in thought.

If he remembered correctly, just now, he seemed to have heard what kind of Judgment Blade he had become, and someone from the future called him wife?!

Is this appropriate?!


In Xiangnan, Zhou Yu also fell into deep thought.

once he

I saw a question, what should I do if one day I suddenly find that my best brother has turned into a girl?!

Now, he suddenly felt that it was not as if he would not be punished.


In the silent silence, before there was any movement, the one from the future, the false Zhao Cheng, had already moved first.

She was not polite and stretched out her hand directly to lift Zhao Cheng up from the throne and then sit on it herself.

Obviously, this Zhao Cheng is not the future incarnation of the real Zhao Cheng, but a fake that embodies faith.

Just like, in the past history, it was passed down by word of mouth that someone was made a god after death. If there were relevant factors in that world, the dead may not be resurrected, but after the belief is condensed, a god will be born who thinks he is that person.

Everyone said that He was Him, and He himself thought so, so that was it.

But the two are by no means the same individual!

As for what kind of future this is, Zhao Cheng also took a look and saw something.

In the future, it seems that the dark age in the ancient universe has arrived again, and then, everything is turned upside down. Countless universes in the dark domain are falling towards the high-dimensional time and space of the ancient universe, and the two seem to be merging.

In the life of future generations, dig into history and gain strength from history and legends.

This Zhao Cheng is a product of such a great era.

As for those extraordinary beings, in order to gain more faith and become stronger, they are naturally shameless. For the sake of popularity, they naturally modify their characters at will.


At this time, the conceptual high-dimensional angle corresponds to a point in the real world. At this moment, a faceless man whose entire body is made of lines appears here. The lines form a human body, but no facial features are drawn.

And around him, there are four swords drawn out with lines. They are clearly just lines, and each one contains a different feeling.

The first sword seems to be composed of a powerful twisting force that can twist everything; the second sword seems to be disappearing, or it is integrated into everything, and everything returns; but the third sword is

There are countless future evolutions, and one of them must be locked; as for the last one, it is the purest destruction.

This line man appeared here quietly, holding a sharp weapon, waiting for the moment when Zhao Cheng became a god, and then killed him.

If Zhao Cheng could see here at this moment, he would be surprised to find that these four swords actually have a similar feeling to the four calamity swords he just created.

The four swords he created, according to logic, were only used in the dungeon and left no traces in real time and space. This is undoubtedly very unreasonable.



Zhao Cheng didn't even get up from the throne. He grabbed the head of the fake in front of him with one hand and lifted it up.

"Old man buried in the dust of history, you are blaspheming the majesty of the emperor. This is an unpardonable sin and can only be washed away with blood!"

The fake's short legs were kicking, and he seemed to be very excited.

"Are you Zhao Cheng?!"

Zhao Cheng asked.

"Yes, I am!"

"If it weren't for my power, only some of you could have reached here, and you would have been killed by me long ago for your rebellion!"

"Then take a closer look and see who I am."

Zhao Cheng said, but he asked intentionally, and he saw some clues.

It is true that he does not understand how to borrow power from the future, but he is not blind after all.

"Of course you are rebellious, otherwise what else could you be..."


"I see!"

The fake Zhao Cheng suddenly stopped struggling, and Zhao Cheng also let go of his grip on his head.

"The past may not be the past, and the present may not be the present, but the future may not be the future. Indeed, I am fake and you are real, but I see the fate line of your death. There are four swords waiting in the sky.

You, no matter what, must not go up there..."

This chapter has been completed!
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