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Chapter 734 Growth


Finally, as the battle continued, the dark clouds that had been accumulating for a long time finally began to rain heavily.

The environment also has a huge impact on the battle. A drop of water or a few ash can determine the outcome of a battle.

Zhao Xiaoxiang's eyes were red and she felt her heartbeat. The falling rain did not give her any distracting thoughts. On the contrary, the cold rain made her body temperature, which had been raised due to strenuous exercise, drop a little. This was undoubtedly a good thing.

As for the fact that her eyes were red, it was due to the high degree of emotion and the endowment of blood.

In short, it's a red eye.

As for the monsters in this game, all of them have ridiculously high combat intelligence. For example, the middle-aged scholar-like monster in front of you has only one hand and only half of the sword. It is a broken sword.

But just like this broken sword, it was so cruel that it was beyond imagination.

If it were me who had just entered the game, Zhao Xiaoxiang could guarantee that with just the first move, she would be defeated instantly.

Indeed, there is not much difference between the opponent's attributes and one's own in all aspects, but for combat, unless the gap is overwhelming and can be reduced by ten, attributes can only be used as a reference.

Zhao Xiaoxiang attends every sword test in the world every year, but she can guarantee that, except for Zhao Cheng, if all the previous champions are thrown into this book, within three moves, every one of them will be hacked to death by this middle-aged scholar.


However, it is precisely because the opponents in each battle put tremendous pressure on her, making her always walk on the edge of life and death. This also caused her swordsmanship to improve rapidly at an unimaginable speed.


Although the dungeons she downloaded before also included battles, they were more story-based. The main purpose was to increase her knowledge and read everything. It improved her experience, broadened her horizons, and was a kind of spiritual accumulation.

Now in this game, there is only pure combat, as well as the training and improvement of oneself, but it is made of steel made of fire.

Although it may seem cruel that you can only take a day off after clearing all the levels, but only with such high intensity can you make a qualitative leap in life.

Zhao Xiaoxiang was cheated by Zhao Cheng all the way. He was not lacking in spiritual qualifications, but the only difference was the pressure.

She herself knew this, so she didn't show it off.

The sound of steel colliding, the cold light that could be felt in the soul, and every time she swung the sword, she felt that her spirit seemed to become slightly purer, becoming more and more sharp and clear.

At the same time, her proficiency in various sword skills on the game board also increased bit by bit in the process.

The growth rate is not fast, but there is no end to it.

The practice of a swordsman is originally a process of cultivating hundreds of swords, refining the essence, and finally creating her own swordsmanship. Now, she has been on this road and has gone a long way.

call out!

A fight, followed immediately by the sound of a sharp blade cutting through flesh and blood. The tough skin and flesh were no different from tofu in front of the sharp blade.

However, Zhao Xiaoxiang did not retreat. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and struck out, piercing the opponent's throat while the opponent's broken sword cut through his own heart.

"Scene Thirteen."

Such thoughts flashed through Zhao Xiaoxiang's mind, and then the middle-aged scholar exploded, but instead of flying flesh and blood, it exploded into a ball of light, with several items suspended in the light.

And Zhao Xiaoxiang was also recovering rapidly at this moment, his torn flesh and blood healed, his broken bones and muscles were reconnected, and he was back to full strength in an instant.

Zhao Xiaoxiang held the sword and checked the fall.

The drop from the scholar was not very good. The one with the highest quality was a purple secret book called Can Jian. Zhao Xiaoxiang pinched it directly, and all the mysteries of swordsmanship suddenly came to her mind. There was an extra Can Jian on her game board (

Purple) The words LVO.

The remaining one is blue, a scholar's costume unlocking voucher, a blue quality treasure map fragment x1, and a white quality scholar's story, this is one.

The composition of the cave world is very

Complex, first of all, the power of the Holy Crown serves as the skeleton, and then a large amount of power and information are extracted from the two perspectives of time and diversity. Various combinations are derived from it, which can be said to be all-encompassing. In addition, Zhao Cheng himself also

Injecting all kinds of information from his own spiritual world into it, it is the history of civilizations in several worlds.

Not to mention a single book, if someone is willing to spend time and energy, and has the luck, it is also possible to restore the history of a civilization directly through drops.

"Let me see what the monster in the next level looks like."

After Zhao Xiaoxiang finished counting the items, she went to the house to rummage through the cabinets and found a classical work called Yuan Jing. Then she opened the next level. Immediately, a door appeared on the wall. She pushed it

Open the door, and there is a virgin forest on the opposite side.

If you are strong, you can go to the next level 10,000 in this mini-game. By rummaging through boxes and cabinets, you will also have a chance to obtain special items.

Ten seconds later, Zhao Xiaoxiang died and returned to the initial room.

In the pure white space without any decorations, Zhao Xiaoxiang first reflected on the previous battle and summarized it. Then he did not directly fight against the monsters, but began to practice swordsmanship.

In this space, she has a huge advantage, that is, her body and mind will never get tired, she will always be at the top, her sword practice progresses very quickly, and her mental strength grows very rapidly.

This is actually the setting of potential points in the cave. Originally, these points are converted at a certain ratio based on the player's own consumption of spiritual power, and then returned, which can help with practice.

Now, because there is only one player, Zhao Xiaoxiang has unlimited potential points, and all consumption is borne by Dongtian.

The only problem is that even if you have unlimited energy, you will feel tired if you keep practicing swordsmanship. At this time, it is time to make some progress.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Zhao Xiaoxiang felt that he lacked motivation and couldn’t practice anymore, so he immediately chose to open the dungeon.

Thirty seconds later, she came back from the dead, and silently decided that she must explode her liver. Next time, she would let those primitive people know what cruelty is!

Practice sword! Practice sword! Practice sword!

I don’t know how much time passed, but Zhao Xiaoxiang felt that things were stable.

Three minutes later, she came back and continued practicing her sword without saying a word.


On this day, when Zhao Xiaoxiang quit the game and looked at the sun in the real world, he only felt that plainness was the real thing.

Indeed, one day in reality is equivalent to ten years in the cave, but it actually only takes her more than a hundred days to clear one level, averaging ten levels per day.

In real time, her daily "game" time would be less than an hour.

As for the harvest, she was able to gather her sword heart and become a swordsman as early as a few days ago. However, she is not in a hurry. Now her swordsmanship still has a lot of room for improvement.

But the most important thing is that Zhao Cheng said that the final boss on the 10,000th floor is a complete replica of him when he was still a swordsman.

After hearing this, she no longer felt sleepy.

This chapter has been completed!
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