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Chapter 738: Past

When I opened my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling.

At first glance, it was clear that this was not my home.

Then, Zhao Cheng remembered that this was a B&B.

As for him, Zhao Cheng, he is twenty-six years old, single, graduated four years ago, and is a social worker.

For more than twenty years, from elementary school to the present, Zhao Cheng recalled that he seemed to like quite a few girls, but one of them failed to succeed. However, when he thought about it carefully, he actually just liked good-looking ones, and it was only normal that he failed to succeed.


Zhao Cheng patted his head and felt a little strange.

Why are you thinking about such profound things so early in the morning?

The world is pretty good now. Boys and girls are awake and know what they want.

Then he picked up the cell phone on the bedside and found that a message had been sent from a girl named Wang Yun.

Who is Wang Yun?!

Zhao Chenggang woke up and felt a little confused. He was stunned for more than ten seconds before he remembered that this was a colleague in his company.

As for the relationship, it's probably that the other person often says that he is a good person, but he is too poor, otherwise he would definitely have to rely on him.

To Zhao Cheng, Wang Yun was more than an acquaintance, but not a friend.

As for what Wang Yun said about him being too poor, he had just graduated and entered the society. There were a few people who were not poor, but they were different, they were also poor.

Zhao Cheng also supported the other party's ideas. After all, he occasionally fantasized about having such a rich lolita who could see through his fragile heart under his strong appearance and give him a warm home.

Everyone is the same, no one laughs at anyone.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhao Cheng has no idea of ​​marrying her, so of course he supports it.

The weather was a bit cold, so Zhao Cheng took the phone and huddled under the quilt, and then looked at the contents on the phone.

Zhao Cheng glanced at it and found that the other party was asking about mountain climbing.

He remembered that the reason why he was in the B&B was that a few days ago, he and some college roommates had made an appointment to go hiking together. At that time, he mentioned it to Wang Yun.

Zhao Cheng became more and more strange. His memory seemed to be getting worse and worse. Could it be because he worked too much?!

At the same time, when thinking of mountain climbing, Zhao Cheng inexplicably thought of avalanches...

Then, Zhao Chengcheng felt that he was overthinking. After all, there had never been an avalanche in this place for hundreds of years. He couldn't just come and have the snow collapse, and the co-author would be waiting for him.

If that were the case, he would die without regrets.

After replying casually, Zhao Cheng glanced at the time and did not continue to play with his mobile phone in bed. Instead, he quickly got up, washed himself, dressed neatly, and then went out.

As soon as he went out, he smelled a fragrance, the fragrance of tea, mixed with the fragrance of wheat cakes. Zhao Cheng felt hungry after smelling it.

The B&B he stayed in was quaint because of the price. At this time, it was not snowing outside, but the ground was covered with a thick layer. There was a yard right outside the door. At this moment, there was an old tree in the yard.

Next, a young man is sitting in front of the stove, warming himself by the fire and drinking tea, feeling very comfortable.

Based on this approach, if I apply for a security guard job again, I will definitely save myself thirty years of detours.

Seeing this, Zhao Cheng was not polite and sat down opposite the other party. Then he picked up the wheat cake and took a big bite. Then he poured himself a cup of hot tea and drank it. He felt a warmth in his stomach.

Then he said: "Lao Zhang, why did you get up so early?!"

The man opposite was named Zhang. His original name was very strange. He was called Zhang Yi. He had the feeling of playing a role in the role of Zhang San or Li Si. Later, when the other person became an adult, he added the word Dao to his name and called him Zhang Daoyi. Suddenly, he got rid of the fate of playing a role in the role.


As for how Zhao Cheng knew about this, it was because he was present when the name was changed. At that time, he and another roommate named Wang Daoming were holding the opponent back.

"Maybe you have some misunderstanding about the word "zao"."

Zhang Daoyi poured himself a cup of tea and let out a long breath.

"It's not even ten o'clock, isn't it early?"

Zhao Cheng was eating the cake while talking, but his voice was now unclear. Zhao Cheng was eating the cake while talking, and Yan Shou was a little unclear.

"By the way, where is Lao Wang?!"

Zhao Cheng asked casually.

Among them, Wang Daoming is the most diligent. He is the first one to get up every day. He gets up early to practice boxing, Bajiquan, which is passed down from his family.

After more than ten years of cold and heat, it is impossible to crack open monuments, crack rocks, or tread water and waves, but there is no problem in beating three or five ordinary people.

When I first went to college, several people in the dormitory were very enthusiastic when they saw the legendary martial arts. However, they later found that practicing martial arts was too hard. Even if they practiced for more than ten years, they could not defeat one against a hundred. It was also difficult to find a job. At best, they would be

The security captain gave up.

In response to this, Wang Daoming complained, saying that they did not want to practice martial arts, but wanted to cultivate immortality.

"Old Wang, Old Wang is dead."

"Have you forgotten?"

Zhang Daoyi said quietly.


Zhao Cheng was a little confused. Yesterday he saw Lao Wang alive and kicking. Now this morning, you said he was dead. Is it appropriate to tell a horror story so early?!

Zhang Daoyi did not stop his horror story, but continued: "Old Zhao, you know, you are about to die too."


"How did Lao Wang die?"

Zhao Cheng asked tentatively, wanting to see why the other party was so crazy so early in the morning.

"Old Wang committed suicide."

Zhang Daoyi said.

"what about me?!"

"You also committed suicide."

Zhao Cheng fell into deep thought.

What kind of horror story is transformed into a domestic supernatural phenomenon?

"how about you?!"

"Don't tell me, you're going to die too."

Zhao Cheng complained.

"I will give you three points at most for this horror story, one point for dreams, one point for ideals, and one point for father's love."

Zhang Daoyi didn't speak, just took a sip of tea.

Then Zhao Cheng suddenly discovered that the world had become quiet, and then, at an extremely fast speed, it became dark in the blink of an eye, with only a little charcoal fire in the stove releasing a little bit of light.

The dim red light shone on Zhang Daoyi's face, making it even more eerie.

"I understand, I'm dreaming!"

"Let me just say that after I woke up this morning, I suddenly felt that my memory was not good and I kept forgetting things. At first, I thought it was because I was working too much, but it turns out this is the truth."

Zhao Cheng clapped his hands. He didn't know why, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he was wondering whether the next step would be a dream murder incident.

If this were to be placed in Conan, it would be enough to compile a theatrical version.

"As for me, do I really exist?"

The darkness engulfed everything, except for the last piece of charcoal fire in the furnace, which was releasing bits and pieces of light and heat.

But Zhao Cheng's consciousness gradually became clearer, and he remembered that he was investigating and completing the memories of the past.

This chapter has been completed!
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