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Chapter 763 Mining

When his thoughts jumped to this point, Zhao Dong took a long breath and stretched.

He felt that the world was changing too fast, which made him feel very complicated.

Even he himself never thought that one day he would become obsessed with mining.

But that's the moon!

That's building a moon base!

It is true that the drawings are calculated by artificial intelligence, but players like them can also provide "suggestions", that is, using the system's R&D function, investing points, and making drawings by hand.

As for how the points come from, of course it comes from mining.

The sense of accomplishment is undoubtedly full.

Zhao Dong is currently very satisfied with this world, and most people are probably the same as him.

As far as he could see, the people coming and going in front of him were all walking slowly, which was a huge difference from the hurry they once had.

If someone were to conduct a happiness survey, at this time and for the time being, it would undoubtedly be full.

It's only temporary.

This is what Zhao Dong is studying now.

His mentor had a saying that was very insightful.

It is said that only when you have a sense of contrast can you feel happiness.

Everyone used to be poor, but now we suddenly have more resources. We no longer have to worry about making a living and have our own time, so everyone is very happy.

But when the next generation enjoys these things from birth, they will become accustomed to it and will not have a strong sense of happiness.

Moreover, in the future, federal benefits can only be increased, not reduced, otherwise problems will arise.

Zhao Dong didn't think much about this.

He is learning this now, and his ideas are very pure. The World Federation recently released a brand new sandbox simulation development game, which is a civilized management type. It is very realistic, hard-core, and fun.

He learned this in order to clear the game better, achieve success, and become a boss.

Zhao Dong still remembers the first time he played this game, when he led a villain and used all means to achieve his goal, raising the productivity of factory workers to 999%.

Then, he was burned by the angry workers.

He used to hate capitalists, but when he became the person in charge of everything, he found that he seemed to be even more cruel and cruel than the capitalists.

"The world is so beautiful, but it doesn't seem peaceful outside."

Zhao Dong said something on the trumpet, glanced at the sky, and saw the shadow of another world that seemed to be getting closer and closer to the earth, and then continued to click on the tablet.

Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be a tall man holding it up, so he won't panic.

Zhao Dong even seriously suspected that the things in the sky were most likely created by Zhao Cheng.

You can see from the earth that the shadow in the sky is a vast world, in which there are demons, immortals, strong men flying into the sky and escaping to the earth, and saints preaching to the heavens. The only problem is that world.

It seems to be approaching the earth.

This scene suddenly appeared more than ten days ago. At first, many people thought it was a mirage.

The World Federation also used various methods to detect it, and then announced the news, saying that it was not a real world falling towards the earth, but a phantom.

This incident did cause a commotion, but soon everyone was doing what they were supposed to do, and it did not affect daily life too much.

On the Internet, however, videos with otherworldly themes have become popular recently.

This theme is not about TV, movies, or animations of this theme, but the video clips in Welcome in the Sky.

Some people use cameras to directly shoot the content in the phantom and edit it twice.

The light and shadow on the sky are very random and will not always be fixed in one place, but are constantly changing.

As for the different world, it is probably because it is a world of immortality. Fairies are all fair-skinned, beautiful, long-legged, and have good temperament. There are brothers who specialize in capturing this kind of material and making it into a compilation.

In short, some people from other worlds are under circumstances that they don’t even know about.

However, he made his debut on Earth and gained some fans.


On the other side, the Civilized Parliament has started several emergency meetings regarding the light and shadow in the sky.

Different from ordinary people, there are all powerful people in the World Federation, and there are even half-lords. What they can see is far more profound than ordinary people.

After observing, they discovered a very terrible fact.

That is, the universe is collapsing!

When something like this happens, the first thought of the Civilization Council is to find Zhao Cheng.

Indeed, with the minds of mythological characters, they are not the kind of people who would place their hopes on other people.

But such a thing is so big that they don’t even know what to do.

But it is a pity that Zhao Cheng disappeared suddenly two years ago and has never been seen again.

"There is a saying that for higher civilizations, lower civilizations are just bugs. Maybe..."

At the end of the meeting, Li Nichang suddenly said.

Others heard the words and just remained silent.


For a long time after that, the shadow in the sky seemed to be getting closer and closer to the earth.

People don't have too much panic about this.

Until the demon god appeared in the phantom, these high-level existences took a central position in the shadow as soon as they appeared.

If the things in the phantom were compared to a movie, the person of the devil would undoubtedly be the same as the protagonist.

The most terrifying thing is that they seem to be walking out of the phantom at any time.

Countless people saw the devil easily destroying worlds one after another, and countless lives were extinguished in an instant. Their hearts were in confusion.

If one day, the two worlds really overlap, will they suffer the same fate as those destroyed worlds?!

Originally, many people thought they were just watching a holographic phantom, but when they realized that such a disaster might befall them, they could no longer remain calm.


A few days later, Zhao Xiaoxiang and his family got on the plane, and the people who came to pick them up were people from the World Federation.

Zhao Xiaoxiang held a sword tightly in his hand and looked at the light and shadow outside the window without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhao's father, Zhao's mother, and Zhao Cheng's grandparents were also silent at this moment.

The current actions of the World Federation have undoubtedly given them a lot to think about.

Obviously, the leaders of the World Federation have no confidence in the future, so they are protected before the situation worsens to avoid being caught off guard by sudden changes in the future.

It wasn't until the plane arrived at its destination and the group got off the plane that Zhao Xiaoxiang suddenly said: "Zhao Cheng will come back, I believe it."

In three years, Zhao Xiaoxiang's temperament has become much colder.

But what changed her was not time, but experience.

In fact, Zhao Xiaoxiang only said half of what he said, and the other half was that even if Zhao Cheng didn't come back, she would still be here, and she would protect everyone with the sword in her hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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