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Chapter 770 Nothingness



At 0.6 seconds, Zhao Dong opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He began to wonder if this was still a dream, and he would wake up next, just like the previous times.

In his heart, there was an idea that he himself was not aware of, that is, Zhao Cheng = the protagonist, will not die. He has a blind belief in Zhao Cheng.

Not just him, many people have this idea, even the strongest mythical warriors on Earth.

If the world is compared to a book, many characters will appear in the book, and indeed many characters in the book will die, but absolutely no one, when reading Fengshen Yanyi, thinks that the Taoist ancestor in the book will die in the follow-up

in a certain chapter.

But now, something like this has happened.

On the other side, Zhao Xiaoxiang's eyes suddenly lost light, thinking that such a thing should not happen.

On a high platform, Li Nichang's holes were somewhat diffuse, but there was a strong, dream-like feeling that filled her spiritual world.

There is no doubt that she has a strong mind. It can be said that there are not many things in the world that make her doubt the world. For ordinary people, everything is possible. This is not true. They will

They instinctively reject things they don't want to believe, but for Shinhwa, their minds are almost all possible and extremely tolerant.

But at this moment, in this matter, this ultimate tolerance has failed.

In a room, Zhou Yu's thoughts returned to the past.

"Zhao Cheng, when you said that people will die, is it just a fabricated lie? Those so-called dead people are just acting to deceive us and make us believe that people will die."

"Only if you believe, you will die. If you don't believe, there will be no death."

Twelve-year-old Zhou Yu was talking, and Zhao Cheng, who was about the same age, was listening.

"This is a question of I think, therefore I am, and I am, therefore I think."

Zhao Cheng nodded.

"So, my conclusion is..."


"Old Zhao, what did you do last night? You are so tired today. You can even fall asleep in this place."

"Young people should exercise restraint!"

"I have a friend who used to be like you, but I don't know..."

Zhao Cheng was pushed awake. He was very tired and his eyelids were fighting. He didn't want to wake up, he just wanted to sleep forever.

But the teasing laughter in his ears kept coming into his ears, and he couldn't help but listen.

Who is disturbing his sleep?! It’s so annoying!

Really unbearable, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"I'm not letting anyone have a good night's sleep..."

When Zhao Cheng opened his eyes, he had already sat up, and then he saw several pairs of eyes staring at him at the same time, as if they were looking at some weird creature.


"Lao Wang!"

"Aren't you dead?!"

Zhao Cheng blurted out when he saw the smiling young man in front of him.

"How did you come to this conclusion?!"

Wang Daoming looked at Zhao Cheng with a wise look.


Zhao Cheng thought for a while and was a little confused. He didn't know why he said such things.

In his memory, a group of them made an appointment to climb a mountain, and he actually fell asleep while climbing.

This thing is outrageous.

As for Wang Daoming, he is his roommate and classmate for four years. He loves martial arts. He is a very upright person with a bit of the chivalrous temperament of ancient times.

In front of his eyes, Wang Daoming was alive and kicking, and death was naturally out of the question.

Zhao Cheng fell into deep thought. Could it be that he was angry because of being woken up, so he spoke harshly?!

It shouldn’t be!

to oneself

The other person's fatherly love is not like this.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that something was wrong. There was a lot of wind and snow, and he had obviously slept enough at night. How could he fall asleep in this situation? It couldn't be that someone gave himself sleeping pills while eating in the morning.


As for saying he was dreaming.

Zhao Cheng had already pinched himself, and it hurt. He then reached out and pointed at Chu Ming, who was closest to him. The other person's reaction was not small, and it was obvious that this was not a dream.

But at this time, Wang Daoming continued: "Old Zhao, I have begun to doubt your species. You are the first one to fall asleep while climbing a snow-capped mountain. If I hadn't discovered this, you would have continued to sleep.

Next, the whole village will come to your house for dinner."

"Wait, where is Lao Zhang?!"

Zhao Cheng glanced around and suddenly realized that the number of people seemed wrong.

"Lao Zhang has reached the top of the mountain."

Wang Daoming pointed above.

This place is very close to the top of the mountain, and the vertical distance is only about three to four meters. However, the last section is very steep, and there is almost no support point for climbing. I don’t know how Zhang Daoyi got up.

However, now that someone has gone up, it will be much easier for the people behind to go up. A thick rope has already hung down.

"So, what happened while I was asleep, and how did Lao Zhang climb up?!"

Zhao Cheng's head was still a little empty, and he couldn't turn around.

"Also, why didn't you wake me up just now?!"

Zhao Cheng crackled and said a bunch of words.

"Is there such a possibility? For example, I was actually screaming just now, but I just couldn't wake him up."

"As for how Lao Zhang got up, of course he took a ladder. You were asleep at the time."

"Have you forgotten?!"

Wang Daoming spread his hands.

Zhao Cheng fell into deep thought. He felt something was wrong, very wrong. He felt very wrong today.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking about it, and then several people climbed to the top of the mountain one by one relying on the rope.

As for the order, Wang Daoming took the lead, followed by Chu Ming, then him, and finally Wang Yang.

Zhang Daoyi was the first to go up, and there were five people in total. However, in fact, there were six people in their dormitory, and one person did not come today because of an accident.

The top of the mountain is not flat, but it is very open.

Zhao Cheng raised his eyes and looked up. Under the rays of the sun, he could see the beautiful mountains and rivers. Even the depression in his heart disappeared at this moment.

"Old Wang, why do you think people are so weird? When something happens, you make a mistake. The mistake is just a small mistake, but as it accumulates, it becomes difficult to get back. You can only continue to make mistakes like this."

There was a subtle change in Zhao Cheng's temperament. Standing on the top of the mountain, a person seemed taller than the mountain.


In reality, just when the panel was counting down to 0.5 seconds, the panel, which was as turbulent as water waves, suddenly disappeared.

By this time, the hole had evolved to a size that could swallow Zhao Cheng whole.

But at this moment, Zhao Cheng's eyes suddenly burst into light, white light, and then, his whole body turned into a kind of empty white.

This chapter has been completed!
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