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Chapter 774 Cause and Effect

The principle that the strong will always be strong is undoubtedly vividly displayed at this moment.

Just when Wang Hao was in a state of mind, the three of them had arrived at the lonely peak. As the altitude changed, Wang Hao suddenly discovered that the scene he saw had also changed.

When I looked at this place from the ground, what I saw was a flat lake with solitary peaks. But when I stood at a high place and looked down, when I reached a sufficient height, the changes in the angles also caused changes in the objects. Looking at the universe again, everything has changed.

The white-gold air flow is constantly circulating, going around and around, seemingly endlessly.

It is indeed endless. Just like an absolutely smooth ball on an absolutely smooth plane, if you give it a force to move, theoretically, it will continue to move. The same is true for the air flow here. Zhao Cheng said

In this energy cycle constructed, without adding variables, there is no dissipation and transfer of energy.

As for Wang Hao, he was thinking about some myths and legends at the moment. In one legend, it was said that the creation of the heaven and the earth and the evolution of the universe were created in one breath.

Looking at everything in front of me at this moment, there is no doubt that it means something like this.

This is undoubtedly something that is not in the original work.

Although it is normal for fan works to add a few extra points, this is obviously not a little bit added, but a hundred million points added.

As for Zhao Cheng, he was wearing a loose kendo uniform, black clothes, and the fabric looked very delicate. It cost a few hundred yuan for a suit. He had an inch-inch hair, and at first glance, he didn't have any fairy aura.

Or the so-called strong temperament, only those eyes, with clear black and white interests, are so quiet that it seems to reflect oneself clearly at a glance.

Originally, Wang Hao thought about a lot of "saucy words" and wanted to express them well in order to gain some influence points. But at this moment, being swept away by such a look, he suddenly felt that plainness is the real thing, and those flashy things are still


"I have known about Wang Hao for a long time. This is just a natural phenomenon."

Zhao Cheng said, and as he waved his sleeves, several streams of air rushed out from the large circulation and turned into four futons, which fell in front of each other. Everyone took their seats one after another.

"The sun and the universe are in the four directions above and below, and the sun and the universe are in the past and present."

"In the usual human cognition, space is three-dimensional, and time is four-dimensional. This idea does make some sense, but the reality is that both time and space are linear and network-like.


"The expansion of space will evolve world lines, that is, parallel time and space, and the expansion of time will evolve timelines."

"Some time ago, I had a confrontation with the strong men outside my mother's house, but it stirred up the changes in the world line, causing some information groups to fall out from the depths of parallel time and space, and merged with some beings of the same frequency, that is,

The so-called selves in parallel time and space, Wang Hao is one of them. "

Zhao Cheng did not pay much attention to the information groups dropped by Wang Hao. For him, this thing did not have much meaning. Even if these people were thousands of times more powerful and knew some so-called "plots",

It didn't have any influence on him.

However, since several people came here because of this, and this was also their fate, Zhao Cheng did not hesitate to tell something.

"According to the theory of parallel worlds, parallel time and space should be similar to our world, with similar histories and similar characters. Why does it happen that we are just characters in a story?!"

God asks.

He is a purebred Westerner. Although at today's height, there is no gap in cultural attributes, he still grew up in a Western country. In the early years, various stories about science fiction themes were written there.

, but it lasts forever.

Therefore, a long time ago, God wondered whether the world he lived in was just a book, or a testing ground for some advanced civilization, a brain in a vat, all of which were just illusions.

Although with subsequent practice, his realm continues to rise, and he clearly understands the principle of "I think, therefore I am" and no longer has any worries in this regard, but when he really encounters such a "traveler", and many plots are set

, even though everything was right, he still wavered.

strong mind,

It does not mean that it will not be shaken. Unless it is a ruthless stone without its own thinking and ideas, otherwise as long as it is an idea, there is a possibility of being overturned and denied.

"This is the difference between parallel time and space, and the mapping of time and space."

"Theoretically, parallel time and space are endless. How many particles there are in the universe and the number of parallel worlds will only be more, not less."

"The word universe is actually extremely vast, but what we can see is very limited."

"The farther away the parallel lines of parallel time and space are from our time and space, the greater the differences will be. If the distance is far enough and the differences reach a certain level, they will naturally become completely different. Even if they are originally from the same origin, there are some parallel time and space.

In life, by chance, the consciousness receives some information from another parallel time and space, gives birth to the so-called inspiration, and writes it down. This is the truth that will appear in our works. It is not that the work comes first and then the world.

, but there is a world first, and then there is a work."

"What Wang Hao saw in his past world was born in this way, and what he saw actually went through a lot of distortions, as well as the author's own thinking, and appeared outside, as if he had traveled through time himself, not

It’s the original, but a fan story.”

Zhao Cheng's words made everyone fall into thinking. As for Wang Hao, who was supposed to be the protagonist of this meeting, he looked confused. He knew that he hadn't said anything yet. Why did the other party seem to understand him better than himself?


What kind of devil is this?!

"Does this mean that if time and space are truly infinite and have infinite possibilities, then there must be a world with a story that develops exactly according to the trajectory of our world, without any difference."

Li Nishang said.

"This is the story of the monkey and the typewriter."

Zhao Cheng smiled.

"However, if it is true, when I reach a higher height in the future, such information mapping is a huge cause and effect in itself. By then, I should know in which time and space such a story was born."

Zhao Cheng didn't like being a riddler, and what he said was very simple. Even Wang Hao, a weakling, could understand it, but because he understood it, he became even more frantic.

What does it mean to know the birthplace of the story based on the causal connection, and the characters in the work will jump out of the story one day in the future and hunt down the author? What kind of horror story is this?!

This chapter has been completed!
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