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Chapter 792: A Mecha Changes Destiny

Log: The space-time beacon is selected...

Log: The extra-dimensional body is being released... Log: The trait module is being extracted...

Log: Affected by the Mark of Fire, you have acquired more world information.

Log: Affected by the chaotic state of world information, the information you obtain is offset:

In 2000, the tide of the cosmic force entered the trough, and the extraordinary power disappeared.

In 2400, the tide of cosmic principles bottomed out, and genetic evolution and original energy breeding technology sprouted...

In 2450, a forbidden drug from the Qiongtian Empire appeared on the battlefield. It achieved the ultimate nerve reflex speed at the cost of completely destroying the human nervous system and elbow function. The emergence of this forbidden drug changed the world of Qiongtian.

The empire is about to fall, and the situation is reversed.

In 2500, after several wars, the Qiongtian Empire won the final victory. Qiongtian III, the greatest emperor in human history, ascended to the pinnacle of power. All power and glory belonged to His Majesty the Emperor.

In 2550, hundreds of years of chaos resulted in tremendous technological development. The Sky Empire integrated all the forces, and the first original mecha to go to the stars was born. This was the driving force of His Majesty the Great Emperor.

In 2600, the Qiongtian Empire excavated the relics of prehistoric civilization on the back of the moon. The relics came from a powerful empire named Ziyue...

In 2700, with the help of some data from prehistoric civilizations, the empire's science and technology developed rapidly and its interstellar colonization technology matured. In the same year, the God's Ladder and Cornerstone Potion was born, which was hailed as the germ of the empire's eternity.

Log: Please select three trait modules to load:

A Mecha Changes Destiny (Red·Origin): It comes with a mecha core of Red·Origin quality at the start (Note: It used to be a must-select, otherwise you will encounter the hurdles that you like to see, high-level account brushing low-level dungeons?

That’s okay.)

Son of the Original Energy (Red·Pole): The Force is with you (Note: The Force is not a high-dimensional force, its source is in a lower place.)

Super Life Evolver (Red): Your genes are born with stronger carrying capacity (Note: You have a problem...)

Eye of the Void (gold-red): You are born with the ability to see the fluctuations of the void (Note:...)


These qualities are obviously of little use at Zhao Cheng's current height.

If he had downloaded this dungeon when it was just released, Zhao Cheng would have serious doubts. If he wanted to pass the customs, it would definitely not be a matter of submitting the vehicle parts to the county.

There are so many good things given at the beginning, and the ones with the highest quality are still must-haves for clearing the level. It is already very clear what the ingredients of this copy are.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng just looked around, selected the three highest quality ones, and directly exchanged them for source points.

Compared with the many qualities, it is the world information he has obtained that is a bit interesting.

The forbidden medicine inside that turned the tide of the battle seemed to be the ultimate potential stimulation elixir he had used. As for the cowardly savior, its real name was the Cornerstone of the Ladder of God.

In addition, Zhao Cheng couldn't help but think too much about the prehistoric civilization inside, the Ziyue Empire. It couldn't be that it just happened to have the same name.

If it wasn't the same name, there would be a big problem.

Immediately afterwards, the log is refreshed and time and space change.

In the sky, there is a white sun. The whiteness is a bit fake. When Zhao Cheng arrives, all kinds of information in the void naturally converge towards his spiritual world. He does not even need to take the initiative to "see" more.

, this world must inform him of all kinds of things.

Dark Age, sleep, attributes, planet, not allowed to go to the starry sky, sixty years of history...

All kinds of information allowed Zhao Cheng to quickly have a general understanding of the world.

It is rare that this world has fallen into the future, but until he came, civilization was not completely destroyed, but there was still a little flame. The only problem was that this little flame seemed to be extinguished at any time.

The situation here is not good.

The whole world is actually a cage, or in other words, a closed container, not for

Not for imprisonment, but for protection.

From Zhao Cheng's perspective, the last pure land in this world is undoubtedly Novice Village. Without this place, he would not have been able to complete this dungeon with his previous strength.

Zhao Cheng relied on some kind of induction in the dark to sense the vast darkness surging beyond Yi Yi, as well as the peeping eyes in the darkness.

As for the container in front of me, it is strange that it is self-contained and temporarily resisted the power of doomsday. Only the extremely weak power of doomsday radiated in and turned into pollution.

From his current point of view, this container is not strong and can be easily broken with his strength. However, the consequences of forcing the container open is that the last flame of civilization will be swallowed up by darkness in an instant before his eyes.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng is not in a hurry to go out and kill monsters, but plans to decipher the container first and then open a door. With his height and wisdom, it is not difficult to do this, but it will take a little time.

Indeed, even if he forcibly breaks the container, everything here will return to its original state when he returns. However, although his moral bottom line is flexible, it is not without a bottom line.

In addition, Zhao Cheng was also curious about this simple structure, what kind of structure could temporarily resist the end of the world.

While recognizing the world, a bloody battle was also going on right in front of Zhao Cheng.

The protagonist of the bloody battle is a short-haired boy with a thin body and sun-dark skin, at least on the surface.

But in fact, this is a girl, but because of her young age, malnutrition, bad skin, flat figure, and temperament, she looks more like a boy.

But in terms of body structure and genes, she is undoubtedly a girl.

At this moment, the battle between the girl and the monsters has entered a fierce stage. There is no doubt that the girl is at a disadvantage.

Zhao Cheng took one look at this and understood that this was the protagonist script assigned to him by the panel.

Both the time of arrival and the location were just right.

As for the purpose, it is to create conditions for Zhao Cheng to collect partners to reduce the difficulty of passing the level.

If he had come to clear this dungeon right away, the next plot would have been to enter the dungeon, get out of the siege, learn about the world, kill monsters, take risks, become stronger, gain favor, and join the team...

"It turns out that the genuine game has been available for a long time, but I didn't choose it..."

"Of course, this copy is at best half genuine. It only has an initial chapter, and all subsequent chapters are broken."

Zhao Cheng couldn't help but have such thoughts when he saw various future possibilities.

And the identity of the girl is not ordinary. She is the daughter of Emperor Qiongtian III. She is of pure blood and a true princess. This is also a necessary part to unlock the subsequent key props.

Unfortunately, these settings are of little significance to Zhao Cheng now. When Zhao Cheng saw the phenomenon in front of him, he reversed the panel mechanism through this.

It is true that there is no wisdom in the panel, but the arrangement in front of us does not require wisdom. It only requires a suitable program. Destiny is a river. The panel passes the program, selects key points, and then, Zhao Cheng arrives.

This chapter has been completed!
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