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Chapter 799 Plan

This is the truth of the world before us!

At the end of the second week, when Luo Zhen discovered this, everyone was confused.

Originally, in his conjecture, the truth of everything should be that when encountering a strong enemy, the strong sacrificed themselves and created a pure land in order to preserve the fire of civilization. This is the radiance of life and the hymn of civilization...

In short, Luo Zhen thought so after learning some clues at first.

But who knows, the truth of it all is that a father is kind and his son is filial, and that for one person, he created a world and continued civilization just so that his young sister would not be lonely.

This is not impossible, but I always feel that this thing, coupled with the background of the vast starry sky, looks too human.

Even if you conquer the starry sky, you still can't escape the family conflict of a loving father and a filial son.

The fifteenth prince's expectations are naturally good, and he even left a person to protect his sister. At the same time, in order to realize his sister's wish to live a free life, he let this protective force not interfere with Kong's


Even this closed world, because it was transformed by his mecha, will protect Sora.

In short, everything is perfect, and this is the only thing he can do since he is at the end of his rope due to pollution.

The only problem is that the prince underestimated the end of the world, even though he used the technical power of prehistoric civilization to build a "closed" ring to resist pollution.

But pollution is also evolving during this process.

The pollution power finally seeped in, causing distortions in this pure land, and gave birth to the Demon King, the "Devil Star" with the mission of destroying the world.

In the second episode, Luo Zhen didn't expect Kong to be so critical, so the Demon King succeeded in the end.

Even he himself never thought that he could be reborn again.

The only problem is that he doesn't know if he can activate the fourth eye if he dies again.

As for him, he has accumulated a lot of experience after the last game and feels that he can pass the level.

His request is actually not high, just kill the Demon God King.

The former Qiongtian Empire and the prince's Salvation Army were so powerful. Their power conquered the stars and their technology controlled the universe, but in the end they only created this final pure land.

As for the terrifying power of pollution, Luo Zhen also experienced it at the end of the first two weeks.

What's even more terrifying is that there are powerful and evil beings in such pollution.

In short, Luo Zhen is very realistic and knows the limits of his abilities. His only idea is to live until the end of his life.

Of course, in his heart, he actually has a sense of mission to save civilization. He feels that he is a lonely brave man, burdened with the survival of civilization alone.

He is lonely because no one understands him.

Luo Zhen even felt that if he really succeeded in saving the world in the future, maybe at first, people would cheer him and think he was the savior, but gradually, they might start to fear him, be afraid of him, be afraid of him...

Most people are like this.

In the grocery store, Luo Zhen thought for a few more minutes because of Zhao Cheng's appearance.

He can be sure that in the past two weeks, there was absolutely no such person as Zhao Cheng, not just here, but in the world.

Especially in the last week, he had read through the information of all the powerful people in the distortion department. With Zhao Cheng's level of distortion, as long as he had read it, he would never forget it.

Undoubtedly, the person in front of me has quite a problem.

However, after Luo Zhen weighed the pros and cons, he finally came to the conclusion that the other party's problems were not something he could guess out of thin air. For now, the other party had no influence on his plan.

Even if he "fools" well, Zhao Cheng can still be a helper.

The danger of the upcoming wave of aberrant beasts is not low. In the future, there will even be an S-class powerful aberrant beast named "Yu" passing through here.

Over the past sixty years, mankind has explored extraordinary systems.

Above ordinary people, embarking on the path to extraordinary is the lowest level, D level. All the way to S level, they are just on the road, not truly extraordinary.

Here, if we quantify it, D-class is roughly the enemy of a hundred people. One person can kill a hundred fully armed and well-trained warriors.

S-level, destroying a street with one strike.

Strong, but not strong enough.

Only by transcending S and reaching the transcendent is a real qualitative change, flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, changing the celestial phenomena, and even destroying cities with one blow.

In his guess, how could Zhao Cheng still maintain a rough human form? His ability level should not exceed A level.

The road of distortion, as long as you walk on this road, it is impossible to maintain a pure human form.

It seems that in a distorted world, humanoid life is not strong enough.

This is not a conclusion Luo Zhen drew by himself, but what he saw from the research data of the Human Civilization Research Institute.

The essence of distortion is also a kind of evolution, and it is the kind that grows wantonly without restrictions and only for the purpose of becoming stronger.

If the ultimate form of distortion is human form, it can only prove that the ultimate law of the universe is that the human form is the strongest.

Obviously, there is no such thing in the real natural world.

Last week, Luo Zhen had seen the ultimate evolved form evolved by the Demon God King. His evaluation was that it was so weird that the Demon God King couldn't even tell that it was his own child.

In fact, rationally, Luo Zhen felt that he should avoid Zhao Cheng's existence and not have contact with Zhao Cheng, but unfortunately, time waits for no one, so he can only take risks.

Kong is a very critical link. If he misses this time, he really can't guarantee whether he can prevent Zhi Kong from being controlled by the Demon King in the future.

Therefore, after making the decision, Luo Zhen first went to the counter, spent resource points, and purchased a sufficient amount of anti-pollution agent.

During the first week, he was contaminated because he ran in a hurry and did not bring enough medicine.

After finishing this matter, Luo Zhen came to the table where Zhao Cheng was sitting and said to the two of them: "Hello, my name is Luo Zhen."

"I know that to you, I am just a stranger, but in fact, I have the ability to predict the future. In the future that I know, it was you, Kong, who saved me. It may be unbelievable to say it, Wilderness

Among the aberrant beasts in the depths, a special species with spatial attributes was born. In ten minutes, that special species will open a space door, allowing a group of aberrant beasts to appear near the gathering place."

"Among them, there will also be an S-class sky mutant."

"For aberrant beasts, people in groups are undoubtedly very attractive food."

Luo Zhen's voice was not loud, but it had a decisive tone.

He didn't reveal too much about the future, he just talked about what was about to happen. After all, if he directly told strangers that human civilization would be destroyed in the future, they would most likely be regarded as crazy.

Therefore, the first step in his plan is to gain trust.

This chapter has been completed!
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