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Chapter 801 Arrival

The first time, the pollution power of the apocalypse was not reflected yet, but the second time, it was impossible.

But Zhao Cheng's words made Luo Zhen feel as if he had been struck by lightning.

He actually thought about various possibilities, such as that he was actually reborn in a parallel world, or that Zhao Cheng's appearance was due to the butterfly effect. The reason why he didn't know about this person was because in the ensuing chaos, Zhao Cheng died.

Here it is.

But he never expected that Zhao Cheng would reveal his rebirth in one word. This was his biggest secret!


"Who are you?!"

Luo Zhen's complexion changed several times, and the strong mentality he had cultivated over decades completely collapsed.

Even in the second week, when he faced the Demon King, he was not so panicked.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you."

Zhao Cheng said that if Luo Zhen had not taken the initiative to ask about this matter, he would not have taken the initiative to talk about it.

But since the other party asked, Zhao Cheng was also willing to answer questions. The logic is that Luo Zhen applied to initiate interaction, and Zhao Cheng agreed to his application for interaction.

It doesn't really matter whether the person talking to him is Luo Zhen, it's just that Zhao Cheng does not refuse external communication.

In this regard, he is somewhat of a deity system. The gods respond to believers' doubts, but the scope of his response is wider and is not limited to believers, as long as they have that fate.

Initiating interaction is itself a kind of fate, as far as Zhao Cheng knows it.

If he were to suffer another day, he would think it was no longer fate, and his attitude would naturally be different.

Fate and causation are different. The former is a subjective existence, while the latter is an objective existence.

And Zhao Cheng's words seemed to have the power to follow the rules, making him not anxious. He was actually not anxious anymore and calmed down immediately.

"As for who I am, I am Zhao Cheng, a human being. This is my perception. However, if you use your perception to explain my existence, the one that best fits your perception should be an interest in saving the world.

The Demon God, what I’m currently doing is downloading a copy.”

Zhao Cheng speaks out.

"Copy? So you are a human from a high-dimensional world? A gamer?! And I, we, are all NPCs. So human technology is so advanced?!"

Luo Zhen murmured, accurately extracting the key words.

"Is it really okay to tell these things to me as an NPC?!"

Luo Zhen felt that the world in front of him suddenly became absurd.

The most important thing is that if Zhao Cheng is really a game player, this is just a copy, which perfectly solves the problem of why there was no such person in his memory before.

"So, why are you saying this to an NPC?!"

Luo Zhen's brain was a little confused.

"Why do you think you are an NPC?!"

Zhao Cheng asked back.

"To me, this world is indeed a copy, but to you, to the lives in this world, the world is just the world."

"When you can think, recognize your own existence, and recognize the existence of the world, you are in control of your own destiny. Even if it is a given future, you can make different choices."

Zhao Cheng's eyes were very calm, and his words made Luo Zhen feel weird.

In his perception, shouldn't such high-dimensional beings, great beings, treat them like bugs? Why would they say so many words to such weak beings like them?

He even heard a hint of persuasion.

What he said was also simple and clear, unlike some immortals and Buddhas in the story who played tricks, acted as riddles, and said that secrets should not be revealed.

"Boss, are you still short of pendants?!"

After Luo Zhen thought for a while, he said seriously.

"I feel like I can."

He doesn't have any idea of ​​​​not bullying young people into poverty for thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. He just wants to hug his thighs.

And with this sudden change, the look of the King of Light, who was just enjoying the show, changed. Someone wanted to take her place. How unreasonable!

"You have your own way. My route is not suitable for you."

Zhao Cheng responded.

The King of Light became a pendant by chance. In addition, it is also because she has a special attack on the power of doomsday. Although this power is not strong enough now, it is a seed with unlimited possibilities.

Luo Zhen is obviously not good enough and does not have this potential.

Just as he was speaking, the heaven and earth suddenly shook, and then a dazzling white light appeared in the sky.

"It's actually early?!"

Luo Zhen was surprised, and then he remembered that Zhao Cheng had said before that the Demon God King had also returned.

Previously, because Zhao Cheng's words were so shocking, he temporarily ignored this fact.

At this time, he could be sure that the reason why things here were brought forward was because the Demon King wanted to kill him now.

"Boss, help!"

Without any hesitation, Luo Zhen took two steps forward and hid behind Zhao Cheng.

As for face, what is it and can it be eaten?!

His moral bottom line is very flexible. If he encountered this kind of thing in the first week, he might still be reserved. Now, decades of training have made his mind very strong.

"No, a magnitude 10 space earthquake and a magnitude 6 pollution reaction have been detected, right near our Cloud City!"

"Are the previous rumors true? A stable space ability species appeared among the aberrant beasts deep in the wilderness?!"

There is a tallest building not far from the gathering place. There is a strange antenna-like thing here. In other words, the entire building, including the surrounding buildings, is part of this antenna.

"What does it say above?!"

"The adults above communicated with the kings of the aberrant beasts. The other party said that humans went deep into the wilderness and stole a royal cub. They ordered us to return the cub, otherwise they would launch a beast wave to massacre the city..."

"How could such a thing happen?!"

"Even those adults cannot escape unscathed after going deep into the wilderness and stealing cubs. This is obviously a slander and a random excuse."

"The adults above also know, but this thing is too sudden, two hours, as long as we can hold on for two hours..."

"What is that area?"

"It's near the Cangshan gathering place."

"Cangshan is hopeless..."

"For two hours, if it's just a clan, it's not difficult to hold on."

At this moment, a communication is going on among the top leaders of Yundu.

With Yundu's defensive power, it is still possible to temporarily block the tide of aberrant beasts, if nothing unexpected happens.

As for the Cangshan gathering place, it was naturally sentenced to death.

At the same moment, the strongest human beings also showed their various methods and rushed towards Yundu.

However, at this moment, Yundu's monitoring agency came with desperate news.

"A tenth-level pollution reaction has been detected, and the number of reaction sources is three..."

The strongest people in the extraordinary level are also divided into three, six or nine levels. The lowest level of extraordinary people has a pollution reaction level of seven. As for the tenth level, they are also the strongest among the group of extraordinary people.

At this moment, Yundu was silent.

On the other side, Luo Zhen also fell into silence. He saw three huge creatures emerging from the hole in the sky, and he was stunned.

Is this Demon God King so stable?!

At this point in time, he was just a weakling who could be killed with just a breath. To kill him, he needed to get his three strongest kings over?!

This is no longer a simple flattery that can be described.

Not just him, everyone in the gathering place fell into the deepest despair when they saw the three huge monsters and felt the terrifying aura.

There is no doubt that the sky has fallen.

This chapter has been completed!
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