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Chapter 839 Nebula Matrix

They have always had an absolute confidence. This confidence comes from the crushing of civilization by the uncivilized, the advanced scientific research system of the empire, the crushing of the old master-disciple inheritance, sectarian views, information blockade, and backward mechanisms.


The empire spent countless resources, manpower and material resources, gathered the wisdom of countless people, and sacrificed countless lives. What was finally created could be defeated by an ancient cultivator who had practiced for decades with a secret book of magic skills.

This can only show that the wisdom of all people combined is not as good as one person!

Therefore, when mechas were born and when the Royal Knights were formed, it was only natural that the once titled strong men would be swept into the trash heap of history.

The Force, the development of the Force has been stagnant for too long. What's more, the mecha itself has absorbed the secrets of the old Force practice, which is a kind of innovation.

In this case, what could Gu Xiu do to resist?!

But now, the power of resistance has appeared, not even resistance, but crushing and killing.

Emperor Tianwu didn't even exert any force. He just breathed out and saw that the breath of force he had brought with him destroyed the spear made of the extremely rigid material in the universe in an instant. Instead, it was the Longque body. Because of its "rigid" nature,

, it was not so extreme, but it did not collapse, but continued to crack and repair. In an instant, this process was repeated thousands of times, showing the powerful vitality of the metal cells!

Inside the body, the fifteenth prince who controls the Dragon Bird body is also wailing in pain at this moment. In order to improve the fit with the body, the driver and the body have a nervous system connection, and this connection

To refute, in order to maximize the fit value, it is not 100% nerve conduction, but the modulation is considered to be the limit of current technology, 216%.

This number, the pain caused by the injury to the body, is not as simple as 2.16 times, but the pain is tens of times higher.

The Imperial Dragon Bird, feared by countless people, is just a child struggling and wailing in pain at this moment.

After Zhao Cheng died, Emperor Tianwu's young apprentice was frightened and smelled an unpleasant smell. This was actually a complication caused by being killed by the dragon bird, which caused his nervous system to lose control.

This kind of thing does not change due to human willpower. Only when the instinctive consciousness of the cells is strong can it be resisted. Otherwise, the will's control over the body will eventually have its limits.

And she had already accepted the fate of death, but unexpectedly, she saw an unforgettable scene.

The invincible Imperial Dragon Bird was unable to catch even one of Emperor Tianwu's breaths.

Moreover, during that breath, she seemed to vaguely see the vast universe through the induction of the Force.

If her original force was just a speck of dust, the Emperor Wu's original force that day was like a universe.

The difference is simply impossible to measure.

Therefore, at the first moment, she only felt that she was hallucinating, that she was actually dead, and that everything she was experiencing at this moment was just her fantasy when she was dying.

After all, if the old guy had this kind of power, why did he hide around like a mouse before, rush directly into the palace, and let the emperor call him daddy? That was the other person's temperament.

And hallucinations are destined not to last long, and everything should disappear soon.

She couldn't help but think so.

However, one second, two seconds and three seconds passed...

But the world is still the same world, only the Dragon Bird body has shrunk severely, from more than twenty meters to less than ten meters in height, curled up into a ball on the ground, motionless, like a seriously injured child, and then

No more majestic than before.

On the other side, far enough away, Emperor Tianwu's two filial disciples did not see clearly what was happening on the battlefield. They just felt a gust of wind surge up, almost blowing them away, and then the wail of the Imperial Dragon Bird resounded through the sky.

This couldn't help but make their expressions change, and they couldn't help but think about what happened to this Imperial Dragon Bird.

It's just that despite all their wisdom, they still can't figure out what exactly went wrong. Based on their understanding of Emperor Tianwu, how could they possibly have a trump card to counter the Royal Knights?!

Or is their master hiding deeper than they imagined?!

"Master, how many things did he retain back then?!"

Two filial disciples, at this time, even their names have changed.

"It is said that a master is like a father. How could a father intentionally hide his son? It must be the master who thinks that our practice is not enough and it is not time to learn the secret skills."

However, just as they were talking, the expressions of the two filial disciples suddenly changed drastically at this time, because they suddenly discovered that there were many more star-like things on the sky, but if they knew that this time, it was the right time.

At noon, the sun is still hanging in the sky, but where are the stars?

And based on their knowledge, they could guess what was in the sky almost instantly.

Even before the Empire fell out, they had heard that the Empire was researching an ultimate weapon of destruction called the "Nebula Matrix" to deter possible rebellions.

As for what the Nebula Matrix is ​​and the specific technology, they naturally don't know. They only know that it is a variant of space-based weapons, but it is different from ordinary space-based weapons. Normal space-based weapons fall to the ground from space.

, it takes too long, and it also takes a lot of time to lock the location through the rotation of the star. With such a long process, the enemy can easily run away unless there is mental arithmetic.

The Nebula Matrix, however, uses subspace shuttle technology. In theory, weapons can be dropped to a predetermined height and location within two seconds. As for the launch of weapons, it does not rely on the gravity of the stars under your feet, but through

The energy matrix accelerator is used to continuously accelerate, and the fastest speed can reach one-tenth of the speed of light.

You know, this is the speed of light. Even if it is only one-tenth, it is enough to break the continental shelf, causing the environment of the entire planet to be subject to constant natural disasters for hundreds of thousands of years to come.

Therefore, many people believe that this weapon, even if it is really developed, will only be used as a deterrent, and it is impossible to really use it, because in a sense, it is simply to die together.

In fact, more insiders believe that this technology is simply impossible to achieve at the current technical level.

So, what did Emperor Tianwu do and what happened on the battlefield to make the emperor of the empire use this ultimate killing weapon without hesitation?!

The two people looked at each other at this moment and opened their mouths, but they both became mute and could not speak.

This chapter has been completed!
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