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Chapter 879 Slavery

In the starry sky, two mechas collided together. Their size, if placed on the earth, would be as huge as a mountain, but placed in the starry sky of the universe, they are still small.

But such a small thing has extraordinary energy in itself. In terms of power, Luo Zhen is close to the power of a black hole.

As for the fifteenth prince, it was a bit worse, with only about 0.8 black holes. However, on the one hand, the strong magnetic expansion of the galaxy formed by the black hole matrix greatly consumed the opponent's strength. On the other hand, the entire spirit of the fifteenth prince

The state shows a special overclocking state that is both stable and extremely unstable. In a very short period of time, the difference in power is not even noticeable.

Two people standing at the apex of the universe use the starry sky as a battlefield and fight to the death.

And although Luo Zhen encountered his son's rebellion, what surged in his heart was not rage, but cold murderous intent.

Two hundred years of life taught him that everyone must pay the price for their choices, even if that person is the supreme emperor.

Now, he is just paying the price for his past choices.

Even if he had to do it all over again and go back to the original point, he would still make the same choice.

Only the weak will regret the consequences of their choices. The strong have no regrets in their lives.

If there are only one or two heirs, we will naturally cherish them extremely, but if there are dozens, or even hundreds, if there are too many, the cherishment will be diluted...

There was another collision. After this blow, Luo Zhen's machine suddenly stopped. Then, behind it, twelve wings of light spread out in succession. The glow seemed to shine into the depths of the starry sky. Then, he fought with his sword.

Lifting it high, the entire machine seems to have turned into a well-ordered pyramid. Everyone can find their place in this pyramid.

Either the foundation stone at the bottom, or the ruler above...

The only exception is Luo Zhen. He is the creator of order, but he himself transcends order!

Order! Creation of heaven and earth!

The vast universe responded to him, and his power, at this moment, climbed to 1.2 standard black holes.

On the other side, Zhao Cheng also walked out of the black hole matrix at this time.

That's right, he walked out.

Under the horrified gazes of observers from both the Empire and the Rebel Army, a tall humanoid life form walked out of the dark horizon that even light could not escape.

At this moment, this humanoid life form has flames burning all over it. The whole body is so dazzling. More importantly, the gravity of the black hole seems to be non-existent on it.

At the same time, researchers on both sides also judged a very terrifying fact at this moment, that is, the other party did not rely on high-dimensional power to escape the gravity of the black hole matrix like the previous emperor, but used a pure material body


Indeed, theoretically, this kind of material exists. As long as the force field inside the material forms a closed loop, any force exerted from the outside, unless this force can surpass the force itself, is like a human holding his own hair with his hands.

, let yourself fly, otherwise, no force can cause damage to this substance.

But something like an absolutely closed loop only exists in concepts. It is impossible for such a thing to be born in the material world and under natural conditions.

And now, there is a living body whose body has such a material structure. How terrifying is this?!

Even the fierce battle between Luo Zhen and the fifteenth prince was temporarily stopped because Zhao Cheng walked out of the black hole matrix.

When Zhao Cheng appeared and was detected by their body's detector, a number soared in their consciousness, and finally turned into a ball of question marks.

This number represents the energy level of life. For example, Luo Zhen himself has the highest energy level of ten. As for the fifteenth prince, it is only eight, and the limit of this detector is one hundred.

Of course, theoretically speaking, this detector will start to experience inaccuracies after the value exceeds fifteen.

The higher the value, the greater the deviation value.

But there is no way to detect this kind of thing directly, and this is the first time they have encountered it.

What makes everyone even more surprised is that this terrifying life form is also in human form. Is this a coincidence? Or is it that the human race, just like in myths and legends, did not evolve from monkeys, but from monkeys?

What happens to higher life forms after sowing the seeds of life?!

In the oldest legend of mankind, it is said that there is a group of beings called Titans who created mankind...

Of course, this legend has long since been swept into the trash heap of history with the complete cracking of the genetic sequence of human life.

Because the results show that all genetic information of humans can find similar parts in the genetic information of other life forms.

This means that all life actually has the same origin, but subsequent route choices have allowed some life to evolve into humans and stand at the top of the food chain with wisdom, while some have become nothing more than food.

The theory of Titan is undoubtedly a theory of faith in the ignorant era.

But at this moment, when such a great humanoid extraordinary life appears, it can't help but make these people who master the most cutting-edge technology and ideological trends fall into a brief confusion.

Ordinary people may feel that this is unscientific when encountering this kind of thing. How can a flesh-and-blood body resist a black hole?!

But for them, the so-called scientific way of looking at things is not to deny it, but to determine that existence is reasonable and to find the laws behind it.

"meet again."

Zhao Cheng smiled and conveyed such an emotion.

"This time, I am here to enslave you, so what is your answer?!"

Compared with the term "softer rule", Zhao Cheng chose the term "enslavement", which is closer to the origin.

In Zhao Cheng's view, whether it is domination or slavery, it is actually an act of imposing one's will on other beings and letting them operate according to one's own ideas.

Indeed, if the final result is to make other lives live better, it can also be labeled as guidance, education... and all kinds of beautiful, bright and righteous words.

But behind these words, in essence, there is still a kind of slavery.

Even if a life that is too powerful interferes with a civilization that is not strong enough, it will definitely extinguish the glory of civilization, unless that life devotes itself wholeheartedly to the development of civilization and dedicates everything to the glory of civilization.

As for why Zhao Cheng knew this, it was because he had experimented with it in the previous Spark Arrival.

As a powerful individual that transcends civilization, his positive interference is similar to fertilizer for civilization. If given in an appropriate amount, the civilization can thrive, but if given too much, the civilization will die.

This chapter has been completed!
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