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Chapter 914: Billions of Points

"You two are alive..."

The leading woman asked this question tremblingly.

In the past ten years of this life, she has changed or grown a lot, especially mentally. She is many times stronger than her once weak self.

It can be said that those who can enter this dimension after death are absolutely weak.

He is very weak in all aspects, and only in this way can he have no sense of existence in the world called reality when he dies.

It can be said that if they have a deep impression and are important in anyone's heart when they die, even if there is only one person, then the conditions for entering this dimension will not be met.

In this case, one can only imagine their past life and state in the real world.

For example, when the leading woman died, even she almost forgot her own name. She was born in a small city, her parents were orphans, and when she later started a family, she was an only daughter and had no relatives.

When she was a student, when her parents were still alive, she also had some so-called friends. But when she was fourteen, her parents passed away due to an accident. She tried to continue studying and be a strong person, but faced the strange situation with her classmates.

She still retreated due to the looks in her eyes and the alienation from her former friends.

Her parents were very hard-working people and left her a house, some savings, and a little accident compensation. With these, she gave up her studies and became a stay-at-home mom.

She doesn't need to socialize, she doesn't need friends, she doesn't even need to enjoy delicious food. Her food requirement is to be able to fill her stomach. Rice and pickles are the things she buys the most, because if you buy them once, you don't have to go out for several months.

She is addicted to games, but only in single-player games and never touches online games because she doesn't like to be in contact with people, even if it's just online.

She didn't want to suffer any more malice or kindness.

As for the final cause of her death, it was due to irregular work and rest, unhealthy eating habits, and the multifaceted effects of congenital diseases.

It is only natural for a person who can't even remember his own name to enter here. When someone asks for his name when he first comes here, he even has to think about it for a long time.

Based on her experience, it stands to reason that she should not have any expectations for reality. At this time, she should not have this reaction.

But that was already ten years ago.

After coming to this world, she was indeed world-weary at first. She felt that even if she died here, it would be just another death.

But gradually, in this world, she obtained something that she had never obtained in the real world, or a treasure, which was a companion who depended on each other for life and death.

Those old people who entered this world earlier than her took her hunting and taught her how to fight. Together they struggled to survive, and at the same time they also learned about each other's past.

A group of forgotten people all have their own stories, and at the same time, their uncontested ideals are also interacting. At the same time, when a person has the idea of ​​​​surviving, he will naturally think of staying away from danger.

It's just a pity that although they have obtained salvation in this world that they have not obtained in the peaceful world, at the price, they have no hope of returning to this world at all.

Some people say that hope may be in the sea on the horizon, where is the only light in this world. Others believe that the giant beasts in the sea can take them to the dimension called heaven, and where they are now is

Hell, otherwise there is no way to explain why they, the forgotten ones, would appear here.

And everything is so wonderful, there is salvation in hell... "Aren't you all?!"

At this time, Li Yu suddenly had a bad feeling.

The painting style of this world and the outrageous way of entering made him have many associations in an instant. The so-called virtual dimension that Zhao Cheng mentioned could not be the legendary underworld.

All of a sudden, words such as the Ten Palaces of Hell, Eighteen Hells, and Six Paths of Reincarnation jumped out. But that was wrong. If it was really the underworld, how could such things as urban ghost stories pop up.

When the five people heard this, they looked at each other and said with a bitter smile: "We are all dead." "I died of a heart attack."

"I froze to death in the wild in winter." "I jumped into the river..."

"Sleeping pills..."


Five people gave their own answers one after another.

They are actually very calm about their own death. How could a forgotten person be too obsessed with life and death?

Even if they were not in this world, they had gained the bond again and had the common goal of living. If they came here as pure newcomers, they would most likely find a quiet corner and disappear quietly...

Of course, such a method of disappearance may not be successful, because when the existence force continues to pass away, the survival instinct in the heart will become stronger and stronger. As weak people, it is difficult for them to defeat this instinct. It is very likely that

Driven by instinct, he will take the first step of hunting, and then be gloriously killed by the monster.

There is also a very rare possibility that under the pressure of crisis, one will explode, awaken powerful spiritual weapons, and take the first step to survive.

This is how the tradition of the old bringing up the new started.

At the same time, because those who come here are all forgotten people, usually there is no empathy between people, but there is that kind of invisible empathy between people who have similar experiences.

Because I understand the forgotten loneliness and pain, I have more kindness towards people with the same fate.

But after hearing this, Li Yu's mood suddenly became complicated. With the blessing of the armor, his wisdom was also developed, but in an instant, he grasped the key, that is, these people in front of him did not die normally.


"We were able to get here under special circumstances that are difficult to replicate at the moment."

"Even, in fact, what we came in was just a projection. Even if we die here, we will only lose a little existence power, which can be restored in a few days."

Zhao Cheng said that he had seen all the stories of the five people in front of him at the first glance, and he was very calm about this. There is no shortage of suffering in the world, and he only helps those who are destined.

As for what is meant by fate, if you can see it, then you have fate.

"As for you, you originally wanted to return to the dimension called reality. Only if you gather a huge amount of existence power, accumulate enough reality, and understand the mysteries of the dimension can you have any hope of returning to reality."

"Now, with him here, it's a lot easier."

As soon as these words came out, hope suddenly arose in everyone's hearts. Only Li Yu was a little confused. He was so powerful?!

But then, what Zhao Cheng said was more outrageous: "With your current mental strength, if he is used as the unit of measurement, about a thousand units should be enough to carry a sufficient amount of existence force."

This chapter has been completed!
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