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Chapter 967 Sword Skills

Zhao Cheng's swordsmanship has undoubtedly reached a level that no mortal can imagine. He can respond to everything he thinks and feels, gather and disperse invisible, and be ever-changing.

He swung his sword, and the sword's edge was not directed at the enemy. Instead, with one swipe, the heavens and the earth moved together. In the void, all kinds of sword lights naturally evolved, either hard or soft, yin or yang. When he swung the sword, a kind of

If I had to describe the form, it would probably be that in one stroke, it controls the sky and resembles the earth, and it carries six dragons to control the sky.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, Zhao Cheng's swing of the sword is not so much killing, but rather performing some kind of ancient sacrifice, dance, and martial arts, which seems to have the way to heaven!

As for Zhao Cheng, he has not actually learned much swordsmanship. In other words, there is no need to learn the best swordsmanship. The height is sufficient and the movements are powerful.

Just like the natural world, everything changes, wind, rain, thunderstorms, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes, how can it be called terrifying?!

But I have never seen anything in heaven and earth that practices something called skill.

It's just, naturally.

This time the evolutionary space is very large, and there are more monsters than last time. It seems that the more humans there are in the evolutionary space, the more monsters there are.

However, this is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that the monsters that appear this time, in the first round, are powerful monsters with silver level.

A monster of this level is a walking killing machine.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also saw the different evolutionary directions of monsters. Some monsters tended to grow in size and chose the purest force. Big is strong, so as to achieve the ultimate growth of life.

But there are also some who pursue concentration and purity, thinking that concentration is the essence!

But the whole body will turn into silver and transform into gold.

Both paths have their own advantages and disadvantages. The former has stronger combat power and evolves faster, while the latter, with the same degree of evolution, will have weaker combat power in the early stage and more difficult evolution, but it will become a legend in the future and carry authority.

time, it is more advantageous.


The sound of swords clanging continuously at this moment merged into a symphony of violent storms.

What's even more frightening is that with Zhao Cheng as the center, countless sword lights appeared out of thin air with a radius of more than a thousand meters. With Zhao Cheng's sword dance, the violent sword lights swept away the nearby monsters in an instant.


Although monsters are still being refreshed, the refresh speed is obviously not as fast as Zhao Cheng's killing speed.

Undoubtedly, such killings have far exceeded the level of normal silver. Any life that embarks on the path of evolution can initially control energy after the evolution degree exceeds 10%. However, this energy is very weak, at most

On the body or on the weapon, it condenses into Gang Qi or sword light, which is difficult to leave the body.

Even if it reaches Baiyin, the energy will change qualitatively and it can kill enemies thousands of meters away, but Baiyin's life energy is not infinite, and once it is dispersed, its power will be greatly attenuated.

The silver level is a strong individual combatant. In one-on-one combat, it is undoubtedly a real killing machine, but it is not good at group attacks.

As for Zhao Cheng, his own energy was just an introduction. The exploding sword light was actually him triggering the divine power of heaven and earth.

Undoubtedly, this is already the prototype of a gold-level, "domain".

Gold level is the most special level. The lower level, although extraordinary, is still mortal, while the upper level starts to peek into the realm of gods.

The so-called domain person, I unite the world.

As for the authority of legend, it is a sublimation based on this foundation.

Only by transcending legend can you initially possess the immeasurable power to distort the world and rewrite the rules.

After Zhao Cheng killed the first monster, his evolution level reached 70%. After that, all the experience gained from killing was converted into an increase in strength.

But when you get to Silver, the experience provided by killing low-level monsters is increasingly attenuated, but this kind of power is very magical. The so-called attenuation is just the transformation from low energy level to high energy level. Naturally,

Just loss.

The most terrifying thing about this kind of power is that Zhao Cheng, now using his body of silver, can kill the lowest level black iron monster and still be able to grow himself. Even if the extent of his growth is extremely weak, the growth still exists.

There is no saying that when the level difference is large enough, this power will fail.

Undoubtedly, the nature of this evolutionary power is very high, otherwise it would not be possible to have this effect.

In a few seconds, Zhao Cheng's body was already in the high air, transformed into sword light, and moved laterally for more than five thousand meters. For Bai Yin, it was indeed possible to fly, but the speed was limited and it was difficult to exceed the speed of sound. But at this moment, Zhao Cheng

If it is the law of heaven and earth, carrying the power of heaven and earth, then it is a completely different situation.

Five thousand meters, all the monsters along the way were strangled by Zhao Cheng's sword field, but this was not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing was that Zhao Cheng maintained such a high speed of killing monsters without accidentally injuring a single person, even though many

When people and monsters are close, the sword light whizzes past, but it is as soft as wrapping around a finger. It is extremely soft and has no lethality. Only when it touches the monster, does it suddenly become soft and transform into

Hard, in an instant, iron is broken and gold is cut.

But at the end of the road, there was a monster whose body was completely golden, except for its forehead, which still had a bit of silver color. It stood quietly with a knife raised.

However, if you look closely, you can notice that the blade seems to be made of gold, and there seems to be endless transparent silk threads. When the strong wind roars, with the opponent as the center, a circle with a radius of more than two thousand meters

Here, everything began to shatter. To be precise, it was divided into pieces.

Everyone didn't know what happened, but they suddenly saw themselves split into many pieces, but because they died so quickly, they couldn't even feel the pain.

As for the buildings, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed in an instant.

And all of this is just a swing of this life's sword!

It was at this moment that Zhao Cheng arrived, and all the sword light, at this moment, flowed back from thousands of rivers, converging into a galaxy and converging on Zhao Cheng.

Suddenly, all the survivors saw a sun hitting the earth, and then the earth shook violently.

In the smoke and dust, the monster's corpse collapsed, carrying only a little bit of variegated golden airflow, swarming towards Zhao Cheng, causing Zhao Cheng's life level to continue to rise.

Zhao Cheng could clearly feel that his heart was beating like a war drum, his bones were getting harder and harder, turning towards jade color, and his bone marrow was like chalcedony. At the same time, his blood was condensing, but it did not become brighter, but

It is transformed into a golden color, like high-purity gold, which seems to flow with splendor.

These are all internal changes. The most eye-catching one is the color of the mark on his forehead. Before, only 40% was converted into gold color, but at this moment, it suddenly reached 80%.

As for Zhao Cheng's evolution level, it jumped directly from 70% to 88%.

The evolutionary energy provided by just this one monster far exceeded the sum of all the monsters he had killed before.

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