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Chapter 98 Evolutionary Route

Obviously, a body that is too huge, although powerful, consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, at the end of this road, there will be a way to compress the body to reduce energy consumption.

Only when fighting will he show his complete posture.

As for the Overlord of Fists, Mie, its quality is between blue and purple. Obviously, he had reached the purple realm during his lifetime, but after his resurrection, his grade dropped.

As for the second blue monster, the Demon Fist General, it is about the same level as a boxing master. When Zhao Cheng touched it, he walked away very peacefully.

With the faint light of blood, Zhao Cheng stepped on the ash end. Every step he took left a large footprint on the ash end, which was not soft.

And his pace is not fast, but every step is explosive, and one step is three to five meters away.

As for Zhao Cheng's current four-dimensional attributes, except for spirit, the other three attributes are not much better than those professional athletes in his previous life.

But his current explosive power is by no means comparable to those professional athletes in his previous life.

This is an absolute gap brought about by swordsmanship.

In fifteen minutes, Zhao Cheng ran nearly ten kilometers in one breath, averaging one and a half minutes per kilometer.

This means that Zhao Cheng's average speed per 100 meters has exceeded nine seconds, which has exceeded the fastest speed of 100 meters in the previous life.

The most terrifying thing is that Zhao Cheng's terrifying speed is not a short sprint, but a long-distance attack.

If he sprinted briefly, he would be even faster!

As for his current body in the simulator, if he were placed in the world of his previous life, he would be a real superman.

Before obtaining subtle special effects, Zhao Cheng's speed was far less terrifying.

Any swordsmanship, once it enters the realm of the master, will show extraordinary abilities!

In the same realm of tranquility, the gap between the upper limit and the lower limit is simply ridiculously large.

In fifteen minutes, Zhao Cheng crossed most of the city, from one side of the city to the edge of the other side of the city.

Compared with the inner circle of the city, most of the outer circles of Moyun City are low-rise buildings, and their quality is not as good as that of the inner circle. Over the years, most of them have collapsed, leaving only scattered buildings that are crumbling.

Obviously, no matter which world it is, it becomes more prosperous the further inward it goes.

The third miscellaneous enemy, the Lost Heart, is located on the edge of Moyun City, or in the civilian area, at Holy Moon Square.

Compared with Moyun Square, the Holy Moon Square in front of us seems too small. Even the two squares are dilapidated and out of shape.

But at least Moyun Square can be seen at a glance as a square.

As for Holy Moon Square, when Zhao Cheng first came across it, he once suspected that it was a wasteland, the kind that was circled on the edge of the city and was said to be developed, but after decades, no one came there. The kind developed.

Zhao Cheng stopped. From extreme speed to stillness, there was no sense of sluggishness in his movements. This was a manifestation of his strong control over his body.

Even after sprinting continuously for a quarter of an hour, Zhao Chenglian's breathing did not become disordered at all, but his breathing rhythm became a little deeper.

The only strange thing is that Zhao Cheng's entire body has turned red at this moment, and blood seems to be dripping from his skin.

But the strange thing is that there is no sweat on his body, only streams of air exhaled from his nose, like a steam engine spewing steam, forming bursts of white mist.

Sweating is a cooling mode of the human body, but at the same time, the rapid loss of sweat also brings about the weakness of the human body, which is the so-called leakage of vitality.

At this time, if Zhao Cheng opened his pores and allowed his body to cool down naturally, his body temperature would naturally drop very quickly, but he would definitely not have the strength to fight next.

Like it is now, it will only cause a certain amount of pressure and damage to the internal organs. If it happens too many times, it will be a sudden death at most, which is much better than losing combat effectiveness.

After all, it is in the copy.

Just like that, Zhao Cheng stood in front of the square, relying on natural breathing to adjust his state. After ten minutes, Zhao Cheng's state had recovered to more than half. A short period of action would not affect his peak combat power, which is his endurance.

It can't be compared to the first time.

Until this time, Zhao Chengcai raised his sword and moved forward step by step, and then walked forward for another hundred meters. Under a broken wall, a monster like a mummy was sitting paralyzed under the broken wall, covering himself with one hand.


At first glance, it looks like a deliberate poss.

Zhao Cheng suspected that the other party might have been in such a state before his death, and that it was the time when his obsession was the deepest, so even if he came back from the dead, he would still be the same.

As he got closer, he could see more clearly that the mummy, named the Heartless Man, was about a little over 1.7 meters tall, and his body was skinny and skinny.

But Zhao Cheng, who has fought against the opponent, knows that this does not mean that the opponent is weak. In terms of strength, although the opponent cannot compare with the boxing master Sun Ming, in terms of speed, he cannot match the boxing monster Li Jie. Compared with himself,

But it is larger.

However, the most powerful thing about the opponent is not its strength and speed, but a weird mental attack!

Among the many monsters Zhao Cheng encountered, most of them were based on strength. Even if the secret killing move contained spiritual strikes, it was incidental to the boxing technique, similar to the intention of the boxing.

There are only three, those who work hard, those who lose heart, and those who have lost their way. They are the most special. This specialness is almost a difference in the direction of evolution.

And from the name, we can also tell something, that is, there is something wrong with their "heart".

In this regard, Zhao Cheng had some doubts. Does this mean that the extraordinary body represents the power of this world that has the upper hand, and the weird spirit represents the power of the blood moon that has the upper hand? Therefore, there are two types of people with different evolutionary directions.


Of course, this is just a guess, and it cannot rule out the possibility that this world will develop on another extraordinary path.

One step, two steps, three steps

Zhao Cheng got closer and closer.

Until Zhao Cheng was about six meters away from the monster, suddenly, the monster moved.

The other party was in the corner, like a yellow bullet, bouncing directly over. The pair of empty eyes that were originally closed opened. Coupled with the other party's face that was wrinkled together like a shriveled orange, he couldn't say no.

It came out horrifying.

But this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the other party roared. The strange power contained in the roar shook Zhao Cheng's spirit and made Zhao Cheng seem to have many illusions in front of his eyes.

The monster in front of him is no longer a monster, but a person close to him, but he is no longer a human, but has become a monster. His fingers have become tentacles, and the sword in his hand has also become a monster.

Twisted viper.

This chapter has been completed!
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