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Chapter 387: Pretending to sneak in, I am the 666th Blood Disciple

The Snake Peak Celestial Cave is filled with a faint blood energy, as if there is a foreign aura condensed in the Celestial Cave.

Every cave where Xuezi is stationed is as vast as a small world.

"It's also the Underworld Cave, but it's a little different from the Underworld Cave in the Qinghua Realm. The blood here is richer, and it seems to have a foreign aura.

"Is it the breath of Hell? Is it possible that the holes in the heaven and earth here are more fragile, so that the breath of Hell can gather and not disperse?"

Xu Yan was walking in the Heavenly Cave, noticing the differences in the Heavenly Cave here, and couldn't help but be secretly curious.

"Did a treasure like the Blood Heart Fruit appear because the breath of hell gathered together and blended with the breath of this world?"

A large city was built at the entrance of the Snake Peak Sky Cave. If the enemy from Hell wants to break out of the Sky Cave, they must defeat this large defensive city.

To a certain extent, the Dagaishan side has some advantages, otherwise it would not be possible to build a large defensive city in the Tiancao.

In the center of the big city is a high tower, and there is a vaguely powerful aura. It is the elder of the Wan family who is sitting here, the Immortal Heavenly Power.

"The Blood Heart Fruit grows deep in the Sky Cave, in the core area of ​​the Hades Camp. Blood Heart Fruit may exist in other places, but it is rare to find it, so the most convenient way is to go to the depths of the Sky Cave to pick it."

Xu Yan looked into the depths of the cave and could vaguely sense some fighting around him.

I learned from other warriors that the Wan family was planning to take the initiative to launch a battle against the Underworld in twenty days, and fight deep into the Sky Cave in order to harvest the Blood Core Fruit.

For this reason, Wanjia has given generous rewards, and some scattered cultivators, True King Tianzun, are gathering to help.

"Twenty days is too long."

Xu Yan couldn't wait twenty days. Every day was extremely precious to him.

"In this cave, only the blood disciples pose a threat to me. As long as I avoid the blood disciples, the other blood disciples are not a worry."

Xu Yan walked all the way towards the depths of the cave.

Since the war had just begun, there were only sporadic conflicts and battles in the cave. The blood disciples and blood slaves had all returned to the base camp, and not many were patrolling outside.

"Can I pretend to be a vampire?"

Xu Yan suddenly thought of this question.

"It doesn't seem too difficult to imitate the aura of a blood disciple. If you are like light and dust, you can also imitate the aura of a blood disciple..."

Xu Yan began to think thoughtfully.

Before this, he had never thought about pretending to be a blood disciple, but in order to pick blood core fruits, he suddenly came up with this idea.

"However, the skin of blood disciples is all blood red. Even the strongest blood disciples' skin is not so red, but it still has some red.

"If you want to pass yourself off as a vampire, you must first turn your skin into blood red."

It’s not difficult to imitate a scent, but how to imitate blood-red skin?

Xu Yan pondered as he thought about the Qi and Blood realm, the first level of martial arts. If the Qi and blood float on the skin, wouldn't it also turn into blood red?

"Worth a try."

Xu Yan secretly became excited, "As long as you avoid that blood disciple, you will definitely not be discovered. And that blood disciple will never pay attention to every blood disciple who comes back. He will leave immediately after picking the blood heart fruit."


"As long as you pick the blood core fruit, you can return it even if it is exposed."

Xu Yan thought that his escape speed would be enough to return to the defensive city at the entrance of the cave before Xuezi came after him.

The elder of the Wan family would naturally take action to resist the incoming blood son.

"Find a patrolling vampire to impersonate you."

Xu Yan began to search for blood disciples in the cave.

Finally, on the outskirts near the depths of the cave, I met a blood slave leading a dozen blood slaves on patrol.


In order to avoid making a big noise and pretending that the plan failed, Xu Yan took action and instantly enveloped the team in the sword-like mountains and rivers.


Those blood slaves turned into blood mist and died in an instant.


The blood disciple was shocked. He held the knife in his hand and struck suddenly, trying to resist the attack and calling for help at the same time.

But in the mountains and rivers within the sword, no movement or movement could be transmitted.


The sword intent was fierce and the sword light swept across, but within a few breaths, the blood disciple was killed!

Xu Yan raised his hand and made a move, and he absorbed the blood droplets of the blood disciple and kept them directly on his body, clothes, and scarlet sword.

He put on the blood disciple's clothes, hung the scarlet sword on his waist, pondered for a moment, and the muscles on his face squirmed a few times, turning into the general appearance of the blood disciple.

Taking a deep breath, the long-lost energy and blood surged up, and the skin turned light red.

The aura on his body also gradually changed, matching the blood bead on his body. At this moment, Xu Yan was no different from a blood disciple.

"It shouldn't be discovered, right?"

Xu Yan took a look at himself and made sure that there were no flaws before he set off to the depths of the Sky Cave, where the core of the Underworld was.

As for the blood slave team he led, they just disappeared when they disappeared. They just lied about being attacked and the blood slaves were killed.

This kind of thing didn't happen once or twice.

In fact, Xu Yan once heard that once some blood disciples were injured, their blood power was severely depleted, and they would even devour their blood slaves to replenish their consumption.

This is no secret in Hades.

The deeper you go into the cave, the richer the blood becomes, reflecting in all directions, and there is a gloomy aura permeating the air.

Along the way, they met several patrolling teams. Regarding this lonely blood disciple, the other patrolling blood disciples didn’t say anything, but their expressions seemed to confirm that he had been attacked, injured, and devoured the blood slaves under his command.


Huge blood-red stone houses are lined up one after another, forming a row. Looking around, you can see that in the center of the group of stone houses is a towering huge stone house, with the top of the stone roof shining with blood.

That's where the blood is.

And around Xuezi's towering stone house, the inner circle was the residence of the blood disciples, and the outermost circle was the residence of the blood slaves. Xu Yan discovered that the blood slaves did not live alone in the stone house.

The blood disciples have independent stone houses. From the intensity of the blood light on the stone houses, one can identify each other's strength and status.

"Which stone house is my stone house?"

Xu Yan suddenly began to ponder.

"Forget it, I'm here to find the Blood Heart Fruit, not to live here, but where is the Blood Heart Fruit?"

Xu Yan entered the group of stone houses and tried to act normal and familiar, but secretly he was exploring the location of the Blood Core Fruit.

"Hey, is that a blood heart fruit?"

Suddenly, Xu Yan saw a vine-like blood-red plant growing in front of a blood disciple's stone house not far ahead. The plant grew along the stone house, and a blood-red fruit the size of an egg and shaped like a heart hung from the vine.


Xu Yan leisurely and leisurely, as if taking a leisurely stroll, came to the stone house, came to the blood heart fruit, stared at the blood heart fruit, and then raised his hand to pick it off.


The door of the stone house opened, and a blood disciple came out, glared at him and said angrily: "867, this is my thing!"

Eight sixty-seven?

Xu Yan was startled, and immediately understood that this was the codename of his fake blood disciple.

"Brother, come, come, come, here is your chance to make a contribution!"

Xu Yan leaned forward, put his arm around the other person's shoulders, and pulled the other person into the stone room with a familiar look.

"I have a clever plan that will make great achievements. Since this thing belongs to you, let's join forces and share the credit equally..."

Xu Yan looked mysterious and lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that outsiders might hear about his meritorious deeds.

The blood disciple was a little confused. Was he familiar with 867?

"What opportunity for meritorious service?"

But he still asked subconsciously.

The two of them entered the stone house. Everything in the stone house fell into Xu Yan's eyes. To his surprise, there were two blood core fruits on the table.

"This blood heart fruit seems to be of no use to blood disciples. It is just eaten as a spiritual fruit?"

Xu Yan was a little surprised, but thinking that the creatures in the underworld were different after all, and practiced different martial arts, it was not surprising.

A special treasure like the Blood Heart Fruit can only have a magical effect on the warriors of this world.

"This is of great use, it can attract people..."

Xu Yan stepped forward, picked up the blood core fruit, and while talking, he put his arm around the blood disciple's shoulders and said: "Brother, listen to me, I have a big plan..."

"876, why do I think something is wrong with you!"

The blood disciple suddenly frowned, looking vaguely wary.

"because I……"


The sword pierced the blood disciple's heart, instantly annihilating the opponent's vitality. In the other's disbelieving eyes, Xu Yan slowly said: "...not the 876 blood disciple."


The blood followers turned into ashes and disappeared.

Xu Yan collected the opponent's blood beads, and his aura changed, turning into the blood disciple who had just been killed.

"Let's see if there are any treasures left."

Xu Yan searched the stone house.

Soon, he found the name of this blood disciple: Six Six Six.

"From now on, I am a 666 blood disciple!"

Xu Yan smiled.

Putting on the clothes of the 666 Blood Disciple, he walked out of the stone house, and then continued to look for the Blood Heart Fruit. This thing is a treasure, and the Wan family is offering a heavy reward to get the Blood Heart Fruit.

The Wan family is the overlord of Dagaishan and controls the land of Dagaishan. It is rich in resources and has countless treasures from heaven, materials and earth. They can just exchange the blood core fruit for the special treasure of their own blood.

Xu Yan went directly to the stone house next to him and knocked on the door. A blood disciple opened the door and looked at him suspiciously, "Old Liu, what do you want from me?"

"Is such that……"

Xu Yan easily put his arms around the opponent's shoulders, entered the stone house, and then closed the door of the stone house. This series of actions was very skillful, as if he had practiced countless times.

"Lao Liu, I came today because I have a big plan to share with you. Do you know this kind of fruit? Actually..."

Xu Yan said mysteriously while picking up the blood fruit on the table.

The blood disciple asked curiously: "What plan? You idiot, what plan can you have?"

Xu Yan was sure that this Blood Disciple had a very good relationship with Blood Disciple 666. They were neighbors after all, and the look in each other's eyes seemed to be a little surprised at how the old neighbor had changed his personality.

Therefore, this person cannot be retained, otherwise there is a risk of exposure.

"Hey, don't you understand? I, the sixth one, have always been calm..."


Holding the opponent's shoulders with one hand, he stabbed the opponent's heart with a sword, annihilating his vitality and making him unable to make a sound before he died.

The blood disciple was shocked, Lao Liu actually wanted to kill him!

After dealing with the blood disciples, Xu Yan put away the blood core fruit, walked out of the stone house, pondered for a while, and walked to the next stone house.

"You're so poor, you don't even have a blood core fruit!"

Xu Yan walked out of a stone house cursing secretly in his heart.

This was already the eighth stone house he visited, and it turned out that not all blood disciples had blood hearts.

"Hey, there is a blood heart fruit here."

Xu Yan conveniently picked the blood core fruit growing outside the house of a blood disciple. After waiting for a while, no one came out of the stone house. It seemed that they were no longer there, so he turned around and left.

"This blood disciple is not weak. He probably has hundreds of blood disciples under his command. The closer he is to the blood disciples inside, the higher his strength and level will be.

"This also means that these vampires have more resources."

Xu Yan pondered for a moment, then he slowly walked towards the row of stone houses in the inside.

As a blood disciple of 666, visit each blood disciple.

"The number of blood core fruits is still too small. I have killed hundreds of blood disciples and only collected more than thirty blood core fruits. I don't know if the blood core fruits will be effective every time I take them."

Xu Yan sighed in his heart, the Blood Heart Fruit was very rare even on this side of Hell.

Along the way, hundreds of stone houses were empty, and their owners were all killed by this 666 blood disciple.

"The Wan family should thank me for weakening the strength of this sky cave."

Xu Yan sighed in his heart.

"I'm in Qinghua Realm, why didn't I think of pretending to be a blood disciple?"

The stone house in front of us is the innermost stone house among the blood disciples' stone houses, and it is also the largest row of blood disciples' stone houses.

This means that the blood disciple in this stone house is the strongest and must be comparable to the peak of True King Tianzun.

"After all, I am not a blood disciple. If I encounter a careful investigation, I will still be exposed, so I must be cautious."

Xu Yan knocked on the door of the stone house.

The owner of this stone house has such a high status, so he must have a lot of treasures. There should be no shortage of fruits like blood heart fruit, right?

It's just that the opponent's strength is too strong, so he must kill him with one strike without making any noise, otherwise he will be alerted and he will be in big trouble.

The door of the stone house opened, and a burly, ferocious-looking blood disciple appeared. Xu Yan just followed the same example, and he didn't expect the other person to speak first, and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Xiao Liu'er, what do you want from me?"

When Xu Yan heard this, his heart skipped a beat, "The blood disciples of Sixty-Six and Six are taking orders from this man. This is going to be difficult."

There were many blood disciples, and naturally they had leaders. They were divided into many teams. Judging from the tone and look of the blood disciples in front of them, the sixty-sixth blood disciples obviously belonged to his subordinates.


Xu Yan said in a deep voice, with a solemn look on his face, and went directly into the stone house, as if the important matter he was talking about could not be known to others.

"What's the big deal?"

The ferocious-looking blood disciple frowned, looking a little displeased, but it was only displeasure and not vigilant. After all, since Hell invaded this world, no one had ever pretended to be lurking in.

It is difficult to conceal each other's aura, just like the Hell Blood Disciples and Blood Slaves cannot pretend to be forces lurking into this world.

As soon as Xu Yan entered the stone house, he saw several blood core fruits on the table and plates, and sighed in his heart that he was indeed one of the strongest blood disciples, and the treatment was good.

"That's right, I heard from the Wan family..."

Xu Yan approached the blood disciple, lowered his voice and spoke solemnly.

(End of chapter)

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