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Chapter 569 Swallowing the world of Hongze, the weird beauty

"Master, we are back!"

Dahuang and Meng Chong saluted their master respectfully.


Li Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, we are not far from reaching the realm of heaven and earth."

"Meng Chong!"

Ziyun flew over and hung directly on Meng Chong, extremely excited.

Du Yuying and Yun Miaomiao also came, and they couldn't help but feel a little regretful when they didn't see Xu Yan.

"Where's brother Xu Yan?"

Ao Yuxue asked curiously.

"Elder brother has gone off to wander the land of immortality alone, and he won't be back so soon."

Fang Hao explained.

All acquaintances gathered together, and Meng Chong and the three of them talked about their trip.

"The Temple of Fuhua is also looking for Hongze Tiandi. It seems that it is about to take action against Dahuang."

Old man Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Master, was it you who destroyed the Lord of Heaven and Earth in the Fuhua Temple?"

Fang Hao couldn't help but ask for confirmation.

Li Xuan smiled, and Fang Hao understood, it was indeed the master!

On Hongze Heaven and Earth, a group of powerful men from the Great Wilderness were discussing how to deal with this world.

“How to use Hongze Heaven and Earth?”

"The annexation of the dead world into the Great Wilderness will take away part of the vitality of the Great Wilderness in a short period of time, causing the vitality of the Great Wilderness to weaken and take some time to recover. This is not good for the Great Wilderness that is about to face the Temple of Immortality.


"How about shattering the Hongze world and integrating it in batches?"

"There is a huge difference between the broken world and the complete world."

The powerful men were discussing, but they didn't notice that a head poked out from a certain mountain peak, watching them discussing how to deal with the world.

Then, his eyes stared straight at the vast world, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, he seemed to have figured out what to do and retracted his head.

Tian Zi summoned a group of powerful men from the Great Wilderness to gather in the Qinghua Sect to prepare for the Great Wilderness to annex Hongze World.

"I already have a plan on how to deal with Hongze Heaven and Earth. Since it is a dead world, it can be used to connect Yin and Yang. One part will become the Yin Realm, and the other part will serve as the junction of Yin and Yang.

"Strengthen the yin and yang of the Great Wilderness and perfect the cycle of reincarnation. As for the meaning of death and silence, I will wash it away with the way of heaven and turn it into the power of the rules of the way of heaven, which will not have any impact on the Great Wilderness.

"The annexation of Hongze Heaven and Earth this time requires you to spend more effort. Of course, the harvest is also huge. The fusion of yin and yang, the cycle of reincarnation, and the emergence of heaven. This is an opportunity for you.

"It depends on your talent and understanding, whether you can seize this opportunity and quickly break through the realm of heaven."

Hearing what Tian Zi said, all the powerful men were excited. The Heavenly Dao realm, that is a realm comparable to the strength of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

No matter how weak the Lord of Heaven and Earth is, he is still the one they need to look up to now.

"You can tell us how to do it, and we will do our best!"

"For the wilderness, for the way of heaven, for the eternal heaven and earth, everything is worth it!"

All the world leaders said excitedly.

Tian Zi nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Once reincarnation is perfected, you can leave a trace of your soul in the world when fighting against the Immortal Temple. Once the god dies, you can be reincarnated. With your martial arts perception and martial arts experience, you can

Recover your strength quickly and even have a chance to make up for your current martial arts shortcomings."

When all the world leaders heard this, their breathing suddenly became heavy. They knew very well what this meant.

This is equivalent to giving them an extra life and a chance to make up for their own martial arts shortcomings. Even if they are already a world lord level expert, if they look back, they will find some imperfections in their martial arts training along the way.

If I could start over, with my current understanding of martial arts, I would definitely be able to make up for some imperfections, making myself stronger and able to go further.

"Of course, the premise of all this is that the wilderness is still there and the way of heaven is still there!"

Tian Zi said in a deep voice.

"So what if I risk everything for the sake of the wilderness!"

"Yes, I would rather die with the enemy than live!"

A group of strong men said with solemn expressions.

As for Dahuang and Tiandao, how could they be destroyed? No matter how hard they fought, they would all be heroes of Tiandao from now on. After overcoming the threat of the temple, the stronger Tiandao would be, the more they could benefit from it.

"very good!"

With a smile on his face, Tian Zi then arranged tasks for the world masters to prepare for the annexation of Hongze World.

The flying boat pulling the world has been withdrawn, but Hongze Tiandi is still slowly approaching the wilderness world. Once it approaches a certain distance, it will be captured by the rules of heaven and start the process of integrating into the wilderness.

However, before that, some preliminary preparations need to be made, so the masters of all realms in the wilderness have tasks and are busy.

The powerful supreme realms in all major caves must also be arranged, such as going to various places in the wilderness to station a supreme realm within a certain range to prevent some fluctuations from causing huge turmoil and casualties.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, but no one noticed that occasionally a stone head would poke out from a mountain peak in Hongze World and observe all of this.

Su Lingxiu took the time to visit Hongze Heaven and Earth to study how to restore the dead world. Heaven and earth can also be healed, which was of great help to her study of elixir, medicine and martial arts.

Finally, the day came when heaven and earth merged. Hongze heaven and earth were very close to the wilderness, approaching the edge of the rules of heaven and earth.

After all, Hongze Heaven and Earth is a complete world. Even though it is much smaller than the Great Wilderness, the approach of Hongze Heaven and Earth also allows many warriors from all regions of the Great Wilderness to see a huge black shadow descending on the sky.

Fortunately, the Supreme Realm experts from all over the country have appeased these warriors in advance, and the Dahuang Cabinet has even issued a notice. This is the moment when the world is ascending, and it is also when a great opportunity comes. Let many warriors seize the opportunity in the advancement of the world.

Break through the bottleneck and realize the way of heaven.

Therefore, the warriors who originally had some disputes and were even hostile to each other are now busy waiting for the heaven and earth to ascend and for the opportunity to comprehend the way of heaven to come.


Hongze Heaven and Earth was captured by the rules of Heaven. Heaven washed away Hongze Heaven and Earth, and the Immortal Land rolled up a storm of spiritual energy, like a huge funnel, sucking in the spiritual energy of this area.

Spiritual energy continued to sweep in, pouring into the Hongze world, and the unchanging energy also continued to surge in, and some changes began to occur in the Hongze world.

The meaning of death was slowly swallowed by the law of heaven under the erosion of the law of heaven, strengthening the power of a certain rule of the law of heaven.


Hongze Heaven and Earth continued to fall, while the Great Wilderness World and the Yin Realm appeared. A huge vortex of Yin and Yang appeared. The major realm masters were desperately mobilizing their own power to control everything.


The vortex of Yin and Yang has touched the Hongze world, like a huge mouth, slowly devouring the world. The underworld is turbulent, reincarnation is unfolding, and the laws of heaven are shining with brilliance.

While the powerful men mobilized their power according to their own tasks, they took the opportunity to understand the way of heaven, integrate a ray of soul consciousness into the way of heaven, and intuitively understand the way of heaven. This is a God-given opportunity.

Because the way of heaven is supreme, even if Tianzi gives a small start, the rules of heaven will not be presented in such an intuitive way. After all, Tianzi will not let the way of heaven lose its foundation of being supreme.

Therefore, this time the rules of heaven are presented intuitively, and it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to intuitively understand the way of heaven.

"It's almost successful!"

Everyone was excited. Half of the dead Hongze world blended with the breath of the Yin world and gradually turned into a part of the Yin world. The other half of the world was at the junction of Yin and Yang. The side close to the Yin world had a stronger breath, while the other half was close to the Yang world.

On one side, the breath ladder of the Yin world weakens and gradually merges with the Yang world.

This is a step-by-step process. When crossing yin and yang, you can gradually adapt, instead of being yin and yang all at once. Such a huge and instantaneous gap may not be bearable by the weak.

Moreover, the intersection of yin and yang is also conducive to understanding yin and yang and cultivating the way of yin and yang reincarnation.

These are all preparations for the future martial arts in Dahuang and the addition of Yin and Yang methods.

The Hongze world continues to descend, the vortex of Yin and Yang is devouring the heaven and earth, and the rules of heaven are constantly strengthening, constantly washing away the Hongze world, and the entire wilderness is slowly growing.

The spiritual energy of the Immortal Land, the storm, is constantly sweeping in. The violent spiritual energy enters the rules of heaven and slowly becomes gentle and soft.

The aura of heaven and earth is strengthening, the rules of heaven and earth are strengthening, and the constant influx of unchanging energy is making the whole world become more and more solid.

At a certain moment, there was a thud, and something seemed to have happened in the Hongze world. A hand actually reached out, and a strange force appeared.

This hand penetrates the vortex of Yin and Yang from Hongze heaven and earth, seeming to want to gain dominance over heaven and earth.


Everyone was startled by the sudden change.

What shocked them even more was that the aura coming out of this hand was clearly the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and a Lord of Heaven and Earth more powerful than Mandrill.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth suddenly takes action at this critical moment. How can they resist?

The rules of heaven are merging heaven and earth, and it is impossible to draw out more power to deal with this sudden Lord of Heaven and Earth.

That hand is reaching into the vortex of Yin and Yang, as if it wants to reach into the wilderness, want to occupy the heaven and earth, gain some dominance of the world, and then control the world in its hand.

It was obvious that he had planned it for a long time and chose to take action at this time.

"A strong man from the Immortal Temple?"

All the strong men looked horrified.

"No, this aura is different from that of the Immortal Temple!"

Taihe said in a deep voice.


Meng Chong, Fang Hao, and Jiang Buping were all shocked. How come there was a Lord of Heaven and Earth hidden in Hongze Heaven and Earth? They had never discovered it.

Canggui was also stunned. His heart was trembling at this moment. If the Lord of Heaven and Earth suddenly took action, he would definitely die!

After all, in the Land of Immortality, he did not yet have the jade talisman to protect him. The Lord of Heaven and Earth suddenly took action, and Meng Chong and the others were too late to save him.

"It's from Yuting!"

That hand was as white and flawless as if it were carved from jade. This was clearly the strong man of Yuting!

"Little guy, you've been thinking for so long to figure out how to act and what to do. You're a little slow."

Li Xuan smiled slightly.

Raising his hand to grab, everyone saw a hand appearing on the ground in Hongze, grabbing the person who made the move. The person who made the move seemed to want to resist, but was unable to make any resistance movement.

The person who was originally as huge as a jade sculpture continued to shrink in the palm of his hand, and finally became the size of a normal human being, and was snatched away from Hongze Heaven and Earth by the palm of his hand.


The strong men suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and it was Senior Dao Ancestor who took action again.

With Senior Dao Ancestor here, all crises do not exist. In the battle with the Fuhua Temple, the victor must be us!

Qinghua Sect, in the small courtyard.

A man as white as jade was captured.

"Is this the strong man from Yuting?"

Mu Mandrill couldn't help but enter the yard and look at the beautiful woman.

The beauty's eyes glowed with silvery white brilliance, and she looked at Li Xuan who was sitting leisurely. Her voice was slightly slow, but her solemn tone could be heard.

"Who are you!"

Then he seemed to think for a moment, and then said: "There shouldn't be someone as powerful as you in heaven and earth!"

Li Xuan did not answer. After all, what is there to talk about with a jade doll, even if this jade doll has a certain degree of self-thinking and autonomous consciousness.

But a jade doll is a jade doll.

"Yuting, so interesting!"

Li Xuan suddenly became curious about Yuting. A jade doll actually had its own thoughts, self-awareness, and was extremely powerful.

How strong must the person who created this jade doll be, and how did he make the jade doll possess such strength and a certain mindset?

Moreover, why is it a jade doll? Is it true that only jade dolls can be given this kind of strength?

"A jade doll that can create the strength of the Lord of Heaven and Earth must be above the Lord of Heaven and Earth and have a certain amount of creation power."

Although Yuting is strong, Li Xuan doesn't take it seriously because he is in the Hunyuan realm.

With his strength and methods, it is not difficult to refine a doll with power above that of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

The mystery of creation is already in the palm of his hand. He is the Taoist, a veritable Taoist!

"Why don't you answer?"

The beautiful woman frowned, her silver eyes kept shining, as if she was thinking rapidly, and then she said, "Are you guilty?"

Meng Chong and others had strange expressions on their faces. Why did this beauty feel a little strange? How did he come to the answer that the master had a guilty conscience?

The beauty's mind doesn't seem very smart.

"Are you afraid of my Yuting?"

The beauty continued to tell the answer she came up with after deep thinking.

Li Xuan picked up a cup of tea and drank it leisurely without paying any attention to it.

"You're a little crazy!"

The beauty continued to draw her own conclusions.

"You are very strong, but I, Yuting, am also very strong. Please let me go!"

The beauty's body glowed with silver-white brilliance, but she couldn't break free from her imprisonment, so she spoke again.

Seeing that Li Xuan didn't speak, the beauty continued to think, the silvery-white brilliance in his eyes appeared in a ripple-like halo, and then he came to the conclusion he thought he had.

"I understand, you arrested me to blackmail Yuting? Or, negotiate with Yuting!"

Having said this, the beauty seems to feel that she has understood Li Xuan's fundamental purpose.

"It's impossible. I, Yu Ting, have never been threatened, and I have never surrendered!"

The beauty showed a mocking look.

"Kill me if you are brave enough, and wait for the thunderous wrath of my Jade Court!"

The beauty became cold and arrogant.

Everyone in the courtyard had strange expressions on their faces. Why did this beautiful lady feel like there was something wrong with her brain?

"Master, don't you kill him? Aren't you angry?"

Su Lingxiu couldn't help but said curiously.

Li Xuan smiled and said: "Why bother getting angry with Yiyu? He can say whatever he likes."

Everyone was startled.

"Master, what did you say? Is this a jade doll?"

Fang Hao had a look of disbelief on his face.

(End of chapter)

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