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Chapter 589 Mingyu wakes up, Taihao Divine Jade


Meng Chong punched the jade doll. In an instant, the jade doll cracked, like a jade sculpture being shattered. But at the moment when the jade doll cracked, all the fragments melted instantly and converged into a silver light, shooting out

Towards Meng Chong.

This was obviously a strike that the jade puppet had prepared for a long time. It lowered Meng Chong's vigilance at the cost of shattering, and he unleashed this strike in an instant.


The silver light shot on Meng Chong. Different from ordinary attacks, this silver light was obviously aimed at the divine soul. It was a powerful attack to kill the divine soul.


Meng Chong chuckled lightly. Seeing that his physical body was strong, he mistakenly thought that his weakness was his soul. He thought that he could break through his own soul defense with his powerful soul attack technique?


The golden waves on Meng Chong's body were rolling, causing ripples. The silver light that came from it only caused a circle of ripples. Under the immeasurable divine wave, it was resolved and eliminated in an instant.

"If you don't accept it, fight again!"

Meng Chong touched his head, raised his hand to grab it, and found a big knife in his hand, and his aura became more and more powerful.

The Immortal God Lord and the Lord of the Jade Court both looked at each other with concentrated expressions. They stared at Meng Chong and Jiang Buping, their hearts filled with awe. What kind of martial arts is this? The physical body is extremely powerful, and the defense of the divine soul is also equally powerful.

Majoring in the power of the soul, why is the physical body so incredible?

This was beyond their knowledge of martial arts. They were shocked and could not help but frown.

That mysterious Taoist ancestor actually set such a rule, so he was obviously sure of victory.

The Immortal Lord's expression was gloomy, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. He thought that the arrangement this time could be completed with a wave of his hand, but who would have thought that a terrifying existence would appear.

Facing this existence, he felt deeply powerless and had to bow his head.

However, he is unwilling to fail at all costs. He is unwilling to be exiled here. He wants revenge!

"King Black Chi, let the true spirit come out."

The Immortal God Lord looked at King Black Chi and said.

King Hei Chi was hesitant. After all, if he offended the Taoist ancestor, would it bring him trouble?

As ancient as it was, it was shocked that such a terrifying and powerful person existed in the world, and it didn't know it from beginning to end.

"Now that the matter has come to this, how long will it take to escape? Don't you want to see if my arrangement can succeed? Don't you want to seize the slightest chance?"

The Immortal God Lord said in a deep voice.

"All right!"

The Black Chi King exhaled, and one true spirit after another came out behind it. The strength of these true spirits are all at the peak of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and the true spirit power of each true spirit is different. So combined,

It covers almost all attacks, whether they are against the soul or the body.

"I'm going to play too!"

Fang Hao slapped the weapon box, and thousands of artifacts flew out like a torrent. He stepped out and entered the battlefield. With one step, the overall situation of Qimen appeared, and immediately a large formation was arranged, directly including some of the true spirits.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

The Immortal God Lord's expression became a little gloomier again.

There is another strong man coming out of the wilderness, and his methods are so incredible.


Ao Hong let out a dragon roar and took action. He looked down on the Immortal God Lord and said coldly: "Come to the temple, let's have a fight."

A gray-robed man walked out with a gloomy expression and fought with Ao Hong.

Xu Yan did not take action, and Su Lingxiu had no intention of taking action. After all, she did not like fighting, but watched with great interest.

On the contrary, the red cat wanted to take action, but it was a mount now, so he could only watch in depression.

For Xu Yan, the current battle is just the Immortal God Lord testing the strength of the wilderness, and the real war has not yet come.

After all, the rule is that the big cannot bully the small, but there is no rule that the big cannot bully the small. In terms of the number of powerful Lords of Heaven and Earth, it is obvious that the side of the Immortal God Lord has a huge advantage.

The Immortal God Lord is waiting, waiting for the opportunity to rush in and defeat the powerful Lord of Heaven and Earth in the wilderness.

The brilliance of Mingyu's body is fading, and the texture of jade on her body is gradually disappearing, and she is transforming towards a real living being.

"Mingyu is about to wake up."

Xu Yan is looking forward to it. After Mingyu wakes up, he should regain his memory and know more things, including some of Taihao's situation.

The battle between the two sides continued, and Xiao Laotou and others also ended up one after another. However, although they were in the Heavenly Dao realm, their strength was still weaker when facing the powerful Lord of Heaven and Earth. After all, they had just entered the Heavenly Dao realm not long ago.

But it is not impossible to resist, especially when using the divine power of heaven, it can even force the enemy back.

Now, it's not time to fight desperately, so if you lose, you can retreat directly in defeat, recover from injuries, and accumulate combat experience.

With the elixir for healing and recovery, the strong men of the wilderness soon entered the battlefield again. As the number of battles increased, their strength also increased in the battles, especially the use of heavenly powers. They became more proficient and gained more insights.

Mingyu's eyelids moved, and then he slowly opened his eyes. In his eyes, there was less of the cuteness and innocence of the past, and less of the dull feeling. Instead, there was more maturity, sadness and emotion.

It has also become richer.

She is no longer a jade doll with simple thinking, but a real person with complete human thoughts and emotions.

The Lord of the Jade Court seemed to feel something. He looked over and sighed lightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Mingyu, how's it going? Have you remembered everything?"

Xu Yan asked curiously.

"It's Xu Yan!"

Mingyu looked at him and smiled. At this moment, the cute and innocent Mingyu seemed to be back.

"It's me!"

Xu Yan nodded, with a look of curiosity on his face, "Mingyu, what did you remember? I know Taihao, it's outside the realm of immortality. If it's convenient for you, tell me."

Mingyu tilted his head slightly and looked at him, as if he was thinking. His expression was just like the way Mingyu was thinking when they first met.


Mingyu nodded and showed a slightly cute smile.

The sadness deep in her eyes seems to have been covered up. It seems that the sadness can no longer affect her, and now she is just as cute and innocent as the jade doll.

Li Xuan glanced at Mingyu and didn't say anything. It was a kind of relief to let go of his past self and choose another one. All the memories of the past were nothing but smoke and bubbles, nothing more than talk topics in his spare time.

Isn't it a good thing to have this understanding?

Perhaps this is another form of rebirth.

Mingyu made a choice. When she saw Xu Yan, she recalled everything she had with Xu Yan, and finally chose to be who she is now, not who she was before!

My former self is dead!

Xu Yan was so happy that he took out the table and chairs and put them on Red Cat's back, letting Mingyu sit down. Du Yuying and Yun Miaomiao sat next to Xu Yan on the left and right, taking out the spiritual cake and making tea.

, endlessly diligent.

Mingyu smiled brightly, tilted his head slightly, looked at Du Yuying and Yun Miaomiao, showing curiosity.

"This is Miss Du Yuying, this is Miss Yun Miaomiao!"

Xu Yan introduced.

Du Yuying and Yun Miaomiao hurriedly said: "I have met senior Mingyu!"

Mingyu was startled, then said with a sly smile: "Don't call me senior, I'm a new student and I'm not older than you!"

"Then just call Mingyu?"

Du Yuying thought for a while and said.

"Well, let's call it Mingyu!"

Mingyu tilted his head to think for a moment and nodded.

"Mingyu, tell me quickly, Taihao and that exquisite jade mountain."

Xu Yan said with expectation.


Mingyu nodded, just like before, tilting his head slightly, thinking and recalling, with a cute and dull look, "Taihao Realm, outside the land of immortality, Taihao is divided into thirty-three countries, and the strength is

The stronger you are, the higher you are in the sky. You need to reach a certain level of strength before you can go to heaven..."

The thirty-three days of Taihao are extremely vast, surpassing the current Great Desolate World, and the thirty-three days are as bright as this world. Unlike the sun, moon and stars of the Great Desolate World, they are transformed by the Tao. The sun, moon and stars of Taihao are as bright as this world.

, is a real existence and contains the powerful power of the sun, moon and stars.

The most powerful ones can even pick up stars and refine divine weapons, and the powerful ones at this level all live in the Thirty-three Heavens, among the top experts in Taihao.

For practitioners of Taihao, their lifelong pursuit is to go to heaven, pursue higher martial arts, and become a stronger being. For practitioners at the bottom, they work hard to climb and finally reach heaven, but they are shocked.

Discover that there is a heaven above heaven.

The strongest Taihao who lives in the thirty-three days has almost reached the end of his cultivation, and it is almost difficult to improve his strength. Outside the thirty-three days, there is the land of chaos. At first, there are the strongest people who go to the chaos.

A place of impenetrability from which there is no return.

With the understanding of the Land of Immortality, the strong people regard the Land of Immortality as a restricted area. Once you enter, you will not be able to come back. It is also called the Land of No Return. I don’t know when Taihao started to

The strong men of the big forces began to exile their enemies, or those who were difficult to kill, into the Land of Immortality.

People who were exiled from Taihao were called exiles. So far, long years have passed, and in Mingyu's memory, no exile has ever been able to return to Taihao.

Following Mingyu's introduction, Xu Yan and others had a more detailed understanding of Taihao Realm. They couldn't help but have a strong interest in Taihao Realm, and wanted to go there and experience Taihao's martial arts.

"Mingyu, how is Taihao strong? How is martial arts?"

Xu Yan asked curiously.

"With your strength, you are already at the top of Taihao. The strength of the Lord of Heaven and Earth is already at the top of Taihao. Even if there are stronger ones, there are only a few. The strength of the Immortal Land actually surpasses Taihao."

Mingyu smiled and said: "As for martial arts, I can only say that it is not as wonderful as your martial arts."

Xu Yan nodded, not surprised by this. After all, his martial arts was taught by his master, and his master is the Taoist ancestor!

"This is my exquisite jade medal. You can take a look at it. I hope it will inspire you."

As Mingyu spoke, she stretched out her palm in front of Xu Yan, and the small exquisite jade medal was on her palm.

"This is your inheritance. As an outsider, I'd better not read it."

Xu Yan shook his head and said.

"You can see the inheritance of Linglong Jade Mountain. I allowed it. It is mine."

Mingyu handed the exquisite jade seal to Xu Yan again.

"In that case, I won't be polite."

Xu Yan stretched out his hand, pressed it on the Linglong Jade Seal, and checked the inheritance of the Linglong Jade Seal, which was the martial arts from Taihao.

"Whatever, I just said, it's not as wonderful as your martial arts."

When Xu Yan retracted his hand, Mingyu put away the exquisite jade seal and said.

Xu Yan nodded. Linglong Yuzhang's inherited martial arts, compared with Taicang martial arts, both have their own merits, but they are far inferior to Dahuang martial arts.

"The Linglong Jade Seal is the inherited treasure of Taihao's Linglong Jade Mountain. Linglong Jade Mountain is the top sect of Taihao's Thirty-three Heavens. It has a long heritage and is powerful. Every day, there are subordinate sects of Linglong Jade Mountain..."

Without waiting for Xu Yan to ask, Mingyu began to tell about the origin of Linglong Yuzhang.

"The Linglong Jade Seal is one of the Taihao Divine Objects. Each Taihao Divine Object has its own unique magic. Only the power of the Taihao Divine Object can be regarded as the top force and is also called the Divine Sect.

"The wonder of the Linglong Jade Medal is its inheritance. It can be passed directly to the next person, or it can also allow the person who holds the Linglong Jade Medal to retrieve their own memories, strength, etc.

"And I am the seventh sect master of Linglong Jade Mountain in Taihao, and the seventh person in charge of Linglong Jade Chapter. So when I find Linglong Jade Chapter, I can regain my own memory."

Mingyu continued to talk, but Mingyu didn't mention why she went to the Land of Immortality and turned into a jade doll again. Obviously she didn't want to mention it.

Xu Yan did not ask any questions and continued to listen to Mingyu's story.

"In the entire Taihao, divine items are limited, and almost all of them spread the word about Taihao. Those who can obtain the divine items, as long as they don't die prematurely, will definitely become the overlord of the party and become one of the top experts in the Thirty-three Heavens, but most of them

Divine objects all have owners. Even if they are ownerless, who knows where they are?

"And the entire Taihao, or the largest divine object in the world, is the legendary Taihao Divine Jade, but the whereabouts and existence of the Taihao Divine Jade have always been a mystery!"

Having said this, he looked towards the distance of the Land of Immortality, with some guesses and some doubts in his eyes.

"I seem to know where the Taihao Divine Jade is, but I'm not sure, and it's very different from the legend!"

Mingyu sighed.

"Is Taihao Divine Jade mysterious?"

Xu Yan said curiously.

"All the divine objects in the world combined are not as good as the Taihao Divine Jade. As for the mystery of the Taihao Divine Jade, it is impossible to speculate, but there have always been rumors that whoever can get the Taihao Divine Jade will become invincible and dominate Taihao.


Mingyu blinked his eyes, thought for a moment and said.

Xu Yan couldn't help but become curious, is the Taihao Divine Jade so extraordinary?

The Linglong Jade Chapter is a divine object of Taihao, and among the divine objects, it ranks among the top. However, in Xu Yan's eyes, although it has some magical qualities, it is not as good as the Qingling Yuzhu, or even the same.

There is nothing better than the Yuangui Armor that he cultivated with the way of heaven and earth.

And the Taihao Divine Jade is inferior to all other divine objects put together. And the Taihao Divine Jade can make it invincible and become the master of Taihao?

Since Mingyu was not sure about the existence of the Taihao Divine Jade, Xu Yan couldn't help but ask his master, "Master, is the Taihao Divine Jade very strong? Can you dominate Taihao if you get the Taihao Divine Jade?"

(End of chapter)

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