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Chapter 103: The Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty is in disgrace! Tuotuo will be executed for twelve crimes!

Outside the Yuan army camp, when the Red Scarf Army heard that Emperor Meng Yuan was preparing to surrender, they immediately erupted in shouts like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Zhu Han was also overjoyed by this good news.

However, he still allowed himself to confirm it again after calming down.

"You mean, Tuohuan Timur is prepared to trade his own life for the lives of those soldiers?" Zhu Han asked.

"Yes, that's what the Great Khan said. He is a bodhisattva of great mercy and compassion, and he is definitely a true bodhisattva!"

This Western Region monk continued to chant.

"That's great, Deputy Commander, we've made a lot of money this time!" Chang Yuchun's happy face twitched with laughter.

"Yes, if we capture the Tatar Emperor, will he be remembered forever?" Hu Yiba's face flushed with excitement.

Zhu Han, however, has always been vigilant and is still full of doubts about this bald donkey's words.

The expression on his face was still calm and collected, and he said to the Western Region monks: "Go back and tell them, I swear on the water of the Huaihe River that as long as your emperor surrenders, I promise not to kill a single surrender, otherwise, the gods of heaven and earth will be killed immediately!"


After receiving Zhu Han's promise, the Western Region monk immediately returned to the camp happily.

However, when he returned to the camp, he found that the Mongolian and Yuan imperial guards inside had no intention of surrendering. Instead, they were gearing up one by one, as if preparing for a big battle.

"What, what's going on?" This Western Region monk was filled with doubts.

"The red scarf thief agreed?" You Cheng Hama came up and asked.

At this time, the monk from the Western Regions felt a chill running down his spine. He already knew that he had been deceived by his own people, and he was just afraid that his performance would be ruined if he knew the truth.

"I agreed, but the thieves have strong soldiers and horses. Do you really want to go into battle and fight?" Monk Fan was shocked.

"It's already a dead end, there's no other way!" Hama was also helpless.

Emperor Tuohuan Timur and others of the Yuan Dynasty immediately began preparations for a breakout after learning that the Red Scarf Army had agreed.

More than a thousand elite cavalry led by Generals Wanhu and Glenn of the Imperial Guard left the camp first.

They put on cloth clothes over their armors, each with their weapons hanging upside down, and led their respective mounts out of the camp gate.

In addition, behind He Glenn and others, there is a tall horse, on which sits a Yuan army soldier wearing the emperor's clothes. On the left and right are the Emperor Khan's ceremonial guards. From a distance, it is impossible to tell that he is a counterfeit.


"The Tatars surrender!"

"The Tatar Emperor comes out!"

"Dog Tatar, today is also the case!"

The Red Turban soldiers in the camp were already crazy with joy. Many of them left their duty and swarmed to the front to watch the surrender of the Meng Yuan Emperor from a distance.

There were also many gaps between the arrays of the Red Turban Army.

Xue Xue Wanhu and Glenn led the elites to pretend to surrender. Everything was so real and there was nothing wrong at all.


Zhu Han stared at the surrendering Yuan soldiers and imperial guards, but he felt an uneasy feeling in his heart.

At this time, Liu Bowen on the side suddenly spoke.

"Deputy Commander, the scene today looks like the posture of Emperor Xingyang of the Han Dynasty breaking out of an encirclement?"

When Chu and Han were fighting for hegemony, the Chu army surrounded Xingyang City, and Liu Bang was besieged in the city.

The Chu army blocked all the entrances and exits of Xingyang City, making it impossible for Liu Bang to escape.

If Liu Bang wants to escape, he must first attract the attention of the Chu army at one of the gates of Xingyang City to other places, so that Liu Bang can take the opportunity to escape.

Therefore, if Liu Bang wants to escape, he must first create chaos and attract the attention of the Chu army.

When Zhu Han heard Liu Bowen's words, he was immediately excited.

When he saw those Yuan soldiers who had come out to surrender, but they were neatly organized, he suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Send someone over and tell the Yuan army to stop, stop immediately!"

Zhu Han suddenly shouted loudly.

Chang Yuchun, Hu Yiba, Chen Baodao and others around them all noticed something was wrong.

Zhu Han didn't bother to explain anything and just ordered the Yuan army to stop leaving the camp.

"As you command!"

Chang Yuchun immediately understood what Zhu Han meant and immediately galloped forward.

I saw him galloping on his horse and shouting loudly.

"Stop, don't move!"

However, the imperial guards of the Yuan army who left the camp ignored them at all, and instead walked out of the camp faster.

"Dog Tartar!"

Chang Yuchun immediately sensed something was wrong and did not dare to move forward rashly, so he hurriedly returned to the main formation.

Zhu Han no longer believed the so-called surrender of the Yuan army, because he saw that the imperial guards of the Yuan army who had left camp earlier had begun to mount their horses and form formations.

The Yuan army simply pretended to surrender!

"Cannon, blast me!"

Zhu Han gave an order loudly.

As a burst of trumpets and whistles sounded, the Red Turban soldiers who had just left their duty to watch the excitement immediately returned to their respective positions.

Several Red Turban gunners hurriedly turned the screw and began to adjust the position of the muzzle.

At this moment, the generals of the Yuan Army, Glenn and others had already mounted their horses, began to draw their weapons, and launched an attack.



He Glenn roared and led more than a thousand Mongolian elite cavalry to begin an attack on the Red Turban Army's position.

When Zhu Han saw this, he immediately gritted his teeth and roared.

"Hu Yiba, shoot me!"

Hu Yiba's face was full of anxiety. "Yes, Deputy Commander!"


When the Mongolian horses' hooves kicked up the soil, the Red Turban Army's artillery finally began to bombard.

The whistling shells, like death's scythes, flew and jumped among the ranks of the Mongolian cavalry, harvesting lives one by one.

The Mongolian cavalry suddenly screamed and howled.

The Yuan army generals and Glenn, who were leading the charge just now, had already been pierced by a cannonball in their upper bodies. Half of their bodies fell off their horses and were trampled into pulp by the following cavalry.

In the Yuan army camp, several Imperial Guard generals knew that the fighter planes were coming. Now the Red Scarf Army was in chaos. If they didn't break through, they might not have a chance.

"Your Majesty, prepare to break out!"

Several generals of the imperial guards were busy helping Tuohuan Timur to mount his horse.

Many Yuan soldiers had already pushed into the camp, exposing gaps one after another.

Seventy-eight groups of suspicious soldiers will escape from here.

In the formation of the Red Turban Army in the distance, Zhu Han also noticed the true purpose of these Yuan troops.

Especially the gaps were the areas that Zhu Han ordered to bombard with artillery.

"Don't let a Tatar escape!" Zhu Han roared loudly.

Boom boom!


Bursts of artillery continued to roar, and the fired projectiles caused a bloody storm among the Yuan soldiers.

The more than a thousand Mongolian cavalry who rushed into the battle had already been killed in pieces. A few of the cavalry who fled were also stopped by the spikes on the ground. The long spikes made the horses go berserk.

The riders were thrown to the ground, and the iron caltrops almost killed them.


Tuohuan Timur was trembling with fear as he looked at the bloody battlefield.

He felt extremely regretful at this time.

If the emperor doesn't do his own good, why do he have to engage in personal conquests? He is simply asking for trouble.

"Your Majesty, leave quickly!"

Several groups of Yuan army suspects had already fled separately, surrounding their respective "false emperors". Only Tuohuan Timur, the real emperor, was still unwilling to break out of the gap.

The general of the Imperial Guard of the Yuan Army on the side was so anxious that he immediately whipped out his whip and beat the emperor's mount hard, causing him to break out.

Tuohuan Timur looked at the tragic battle outside and no longer had the courage to break out.

He suddenly thought that even if he surrendered, most of the Red Scarf Army would not dare to kill him, right?

When he thought of this, Tuohuan Timur reined the reins hard to control his violent mount.

"Your Majesty, why don't you leave yet?"

The Guards general shouted loudly.

Tuohuan Timur opened his mouth and was about to speak.


A strong force came from under his body. Tuohuan Timur felt a sharp pain in his chest, his hands took off the reins, and his body suddenly flew out backwards!

Tuohuan Timur's eyes immediately went dark and he couldn't feel anything anymore.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"


The surrounding Mongolian Imperial Guards suddenly panicked.

Everyone rushed up and surrounded Tuohuan Timur who fell to the ground.

When they saw the situation clearly, everyone felt despair!

Their Great Yuan Emperor, the Great Khan of Mongolia, was already vomiting blood and fell to the ground unconscious. The iron armor on his chest was smashed into a terrible dent, and the sternum and internal organs inside were shattered inch by inch!

A battle to block the breakout soon ended with the Red Turban Army's perfect victory.

The few suspected soldiers wearing the clothes of the Mongolian Emperor were all killed.

Several Yuan soldiers who wanted to escape from the flanks were stopped by the iron caltrops and horse-tripping spikes on the ground. The Red Scarf Army infantry rushed forward and killed them with two sword blows.

Seeing that all the breakout troops were wiped out, the remaining Meng Yuan soldiers and horses in the camp suddenly seemed to have lost all their strength, and they all fell to the ground dumbfounded.

Youcheng Hama and others were lying on the wall of the camp. Seeing that there was no hope of breaking out, they immediately ordered to raise the flag of surrender.



As the remaining Yuan troops gave up resistance, Zhu Han ordered the Red Scarf Army to march into the camp and take over the defeated troops.

Thousands of poorly armored remnants, with no capital to resist, were all taken as prisoners.

"Have you found the Tatar emperor?" Zhu Han was most concerned about this question.

Chang Yuchun, Chen Baodao and others found a dozen guys wearing emperor's dragon robes. Everyone looked about 70% similar. Even if Liu Bowen tried to identify them, it was a bit difficult to tell them apart.

"Sir, can you really not see it?" Zhu Han asked Liu Bowen.

"Deputy Commander, the first two times I saw the Tartar Emperor, he was kneeling and not allowed to raise his head. It's really hard to tell what he looked like." Liu Bowen said with some embarrassment.

Zhu Han didn't care about it for a while.

"That's easy. Come and find that right Prime Minister Hama!" Zhu Han ordered.

Soon, the tied-up Hama was brought over.

"Hama, look at these corpses, which one is your emperor? Look carefully. If you look wrong, be careful with your head!" Zhu Han threatened.

"I don't dare, I don't dare, I must look carefully!" Hama quickly kowtowed and apologized.

Hama looked at several corpses one after another, but all remained silent. When he saw the last corpse, looking at the chest smashed by the six-pound cannon, he suddenly burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"


In an instant, Hama was crying so hard that he almost lost his breath.

Zhu Han was still worried, so he called in several Yuan army generals for identification, and finally determined that the body was that of Emperor Tuohuan Timur of the Yuan Dynasty.

"Haha, great!"

Zhu Han suddenly became relieved and happy.

Later, Hama, the Prime Minister of the Yuan Army who surrendered, presented the great seal and jade seal left by the Yuan Emperor and other items, as well as many blank imperial edicts.

Since the rise of Great Mongolia in the northern part of the country, apart from the Great Khan Meng Ge who died suddenly under the Diaoyu City, he is the second person to achieve the goal of killing the Great Khan of Mongolia!

Not only did he kill the Mongol Khan, but he also captured his body!

"Someone is coming!"

Zhu Han shouted.

Chang Yuchun, Chen Baodao, Lan Yu and others all responded in unison.

"Take the body of the Mongol Khan and Emperor Yuan and let me parade among the prisoners three times. I want everyone to believe that we killed the Mongol Khan!"

When Chang Yuchun, Chen Baodao and others heard this, their faces flushed with excitement.

As the body of Emperor Tuohuan Timur of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty was paraded three times, all the Mongolian prisoners of war cried bitterly, and many prisoners even began to tear off their own skin with their fingers. Each one was dripping with blood, which was horrifying.


Zhu Han knew that this was a ritual among the Mobei tribe, specifically to commemorate the death of important figures.

After such a fuss, no one would doubt the news that Zhu Han and the others had killed the Mongol Emperor.

"Deputy Commander, what should we do with these prisoners?" Chang Yuchun asked.

The Red Scarf Army captured many soldiers and ministers of the Mongolian Imperial Guard. If you count them carefully, there were nearly five thousand people.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! So many people have surrendered, and Zhu Han has no intention of killing them.

They are all a group of weaklings who have surrendered on the battlefield, and there is no point in killing them.

Moreover, Zhu Han hoped to let them go back and publicize his great achievements.

After all, the enemy's success in defeating the emperor can only be best publicized by the enemy himself.

"I plan to let them go," Zhu Han said.

Chang Yuchun and others were surprised when they heard this.

"Deputy Commander, why did you let the Tatars go after you finally caught them?" Chang Yuchun asked in confusion.

"Yes, Deputy Commander, if you don't kill the dog Tatars, you have to let them work as coolies!" Chen Baodao also said.

Zhu Han smiled and then said: "These prisoners are already scared out of their wits. There is no use in keeping them. It is better to let them go and let them cause trouble to themselves."

Afterwards, Zhu Han revealed his plan.

Liu Bowen absconded secretly, and the Yuan army did not know the situation.

Zhu Han arranged for Liu Bowen to pretend to be captured by the rebels, and then bribed the rebel generals to escape and be released.

Finally, Liu Bowen was asked to use the name of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces to spend a lot of money to redeem and release Hama and other prisoners of the Yuan Dynasty Imperial Guard.

In this way, we can not only let these pampered trash cowards go back to cause trouble, but also get a benefit from Liu Bowen and the officials of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

The next night.

All the prisoners of the Yuan army who had been imprisoned for a day did not even have a meal, and everyone fell into despair.

They all felt that the Red Turban Army would not even give them food and must be killing them.

The reason why I'm not killing them now is just to keep them and torture them slowly.

The imprisoned Mongolian prisoners began to cry weakly, completely lacking the courage of their ancestors who were not afraid of life and death.

Hama, the Prime Minister of the Great Yuan Dynasty, has long been despairing. Now he only hates why he can't think about it and wants to persuade some emperor to go on a personal expedition. If he didn't care about Tuo Tuo and didn't go on a personal expedition, he should still be living happily in Dadu.

Where are you like now, being treated like pigs and sheep to be slaughtered!

Thinking of this, Hama burst into tears again, but she couldn't cry because of hunger, sleepiness and fatigue.

At this moment, there was a soft creak and the door of the prison was opened.

Hama looked up and saw a man dressed as a prisoner walking in.

"Your Majesty?" the visitor called in a tearful voice.

"Who are you?" Hama was confused for a while, not even seeing clearly who the person was.

"You Cheng, I am Liu Bowen!"

Hama was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that it was Liu Bowen who participated in politics in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

This unlucky guy came to flatter the emperor and was captured.

"Liu Bowen, why are you here?" Hama suddenly realized something.

Liu Bowen sat down and spoke close to his ear.

"You Cheng, I'm here to rescue you!"

When Hama heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up!

"What, save me? How can I be saved? Is it really possible?" Hama said excitedly, pulling on Liu Bowen's sleeve.

Liu Bowen nodded, and then said: "Of course it is true, You Cheng, I have already taken care of it!"

Hama quickly asked how they were rescued.

Liu Bowen then explained that among the rogue generals of the Red Scarf Army, there was one of Zhu Han's confidants named Hu Yiba, who was a shameless tomb robber and was greedy for money and lust. Liu Bowen secretly contacted his

He was willing to let the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces spare one million silver coins to redeem all the captured Yuan officers and soldiers.

Upon hearing the news, Hama almost shouted with joy.

"Bowen, I, Hama, will never forget your life-saving grace!" Hama's eyes filled with tears, and she felt closer to Liu Bowen than to her own father.

"You Cheng, this matter is of great importance. I have made my own decision. I am afraid that you are all loyal ministers and righteous men, and you are unwilling to leave secretly after knowing that Your Majesty died for the country, so I came to ask if you agree or not!" Liu Bowen asked sincerely!


Hearing this, You Cheng Hama was stunned for a moment, then quickly put away the joy on his face and put on a tragic look.

"Bowen, to be honest, after knowing that Your Majesty was martyred for his country, I had already planned to follow Your Majesty. However, this tragic defeat was caused by a traitor. If I die, I am afraid that the entire court will not know the truth.

Ah! Therefore, I must not die! I must cut the traitor who betrayed His Majesty into pieces!" Hama said through gritted teeth.

When Liu Bowen heard this, he immediately had a sad but confused look in his eyes.

"You Cheng, who is this traitor you are talking about?"

Hama smiled coldly. "Who else is there? Of course, he is someone who respects himself as a thief and tries every possible means to stop His Majesty's personal conquests!"

"Ah? What did You Cheng mean??" Liu Bowen looked shocked.

"Yes, it is Tuotuo! I will kill this thief and avenge Your Majesty!"

According to the script compiled by Zhu Han and Liu Bowen, Hama and other Yuan soldiers were all grateful to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and were waiting to pay a ransom to let them go.

After calming down from the fear of death, Hama and others immediately thought of another question.

These people all strongly supported Emperor Tuohuan Timur's personal expedition!

Now that the emperor died on the battlefield, a group of ministers ran back. Thinking about it, they all knew that the court, the queen and the prince could not bypass them.

When an emperor dies, it is absolutely impossible to just let it go without dealing with anyone.

In particular, Prime Minister Tuotuo, who held a large number of troops, tried his best to persuade the emperor to lead the expedition himself. Even if Hama and others returned to Dadu, they would definitely be dead.

Hama and others thought about it and felt that if they wanted to survive, they had to find someone to take the blame.

And this person, apart from Tuotuo, there is no one else.

Therefore, after Hama and others planned to leave the Red Turban barracks, they sent someone to Dadu to report the news, saying that the Prime Minister Tuotuo colluded with the Red Turban thieves and killed Emperor Tuohuan Timur, and also wanted to lead troops to Beijing.

Abolish the prince and queen, and establish another prince.

Hama and others first stopped in Bianliang to sit on a mountain and watch the fight between tigers and see how the imperial court and Tuotuo would fight before deciding whether to stay or go.

Anyway, these prisoners are all the most noble sons of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. It depends on how the court chooses between themselves and Tuotuo.

Three days later, the Red Scarf Army had cleaned up everything and received the "one million ransom" sent to Chuzhou by Pingzhang Bolu of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

According to the agreement, Zhu Han personally came to release Hama and other Mongolian prisoners.

Moreover, what surprised Hama and others even more was that Zhu Han actually returned the body of Emperor Tuohuan Timur of the Meng Yuan Dynasty to them!

Hama and others were all shocked by Zhu Han's move.

"Your emperor has been confirmed dead. It is of no use if I keep his body. Our Red Scarf Army are heroes who aspire to the world. Take your Uhagatu Khan's body back for burial!"

Hama and other senior officials were stunned when they heard this.

They never thought that Zhu Han and other Red Scarf Army soldiers would be so generous and magnanimous. They definitely didn't have the mentality of little thieves!

Moreover, Hama and others had never heard of the title "Uhagatu Great Khan" mentioned by Zhu Han at the end, so they thought Zhu Han was just talking nonsense.

In fact, this was because Zhu Han did not want to treat Meng Yuan as the emperor of the Central Plains, so he called the Mongolian Khan by the name of Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty who favored Timur in history.

After Hama and others were released, thousands of people wearing rags escorted Tuohuan Timur's coffin and slowly walked north along the canal.

At this time, the news that the Red Scarf Army had killed Emperor Meng Yuan had not yet had time to spread.

Zhu Han decided to take advantage of this time difference and continue to kill Tuotuo's "million-strong army".

"Command the entire army to put on the Mongolian and Yuan military uniforms, raise the flag, and follow me to the south!" Zhu Han ordered loudly.

Liu Bowen on the side turned pale with fright, and quickly tried to dissuade him.

"Deputy Commander, don't take risks. Although Tuotuo doesn't have a million-strong army, there are always two to three million, but you only have more than ten thousand!"

Zhu Han smiled slightly. "Tuotuo has already been frightened. It's enough to outsmart him. There is no need to compete in strength!"


Liu Bowen was so frightened that he trembled all over.

No matter how he listened, he felt that Zhu Han was going to die.

"That's right, it's just a matter of outsmarting me. I need you, sir, to come with me!"

Zhu Han led his troops and horses, holding high the ceremonial flag of the Meng Yuan Emperor, and swaggered towards Tuotuo on the south side of the canal.

The weather had warmed up at this time, and it was quite pleasant to march along the way, especially at the granary station along the way of the Yuan army. When they saw the emperor's guard of honor banner held high by Zhu Han and his army, they all thought it was the emperor's vanguard who was marching in person. It was delicious.

It tastes good and is served with care.

Not long after the army left, they were about to enter the boundary of Gaoyou.

The scouts from the front suddenly came to report that they had caught a man who was hiding in secret.

"Where did the spy come from? Do you understand?" Zhu Han asked.

Scout Commander Chang Yuchun shook his head: "He refused to speak. He doesn't look like a Yuan army, but more like a rebel army in Gaoyou City, so there is no need to punish him."

"Oh, then bring it to me quickly." Zhu Han said quickly.

Soon, a thin man was brought over.

Zhu Han saw that this man's face was pale and he was very weak. He could tell that he had not eaten enough for a long time.

He was about to ask, but this person spoke first.

"Deputy Commander Zhu?"

When Zhu Han heard this, he was stunned for a moment, as if he looked familiar to this person.

"Who are you?" Zhu Han asked.

"Are you really Deputy Commander Zhu?" the man continued to ask.

"Yes, I am Zhu Han!"

Zhu Han stepped forward and took a closer look before he recognized it.

It turned out that this man was a close guard of Zhang Shide, and his name seemed to be Zhang Wu.

When Zhang Shide went to Chuzhou to discuss matters, one of the two guards he brought with him was this person.

Only then did the Gaoyou Army guard realize that he was not meeting real Tatars, but rebels in disguise, and he immediately went from despair to surprise.

"Deputy Commander, great, Gaoyou is saved!" He burst into tears of excitement.

Zhu Han quickly asked someone to untie him, helped him sit on a chair, and ordered someone to bring him two big steamed buns. After all, he seemed to be very hungry.

Unexpectedly, this Gaoyou rebel soldier looked at the steamed buns in his hand, and tears were streaming down his face.

Zhu Han then asked: "How is the situation in Gaoyou City?"

The Gaoyou rebel soldier knelt on the ground with a thud and cried with tears.

"Deputy Commander, please save Gaoyou City quickly!"

Zhu Han was stunned for a moment and asked quickly.

Zhang Wu was already crying.

"Gaoyou City has been without food for more than a month, and cannibalism has already begun in the city!"

Zhu Han was shocked when he heard Zhang Wu's wailing.

"What are you talking about? Aren't there a lot of grains stored in Gaoyou City?" Zhu Han asked quickly.

Zhang Wu then explained that not long after the war started, a large number of refugees flooded into Gaoyou City. In addition, many granaries were burned down by the Yuan army's return artillery, so they were already running out of food.

Zhu Han immediately felt scared.

It seems that I came to the right place this time, otherwise Gaoyou City would not be able to sustain it for long.

Moreover, what is even more fortunate is that in order to lead the expedition in person, Tuohuan Timur issued edicts one after another not to take off and attack the city, nor to accept Zhang Shicheng's surrender, which allowed them to hold on for another month.

"Zhang Wu, now that I'm here, Gaoyou City will be saved!"

Tears filled Zhang Wu's eyes. He and dozens of others bravely broke through to seek reinforcements. Only he survived. God finally opened his eyes and allowed him to meet reinforcements!

"Chang Yuchun, immediately send people to Chuzhou and ask my brother to march into Gaoyou by water!" Zhu Han gave the order.

"Yes, Deputy Commander!" Chang Yuchun responded quickly.

During the Battle of Wulonghe, Zhu Yuanzhang and his men almost exhausted all their baggage and had to return to Chuzhou to replenish supplies.

Moreover, when marching to Huaidong from Chuzhou, we can also use ship transportation, which can save a lot of time and physical strength.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zhu Han led the disguised soldiers and horses, and immediately noticed a different atmosphere after entering the Gaoyou territory.

The Huaidong area is an area with crisscrossed water networks. Even if there is a drought, it can basically maintain a food and clothing situation, so it is generally not too bad.

However, what Zhu Han and the others saw now was a scene that was no less miserable than that in Haozhou, Henan and other places.

A large number of corpses of people fell dead in the wilderness, and villages were looted one after another, leaving only ruined ruins.

"The Tatar Prime Minister Tuotuo said that Huaidong would have 'people change their species and the land change their skin', so he sent troops to burn, kill, loot, and kill tens of thousands of people in Huaidong!" Zhang Wu, the Gaoyou envoy, said through gritted teeth.

After Zhu Han heard this, he remained silent, but there was a burst of sadness in his heart.

The innocent people who were killed and wounded everywhere made him clearly understand that no matter how virtuous these Mongolian and Yuan officials were, even Tuo Tuo, a famous and wise prime minister in the Yuan Dynasty, they did not regard the Han people as human beings at all.


In the eyes of the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties, the Han people were nothing more than a group of chess pieces.

These chess pieces, when necessary, can be cannon fodder for the Mongol-Yuan war, farmers and merchants who provide grain and grass taxes, or 'rebellious people' who kill chickens to scare monkeys. Anyway, they are not the same people as the Mongols!

The soldiers of the Red Scarf Army led by Zhu Han were also filled with grief and indignation at the tragic scenes along the way.

Everyone in the rebel army had a look of majesty and anger on their faces. The joy of killing the Mongolian Khan had been suppressed by the miserable situation of the Han people in front of them.


This also brings a benefit.

The cold faces of the whole army made the officers and officers guarding the Meng Yuan City Station along the way convinced of their identity as the 'Pioneer of the Emperor'.

Who dares to march in such a arrogant manner, and behaves in an arrogant and domineering manner, and is ready to slap the sergeant at the post station, who else can it be besides the imperial guards of the Great Khan!?

Zhu Han led his army in a hurry and soon arrived not far outside Gaoyou City.

Climbing a dilapidated temple tower on the roadside, Zhu Han could already see the continuous Mongolian and Yuan military camps outside Gaoyou City.

The entire city of Gaoyou had long been surrounded by Yuan troops with companies, trenches, and horses. Except for some ditches leading to the river outside the city, the defenders had no gaps to communicate with the outside world.

"Deputy Commander, the villain escaped from diving in that river!" Zhang Wu, as the guide, pointed to the faint ditch in the distance.

Apart from that, Zhu Han couldn't think of any other passage.

Liu Bowen on the side looked at the siege camp of the Yuan army in front, and was quite shocked, and he felt a burst of worry.

"Deputy Commander, the Tartars are outnumbered, so it's better to be cautious!" Liu Bowen advised.

Zhu Han smiled slightly, pointed forward with his hand, and said loudly: "The Tartar Mongolian army, Semu army, Han army and other troops gathered together. It can be said that all the elites of the Tartar court were gathered outside Gaoyou City. If we don't give them a big kill,

Sifang, you can’t be sorry for this twenty-mile company!"

"The deputy commander plans to march in danger?" Liu Bowen already had a bad premonition.

"It's not too risky. I now have the Tatar Emperor's jade seal in my hand, as well as these ceremonial guards and horses. It's not difficult to rescue Gaoyou City from the siege!" Zhu Han said.

"What's the deputy commander's plan?"

"The strategy has been thought out, but Mr. Bowen needs to go to Tuotuo's place first," Zhu Han said.

"I am willing to go, but please ask the deputy commander to explain how to proceed!" Liu Bowen was not afraid at all.

Afterwards, Zhu Han explained his request.

Liu Bowen was once a high school scholar in the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty, and now he is participating in politics in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. As the leader of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, he came to the Tuotuo camp, so he naturally had no obstacles.

Prime Minister Tuotuo and his younger brother Timur, who were in the Yuan army camp, were already in panic all day long.

They all knew that the day the Meng Yuan Emperor came to welcome Timur, that was when their brothers were seized from power. This was an inevitable fate.

The thing that worries their brothers the most is their fate of life or death after being dismissed from office and seizing power.

When he heard that Liu Bowen, who participated in the political affairs of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, had arrived with the emperor's vanguard army, Tuotuo immediately came out of the camp to greet him.

There were many Han officials under Tuotuo who were once Jinshi or colleagues in the same department as Liu Bowen.

Originally, Tuotuo hoped to use them to get close to Liu Bowen and find out the emperor's tone.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bowen, escorted by a group of arrogant elite cavalry, hurriedly announced the order and left.

As for the order, it was also very simple. Liu Bowen brought an important decree and ordered Tuotuo to summon the generals of all the armies and go to the Yanguan Temple where the Emperor's Pioneer Army was stationed tomorrow to receive the decree.

With such a cold face and such a mobilizing force to summon the generals, Tuotuo had already guessed that the imperial decree was probably to remove him from office.

The younger brother on the side also comforted Timur: "Brother, we have been tricked by a villain this time. We will look for good opportunities in the future!"

Those Han officials who were old acquaintances with Liu Bowen were also there to comfort and enlighten him.

These Han officials all knew that Liu Bowen was prosperous, but they did not expect that he would become so prosperous that he could reach the Emperor Meng Yuan and serve as the emperor's envoy. They could not help but be jealous.

He also sympathized even more with his Shangguan Tuotuo.

No matter how helpless Tuotuo was, he could only follow the order and pass the order to the generals, asking them to follow him to Yanguan Temple early tomorrow morning to listen to the imperial edict.

And on the other side.

Liu Bowen and others swaggered out of the Tuotuo camp and came to Zhu Han, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your hard work, sir!" Zhu Han quickly stepped forward to ask.

"Deputy Commander, your trip is worthwhile. Tuotuo has no suspicion at all!" Liu Bowen said.

Zhu Han also felt relieved. "That's good, I'll take care of Tuotuo tomorrow!"

Later, Zhu Han asked about the situation in the Yuan army, and Liu Bowen recounted what he saw.

"The Yuan army is divided into three parts. One part is Mongolian, and they are all in the Tuotuo camp. The other two are Semu people, including the Asu army, who are camped in the east, and the Han people who signed the army are camped in the west.


After Zhu Han heard it, the scene was basically the same as what he observed on the temple tower.

"I understand, the original plan remains unchanged!"

Wait until early the next morning.

Prime Minister Tuotuo of the Great Yuan Dynasty led Timur and other confidants, as well as various Yuan army generals, to the Yanguan Temple to listen to the imperial edict.

The families and relatives of Tuotuo and his generals are all in Dadu. Even if Tuotuo brothers are disobedient, those generals will not follow them in rebellion. This is a serious crime that kills the whole family.

"The camp is solemn, most of the imperial guards have been transformed!"

Tuotuo led the generals to the outside of Zhu Han's military camp. It was immediately apparent that these emperor's troops were at a very high level when camping in the field. There was no trace of the work of the 'old soldiers' who were mostly eating, drinking and having fun.

"I heard that Your Majesty has summoned a lot of troops from Liaoyang Province, and they are quite capable." Ye Xian Timur said beside him.

However, Tuotuo stopped and frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

However, those messengers and precious seals were all real, and Tuotuo did not dare to risk his life to question the authenticity in person.

"Tuoketu, you go back and take charge of the Semu Army to prevent any accidents from happening!"

After much thought, Tuotuo decided to let one of his confidants go back and take charge first.

Although this Mongolian general named Toktu had a somewhat irritable temper, he was extremely loyal to Tuotuo. He was the kind of loyal person who could die for Tuotuo.

However, because he has a short temper and often acts impulsively, he has never had the opportunity to stand alone.

Now Tuotuo feels a little weird, so he plans to let this most loyal subordinate go back and take charge. If anything happens, Tuotuo can also make some people take action!

"Yes, Prime Minister!" Tuoke Tuo looked surprised and quickly received Tuo Tuo's military order and returned.

The Mongolian soldiers of the Yuan army may not be willing to abandon everything and follow Tuotuo, but the Semu people are okay.

Tuotuo arranged a back-up, and then came to Zhu Han's 'Dayuan Military Camp'.

The guards accompanying them also followed them in, which made Brother Tuotuo feel relieved, as it was better than disarming them upon entering.

Liu Bowen, who met yesterday, led Tuotuo into the Chinese army's tent.

I saw that these incense burners had already been set up, and they looked like they were preparing to read out the imperial edict.

Tuotuo, Timur and his brothers led a group of generals to kneel down, waiting for the 'angel' to come out and read the imperial edict.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated their attention, only to hear the curtains of the Chinese army's tent in front of them opened, and a group of people walked out.

Tuotuo felt a little nervous. He didn't know how he would be punished in the imperial edict. The heaviest punishment would probably be to be dismissed from office and sent to the capital. At the worst, he would have to be demoted to a small barbaric city.

Just when Tuotuo braced himself and prepared to listen to the imperial edict.

Suddenly, a large group of "Jade Guards" soldiers wearing bright armor suddenly rushed out from the surrounding camps.

Each of them held strong bows and crossbows, and surrounded Tuotuo and others!

"Angel, what does this mean?!" Tuotuo was immediately shocked.

Zhu Han, who pretended to be the "angel" of Emperor Yuan Dynasty, acted arrogantly and ignored him at all.


Liu Bowen on the side opened the imperial edict and read it loudly.

"God's blessing, the emperor's imperial edict! Without the title of hundreds of officials, you have an army of 626,000, and spend millions on salary a year. However, you have lost your troops and humiliated the country. You cannot defeat the thieves. Today, you have been punished twelve times.

, Do you know? On the autocratic side, if the troops, horses, money, and food are not subject to inspection, they should be executed on the first occasion; if they retaliate for cheating, if they kill good people and take merit, they should be executed on the second occasion; if they talk nonsense and are treasonous, they should be executed on the third occasion; they cannot recover an inch of land.

, wait and see to nourish the enemy, behead at twelve!”

As soon as the imperial edict came out, everyone was immediately horrified!

Tuotuo was in shock, and before he could react, his younger brother Timur immediately became furious.

"Fake! Fake, this must be a fake imperial edict!" Ye Xian Timur shouted loudly.

Some Mongolian and Yuan generals were also surprised and doubtful.

It is already a taboo for military strategists to replace their commanders before the formation of the two armies.

It's good now that an imperial edict has come down to directly kill the commander for twelve deadly sins. Even some generals who don't like Tutuo find it incredible.

Some generals of the Yuan army also began to doubt the authenticity of the imperial edict due to Timur's instigation.

When Zhu Han saw this, he had already made a plan to see if it might give them a chance to cause trouble.

"You dare to take off your clothes, and you dare to resist the order and be disrespectful!"

"Come here, get rid of the traitors and their accomplices, and bring them to justice immediately!"

This chapter has been completed!
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