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Chapter 159 Hu Dahai discovers the New World of America

"Alert!" Duan Gong shouted loudly.

Immediately, all the soldiers on the city wall stood ready, holding weapons in their hands and taking defensive postures.

After a while, the knight on horseback rushed to the city and got off his horse.

It turned out to be the Dali Army's own horse scouts.

Duan Gong immediately sent someone to bring him in.

"What's going on?" Duan Gong asked with a frown.

"General manager, I have just received news that Chen Youliang is leading an army on the way to Puzhou. It is estimated that they will reach Puzhou in a few days," the knight said.

"Do you know how many soldiers and horses Chen Youliang brought?" Duan Gong asked.

"It is said that there are about fifty thousand." The knight replied.

"What? About 50,000 yuan. Is Chen Youliang crazy? Isn't he afraid of a fire in the backyard?" Duan Gong's expression changed a bit after hearing the news.

Duan Gong didn't believe Chen Youliang's previous claim of an army of one hundred thousand, but the fifty thousand reported by Tan Ma now should not be wrong.

Even an army of 50,000 people cannot be defeated by Duan Gong's more than 10,000 people.

Duan Gong just couldn't understand. Isn't it possible that Chen Youliang was not afraid of rebellion in Dali City and Kunming City behind him when he came out with all his troops?

"You go down and rest first!" Duan Gong waved his hand and said.

After the knight left, Duan Gong fell into silence again.

After a while, Duan Gong stood up, and then ordered: "Send the order and ask all officials in the city to come to the meeting hall immediately to discuss matters!"

Soon, all the officials in the Puzhou government office gathered together. This time, basically all the Puzhou officials were here.

"Everyone, Chen Youliang's army is less than three hundred miles away from Puzhou. What do you think we should do?" Duan Gong asked calmly while sitting on a chair.

"Your Majesty, the general believes that we should fortify our walls and clear the country, waiting for the enemy to rebel," an official said.

"The general seconded the proposal!" Another general stood up and said.

Duan Gong shook his head, and then said: "The enemy is coming fiercely, and we can't stop them with strong walls and clear fields. Chen Youliang has many firearms, and he can destroy the city with ease."

"This..." Everyone was stunned for a moment after hearing Duan Gong's words.

"If Chen Youliang comes with few troops, we can still hold on. But since Chen Youliang has come with so many troops, we will definitely not be able to hold Puzhou, so we must change our goal to preserve our strength and must abandon Puzhou City!"

Duan Gong said firmly.

Everyone knows that what Duan Gong said makes sense.

But if I really want to give up Puzhou City, I feel a little reluctant to do so.

Because once they lose Puzhou, the revival of Dali Kingdom will be in vain. This is the last city in Duan Gong's hands.

"General manager, Puzhou cannot be lost. What will happen to our people in Puzhou? They have been living in Puzhou city for generations." An official said worriedly.

"General Manager, Puzhou City must not be lost!" Other officials also advised.

Duan Gong took a deep breath, and then said: "Chen Youliang's soldiers and horses are too strong. Since Puzhou cannot bear it, let Chen Youliang leave an empty city and retreat with the people of Puzhou."


"All the people in the city?"

"Retreat to where?"

After everyone heard Duan Gong's decision, their eyes widened and the boss asked with confusion on his face.

"Let's avoid the danger for now and retreat to Pangya first, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback!" Duan Gong explained slowly.

"General Manager, Pangya is not our territory!"

"General manager, the land in Pangya is barren, how can we support the army and the people?"

"When Chen Youliang takes over Puzhou, will he be willing to let us stay in Pangya?"

"That's right, I think it's better to fight to the death?"

Everyone immediately opposed it, and their opposition was not without reason.

If they really follow Duan Gong's plan, once they continue to retreat south, Chen Youliang will definitely occupy the entire territory of Yunnan. By that time, Duan Gong and others, as a lone army, will no longer be able to fight against Chen Youliang even if they want to.

What a chance.

Rather than that, it is better to use Puzhou's city defense to repel Chen Youliang's attack.

Fight for yourself the last glimmer of life.

Facing the doubts of many generals, Duan Gong had his own ideas.

He waved his hand to stop the quarrel among the generals, and then said calmly.

"Now that Chen Youliang's troops are strong, we can no longer resist it. Instead of hoping to repel the powerful enemy in Puzhou, it is better to go south to avoid the sharp attack. We can also use this time to look for strong reinforcements from outside."

"Looking for reinforcements?"

When they heard that they were looking for reinforcements, the generals seemed to see hope again, but the light in their eyes quickly dimmed again, because now the Yuan Dynasty's Liang Wang Balazala Valmi in Yunnan had been defeated and died, and a large number of them

The Mongolian soldiers were also killed by Chen Youliang. Where did the reinforcements come from?

"Although Da Yuan is no longer alive, I still have Da Ming." Duan Gong said calmly.

"What? Does the manager mean to lead us to surrender to the Ming army?"

These Dali generals were not very optimistic about the decision to surrender to the Ming army.

Because they had already heard about what the Ming army did, and it was no worse than Chen Youliang.

Not only did the Ming army attack local tyrants and divide their fields in the Central Plains, but even the chieftains in Guizhou near Chichi were beaten to pieces by the Ming army. The land and people they had ruled for hundreds of years were all divided up by the Ming army.


If the Ming army came to Yunnan, the rights of these Dali generals would definitely not be recognized. Even if the Ming army led them to surrender by Duan Gong, there would be absolutely no difference from surrendering to Chen Youliang.

"Chen Youliang is a prodigal. He lost the territory of Hubei and entered Sichuan, and then came to attack our Yunnan. What he wants is to rely on the manpower and material resources of Yunnan and Sichuan to counterattack the Ming army, so he will definitely use means to squeeze us.

If the Ming army captures Yunnan, we can help the Ming army govern the people and land in Yunnan without having to worry about what enemies the Ming army will deal with. By then, the Ming army will definitely have their swords and guns in their warehouses and their horses released in Nanshan, which will give us a chance to make a comeback.

." Duan Gong said with a smile.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! A group of Dali generals quickly understood the truth.

Since the chaos in the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, Yunnan has been ruled by local chieftain forces.

No matter how powerful the Central Plains court was, the governance of Yunnan was nothing more than appointing some superior officials.

Then the following specific powers still rely on the powerful local chieftains to implement them.

For example, Duan Gong's Dali general manager handled far more practical affairs than Liang Wang's Zara Valmi.

So Duan Gong has enough reasons to believe it.

After the Ming Dynasty captured Yunnan, without the enemy Chen Youliang, it would definitely implement peaceful rule there.

Duan Gong and others can gradually restore their dominance in Yunnan. The Ming army will occupy the name, but the actual power belongs to Duan Gong and others.

Duan Gong and others felt that the Ming Dynasty ruled Yunnan just like the Yuan Dynasty ruled Yunnan.

Duan Gong and others wanted to use the Ming Dynasty to eliminate Chen Youliang, and then let the Dali people restore their original power in Yunnan. After the Ming army established its rule in Yunnan, Duan Gong and others could slowly plan to restore the country.

"I will immediately edit a letter myself, and you will send your most capable people to deliver the letter to the Ming army."

There is a small island in the vast sea, standing alone on the sea. The few clouds of smoke rising from the island indicate that someone is active on it.

In the harbor on the inside of the island, there are seven huge sailing ships moored on the shore.

Hu Dahai, the Haidong Protectorate of the Ming Dynasty, drifted to this isolated island of unknown location because of that hurricane.

Originally, the losses of Hu Dahai and his fleet were not too serious in that storm. Although three warships were damaged and sunk, most of the crew were rescued by other warships.

Unfortunately, the sails and masts of these warships were seriously damaged, and the sailing power of the warships was affected. Many ships were able to drift with the currents. In order to ensure that all crews returned to Hu Dahai, they could only lead the remaining two intact warships to follow these warships.

The damaged ships drifted with the current. After drifting for more than half a month, they finally discovered this small island. They had just rested on the island for two days. Most of the ships had been repaired, but now they had lost their way.

, as for how to return to Haidongdu Talisman or a familiar place, no one has an accurate direction.

"Dad, how long do we have to wait here?" Hu Guanzhu, Hu Dahai's son, asked.

The other generals also looked at Hu Dahai.

Now everyone has no idea and can only hope that Hu Dahai, the master, will get a charter in the future.

“Now we don’t know where we are!

If we follow the original route and go back, we don't know what dangers we will encounter." Hu Dahai said with some worry.

During the more than half a month they had been wandering, the water and food on the ship had been almost exhausted. If they returned along the original dangerous sea route, many crew members would probably die of hunger and thirst in the sea.

, so now if you want to return to Haidong Donghu Mansion, you must take a safe and secure route.

After hearing Hu Dahai's words, everyone remained silent and frowned.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, Hu Dahai suddenly remembered...

There is a treasured navigation secret book in the cabin, which Zhu Han taught him. He can use the knowledge in it to locate the location of the sea.

After half a day of measurements, Hu Dahai had basically determined their current position by relying on the sky-gazing positioning method given to him by Zhu Han.

"Damn it, we are thousands of miles away from Haidong now. If we go back the same way we came from such a long distance, we will probably die of hunger and thirst in the sea." Hu Dahai looked at the measurement results in his hand.

, feeling very worried.

Afterwards, after some surveys in the surrounding area, Hu Dahai basically determined that there were many similar desert islands around this isolated island. These desert islands were arranged like a long chain along the sea from west to east, and each island

The distance between them is only three or two days, and the nearest one can be reached by only about a day's flight.

Finally, at Hu Dahai's suggestion, everyone agreed to continue sailing along this string of deserted islands. While sailing, they collected food and water on the islands. When sufficient preparations were made, they would continue along the original route.

The journey was tentatively sailed back.

In fact, what Hu Dahai didn't know was that the islands they discovered were the Thousand Islands in the northern Pacific. The Thousand Islands are located in a series of volcanic and seismic zones. They are embedded in the Pacific like a pearl necklace and continue to extend eastward, directly reaching the land of North America.


Of course Hu Dahai and others did not know about the New World of America, because it was an undeveloped area left by Zhu Han for the future Ming Dynasty.

Hu Dahai and others led the fleet to explore forward along the island chain, but soon they made a discovery that shocked and delighted them all.

On several desolate islands, there is actually a lot of gold exposed on the ground.

These golds are naturally formed. According to the popular name, they have a name called nugget gold.

Because these naturally formed gold elements look strange.

They look like twisted dog heads.

Almost everyone of Hu Dahai and his Ming soldiers carried a large piece of gold.

There are few people on these small islands, so much golden gold is left to be picked up by Ming soldiers on the wasteland, and there are many wild animals on these small islands.

These beasts had never seen people hunting Hu Dahai and others. Instead of running away, they surrounded them out of curiosity.

They captured some fat deer and roe deer one by one, and then they made the game into dried meat.

After continuous hunting, Hu Dahai and his soldiers had accumulated several boats of food by the time winter came, and all of them were high-quality smoked and cured meats.

And just when they were preparing to return to the Haidong Protectorate along the original road with the stored food and water, a winter storm suddenly struck.

The weather on these small islands is extremely harsh, far colder than the Haidong Protectorate.

When Hu Dahai and his fleet were sailing on the sea, they were unable to resist such strong winds and waves, and had to continue sailing eastward with the winds and waves.

There is a series of small islands on the road ahead, which can allow them to escape the wind and waves during the most dangerous times.

Everyone felt anxious again, not knowing where they were going and when they would be able to return to the Haidong Protectorate.

Mongolian Plateau, Hangai Mountain.

In ancient times, Hangai Mountain had another name, which was Yanran Mountain.

The Yanran Mountains were once the holy land of the Xiongnu Empire. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Le Shi Yanran and Feng Lang Ju Xu had the highest level of martial arts.

The wind was howling, and blizzards covered the mountains and grasslands.

Tens of thousands of Mongolian troops gathered at the foot of Hangai Mountain. They received an order from the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, asking them to mobilize their troops and go to the grasslands to resist the possible attack of the Ming army.

However, after these tens of thousands of troops gathered at the foot of Hangai Mountain, they did not advance an inch toward the east for more than a month.

Tuolibuhua, the leader of Mongolia in the desert, looked at the tens of thousands of camps at the foot of the mountain with a delighted smile on his face.

Tuolibuhua is a descendant of Alibu Ge, the great Khan of Mongolia.

At that time, Ali Buge and Kublai Khan competed for the throne of the Mongolian Khan. The two sides fought fiercely on the grasslands for several years. In the end, they relied on the Han army in the Central Plains and Kublai Khan, the king of Eastern Mongolia, to win the Mongolian war.

Victory in the Battle of Khan.

Ali Buge was defeated and captured.

Later, under the arrangement of Kublai Khan, Brother Alibu was poisoned to death in a place of confinement.

The descendants of Ali Buge continue to thrive in the desert Mongolia. Although nearly a hundred years have passed, the hatred for seizing the throne of the Mongolian Khan has never dissipated.

Tuolibuhua, who is a descendant of Ali Buge, now sees that the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty was driven back to the grassland by the Ming army. Not only is he not worried, but he is very happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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