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Chapter 175: Capturing the Mongol Khan alive!

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The defensive forces deployed by Lu Wang Gesar and others were also defeated!

A large number of elite soldiers died on the spot under the repeated attacks of the Ming army.

All defeated troops retreated to the second line of defense.

Gesar, the young emperor Aiyou and others had developed a heartfelt fear of the Ming army.

The little emperor Aiyou asked in a trembling voice: "Now that the Ming army is so sharp, I wonder if we can really hold the camp?"

According to the plan Wang Baobao made with them, the Yuan army needed to be able to hold on to the Yuerhai camp for more than one day!

At that time, Wang Baobao's army will launch a surprise attack from behind, thereby establishing the Mongols' victory.


Based on the current situation, the Mongolian vassal kings such as the young emperor Aiyou and Gesar have already doubted their own defense capabilities.

Gesar said to the young emperor Aiyou with a pale face, "Your Majesty, the soldiers still have the strength to kill the enemy. As long as your Majesty goes to the front to encourage the soldiers, the Immortal Heaven will definitely bless Mongolia, and it will definitely be able to withstand tomorrow."

Army attack!"

"Once the ambush troops on the left and right wings of the Grand Master arrive, the Ming army will definitely be defeated!"

Under the advice of Gesar and others, the little emperor Aiyou still had the courage to play his own Chagan Sule Ding again and patrolled back and forth among the Mongolian army's camp to boost morale!

As cheers rose up in the Mongolian army camp.

The Ming army that had just occupied the outer fortifications immediately saw the very tall Chagan Sulu Ding!

The shining golden trident emits a dazzling light under the sunlight.

Like a huge bait, it attracted the attention of all Ming soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Han had already seen Chagan Sulu Ding very clearly.

Zhu Han pointed forward with his hand and said to Zhou Dexing, Guo Ying, Qi Xiang and others around him.

"Whoever can seize the Chagan Sulu ingot will have the same credit as capturing the Tatar emperor!"

Then there was a cry of killing!

Under the cover of artillery bombardment, the Ming army launched an attack on the Yuan army's position ahead.

Zhu Han personally visited the battlefield and boosted morale behind the Ming army!

The Mongols in front were not to be outdone.

Under the call of the Mongolian Khan Chagan Suluding, all the Mongolian soldiers also made desperate resistance to the Ming army that launched the attack.


The weapons and training of the Ming army were obviously much better than those of the Mongols. In the successive rounds of offensives, the Mongols in the Yuerhai camp gradually became unable to hold on.

Countless corpses fell to the ground. The soldiers and horses of the Mongols who were fishing in the sea were mainly nobles from various tribes and their soldiers, and there were also a large number of women, children, the elderly and the weak.

These women, children, old and weak, had not experienced many tragic battles, and they all trembled when they heard the tragic cries on the battlefield outside.

Many people even began to run away one by one under extreme fear.

These fleeing old, weak, women and children first robbed the horses and broke through the gate to escape from the north where no Ming army appeared.

Seeing these people fleeing, the Mongolian soldiers, whose morale had been gradually declining, also collapsed.



Amidst the shouts of killing and the sound of artillery, the Ming army broke through the Mongolian defense line from several positions.

A large number of Ming army elites rushed into the Mongolian camp in Yuerhai, and launched a fierce attack on the last elite of the Yuan army!

With the tragic wails, the Mongols could no longer hold on.

Although the little emperor Aiyou was young, at this time, he burst out with courage that did not match his age.

He was seen holding the sword in his hand high, and ordered the soldiers around him to keep Chagan Sulu Ding close to him.

"God bless you! Mongolian warriors, don't retreat!"

Finally, with the encouragement from the little emperor Aiyou, the Mongolian soldiers around him mustered up their last courage and barely stabilized the last line of defense of Yuerhai Camp.

At this time, the Ming army had achieved satisfactory results and had basically eliminated the peripheral resistance.

There is no chance to attack Aiyou's position.

The two sides have fallen into a fight, which is not conducive to clearly utilizing the Ming army's firearms advantage.

Therefore, Zhu Han first ordered to postpone the attack, stabilize the position in front of him, and planned to take a rest before making the final attack with artillery.

All the Mongolians in the fishing camp once again fell into despair.

Almost all the Mongolian nobles headed by Lu Wang Gesar were scarred.

They had all seen the Ming army mobilizing artillery and knew their final terrible end.

They said to the little emperor Aiyou,

"Your Majesty, now that Wang Baobao's reinforcements are not available, he is trying to kill us!"

The original courage of these Mongolian nobles was just a moment of bravery. Now that they had been repeatedly attacked by the Ming army, they had already lost their fighting spirit. They all wanted to ask the young emperor Aiyou to abandon the camp and lead them to break out and escape.

But Emperor Yuan Aiyou didn't want to give up.

He also wanted to encourage the remaining Mongolians to pick up weapons, whether they were old, weak or women, holding bows and arrows in their hands, preparing for the final battle!

Dark clouds gradually thickened and began to cover the sky.

Wang Baobao led the army to appear on the flank of the Ming army!

He firmly believed that as long as the Ming army broke through the Yuerhai camp, they would inevitably fall into chaos of looting, burning and killing.

By that time...

If his army appears from behind on the left and right sides, he will surely defeat the Ming army.

"The whole army moves forward! March!"

Wang Baobao urged the march!

At this time, it was ten miles away from Yuerhai camp.

At this time, according to Wang Baobao's estimation, when he arrived, it was the time when the Ming army broke through the Yuerhai camp, and it was also the most chaotic time.

Following the order, countless horses' hooves galloped up, making an earth-shattering rumble on the grassland.



With bursts of artillery fire and shouts of killing, the Ming army also agreed to launch a last-minute attack on Yuer.

Zhu Han led his personal guards, protected by Chen Baodao, Hu Yiba and others, to boost morale at the front of the battle line.

Zhou Dexing and other generals led their personal guards to attack on the left and right sides at the same time.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Under the attack of artillery and muskets, no matter how brave the Mongols were, they could not withstand the power of gunpowder!

Finally, they were defeated one by one.

As the Ming army broke through, the last line of defense entered the inner camp.

Chagan Sulu Ding, whom the young emperor of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty loved, finally appeared in front of the Ming army.

"Come on!"


"Capture the Tatar Emperor alive! Charge!"

"Kill them and capture them alive!"

"Surrender without killing!"

In the cry of declaring the army, the Mongols finally couldn't hold on any longer.

One by one, they gave up the positions they held!

They began to snatch horses in the camp and ran towards the open space to the north to escape from the camp.

The only people around the young emperor Aiyou were Lu Wang Gesar and dozens of vassal nobles.

There are still a few of the most loyal guardsmen, the rest of the harem concubines, eunuchs, and nobles of Xue, etc., who have already gone into hiding or snatched their horses and fled.


During the wave after wave of attacks by the Ming army, Lu Wang Gesar and his bodyguards beside the young emperor Aiyou fell to the swords and guns of the Ming army one by one.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me, I am the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty!" Looking at the approaching Ming army soldiers, the little emperor Aiyou finally lost his last courage and sat on the ground crying and begging.

"Are you the Tatar Emperor?" Zhou Dexing, who was wearing bright silver plate armor, shouted and rushed over as soon as he heard the shout from the front.

The surrounding Ming soldiers also opened their eyes wide and rushed forward one after another.

The last few guards around the Tatar Emperor Aiyu had already laid down their weapons and knelt on the ground to surrender.

"What a great victory, great joy! Go and tell His Royal Highness the King of England that we have captured the Tatar Emperor!" Zhou Dexing shouted loudly.

"His Royal Highness is mighty!"

"His Royal Highness is mighty!"

Zhu Han quickly got the news amidst the shouts and shouts.

"Great, great!"

"Zhou Dexing is really good!"

Zhu Han did not expect that he could capture the young emperor Aiyou of Meng Yuan alive so easily.

After a while, Zhou Dexing, a tall and tall man, came to Zhu Han carrying a young boy who was tied up.

Zhou Dexing grinned widely, then grabbed the tied little Emperor Aiyou of Meng Yuan and said loudly to Zhu Han.

"Your Highness! Fortunately, you lived up to your command and captured the Tatar Emperor alive!"

Guo Ying, who was behind him, also knelt down and said in the loudest voice, "Your Highness, the general has captured the Tatar Chagan Sulu ingot!"

After that, a soldier behind Guo Ying took a trident decorated with white mane.

This is exactly the Chagan Sulu ingot left by Genghis Khan in Mongolia!

Zhu Han took it readily. The huge Chagan Sulu ingot held great weight in his hand.

While holding the Chagan Sulu tablet, he looked at the little emperor Aiyou kneeling on the ground, showing a proud smile.

"Aiyou, do you know who I am?"

Zhu Han's tone was arrogant, while the poor little emperor Aiyou was like a bereaved dog.

He originally had unlimited reveries about charging into battle and killing everyone.

Even when the Ming army launched its final attack, Aiyou still had great courage.

However, when the cold swords and roaring muskets kept killing and injuring the personal guards around him, the little emperor's last courage quickly disappeared.

At this time, the young Emperor Aiyou of Meng Yuan Dynasty had been completely convinced.

When he heard Zhu Han's question, he immediately answered fluently:

"I know, I know! The sinner knows that you are His Royal Highness the Ming Dynasty King Ying!"

Aiyou was so frightened that he was shaking like chaff.

I saw him kneeling on the ground tremblingly, kowtowing and begging.

"Your Majesty, please spare my life, long live the Ming Dynasty!"

"Spare my life, long live the Ming Dynasty!"

The little emperor Aiyou's pleas made the surrounding Ming army officers burst into laughter.

Zhu Han also smiled softly and said to the generals next to him, "Since we have captured the Tatar Emperor Aiyou, have we captured Wang Baobao?"

When Zhu Han asked about the arrest of Wang Baobao, Zhou Dexing, Guo Ying and others shook their heads and said to Zhu Han:

"Your Highness, even the last general has never seen Wang Baobao!"

Zhu Han was suddenly confused, "Did Wang Baobao run away again?"

"No, Wang Baobao should have been guarding the camp for such a long time!"

Wang Baobao can be regarded as the last loyal minister of the Yuan Dynasty. Did he abandon the little emperor and run away like this?

At this moment, Zhu Han suddenly realized that there might be other variables.

He took two steps forward and drew out the sword from his waist.

The cold sword edge touched the young emperor Aiyou's neck, Zhu Han asked coldly.

"Aiyou, tell me quickly, where did Wang Baobao go?"

The little emperor Aiyou was so frightened that he was paralyzed. He didn't hide anything at all and immediately answered Zhu Han's question.

"Reporting to Your Highness, Wang Baobao has led his troops to ambush outside and wants to ambush the Ming Dynasty King's division!"

Zhu Han frowned immediately when he heard the news.

"What? You mean, aren't there all the soldiers here at Yuerhai camp?"

The battle among the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty was not yet completely over.

Naturally, the final statistics of the battle results have not been made yet, so Zhu Han does not know how many Mongolian and Yuan soldiers there are in Yuerhai camp.

Zhu Han, Zhou Dexing, Guo Ying and others were all very surprised when they heard that the little emperor Aiyou revealed the whereabouts of Wang Baobao.

Especially when the young emperor Aiyou said that Wang Baobao was leading tens of thousands of Mongolian elites in the periphery, preparing to ambush the Ming army, everyone looked worried.

"Are these things you said true?" Zhu Han immediately asked again.

The little emperor Aiyou knelt on the ground and kowtowed again, swearing, "Your Highness, Aiyou, I dare not deceive Your Highness. Everything I say is the truth!"

At this time, Aiyou's heart was filled with hatred for Wang Baobao.

He has now gradually understood that Wang Baobao had long planned to use himself as bait to let the Ming army attack, and then Wang Baobao would kill the Ming army from the outside.

What a mantis stalking the cicada, with the oriole behind!

The majestic Emperor Yuan turned into a cicada, while Wang Baobao, a treacherous minister and rebellious son, became an oriole himself!

At this time, the young emperor Aiyou was captured by the Ming army. Knowing that his life and death were completely controlled by the Ming army, he wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood for Wang Baobao who had given up on him.

Now, Aiyou also wants to use the Ming army to kill Wang Baobao, so naturally he will not cover up for Wang Baobao and deceive the Ming army.

At this time.

Suddenly there was a shout outside the door.

Qi Xiang, the vanguard officer of the Ming Army, ran up to Zhu Han with a nervous look on his face and said loudly, "Your Highness! A lot of Yuan Army cavalry were found outside, and they are heading towards Yuerhai!"

Zhu Han immediately became stunned!

He knew that this was Wang Baobao's plan being implemented.

Now the Ming army is chasing the defeated Mongolian Yuan soldiers in Yuerhai camp.

When Wang Baobao makes a surprise attack, the Ming army will definitely suffer considerable losses.

Zhu Han made a decisive decision and immediately issued the order.

"Order all armies to stop the pursuit and immediately defend on the spot. We must not let Wang Baobao's conspiracy succeed!"

Rolling black smoke rose over the fishing camp.

When Wang Baobao led the army to attack, he already guessed that the Mongolian nobles and the young emperor Aiyou in the camp were in danger.

Looking at the thick smoke in the distance, Wang Baobao couldn't help but reveal a smile of successful conspiracy.

Now, even if the Mongolian nobles and the young emperor Aiyou were not killed in battle but were captured by the Ming army, as long as they launched an attack, they would surely be killed!

After all, Wang Baobao had also secretly prepared his personal guards, so that they could all die quietly. When Wang Baobao led the Mongolian Guards to approach the Yuerhai camp, they found that the Ming army in front was indeed in chaos


"The Point Guard Is Here"

Wang Baobao knew that the Ming army was busy clearing the battlefield and chasing down the fleeing soldiers.

Now that he led tens of thousands of Mongolian elite cavalry to suddenly appear in the rear, the Ming army would definitely be overwhelmed.

"Blow the drums! Blow the trumpets!"


Following Wang Baobao's order, tens of thousands of Mongolian guards, led by him, rushed towards the Ming army in front!

At the same time, Wang Baobao also passed the order to his younger brother Tuoyin Timur.

Wang Baobao asked Tuoyin Timur to lead 20,000 cavalry to attack the Ming army's logistics line south of Yuerhai.

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