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Chapter 184: Grand Master of the Great Yuan Kingdom

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All tribes in the Mobei grassland are completely subject to the division of grassland pastures by the Mobei Protectorate.

Conflicts over grass and water rarely occur between them.

Moreover, each tribe was assigned many of the best quality sheep. Because these sheep were provided by Zhu Han, they were all resistant to disease, grew quickly, and had strong physiques. It only took less than two or three months for each tribe to deal with them.

These sheep can't put it down.

The Mobei Protectorate keeps a constant eye on each tribe. Any tribe that shows signs of rebellion will be asked by the Mobei Protectorate to lead other tribes to conquer it together.

Anyone who resists the Ming Dynasty will die.

In less than a year, this sentence has become the first rule of survival for various Mobei tribes.

The sun and moon red flag of the Ming Dynasty also became the highest flying flag of various tribes.

The Mobei Protectorate established by Zhu Han, through this series of means, had completely completed the control and integration of various tribes before the arrival of the summer of the fifth year of Hongwu.

The entire eastern part of the Mobei Grassland has become the jurisdiction of the Mobei Protectorate of the Ming Dynasty.

Any force that dares to resist will incur the most powerful attack from the Ming army.

The fate of Bayanbulu and other tribes is the best proof.

After being defeated and fleeing on the battlefield for Babulu and other tribal leaders, Cewangala and others ran all the way to Halahalin and asked for help from the Grand Master Wang Baobao of the Yuan Dynasty.

According to Cewangala and others, the entire Mongolian tribes on the Mobei Grassland harbored the Yuan Dynasty and hated the Ming army to the core.

The failure of Cewangala and others was simply due to their own negligence. As long as Wang Bao could lead a large army from Hara and Lin to attack the Ming army's Mobei Protectorate, a mere few thousand Ming troops would not be able to stop the Mongolian counterattack.

However, no matter how simple Cewangala and others described the counterattack against the Ming army's Mobei Protectorate, Wang Baobao showed no signs of nodding his head in agreement.

Hua Ala and others lost their tribe and territory, so there was no problem with their hatred towards the Ming army.

But Wang Baobao had already heard that the Ming army used a large number of supplies and caravans from the Central Plains to provide assistance to the surrendered Mongolian tribes.

With the assistance of the Ming army, many Mongolian tribes survived the originally difficult winter.

This gave most of the Mongolian tribes a very strong sense of trust and loyalty to the Ming army.

After all, when the Yuan Dynasty was having a hard time in Zhong, they no longer had the energy to take care of some poor relatives in Mobei Cao.

The current situation is "Follow Yuanhun and starve for nine meals in three days." As long as those Mobei tribes are not stupid, they will never fall out with the Ming army again.

As for the reason why people like Cewangala were forced to rebel by the Ming army, Wang Bao also saw the essential problem.

This is the strategy of the Ming army to win over the majority and eliminate the minority.

Wang Baobao really believed Cewangala's lies and led his troops to attack the Ming army's Mobei Protectorate. That was really a fool's errand.

Therefore, regarding Cewangala's request, Wang Baobao first persuaded him kindly, and then firmly refused.

After all, the counterattack army's military operation against the Mobei Protectorate had almost no chance of winning.

Moreover, Wang Baobao still has very important things that he needs to prepare for in Harbin.

Naturally, this happened because Wang Baobao was preparing to welcome Tuolibuhua, the Mongolian leader of the Oara Desert, in the Hala River Forest.

Halakhalin is a capital city built by Gengji Khan in the middle of the grassland after conquering the original tribes.

When the Mongol Empire was at its largest, Hara and the Gobi Desert in the south were close to the Central Plains. They were an excellent location to control the grasslands in the north and the Han lands in the south.

However, with the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty in the Central Plains, the Monan grassland south of Hara and Lin had become the sphere of influence of the Ming army. Hara and Lin at that time were no longer suitable as the capital of the original empire.

However, Lahorin is, after all, the capital of the steppe empire left by Genghis Khan Temujin.

Tuolihua knew that Wang Baobao wanted to honor him as the Great Khan of Mongolia, so he immediately made Harahalin the place where he would participate in politics during his glorious moment.

Outside Lahorin City)

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 184: Grand Master of the Great Yuan Kingdom

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Wang Baobao led the few remaining civil and military officials of the Yuan Dynasty, surrounded by the Empress Dowager Qi and the little prince Bayan Timur in the Empress Dowager's arms, and were welcoming Tuolibuhua, the leader of Mongu in the Oara Desert, who had arrived after a long journey.

Although Tuolibuhua's ancestor Ali Buge and Yuan Emperor's ancestor Kublai Khan were brothers, they had already become feuding brothers because they competed for the position of the Great Khan of Mongolia.

Now, as descendants of both sides, the friendly meeting again in Hara and Forest can be described as a historic moment.

According to the pie described by Wang Baobao to Tuolibuhua, Tuolibuhua will become the Great Khan of the Ancient Dynasty, and Bayan Timur will be the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and according to seniority, Bayan Timur will be left without any responsibility.


The Yuan Dynasty of Mongolia will be completely separated from now on, but the two sides are still in an alliance to deal with the Han allied forces and other hostile khanates in the south.

With the rumble of horse hooves coming from the distance!

More than 10,000 Mongolian elites from the Oara Desert led by Tuolibuhua came towards Hara and Forest.

Tuolibuhua is tall and sits on a strong horse, almost sitting on a mountain of meat that keeps moving, making the strong horse pant constantly.

Seeing Tuolibuhua leading the leaders of the various tribes in Wala, Wang Baobao immediately led his imperial guards to greet him.

"Hahaha, Timur, you are indeed a heroic man."

After the two parties met, Tuolibuhua did not hesitate to praise Wang Baobao.

After all, Wang Baobao was able to understand current affairs and the overall situation so well that he gave himself the position of Great Khan of Mongolia, which was definitely an unexpected surprise for Yu Tuolibuhua)

You must know that although there were many people in the ancient Oara Desert.

However, in terms of equipment and training, it is not enough to compare with the elites of the Yuan Dynasty and the host Mongolia.

Once the two sides engage in a real fight with real swords and guns, there is really no guarantee that they can win without spending too much time.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Thanks to the Ming army, which destroyed the main force of the host kings, and Wang Baobao's awareness of current affairs, he was able to escape without any use of troops, and the Mongols were about to be conquered.

Sit under your butt in a sweaty position.

"The Great Khan is a talented person. Compared with you, I, Wang Baobao, am just a star next to the sun. I am inconspicuous." Wang Baobao said humbly with an expression that was neither humble nor overbearing.

Wang Baobao's appearance makes him feel even better when he is out of touch.

Subsequently, the two sides held a conference of the various tribes of the Mongolian Union outside the city of Harahorin.

According to the tradition of Mongolia, all the generals and generals will be elected as the Great Mongol Khan at the conference, and they will be given a unique honor.

Everything is done according to the steps as expected.

Wang Baobao's army had a lot of wine shipped from the original area. Although it was not of high quality, it was already very scarce on the grasslands.

After all, as the capital of the empire on the Mongolian grassland, Harakhorin still has some reserves.

So before tribal council starts.

Sufficient amounts of wine were already placed on the table in front of the leaders and generals of each department.

While everyone was still talking, they had already drank several bowls of spicy and exciting liquor.

My tongue, which was so thin, grew bigger without realizing it.

"I, I, I said, expand Timur."

"We can't drink any more wine. Let's hurry up and get everyone started."

Little did he know that these fine wines were not poisoned.

But it was all Wang Baobao who used secret channels to burn Daozi wine from the original height.

When Zhu Han was making soap, he produced a large amount of glycerin. This glycerin was enough to neutralize the sour and astringent substances in alcohol, making the taste of spirits smoother and creamier.

These spirits produced by Wang Baobao are glycerin flavored spirits.

This makes Tuolibuhua and others who are accustomed to drinking low-alcohol kumiss unable to withstand this alcohol concentration.

If you drink mare's milk or ordinary spirits on weekdays, you will definitely feel nothing after three or four bowls.

However, after three bowls of wine today, not only was my tongue feeling unwell, but my mind was also starting to feel dizzy.

(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 184: Grand Master of the Great Yuan Kingdom

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After hearing Tuolibuhua's words, Bao smiled slightly.

Seeing Wang Baobao stand up, he said to the guards behind him who were holding wine and plates.

"Take off the Khan, you've almost finished drinking, it's time to send the Khan away."

Wang Baobao's words made Tuolibuhua and the people in Wala next to him confused.

"Kuankuo Timur, we haven't settled the matter of recommending the Great Khan yet, how can we go back to rest?" He said, his face was ugly and he was about to get angry.

Wang Baobao, however, remained calm and said with a womanly smile.

"I won't trouble you for big things like promotion. After all, dead people can't help us."

Wang Baobao's words made Tuolibuhua and others break out in cold sweat.

My originally groggy mind suddenly woke up.

"Expand Timur, what are you going to do..."


Only half of Tuolibuhua's sentence was replaced by a scream!

Tuolibuhua fell forward obesely, and all the wine, mutton, etc. on the table were spilled on the floor. Behind him, there was a long iron spear that penetrated the armor and went straight into the hollow of his back vest.

Tuolibuhua was indeed a fierce man who wanted to be the Great Khan of Mongolia. He suddenly suffered such a fierce sneak attack and did not die immediately.

I saw Tuolibuhua turning around with difficulty.

Swinging the spear behind him, another table next to him was overturned to the ground.

"Baobao, you little poisonous snake! You! You!"

Tuolibuhua knew that he had been attacked and ambushed by Wang Baobao, so he pointed at Wang Baobao and cursed angrily.

Tuoyintie'er, who had just carried out a sneak attack with a spear, saw that his fatal blow did not kill Tuolibuhua, and Tuoye was frightened and angry in his heart.

Tuoyin Timur pulled out the sword from his waist and suddenly slashed it at Tuolibuhua's neck.

Tuolibuhua, whose actions had already been damaged, was unable to withstand this fatal blow.

I saw a flash of white light, and then blood mist spurted out.

Tuolibuhua fell to the ground with a crash, and his heavy body seemed to shake the surrounding earth.

The general who was closest to Tuolibuhua also had Wang Baobao's swordsman lying in ambush behind and rushed out to control him.

In the blink of an eye, Tuohua killed himself and his subordinates were controlled.

The Oara tribe leaders he brought were all stunned by the scene before them.

"If you show off your arrogant ambitions and divide our country, Dayuan, you will deserve to die. Which of you is his accomplice, and who is the loyal minister of Dayuan?"

Wang Baobao looked at the various leaders and leaders of Wala who were under control, and said in a very dangerous tone.

These people all understand that they are now fish on the eucalyptus board, and whether they are alive or not depends entirely on Wang Baobao's words.

Although the Wala people were very arrogant and domineering in the past, and they were angry with seven of the seven disobedients of the Yuan Dynasty, but now that the leader Tuoli Buhua has been killed, they also know that if they continue to rebel, they will eventually die.

Moreover, the Wala alliance was already in disarray. Now that it is out of control, the original hatred between the various tribes will burst out, and the subsequent civil strife will definitely be inevitable. Even if they want to deal with Wang Baobao again in the future, it is just a dream.

Therefore, no one would think of avenging Tuolibuhua or being loyal and buried.

"I am willing to listen to the Grand Master's arrangements."

"That's right, that's right. If you don't show off your inner integrity, you'll die without guilt. It's all up to the Grand Master to make the decision."

"Don't worry, Grand Master, I, Hao Hai, will all obey the Grand Master's orders."

The leaders and generals of various Oara tribes expressed their submission attitude to Wang Baobao.

Timur and Wang Baobao looked at each other and smiled.

The two brothers knew that this sneak attack on Tuoin Timur was already a success.

This is definitely a brilliant strategy)

Wang Baobao used his skillful skills to immediately capture the leaders of the Oara tribes who were willing to surrender to him.

It only took less than three days!

The leaders of the Mongolian tribe all once again gathered in Hara and Linju (this chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 184: Grand Master of the Great Yuan Kingdom

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Alright tribal council!

At this Great Mongolian Tribal Conference, all tribal leaders and generals unanimously elected Bayan Timur as the Great Khan of the Great Mongolia.

Although Bayan Timur was only one year old and was elected as the Great Khan of Mongolia, he was still too young to know anything about administrative leadership.

Therefore, according to Mongolian custom, Bayan Timur's mother, Empress Dowager Qi, was the regent.

Empress Dowager Qi was a Korean girl. Here in Mongolia, there was neither the power of her natal family nor the troops under her command. The only one she could count on was Wang Baobao.

In order to ensure that Wang Baobao's regency was justified, the Mongolian tribes meeting also elected Wang Baobao as the Grand Preceptor of the country.

All military and political affairs of the Great Mongolia were in charge of the Grand Protector Wang Baobao, and Wang Bao's younger brother Tuoyin Timur served as Wang Baobao's deputy.

The Great Khan was elected at the Mongolian tribal assembly, which belongs to the process of the Mongol Khanate)

And Bayan Timur also had another identity, that is, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

Therefore, as the first contributor to assisting the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty!

Chapter 184: The latest website of the Great Yuan Protector:

This chapter has been completed!
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