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Chapter 201 Mings real power overseas

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The wood and iron sheets in the front row alone weigh more than a hundred kilograms, and when combined with the racks and sand filling in the rear, the weight is almost five to six hundred kilograms.

Such a heavy shield vehicle must require many soldiers to move, so it is naturally inflexible.

However, too many soldiers are needed to push these heavy tanks.

Tulu Heitemur was afraid that he would not be able to defeat Wang Baobao due to lack of troops under his command. Moreover, although the structure of these shield vehicles was strong, they would inevitably suffer a lot of casualties after being bombarded by artillery.

Those Tianfang Sect soldiers hired with huge sums of money are naturally unwilling to be these cannon fodder.

Tulu Hetimur ordered the arrest of strong men in Huozhou City to push these heavy shield carts.

Although in the territory of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, Tuluhei Timur had previously ordered the people to convert to Tianfang religion.

However, there are still many Mongolians who continue to believe in Buddhism or Immortality, and they became the target of death by Tuluhei Timur.

As for the Mongolian identity, it was of no use in the eyes of Tuluhe Timur.

"Anyone who doesn't believe in the true God is not worthy of being my tribe!"

"My people are only the people of Allah!"

These words of Tuluhei Timur not only caused disaster to the Mongols in Huozhou City, but also caused him to lose what little prestige he had left!

Not only the Mongols, but all disbelievers are aware of the danger of their future situation!

The Tianfang Sect is not someone easy to get along with!

However, today's Tuluhei Timur is still unaware of this problem.

He is now eager to repel Wang Baobao's army besieging Huozhou City!

If Wang Baobao was not defeated at the foot of Huozhou City, Tuluhei Timur would never have a chance again.

Once Wang Baobao consolidates the captured territory, Tuluhei Timur will only have a dead end.

"The true God is above!"

"Today we will win!"

Tuluhei Timur once again boosted morale at the foot of Huozhou City.

Opposite Wang Baobao has also seen the new weapons launched by the Eastern Chagatai Khanate.

"It seems to be a kind of shield car?" Timur stretched his neck and said.

Wang Baobao thought so too, but he was not very worried.

Because the artillery made by the Ming army was very powerful and could not be stopped by some wooden shields.



"Get ready to fire!"

Wang Baobao did not hesitate to issue the order. He also wanted a quick victory. If it was delayed for too long, not only would it become more and more difficult for the Oara tribe to restrain them, but even the Lanzhou Ming Army might sneak attack on his rear, the West Sea.

Following Wang Baobao's order, the three artillery pieces of the Mongolian Yuan Army opened fire one after another.


Boom! Boom!

After three cannon shots, the troops of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate were in panic.

However, the shield cart in the front row blocked all the artillery shells. Although there were many casualties among the strong men pushing the shield cart, the Tianfang Sect soldiers were not harmed.

"The true God is great!"


"The true God is above!"

The Tianfang believers who finally heaved a sigh of relief immediately started shouting in various different voices.

As for the poor strong men who were killed by artillery, no matter how miserable they cried, they would not let the mercenaries of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate show any mercy.

Pagans are almost not human beings.

These humble-looking shield vehicles actually blocked three artillery pieces, which made Wang Baobao both surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate actually contained the artillery offensive with these seemingly crude shield vehicles.

Fortunately, it seems that I can also learn this method to deal with the Ming army!

"Hit again!"

However, for now, we still need to solve the defense of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate first.

Wang Baobao immediately urged his artillerymen to continue the attack.

Seeing that his shield car was really useful, Tuluhei Timur immediately struck while the iron was hot and ordered a counterattack against Wang Baobao.

The Eastern Chagatai Khanate took advantage of its numerical advantage and the steady advance of its shield vehicles to actually fight in a very orderly manner.

However, how could Tuluhei Timur's little ability stop Wang Baobao's attack?

After several attempts, Wang Baobao finally discovered the weakness of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate.

Subsequently, an offensive like a roaring mountain and a tsunami immediately defeated the army of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate.

Tulukhe Timur originally wanted to work hard to reorganize the army, but a roaring cannonball suddenly shattered the shield car covering in front of him, and the broken wooden spikes pierced Tuluhetimur like a dagger.

The child's throat!

Blood spurted out immediately!

The last khan of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, the guardian of the prophet, and the mahogany stone emir of the Tianfang Sect, Tuluhe Timur, died in the rebellion like this!

The collapsed army of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate fled around the battlefield like headless flies.

Wang Baobao immediately divided his troops into two groups.

The group was led by General Hao Hai, who was responsible for hunting down these defeated Chagatai Khanate mercenaries. All Tianfang Sect mercenaries took no prisoners!

The other route was led by Wang Baobao himself to capture Huozhou City, which had no military will!

Capturing a city is a very good mission. Not only can you plunder a large amount of treasures, but there is not much danger.

Everyone in Wala knows that Wang Baobao obviously gave them no chance to remember Huozhou City.

No matter how dissatisfied Haohai and others were, they did not dare to disobey Wang Baobao's military orders.

In just three months, Wang Baobao killed the "Pseudo Khan" Tuolibuhua and Chagatai Khan Tuluhe Timur.

With such a powerful ability, the Wala people can only obey orders.

The fierce Walas immediately vented all their anger on the Tianfang Sect mercenaries who were being pursued.

With the rise of the Oara people killing, in addition to the mercenaries of the Tianfang Sect, the villages where the Tianfang believers met along the way were also massacred and plundered by the Oara people.

Thick black smoke is rising almost from the entire large area west of Huozhou City!


The Tianfang Sect's power in the Eastern Chagatai Khanate was almost wiped out after the massacre by the Walas.

The remaining Mongolians and people of all ethnic groups immediately expressed their respect for Wang Baobao.

Wang Baobao also took the opportunity to recruit these Mongolian descendants from Chagatai and formed a huge army.

The size of this legion even exceeded the regular Mongolian and Yuan imperial guards.

Of course, their equipment is relatively poor and their weapons are extremely backward, but they are better in numbers!

At this time, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate had been completely conquered, and the Eastern Chagatai Khanate was destroyed, which greatly increased Wang Baobao's power.

Wang Baobao directly announced the establishment of Dayuan Ulus in the territory of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate!

Genghis Khan established the Great Mongol Ulus, and Kublai Khan established the Great Yuan.

Now, Wang Baobao has come to merge and form a ‘Great Yuan Ulus’, and Alimari, the capital of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, has become the capital of the ‘Great Yuan Ulus’!

At this point, the Eastern Chagatai Khanate was destroyed!

Wang Baobao has also become a powerful leader in the hearts of all Mongolians!

Such a result made the remaining Tianfang Sect nobles and others in the Eastern Chagatai Khanate unable to believe that all of this was true.

However, their resistance was in vain and their resistance would only anger Wang Baobao.

After the news of the complete destruction of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate by Wang Baobao was conveyed to Western Chagatai, the local Tianfang believers were all sad and hated Wang Baobao!

Under the angry gazes of these Tianfang believers, Wang Baobao led his cavalry and began a sweep.

What they mainly searched for were gold, silver, jewelry and food, followed by livestock, women and children.

Wang Baobao immediately became neither short of money nor food.

The warehouses of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate were filled with yellow gold and silver jewelry.

These gold, silver and jewelry are priceless, enough to feed thousands of cavalry, or even more people!

However, these things did not make Wang Baobao happy.

He quickly realized the problem: "Although we have money and food, we lack artillery! Only three artillery pieces are completely insufficient!"

This sentence caused the newly wealthy generals to fall into silence.


Artillery is now Dayuan's key weapon.

Wang Baobao had previously thought about organizing a group of craftsmen to study artillery technology, but due to insufficient level, it was never implemented.

Now it seems that this matter must be resolved.

A plan soon appeared in Wang Baobao's mind.

He wants to build an artillery army belonging to Dayuan!

In the Indian Ocean, the fleet flying the red flag of the Ming Dynasty finally arrived in Persia!

Under the introduction of Persian businessman Maru Ali, the Persian destination of the Ming Dynasty fleet was chosen in Bayer Black City!

This is a small city, at most the size of a county seat in the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming fleet led by Tang He had just arrived at the Bayer Black Port in the Persian Gulf, and was immediately warmly welcomed by the local Persian lord Abbas. A large number of Bayer Black people came to the port, wanting to see the rich and powerful Eastern Ming Empire.


In Bayerhei, Persia, people only knew that the Ming Empire was very powerful, but they had never heard of how powerful it was. Moreover, most people had never seen a real Ming Navy. Now that they had finally seen one, they were naturally very excited.

At this time, Tang He, wearing a red official uniform and a black gauze hat, stood on the side of the ship, waving to the crowd around him, looking very cordial.

"Haha, brothers, it seems that our people in the Ming Dynasty are quite enthusiastic, right?" the deputy general on the side joked with a smile.

"Haha, who says our Ming Empire has such a high prestige? These Persians must be trying to take advantage."

The deputy general's words caused everyone to burst into laughter.

"Okay, stop laughing, hurry up and get ready to land, dock the ship to have a rest, and then get ready to rest!"

Tang He said with a serious face, obviously he used this attitude to maintain his image as a Ming official.

Following Tanghe's order, more than a dozen warships slowly moored at the dock, waiting for soldiers to land.

Just as everyone was landing one after another, suddenly there was the sound of horse hooves in the distance, and then a young man riding a white horse and wearing gorgeous armor galloped over to the dock.

This man is Abbas, the lord of Bayer Black City in Persia.

Although he is a noble lord, he still behaves respectfully when facing the huge Ming fleet.

"Haha, welcome the distinguished envoy of the Ming Dynasty to our Bayer Black!"

Abbas led the people to Tang He and said to him with a smile.

Tang He nodded slightly and replied:

"Lord Abbas is welcome!"

At this time, Tang and the navy soldiers around him all looked wary, fearing that Abbas would do something.

After all, there are too many Persians in this port.

It can almost be said that the whole city is dispatched!

And Abbas seemed to have noticed the hostile gaze of the Ming navy soldiers, and hurriedly explained with a smile: "Please rest assured, I have absolutely no other intentions. I just heard that His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty sent an envoy here, so the people can't bear it.

I just want to pay my respects, but I don’t have any other intention.”

Persia has been a prosperous area in the Western Regions since ancient times. Since the Arab Empire conquered Persia, the prosperous local economy has allowed the Arab Empire to quickly enter its most powerful period.

However, it was precisely because of the prosperity of the Persian region that this land became a arena for battles between conquerors, large and small.

More than ten years ago, the Mongol Yin Er Khanate that once ruled Persia fell, and Persia fell into a chaotic war between warlords from all over the country.

The military strength of Bayer Black City is weak, and the two major forces of Mozaffari in the north and Sabankara in the west compete fiercely, both of which are eyeing the wealthy and weak Bayer Black City.

The weak Bayer Black City has to pay two protection fees every year in order to survive in the gap between the two major forces.

However, not long ago, Mozaffari was defeated in a battle with Sabankara, and the victorious Lord Ayubuz of Sabankara immediately had the intention of annexing Beirhei City.

Ayubuz first declared himself the protector of Bayern Black City, and then ordered Abbas, the lord of Bayern Black City, to go to Ayubuz's castle to swear allegiance.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After Abbas's tactful refusal, Ayubuz immediately became furious. He heard that troops and horses had been prepared in his territory, and it might happen at any time.

Launch an attack on Bayerhei City.

As an official and translator of the Ming army, Malu Ali's hometown is Beirhei City, and his family business is also based in Beirhei City.

If Ayubuz's army is allowed to occupy Beirhei City, many industries will inevitably be destroyed by the war.

Ayubuz, the lord of Sabankara, has always had a reputation of being cruel and greedy. Even if the city of Bairhe was not attacked, he would have his blood and marrow sucked out during his subsequent rule.

Therefore, Maru Ali also sent a message to Abbas, asking him to be respectful to the Ming soldiers and envoys. Only in this way can the powerful Ming army be moved and let them help Baihei City overcome this difficulty.

Therefore, Abbas responded to the visiting Ming Dynasty fleet's requests. In the following days, whether it was necessary water food, fresh vegetables and meat, Abbas selected the best supplies from all the supplies in Bayerhei.

Good supplies were given to the Ming Dynasty fleet.

Tang He naturally felt Abbas's thoughts.

Taking this opportunity, Maru Ali and Abbas made a very sincere request to Tanghe.

"As the lord of Beirhei City, I am willing to swear allegiance to the Ming Emperor who is thousands of miles away. I will always be the loyal guardian of Ming Dynasty in Persia. To all Ming merchants and troops who arrive at Beirhei City, Doujiao belongs to my Abbas family.

My benefactor and eternal friend!”

Abbas, the lord of Beirhei City, expressed to Tang He his willingness to let the Ming army help him defend the city, and promised to be loyal to the Ming Dynasty forever.

But to be honest, in Abbas's mind, the reason why he came to seek help from the Ming army general Tang He was actually more because of Maru Ali's persuasion.

After several slave trades with the Ming Dynasty, the Malu Ali family gained great wealth and prestige, and became a big businessman that Abbas in Bayer City valued very much. Naturally, Abbas also paid attention to what Malu Ali said.

However, Maru Ali explained that although his army only had more than 10,000 people, it could defeat the Persian army of 100,000 people. Such words made Abbas very sure that Maru Ali was bragging.

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