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Chapter 312: What is Zhu Biaos desire?

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If you are not familiar with Zhu Han, after hearing Zhu Han's words, you may think that Zhu Han is bragging and trying to paint a bigger picture for himself.

But Zhu Yuanzhang believed it.

And believe it unconditionally.

Just like when he was still a monk in Huangjue Temple, he was allowed to rebel.

The big cakes that Zhu Han painted are now being realized one by one. What reason does Zhu Yuanzhang have not to believe in Zhu Han?

Zhu Yuanzhang patted his thigh and said loudly:

"Okay, let's go with what you want in Qiwu! This Ming Dynasty will be a powerful empire that has never been seen before and will never come after!"

Zhu Biao looked at his uncle and old father, blinked and said nothing, lowered his head and continued eating meat.

Zhu Biao did not understand why Zhu Yuanzhang believed in Zhu Han unconditionally. The main reason was that he had not personally experienced the miracles created by Zhu Han.

When Zhu Biao was born, the Ming Dynasty had already become the dominant overlord. After Zhu Biao grew up, the Ming Dynasty had already unified the world. Although people around him were praising Zhu Han, including Zhu Biao himself, he believed that Zhu Han was very capable and had the ability to do things well.

Very forward-looking.

Just because of these, Zhu Yuanzhang believed in Zhu Han unconditionally?

Nothing feels right.

What Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang talked about today, Zhu Biao also felt was too far out of reach, and even thought Zhu Han was bragging.

But looking at Zhu Yuanzhang's appearance, he didn't have the slightest doubt about what Zhu Han said.

This... is my uncle so powerful?

Zhu Biao's first reaction was not doubt, but self-reflection.

He thought that his understanding of Zhu Han was not deep enough, and he felt that it was necessary for him to communicate with Zhu Han more.

When returning, Zhu Biao expressed his doubts to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Dad, do I have too little contact with my uncle? You trust him so much, which makes me feel a little incredible."

Zhu Han is not here now, and Zhu Yuanzhang does not need to show off his majesty. He calmly said to Zhu Biao: "Your Qiwu uncle is a person who can turn decay into magic. Your Qiwu uncle is indispensable for us to be where we are today."

"Moreover, he is not greedy for fame or fortune, nor is he interested in power. On the contrary, he likes to do business, break rules and establish a new order. This is something we did not expect."

"Our younger brother really makes us confused sometimes."

To put it bluntly, I just don’t know what Zhu Han wants.

It feels like Zhu Han is aloof from the world, he is interested in everything, but not interested in anything.

If nothing else, let’s talk about rebellion.

Zhu Yuanzhang was indeed pushed to the shelves at first, but now that he thinks about it carefully...

In fact, Zhu Han didn't need to do anything else at all. He could completely leave Zhu Yuanzhang aside and become the emperor himself.

However, Zhu Han did not, but gave all his status to Zhu Yuanzhang.

When reminiscing about the past, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have opened up a chat box. He was talking to Zhu Biao about the past along the way. Zhu Biao listened very carefully. He wanted to hear more information about Zhu Han from Zhu Yuanzhang's words.


After returning to the palace, Zhu Yuanzhang slowly took back what he wanted to say, and then said to Zhu Biao: "There are many things in Qiwu that I can't finish talking about in a day and night. When I was in my hometown before, Qiwu just had a different personality."

But after arriving at Huangjue Temple, he gradually changed, as if his brain was suddenly enlightened. Sometimes we all thought that the Buddhas in the temple gave Qiwu guidance and wanted to build a Buddhist temple. Later,

However, Qiwu strongly prevented us from doing this, saying that the temple was too large and would be detrimental to the Ming Dynasty."

After Zhu Biao heard so much, he had only one feeling: everyone else had desires, but Zhu Han had no desires.

In other words, his desire is to make the Ming Dynasty last forever and for the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Thinking of this, Zhu Biao couldn't help but scratch his head. Why did he feel... that there was such a big gap between himself and Zhu Han?

"Do you feel that the gap between you and your brother-in-law is a bit big?"

Zhu Yuanzhang saw Zhu Biao's thoughts and murmured to himself: "Standing on the wall, you can be strong without desire. We are far from your brother-in-law..."

Zhu Biao immediately said: "Then let's help my uncle to build the Ming Dynasty well and let the people live a good life."


Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, and then said to Zhu Biao: "If you have time, go find your uncle and chat with him."


If someone now makes a systematic summary of the current world situation, they will find...

The Ming Dynasty first stretched out its fangs to the world and expanded endlessly.

Except for those small countries in Europe that have been fighting and fighting, everywhere else, the Ming Dynasty is attacking others.

With strong ships, powerful artillery, and excellent swords and armor, they are invincible in the world.

The sun, moon, mountains and rivers will always be there, and the Ming Dynasty will always be there.

Wherever the sun and moon go, it is the land of the Ming Dynasty...

Zhu Han had nothing to do at home, and several women were pregnant. Zhou Zhiruo was also pregnant now. She did not stick to Zhu Han, but stayed with Liu Sanniang all day long. Zhu Han didn't know what they were talking about.


The baby was about to be born, and there was nothing to do with Zhu Han. Zhu Yuanzhang and Ma Xiuying sent Wen Po, and the princes and generals sent a lot of supplements. Zhu Han was like an outsider, and there was no need for him to mix anything.

In Ma Xiuying's words: "This is a woman's business. Why are you, a grown man, messing around? Let's go!"

I was afraid that Zhu Han would be unhelpful if he left too late.

Zhu Han left simply. He had nothing to do, so he thought of chronicles.

In the past few years, everyone was at war, and the personnel arrangements were quite irregular. Those overseas enclaves were just fighting, and they didn't care about anything else. It didn't matter if they were destroyed. They just left it there as wasteland for later.

It’s not too late to start development once the staff is sufficient.

However, Zhu Han is ready to do something big.

He wanted to send historians wherever there were people from the Ming Dynasty, let them record them, and then compile a book of what the Ming Dynasty did every year to form a huge history book.

This is a matter of immeasurable merit. It can be regarded as starting from the Ming Dynasty. These places have a unified name: Ming Dynasty!

As for Roman culture, Indian culture, Egyptian culture, these ancient civilizations, Zhu Han would systematically preserve them and leave them in the Ming Dynasty for future generations to study.

Of course, the cultures of these ancient civilizations conquered by the Ming Dynasty can only find their cultural archives in the Ming Dynasty. Those conquered places will naturally be baptized by the culture of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Han thought of it and did it. When he went to see Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yuanzhang was still worried about the lack of civil officials in the Ming Dynasty. When he saw what Zhu Han came to him to tell him, he couldn't help but feel a headache: "Qiwu, didn't we tell you this?"

Well, now our Ming Dynasty is too short of people, especially officials. We just talked to you, Biao'er was still there at the time, and now you are reaching out to ask for the editors of the Hanlin Academy. I want to send them to various places.

Going up."

"Brother, I know, but Biao'er's opinion is not bad. It is also a good choice to let some generals transfer their professions. However, if those editors of the Hanlin Academy go overseas to practice, they may have greater success when they come back.


Zhu Han doesn't think the problem raised by Zhu Yuanzhang is a big problem. Moreover, Ming Dynasty is now in a stage of rapid development, and management problems are not a problem. Moreover, only the coastal areas of Ming Dynasty and the surrounding areas along the coast are developing by leaps and bounds. There are more in other places.


The manpower is not insufficient, but the quality is poor. It has nothing to do with Zhu Han sending people out.

Zhu Han continued to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Moreover, if our Ming Dynasty has a very clear historical record, it will be of great significance to future generations."

"Okay, you do it and we don't care, okay?"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't tell Zhu Han, and he couldn't know the use of the so-called historical records, so he simply let Zhu Han do it and completely delegated power to Zhu Han.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang has become lazy. If it were in the past, he would definitely ask Zhu Han about this matter. Now Zhu Yuanzhang wants to understand. Even if Zhu Han breaks it apart, mashes it up and tells him, he may not be able to do it in the end.

Understand that even for some things, it takes a long time after completion for the meaning to be reflected.

Zhu Yuanzhang said that it was not that he did not want to understand, but that he could not keep up with Zhu Han's rhythm.

Simply, let Zhu Han do it freely and wait until he remembers it later.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought so and wanted to ask how the pregnant women in Zhu Han's family were doing. Just as he was about to ask, he paused again.


Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to have found something to do for Zhu Han. He raised his head and looked at Zhu Han: "You said that your mother-in-law is pregnant, and you don't want to stay at home."

"It's useless for me to stay at home. They think I'm in the way."

Zhu Han said that it was not his fault, but that the other women did not need him. He smiled and joked to himself: "How about I go out for a walk? Find some more wives?"

"That's not impossible."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Han with a playful look in his eyes: "However, there is something I want to ask you. Have you forgotten someone?"

Forgot someone?

The first thing Zhu Han thought of was naturally women.

Because the two brothers are talking about women now and forget about people?


When Zhu Han asked who he was playing with, he paused.

Something's wrong!

Zhu Han immediately remembered someone: "Zhao Min?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Han and laughed, looking at Zhu Han with amusement in his eyes: "You kid, I thought you had forgotten her."

"I haven't forgotten. How could I forget?"

Zhu Han laughed sheepishly. He had indeed forgotten her. There was nothing wrong during this period. Why did he forget her?

"As long as you haven't forgotten."

Zhu Yuanzhang put down the memorial and said to Zhu Han: "Bao'er wrote to us, saying that Zhao Min is on her way back. Because she knows that she has a close relationship with you, she did not treat her badly along the way. She will be here soon.

, you see what to do."

As for how Zhu Han would deal with it, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't care, and he didn't want to care.

Because Zhu Han seems to be somewhat interested in women, why would Zhu Yuanzhang disturb such a little hobby of Zhu Han?

After speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang paused and took out a token and handed it to Zhu Han: "If you want to see Zhao Min as soon as possible, then you and Yuan Qi will go there later. There is a man named Mao Xiang from my Yiluan Division.

, if you need anything, just ask him."

Wool inlay?

Zhu Han is no stranger to this name.

But this kind of familiarity is not only familiar to him in his previous life, he is also very familiar with it in this life.

Yiluan Division is Zhu Yuanzhang's personal army, and it is a force that only Zhu Yuanzhang can control. Zhu Han has never placed anyone in this team, and it would be meaningless to do so.

And this emperor's personal army called Yiluansi will have a more resounding name in the future: Jinyiwei!

And Mao Xiang... was the first commander of Jinyiwei.

When Nankong's house was ransacked, he was involved, but later he didn't remember this person existed, so he never paid much attention to it.

Zhu Han took the token given to him by Zhu Yuanzhang and couldn't help but laugh. It seemed that his influence on history was not great. Some outstanding people would eventually emerge from this great world.

"Brother, you understand me and know what I'm thinking."

Zhu Han took the token given to him by Zhu Yuanzhang and waved it in his hand.

"You bastard! If it weren't for you, I would have cut that woman into pieces."

Zhu Yuanzhang said something, but it was just a sentence: "But it doesn't matter. How can she, a weak woman, affect the overall situation?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was angry because he thought that Zhao Min was a white-eyed wolf who was not well-bred. Zhu Han was usually very kind to her, but she didn't know how to be grateful and betrayed Zhu Han. This was something Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't bear.

As for now, she ran back to the Ming Dynasty from Rome... We can see her intentions, but Zhu Yuanzhang is also worried that Zhao Min is using a trick to deceive Zhu Han's trust.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Zhu Han and reminded: "Qi Wu, you will gain wisdom after every experience. You must not be deceived again."

How can this be said to be deceived?

Zhu Han would not explain any more to Zhu Yuanzhang on this matter. He waved his hand and said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Brother, I'm leaving first. Yuan Qi... you follow me."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand and motioned for Yuan Qi to follow him. After the two left, Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head helplessly, and then continued to read the memorial.

"Your Royal Highness!"

When Mao Xiang knew that Zhu Han was coming, he immediately ran out, knelt down on one knee in front of Zhu Han and said, "Jinyiwei Baihu, Mao Xiang! I have met His Royal Highness the King of England!"

At just over 20 years old, he has been promoted to a hundred households. This guy has a bright future!

There's nothing special about Mao Xiang, it just looks smarter, not good-looking, it's just popular.

Who would have thought that such a young man would concoct a major case against Hu Weiyong in the future? What a murderer!

Yuan Qi was quite familiar with Mao Xiang, and he did not shy away from admonishing him: "Mao Xiang, His Majesty asked you to assist His Majesty the King of England. You must do your duty with all your heart. If something goes wrong, we may kill you."


Mao Xiang was so frightened that he knelt on the ground: "I will die for His Majesty the King of England!"

Yuan Qi ignored Mao Xiang who was kneeling on the ground. He turned around and said to Zhu Han with a flattering smile: "Your Highness, this Mao Xiang is very exciting and has a good eye for things. You can use it well. If there is anything you don't do well, please tell us.

Let’s get you another one.”

"No, just him."

Zhu Han handed the token to Yuan Qi, but Yuan Qi did not take it. It seemed that he wanted Zhu Han to keep the token. Zhu Han did not force him and threw the token to Mao Xiang: "Give me this token."


The pure gold token has only the word "天" on it, which means that seeing the token is like seeing the emperor. Mao Xiang did not expect that after meeting Zhu Han, he would directly bring such a token to himself, and he suddenly felt a little hot.


He raised his head and looked at Yuan Qi, hoping that he would give him an idea. Zhu Han should hold this thing, so what's the point of giving it to him?

But Yuan Qi didn't seem to see Mao Xiang's eyes, and followed Zhu Han flatteringly. Mao Xiang had no choice but to put the token into his sleeve and follow quickly.

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