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Chapter 318 Who said military generals have no brains?

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Lan Yu asked him to stay in India for a few more days. Zhang Dingbian thought that Lan Yu must have bad intentions, but Zhang Dingbian was not afraid. Lan Yu seemed to be using him and letting him do the most dangerous things. Zhang Dingbian was not afraid.

I feel very unhappy. I am here to fight, not to obey your orders.

Logically speaking, Zhang Dingbian is only half a level lower than Lan Yu. If Lan Yu presses too hard, Zhang Dingbian can completely ignore Lan Yu. But the people who are optimistic about Lan Yu are Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang. These people

Zhang Dingbian also wanted to look up.

The reason why he was willing to enter Lan Yu's camp was entirely for this reason.

As for the tasks Lan Yu mentioned, Zhang Dingbian didn't want to participate, but he also felt that the tasks Lan Yu mentioned were very challenging for him.

I want to do it, but I don’t particularly want to do it.

So confused.

Lan Yu didn't care whether Zhang Dingbian was willing to do it or not, and directly stated his purpose. As for Zhang Dingbian's participation or non-participation, Lan Yu had no say, but Lan Yu believed that people like Zhang Dingbian

A military general will not refuse the temptation of war.

Besides, the civil and military affairs of the Ming Dynasty were separated. Military merit was the only way for generals to gain fame. Wang Baobao and Chen Youliang were not a serious problem for the Ming Dynasty, but in terms of their significance to the Ming Dynasty, their statuses were not the same.

And speaking.

They were driven out of the Ming Dynasty and were Zhu Yuanzhang's biggest enemies. No matter where they went, they were labeled as enemies of the Ming Dynasty. The only way to remove the label was to let them die.

Zhang Dingbian looked carefree, but Lan Yu could tell from the previous fight that he was a very careful person. Fighting Wang Baobao and Chen Youliang, Zhang Dingbian could not fail to see how many military achievements were hidden in it.

Whether he can make the right choice depends on whether he wants to get more military glory.

Lan Yu's attitude was to invite you to the urn. He could also see that Zhang Dingbian was just being tough. If he wasn't interested, he could completely disappear. Why wait here?

As for Lan Yu, Zhang Dingbian was asked to stay for the next military exercise. At that time, several surrounding kingdoms would send people over. The reason why Lan Yu did this on such a grand scale was to make the Ottomans, Hungarians

When the kingdom sees the strength of Ming Dynasty, they also realize the gap between them and Ming Dynasty. Only in this way can Lan Yu complete the goal set by Zhu Yuanzhang for him faster.

All this is very simple and seems easy, but it is not as easy as it seems.

Simply using force to oppress the Ottomans and a kingdom like Hungary may be counterproductive if the force is forced too hard.

Hitting with a stick and giving a carrot is the best way. How to grasp this scale is a question that Lan Yu needs to consider. If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

However, with Zhang Dingbian's help, Lan Yu's operable scale will be larger. After all, the back road is cut off and the front attack is not going smoothly. It is completely possible to open up a maritime battlefield. But will Zhang Dingbian agree? Now

It is still unknown. If Zhang Dingbian is more aggressive, he himself can take away Lan Yu's job.

There are many choices before Lan Yu, but no matter which one he chooses, there are many constraints.

Zhang Dingbian is not a good person. After listening to Lan Yu's plan, he realized that this matter was very feasible after a brief thought. He even thought that if he got rid of Lan Yu, he would not be able to do it himself.

No, behind Wang Baobao and Chen Youliang, there are many other kingdoms. Xiaozhi Yili and the others may also stand on the same front as Ming Dynasty.

Of course, he can also cooperate with Lan Yu. As long as he and Lan Yu confirm their cooperation, Zhang Dingbian can write a memorial to Zhu Yuanzhang and explain to Zhu Yuanzhang how the credit will be divided at that time. It will depend on who can do it faster.

Lan Yu tried to use military exercises to deter the countries in West Asia and Eastern Europe. Zhang Dingbian believed that the success rate was high.

Zhang Dingbian had many contacts with the people here before. The reason for the perennial conflicts between the Ottoman and Hungarian countries was due to the invasion of outsiders on the one hand and their different beliefs on the other.

Just because of a simple belief, they were able to fight for hundreds of years. This was the first time Zhang Dingbian had heard of such a reason for fighting, and he found it incredible.

In Zhang Dingbian's view, as long as their faith problem is solved, the remaining problems will no longer be a problem.

But what Lan Yu would do made Zhang Dingbian very curious and wanted to know.

You might as well wait and see how Lan Yu solves the problem.

From ancient times to the present, whether it is history books or unofficial histories, most generals have been described as reckless men with well-developed limbs and simple minds. However, they are not brainless. For example, Lan Yu and Zhang Dingbian today, if they did not have eight

With hundreds of tricks, we can't even reach an agreement on how to cooperate.

This is not to say that the Ming generals were not united within themselves.

It's that they all want to do one thing, but they also want to maximize the benefits and make themselves vested interests.

Lan Yu directly requested military exercises when he disagreed. After he sent a messenger to let the news out, it immediately aroused a huge response.

Especially the Ottoman, Hungarian and other empires closest to India. Although they did not directly compete with the Ming Dynasty, they could feel the power of the Ming Dynasty through the changes in the situation around their countries.

India fell, the Sultan of Delhi surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, and Firuz Shah became the last king of the Sultan of Delhi... Not only these three countries, they saw the Ming Dynasty's fleet from the coastlines of their own countries, and also from the people who fled.

I heard that a very powerful dynasty arose in the ancient East.

Of course, there is also false news spread by Wang Baobao and Chen Youliang.

The Ming Dynasty was cruel and murderous, and their generals ate a hundred children every day... Anyway, Chen Youliang and Wang Baobao used as much force as they could to throw dirty water on the Ming Dynasty.

Anyway, it is causing trouble for Ming Dynasty, so why not do it?

Of course, whether it is true news or false news, they all illustrate one problem: Daming is really powerful!

As the saying goes, how can you allow others to snore on the side of the bed?

This sentence has their own understanding in the West, and it is basically the same as the saying in the Central Plains. Anyway, the Ming Dynasty is now powerful and is their biggest enemy.

Lan Yu's invitation letter has already been sent to the hands of the Ottoman and Hungarian kings. Although the two kings have not met, their reactions are very unified: No!

What a joke!

He Lan Yu said that he invited us to watch the military exercise. Do we have to go to the military exercise?

If Lan Yu doesn't respect martial ethics and detains and kills us, won't our country be in chaos?

Don’t go, don’t go!

Say nothing and don’t go!

However, I had to go.

The strength of the Ming Dynasty has become a fact that "people speak for each other". If we don't stop it, wouldn't it offend the Ming Dynasty to death and leave no room for relaxation?

Therefore, the kings of the Ottomans and Hungary unanimously selected two "important ministers" of the country, and then selected and defeated elite soldiers and strong generals to escort them to India.

These two Ottoman and Hungarian 'important ministers' never dreamed that at such an old age, they would be guarded by hundreds of elite soldiers. They were smiling on their faces, but in their hearts they had already greeted the eighteenth generation of their king's ancestors.

Read it again.

I've seen deceitful people, but never such a deceitful one.

You yourself don't dare to come here to observe the military exercise. You can send others to participate. Why do you have to embarrass us old men?

Even if we fail, aren't there still hundreds of sergeants? Will they also be buried with us?

The two envoys were filled with bitterness. They never imagined that they would die in a foreign country.

But their king unanimously chose them to die, and no matter how reluctant they were, they had to go on.

Lan Yu's attitude towards them was not enthusiastic, and the purpose of holding the military exercise was to demonstrate to Hungary and the Ottomans. It would be great if they could leave alive, so how could they take good care of them?

When entertaining the envoys from the two countries, King Firuz Shah of the Delhi Sultan happened to be there. Lan Yu said to Firuz Shah: "Old Fei, you are our friend of the Ming Dynasty and my good brother of Lan Yu. Naturally, we

You will be given preferential treatment. As for the two countries of Ottoman and Hungary, they are obedient to me and do not take us seriously at all. I asked their king to come, but they only sent two old men.

What's going on? Am I, Lan Yu, not worthy enough to meet their king?"

"Deserve it! Completely deserve it!"

Firuz Shah is completely a 'Lan Chui' now. His life is in Lan Yu's hands. In his opinion, he only has a chance to live if he flatters Lan Yu properly. How could he not grasp it properly?

What about such an opportunity?

Lan Yu complained about the Ottoman and Hungarian kings. Firuz Shah also showed indignation and severely condemned the behavior of the two kings for not showing up: "General Lan, let me tell you, we don't need any military exercises, we just need to put the artillery

Fire it in front of their city, and after one round of bombardment, they will be honest. Such artillery is tantamount to punishment from the gods. They will only be more afraid of Ming Dynasty and you, General Lan. Those people are all scoundrels.

, General Lan, you don’t have to pity them, just hit them hard!”

The kings of the Ottomans and Hungary, their fate was worse than that of Firouz Shah. This is the scene that Firouz Shah wanted to see: "General Blue, please give the order to mobilize the troops. I, the Sultan of Delhi, are willing to serve you."

However, Sapphire did not follow Firouzsha's wishes.

In ancient times, people would buy horse bones with a large sum of money in order to get a better BMW. The reason why Lan Yu and Firuz Shah are so close is to let others know that joining the Ming Dynasty is not the end of your life, but the end of your life.

just started.

You see, Firuz Shah originally cooperated with Chen Youliang and can be said to be our enemy of the Ming Dynasty. But now that Firuz Shah has taken refuge in the Ming Dynasty, we do not hold him accountable for his fault, but treat him as a 'good friend'.

Couldn't Ming Dynasty, with such a broad mind, attract a few countries to surrender?

Zhang Dingbian did not leave. He had been observing everything. Zhang Dingbian stayed in India and prepared to watch the military exercises prepared by Lan Yu. In fact, he already had the answer in his heart: cooperation.

Cooperate with Lan Yu to attack Wang Baobao and Chen Youliang from both sides.

However, before confirming cooperation with Lan Yu, Zhang Dingbian also wanted to know how Lan Yu persuaded the two countries, Ottoman and Hungary, not to be enemies of the Ming Dynasty.

Two old men come here, put on gorgeous clothes, and become important ministers of the country?

Zhang Dingbian found it ridiculous. These two envoys did not look like pampered people, and the guards who led the team to protect them did not look too respectful. If these two old men were okay, Zhang Dingbian dared

Twist off the head and let the soldiers kick it as a ball.

Zhang Dingbian could see it, but Lan Yu couldn't?

Lan Yu not only saw it, but also thought of a very insidious and cunning plan.

After the military exercise began, the Ottoman envoy stood on the left side of Lan Yu, the Firouz Shah stood on the right, and the Hungarian envoy stood outside Firouz Shah.

The military exercise is actually very simple. It is nothing more than showing the best side of the army in front of everyone, and then showing off the best weapons. These are on the surface, but there are also experts present, and they see what is on the surface.

After finishing, he saw the vitality of the Ming Dynasty soldiers again, and immediately knew that the rumors he heard before were true, and nine times out of ten they were true.

Lan Yu kept pulling the Ottoman envoy to talk and laugh, and laughed heartily from time to time. Seeing Lan Yu chatting and laughing with the Ottoman envoy, the Hungarian envoy's back molars were almost broken.

We agreed to advance and retreat together, but you secretly had a very "pleasant" conversation with General Ming. Isn't this betrayal? The envoy from the Kingdom of Hungary also wanted to get together, but was blocked by Firuzsha. The Kingdom of Hungary

When the messenger saw the murderous look on Firuzisha's face, he immediately knew that this guy was not easy to mess with... and the smile on his face became even less.

Is the Ming Dynasty going to unite with the Ottomans and then annex our Hungary?

Seeing the military appearance of the Ming Dynasty, looking at the earth-shaking weapons of the Ming Dynasty, and the Ottoman envoy who was chatting and laughing with the Ming general, all of this made the Hungarian envoy have to worry: Ming Dynasty is going to cooperate with the Ottomans, and then

Annexation of Hungary, Wang Baobao, Chen Youliang...

Damn Ottomans, cunning Ottomans, you will be punished by God for being so inconsistent!

When the dinner arrived, the Hungarian envoy was still thinking about how to establish contact with Sapphire.

Suddenly the big tent opened, and a luxurious dinner meal that looked like a flowing table was brought to the tent.

The person who came was Lan Yu's bodyguard. The Hungarian envoy had seen him. After setting up the banquet, he stepped forward and clasped his fists at the Hungarian envoy and said: "Dear envoy, please be patient. Our general has finished handling his official duties."

I will come to see you immediately, my general said, let us not treat you badly no matter what, our Ming Dynasty and your Ottoman Kingdom will be good friends forever."

Ottoman Kingdom…

The Hungarian envoy, who had been beaming with joy just now, immediately had a smile on his face after hearing the words of the blue jade guard.

The Hungarian envoy was an honest man. Although he was very reluctant, he still said very honestly: "I, I am the envoy of the Kingdom of Hungary. Can you tell General Lan that we, the Kingdom of Hungary, also want to be friends of the Ming Dynasty!"

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