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Chapter 328: The Ming Dynasty marched westward and captured the Kingdom of Aragon!

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Seven hundred years later, many people are studying the history of the early Ming Dynasty. It was from the Zhu Yuanzhang period that the Ming Dynasty began to dominate the world... and then unified the world.

Then, when everyone was doing research, they discovered that there was nothing the world could do to stop the expansion of Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty's expedition was like a dimensionality reduction attack. All countries in the world had no power to resist the Ming Dynasty.

Can't beat it at all.

When the enemy faced the Ming Dynasty, they dare not say that they had no resistance at all. Even if they resisted, they would only allow their country to perish with dignity.

Can't beat it at all.

Let alone other things, let's talk about artillery and firecrackers. Taking out these two weapons is enough for those countries in the West to make them lose all opportunities to resist.

For example, today's France... ah no, it should be called the Valois Dynasty now.

After the Kingdom of West Francia was unified by the Capetian dynasty, the Kingdom of France established its basic governing system. However, after the death of Charles IV of the Capetian dynasty in 1328 AD, because he had no heirs, his cousin Philip, Count of Anjou, and

His nephews, King Edward III of England, competed with each other for the throne of the Kingdom of France. Finally, Philip won the throne, and the Kingdom of France entered the Valois Dynasty.

Today, although dynasties have changed, one thing has not changed: war.

In the famous "Hundred Years' War" in history, one of the most important participants was France, but it is no longer possible because of the intervention of the Ming Navy. This war will never last for a hundred years.

After receiving the order, Zhou Buxin immediately led the fleet from India and fought directly to the Rashid Dynasty.

The Rashid dynasty was very small. They themselves were conquered by the Arab Empire and became a vassal of the Arab Empire. However, the unreasonable Mongol Yuan expeditionary army directly swept the Arab Empire under the leadership of Meng Ge, so the Rashid dynasty gradually

It broke away from the control of the Arab Empire and became a country on its own.

However, a weak country has no diplomacy. Even if the Rashid dynasty is independent, because the country is too weak, even if it becomes independent, it can only be an accessory of other major forces.

For example, the Kingdom of Finji next to Rashid used to be a vassal of the Arab Empire, but now it suddenly rose up and not only brought the Pharaoh Kingdom that once ruled them into its own jurisdiction, but also imitated the Arab Empire and began to

Expanding around, the Rashid dynasty has just escaped the control of the Arab Empire, and now it is being targeted by the Kingdom of Finji. We can only lament their ill-fated fate.

Fortunately, Zhou Buxin came, and so did the Ming army.

With lightning speed, Zhou Buxin penetrated the Rashid Dynasty and Finji Kingdom in one breath, and continued to attack westward.

Moreover, Zhou Buxin was very domineering. He planted the flag of the Ming Dynasty along the road and told everyone that anyone who dared to pull the flag would perish!

The Rashid Dynasty and the Finji Kingdom never expected to encounter such a powerful opponent, and they directly penetrated their countries unreasonably. Even the Arab Empire back then could not have penetrated the two countries so easily.


They don't understand the Ming Dynasty. When the Ming Dynasty took over India, they were still in civil strife. The Rashid Dynasty and the Finji Kingdom had never heard of the Ming Dynasty. Now the Ming Dynasty suddenly launched a large-scale attack and could not control them.

Who is Daming?

Where did they come from?

Also, do you want to take down the flag with the word "Ming" left behind when they pass by?

Before they could take action, another Ming army arrived. This was Zhang Dingbian who came later. He appeared in front of the Rashid Dynasty with his army and artillery supported by Lan Yu.

Needless to say, "Those who dare to raise the flag will be destroyed" or something like that, Zhang Dingbian moved the artillery and fired a volley, which directly destroyed the city wall of the Rashid Dynasty.

Zhang Dingbian threatened them: "Submit or die!"

Rashid Dynasty: Needless to say, we surrender!

Just kidding, this kind of thunder-like weapon directly knocked down the city wall, just like the gods... And there was more than one 'god', it was a row of 'gods'.

Who can compete with a country that uses gods as weapons?



The Finji Kingdom suffered the same thing as the Rashid Dynasty, which was bombarded by artillery. No matter what, the Finji Kingdom was a country with a historical background. Facing Zhang Dingbian's surprise attack, they still wanted to resist.

Zhang Dingbian smiled: Since you are resisting, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Originally, they wanted to just fight one round and save some face for the Fenji Kingdom, but they didn't want any face. Zhang Dingbian directly triggered the artillery and blasted the royal city of the Fenji Kingdom into ruins. Even their king was bombarded in the ruins.


Funji Kingdom: I can’t afford to offend! I really can’t afford to offend!


Surrender without hesitation!

The Fenji Kingdom bowed their heads and admitted defeat, and Zhang Dingbian had no intention of letting them go. He ordered them to select elites and prepare their own dry food to help the Ming soldiers transport weapons and food.

Soon, Zhang Dingbian caught up with Zhou Buxin in front.

At this time, Zhou Buxin had already attacked the Kingdom of Aragon. At this time, King Pedro IV of the Kingdom of Aragon had decided to surrender to the Ming army.

"Conquered another country?"

Hearing the news that he had conquered another kingdom, Zhou Buxin was already numb. He didn't think it was a big deal to conquer a country because they were too weak and posed no challenge at all: "Okay... how far are we from the Valois Dynasty now?"


"After breaking the Kingdom of Aragon, the Valois Dynasty in the north is now at war with a United Kingdom called England."

Zhou Buxin briefly introduced the current situation to Zhang Dingbian, and then said to him: "General, this Pedro IV of the Kingdom of Aragon seems to be a scholar and gentle, but I feel that everything he shows

It's all an illusion. He has another face behind the scenes. I feel like he doesn't really mean it when he says he wants to surrender. He probably wants to paralyze us and then attack us from behind."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Zhang Dingbian and Zhou Buxin have been working together for a long time, and they know each other somewhat. He does not think Zhou Buxin is a greedy person, but on the contrary Zhou Buxin is a very cautious person.

He said there was something wrong with Pedro IV, and there really might be something wrong.

Zhang Dingbian did not doubt his presence and asked, "What do you think should be done?"

Zhou Buxin seemed to have thought of a solution a long time ago, and said to Zhang Dingbian very firmly: "Jiang Taigong fished for those who wanted to take the bait. If we test it, we can see the ambition of Pedro IV."

If you look at the real history, you will find that Zhou Buxin's worries are not unnecessary. Historically, this Pedro IV is a person with a severely polarized reputation. He was the most educated king in the fourteenth century.

He is also a great conspirator who is famous for his deception.

The Kingdom of Aragon was established with the help of the Valois dynasty. Without the help of the Valois dynasty, they would not have been able to drive away the Valois dynasty.

Today's King Charles V of the Valois Dynasty is very disgusted with Pedro IV. He once said that he would rather ally with Castile than with Aragon. The primary reason is because of Pedro IV.

Roman IV remained neutral during the Hundred Years' War between England and France, and secretly favored England.

If it weren't for the Valois dynasty, where would the present Kingdom of Aragon be? But they did not side with the Valois dynasty. In the eyes of Charles V, Pedro IV was a traitor.

Just like when Zhou Buxin broke through the border cities of the Kingdom of Aragon and advanced rapidly, and was about to defeat the Kingdom of Aragon, Pedro IV chose to surrender, and his attitude was very pious. He took the initiative to find Zhou Buxin and showed his face

They surrendered the letter and hoped that their surrender would lead to the Ming Dynasty opening their eyes to them.

Just as Zhou Buxin was worried, Pedro IV's surrender had evil intentions. Pedro IV was trying to deceive Zhou Buxin, and then suddenly attacked when the Ming Dynasty relaxed its vigilance, and drove away the Ming Dynasty army that invaded the Kingdom of Aragon.

Pedro IV's plan was good, but he overestimated himself. Others said he was cunning and a conspirator, but in Zhou Buxin's eyes, Pedro IV's plan was a one-man show that made people laugh.


After Zhang Dingbian and Zhou Buxin met, they did not come forward. Instead, they combined forces and let Zhou Buxin lead them. Then Zhou Buxin left with a large force, leaving hundreds of people behind to protect the channels for Ming Dynasty to transport supplies.

Pedro IV thought that his opportunity had come, and when he pretended to send condolences to Zhang Dingbian, he put ecstasy in the food and wine, hoping to stun Zhang Dingbian and the Ming army.

In fact, using poison is the safest way, but Pedro feels that Ming's weapons are very powerful and he doesn't know how to use them. He needs the Ming sergeants left behind to teach them how to use those 'god-like' weapons.

The plan was very good, but Pedro IV overestimated himself, and all the conspiracies he did were basically completed under the supervision of the Ming Dynasty.

When Pedro IV sneaked to Zhang Dingbian's tent with his troops and horses, suddenly countless torches lit up the dark camp, illuminating Pedro IV and his party.


It was at this moment that Pedro IV realized that his whereabouts had been discovered by the Ming Dynasty, and he was finished.

Zhou Buxin, who had returned from his departure, appeared in front of Pedro IV and looked at him condescendingly: "Isn't this the king of Aragon? Why did you come to my Ming Dynasty's military tent in the middle of the night? Do you know that no matter where you are, the Ming Dynasty's military camp

The location can be regarded as the territory of the Ming Dynasty. Your Highness the King, you have invaded our territory of the Ming Dynasty."

"No, absolutely not. How dare I invade your Ming Dynasty's territory?"

The expression on Pedro IV's face was even more uncomfortable than when his father died. He raised the knife and explained to Zhou Buxin: "I, I just want General Zhang to see if my knife... looks good."


Zhang Dingbian couldn't hold it back for a moment, and his serious expression suddenly collapsed.

He couldn't help but put his foot on Pedro IV's shoulder: "You dare to assassinate me and the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. You are an unforgivable sin! You will only die!"

Pedro IV wanted to beg for mercy and kept kowtowing on the ground. Zhou Buxin sighed and said to Pedro IV: "Abdicate, and then go to India... Wherever you go, you may be able to survive."

, but if you don’t go, nothing will be left behind, including your kingdom, which will disappear.”

The kingdom disappears...

Pedro IV thought to himself: Even if the kingdom disappears, it is not impossible, as long as he can let me go.

Unfortunately, neither Zhang Dingbian nor Zhou Buxin had any intention of letting Pedro IV go. He now had only two options: die or go to India as a prisoner.

In the end, Pedro IV chose to live. He chose to abdicate and hand over the throne of king to his son. He was escorted to India by the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

In fact, as long as Pedro IV does not commit suicide, Zhang Dingbian and Zhou Buxin will not embarrass him too much. After all, their main target is the Valois Dynasty now. They want to fight behind Wang Baobao and strive to destroy it from both front and rear.

Drop Wang Baobao.

As for the other kingdoms, as long as they surrendered, they did not want to waste time. Unfortunately, Pedro sought his own death, so Zhang Dingbian had no choice but to deal with him.

After driving away Pedro IV, Zhang Dingbian's face was not very good: "This bitch is just causing trouble for me. Wouldn't it be better to surrender honestly? Now I have wasted several days, and I can't do it."

I don’t know what’s going on with Lan Yu. If Wang Baobao and Chen Youliang were defeated by him, we would have been working for so long and not even get a bite of soup.”

When Zhou Buxin heard Zhang Dingbian's doubts, he didn't believe it: "Defeat Wang Baobao and Chen Youliang? It won't be so fast, right?"

"Why not? You still don't understand Lan Yu."

Zhang Ding waved his hand and said to him: "Lanyu, this kid, is better than Huo Qubing. He fights with great imagination. Most people really can't figure out his fighting ideas."

Zhou Buxin didn’t understand: Lan Yu, are you so awesome?

Sapphire, are you so awesome?

If Zhou Buxin were to see what Lan Yu did, he would definitely answer without hesitation: Yes!

The previous military exercise on the battlefield caused the two kingdoms of Ottoman and Hungary to turn against each other and start to attack each other. Lan Yu pretended to help Hungary to deal with the Ottomans, but secretly deployed troops to bypass the battlefields of the two kingdoms of Ottoman and Hungary.

Attack directly towards Chen Youliang behind him.

Chen Youliang also knew that he had to be on guard against the Ming Dynasty at all times. He kept his nerves tight and sent a large number of scouts secretly to the Ottomans, Hungary, India and other places to investigate the movements of the blue jade army.

But all the scouts and secret news pointed to Lan Yu's intention to help the Kingdom of Hungary and would not attack Chen Youliang at this time. Chen Youliang also felt relieved, feeling that he had won a chance to breathe.

However, before Chen Youliang could finish breathing, Lan Yu's army rushed towards him. The marching speed was so fast that Chen Youliang was shocked. When Chen Youliang received the news that Lan Yu was attacking him, Lan Yu had already appeared in Chen Youliang's capital.

Hundreds of miles away.

After Chen Youliang heard the news, he immediately packed up his gold and silver and ran away without having time to judge the situation.


Must run!

Moreover, when he ran away, Chen Youliang did not forget Zou Pusheng and Chen Youren. He knew that if he wanted to make a comeback, he must take these two people with him.

As for Chen Li... I hope he can delay Lan Yu's attack.

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