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Chapter 541: Leaving Yànjing

After Lan Yunfeng told everyone in Lan Yunzhai what she thought, the whole place was filled with gasps.

One of Lan Yunfeng's sisters-in-law walked up and touched Lan Yunfeng's forehead: "Xiao Feng, are you not feeling well? Do you have a fever?"

Lan Yunfeng helplessly slapped the other person's hand away: "Sister-in-law, I'm very normal now. I'm not joking, I really decided to do this."

Unlike Lan Yunfeng, these women are just ordinary women after all.

This concept is really a bit too advanced for people like them.

To say it is shocking is an understatement.

It's like wearing a bikini on the beach in this day and age.

Maybe to future generations, this is not a big deal at all, but to people today, it seems to be extremely immoral.

"Xiao Feng, you must have eaten something that you shouldn't have eaten. How come you can say such things?" A woman persuaded her earnestly.

"We women are supposed to take care of our husbands and raise our children. If we really couldn't survive, we wouldn't do this kind of business."

"Now you not only want to lead us to do it, but also want all the women in Ming Dynasty to do it."

"If this spreads out, how many people will poke our spines?"

"Shopkeeper, we have promised you everything before, but this is the only thing you must not do."

Lan Yunfeng had already known that as soon as she said these words, she would definitely be opposed by many people.

But now, he has found his goal and is determined to keep working hard for it.

No matter who opposed this matter, she never wavered in her heart.

"Sisters..." After everyone finished expressing their opinions, Lan Yunfeng solemnly expressed her true thoughts.

I kept talking for almost two hours without even drinking a sip of water.

At the beginning, most people in Lan Yunzhai still didn't understand Lan Yunfeng, but as Lan Yunfeng told her, they gradually understood Lan Yunfeng's true thoughts.

Suddenly someone stood up suddenly: "I think Shopkeeper Lan is right. Why do we women have to hang around the pot?"

"Shopkeeper, I support you!"

"Although I don't know whether the shopkeeper is right or not, I will listen to whatever the shopkeeper says."

Gradually, Lan Yunzhai finally came to a consensus.

But at this time, an older woman stood up and raised her doubts: "Shopkeeper, I know you mean well, but there is nothing wrong with us doing this kind of thing ourselves. If we really do it with great fanfare, maybe

It will attract the attention of the imperial court, and when the time comes, as long as the imperial court gives an order, we will all be in trouble."

"And even if the court doesn't care, if we offend a high-ranking official, we can't afford to offend him."

The wrinkles on this man's face were criss-crossed, and he looked like someone who had experienced a lot. Those young girls were different. People like them had seen so many dangers in the world.

I know that many things in this world actually make no sense.

Lan Yunfeng indeed smiled confidently: "Don't worry about this. You may not know that Sister Ma, who just bought a stake in our Lan Yun family, is the Duke of E. With her protecting us, we will never have any problems."

Of course it was impossible for her to tell these people the true identity of Queen Ma, but in order to increase their confidence, she had to reveal some details appropriately.

Duke E Guo has become the best shield at this time.

After all, Queen Ma and their current false identities are Chang Yuchun's relatives.

For these ordinary women, they still cannot fully understand the meaning of what Lan Yunfeng is going to do.

Therefore, it is enough for these people to have a relative of the Duke as their backing.

After unifying everyone's thoughts, Lan Yunfeng said with a smile: "Don't worry too much, we will do this for several years or decades."

"It's not a matter of conquering the world. For everyone, as long as you work hard and be careful not to damage the reputation of our Lanyunzhai."

"It's enough to take more care of the new female workers."

"The reason why I am telling you this today is because I want to tell you."

"Our Lanyunzhai is not only a workshop, but also the last pure land for women in the world."

As she spoke, Lan Yunfeng's tone suddenly became stern: "So if you let me know that someone bullies a female worker, or does something that violates conscience and morality, don't blame me for saying ugly things first."

After the big stick, it is natural to give a sweet date. Lan Yunfeng then said with a smile: "In order for women in the world to live a better life, of course we must start from our own Lanyunzhai. If the female workers of our Lanyunzhai,

Life is so tight, how can you talk about helping women all over the world?"

"So I decided that starting from today, everyone's monthly payment will be increased by 10%."

"And as our Lanyun Mountain business gets better and better in the future, your Echizen will also get higher and higher."

No matter what I said before, it was all good, but it actually had nothing to do with ordinary female workers.

Maybe what Lan Yunfeng said sounded nice, but after all, it was too broad for them.

However, Zhang Yueqian's matter related to everyone's interests.

The scene, which was not salty just now, suddenly erupted into a thunderous cheer.

The woman's voice is inherently shriller than the man's, so the cheers of so many people gathered together and spread directly to the distance.

Workers in many surrounding workshops couldn't help but look in the direction of Lan Yunzhai.

"Hey, what do you think those girls from Lanyunzhai are doing?"

"What does it have to do with you? Just go about your work."

"You don't know what Lan Yunzhai is thinking. He only recruits female workers. It would be great if he could also recruit male workers."

"Come on, don't think that we don't know what you're thinking. Aren't you just greedy for the bodies of those girls?"

"Bah! It's like you're not greedy."

The men around him laughed heartily at the same time.

It wasn't until the foreman of the workshop came over to urge them to work that they hurriedly went about the work at hand.

After rectifying Lan Yunzhai's affairs, Lan Yunfeng directly issued an announcement for public bidding.

Lan Yunzhai wants to recruit a dealer in every province in Ming Dynasty.

For the sales within the province that each dealer is responsible for, the price is uniformly determined by Lanyunzhai, and the specific details are decided by the dealer.

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole Yanjing was in an uproar.

"This Shopkeeper Lan is really interesting. It took so many days for the real news to be released."

"The bidding has finally begun, and we must win it this time."

"This condition is too much. When we take the goods back, it's our business how much they sell for. Why should Lanyun Village have the final say?"

"If you think it's harsh, you don't have to participate in the bidding."

The person who complained immediately became less angry.

Everyone knows that getting Lan Yunzhai's goods is definitely a profitable business.

Even if Lan Yunzhai will set the price, it will definitely leave them with enough profit.

Otherwise, the anger of those dealers will make Lan Yunzhai completely disappear from this world.

Early in the morning, the sun had just risen over the mountainside, and the entire Yanjing City seemed to have come alive.

Various vendors selling food were lined up on the street, and countless people gathered on the avenue, heading towards the various workshops and various construction sites in Yanjing City.

On the road, the noise of the crowd, the cries of the vendors, and all kinds of laughter and curses came together to form a unique scene.

Zhu Yuanzhang stood on a high-rise building in Yanjing City and had a panoramic view of all this.

After watching it for a quarter of an hour, Zhu Yuanzhang sighed: "It's great! We must make the entire Ming Dynasty as prosperous as Yanjing City."

After saying that, he decisively turned around and left.

Less than half an hour later, Zhu Yuanzhang led a donkey and Queen Ma slowly left Yanjing City in the direction of Yingtian Mansion.

Da da da!

The sound of the little donkey's hooves hitting the concrete pavement was particularly clear.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not look back, and said as if talking to himself: "Today should be the bidding meeting of shopkeeper Lan. Are you really not going to attend? If you are here, shopkeeper Lan will be very happy."

Empress Ma smiled and shook her head: "I've done everything I have to do, and the rest is up to her. It doesn't make any difference whether I'm here or not."

Zhu Yuanzhang curled his lips: "If you want to train your girl, just tell her directly. Why pretend to not care about anything? Aren't you afraid that you will let go too much and crush that shopkeeper Lan? After all, what he wants to do is not a little bit...

It’s not much simpler than that Empress Wu.”

The Wu Empress in Lao Zhu's words, of course, refers to Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history.

Even Wu Zetian, although she became emperor, was inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

But even she can't change the true status of women.

And if what Lan Yunfeng wants to do is really successful, it will be unprecedented and unprecedented.

Empress Ma looked back at Yanjing, and the huge city outline gradually faded away: "Xiaofeng is not the kind of person who will be easily crushed. The more pressure she has, the more fighting spirit she has."

"Of course, the premise is that the court will not interfere in these matters."

Zhu Yuanzhang chuckled: "Don't worry, as long as we, Old Zhu, are still alive for a day, no one can touch Lanyunzhai."

"If this kid knew that Lan Yunfeng had such great ambitions, he might have succeeded a lot."

"His wife is considered very powerful, but compared to Lan Yunfeng, she is still inferior."

As he spoke, he sighed regretfully: "It's a pity..."

Although she only said three words, Empress Ma already knew what Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to say next.

At that moment, he had a sullen face and reluctantly said: "What? It's a pity that our girl is not the kind of beauty who is beautiful and fragrant, so we can't let you be included in the harem, right?"

Lao Zhu's color changed slightly, and he coughed a few times to cover up his guilty conscience: "What are you talking about? Are we, Lao Zhu, that kind of person? We are just thinking nonsense every day."

At the same time, in a restaurant in Yanjing City, the bidding meeting for Lan Yunzhai was about to begin.

As one of the most important figures in this bidding meeting, Lan Yunfeng, the chief shopkeeper of Lan Yunzhai.

But he did not deal with the bidding meeting in the restaurant.

Instead, he kept looking out the window of the restaurant, hoping to see the familiar sedan appear.

Unfortunately, seeing that the bidding conference was about to start in a quarter of an hour, the familiar leader still did not appear.

"Did something happen?" A bad premonition suddenly arose in Lan Yunfeng's heart.

Since knowing the identity of Sister Ma, it doesn't seem strange what happened to her.

Lan Yunfeng is not worried about anything else now, she just hopes that Queen Ma will be safe and sound.

At this moment, the maid came over quickly with a letter: "Shopkeeper, look quickly, this is a letter from Mrs. Ma to you."

"Bring it here quickly." Lan Yunfeng almost grabbed the letter and quickly tore it open and read it.

The more he looked at Lan Yunfeng, the more solemn his expression became.

The content of Queen Ma's letter was actually not much, just a few words, saying that she was leaving Yanjing because of some things.

From now on, Lan Yunfeng's affairs will be fully handled by Lan Yunfeng, and I hope he will be in good health.

In the envelope, there is also a small jade plaque.

If Lan Yunfeng has any problems that are really difficult to solve, he can go to Yingtian with the jade token and hand it over to the palace guards.

Of course, he can also come to Yanjing Palace to find her after the capital is moved.

Then there were some words of wishing Lan Yunfeng good health.

Although there are not many words, Empress Ma's concern for herself can be seen between the lines.

"You just left like that?" Lan Yunfeng suddenly felt empty in her heart.

But soon, he forced himself to calm down, because she had more important things to do than being sad.

And knowing that nothing unexpected happened to Queen Ma, Lan Yunfeng was completely relieved.

He reorganized his mood and walked towards the lobby outside with high morale: "Let's go, our Lanyunzhai's bidding has officially begun!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma entered Datong Mansion, they felt completely different from before.

Before, it was lush and green, with abundant water and grass.

All that is visible now is a gray-brown patch, and even the originally lush trees, whether they are leaves or bark, have been picked clean.

Everything that was edible had long been eaten up by the refugees wandering around.

Passing a small bridge, the river bed below was completely dry. Zhu Yuanzhang sent people to dig out and take a look.

Even underneath the riverbed, it was hopelessly dry.

"This drought is so serious." Lao Zhu also came from a poor family, so he has naturally experienced famines.

But even in Lao Zhu's memory, he had never experienced such a severe drought.

Lao Zhu could not even imagine how he could survive in such a desperate drought.

After checking the river bed, Lao Zhu threw away the sand in his hand and said: "Get to Datong as soon as possible."

This chapter has been completed!
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