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Chapter 564 The indecisive King of Han

Old Man Kong was also panicked. Where had he experienced various scenes?

I used to read books every day and always felt that I had a strategy in mind.

The reason why I didn't make any achievements in the court was just because I was indifferent to fame and didn't like to do those things.

Whenever you really think about it, what? Li Shanchang and Hu Weiyong, they all have to stand aside and make room for themselves.

If you come up with a policy at will, it will benefit the country and the people, and make the country peaceful and peaceful.

It was precisely because of this idea that after Zhu Han completely uprooted the Kong family, they all hated Zhu Han to the core.

Barbarians like Zhu Han have never read the way of saints or mentioned the teachings of saints.

There is no difference between them and savages.

So as long as they find a force to oppose Zhu Han and the Ming Dynasty, they can easily overthrow the Ming Dynasty.

But when it comes time to really need their advice and suggestions to solve difficulties,

But these people have no idea at all.

The legs hidden under the robe were trembling constantly.

But he managed to show that he didn't care about anything.

"My lord, there is no need to worry. It is human nature to seek profit."

"Those mud-legged people don't have a long-term vision and don't understand that I can help them drive away the big names who oppress them during the day."

"As everyone knows, what Zhu Han gave them was just a small profit."

"So your Majesty, there is no need to worry at all. The reason why this situation is happening now is because we have not raised troops yet and have not really shown our banner."

"That bitch Zhu Han is most afraid of death. He must be aware of the actions of our Holy Religion and intends to strangle the actions of our Holy Religion in the cradle."

"The more this happens, the more obvious it is that Zhu Han, that bitch, has a guilty conscience."

"He is afraid of our Holy Religion from the bottom of his heart, because he knows that as long as our Holy Religion sends troops, he will have no chance to resist."

"Although our holy religion has suffered some losses now, compared with the gains in the future, this loss is just a drop in the bucket. The prince really does not need to worry."

Old Man Kong's words are still the same as before, all of them are specious truths.

He seemed to be speaking with dignity and dignity, as if nothing escaped his control.

But actually, you only need to calm down and think about it carefully.

This guy hasn't solved any problems at all.

But Old Man Kong is, after all, a member of the lineage of Kong Sheng. The more nonsense he makes, the more upright and awe-inspiring he says.

It's as if everyone in the world are idiots and the truth is only in their hands.

Originally, Chen Xueying had already begun to doubt Old Man Kong, but after hearing Old Man Kong's words, she suddenly felt that it was really the case.

If he were not afraid of them, Zhu Handa could use other methods to deal with the White Lotus Sect.

Is there any need to issue a reward order to encourage ordinary people to report them?

It is precisely because there is no way to deal with them that we have to deal with them in such crooked ways.

"Kong Shaobao is right. I am indeed too anxious."

"According to my king's order, all members of the White Lotus Sect should hide themselves as much as possible from now on and not reveal their identity as the White Lotus Sect."

"Wait for the opportunity and prepare for our holy religion to raise troops!"

As soon as these words came out, the altar master of the White Lotus Sect's Datong Mansion, Zhao Mingde and Zhou Tong were immediately confused.

What's going on?

The leader is crazy.

Although these people have no loyalty to Chen Xueying, the guy who killed the previous leader and became the leader of the white religion.

No matter what, you are also the one who killed the previous leader.

You have to have some skills, right?

As a result, apart from having a majestic-looking face, this guy is basically useless!

It was okay that they were deceived by that old man Kong for the first time. After all, all of them felt that old man Kong must be capable.

After all, he is a descendant of Saint Kong, the scholar who sold himself in Yansheng Palace.

At least he knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom.

But things have reached this stage, no matter how pure you are, you should be able to see that this old man Kong is basically a silver wax gun head.

Apart from being able to brag, he doesn't know anything at all.

As a result, this old man just lied a few words, and as the leader of the church, you actually believed it again.

"Your Majesty, we absolutely cannot stand still any longer."

The altar owner didn't care either. He was sprayed bloody by Old Man Kong before.

At this time, it has reached a point of life and death.

Seeing Chen Xueying looking at him, the factory owner hurriedly expressed his thoughts: "Your Majesty, more and more people are reporting against our holy religion."

"Even if all the people from our holy sect lurk, there are only so few people in our holy sect, so we simply can't afford to lose anything."

"And we are all outsiders after all. No matter how we hide it, we will always leave some clues."

"The longer it takes, the more detrimental it will be to our education."

Someone actually dared to challenge his authority. Old Man Kong, who was frightened just now, immediately transformed into a fighter, angrily pointed at the altar leader and cursed: "Nonsense!"

"Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. Since you want to overthrow the Dog Court, necessary sacrifices are inevitable."

"In the short term, although we will lose some manpower, it will also make the people of the Holy Religion more clearly aware of the cruelty and ferocity of the Dog Court. If we don't overthrow them, people like us will not have a good life in the future.


"I think this is not a bad thing."

"On the contrary, it was you who urged the Holy Cult over and over again and rashly launched an attack on the imperial court without being fully prepared."

"Are you suitable for being a good person?"

The altar owner wanted to strangle Old Man Kong to death.

If he had known earlier that Old Man Kong was this kind of person, he would never have given him the chance to meet Chen Xueying.

The reason he is so anxious now is, of course, not about Chen Xueying's safety.

In his heart, even the original leader may not be more important than his own life.

The reason why he was so anxious was of course because he felt that his life was threatened.

Among the reporting activities in the past few days, his losses should be the biggest.

Although the White Lotus Sect was reported the most by the fleeing people, their information was often wrong.

After all, these people come from all over Datong Prefecture, and many of them have never met before.

Moreover, many of these people are just ordinary people. In the past, they only knew how to farm with their backs turned to the sky.

I have never come across anything like this.

Compared with them, the people in Datong Mansion are exactly the opposite.

Although the number of reports from people in Fucheng was far less than the number of people who fled.

But because they have lived in Datong Mansion for a long time, it is easy for them to find out if some strangers suddenly appear.

In other words, they had actually discovered the strange whereabouts of these people a long time ago.

But at that time, there was no reward from the imperial court.

And they also follow the principle that one thing is worse than one thing less. As long as it has nothing to do with them, they will just pretend that nothing has happened.

And now that the money has been taken, some people actually reported them directly just for the money.

The White Lotus Sect that can lurk in Datong Mansion are all subordinates carefully cultivated by this altar master.

Therefore, during this period of time, his losses were actually the greatest. If this continues, no matter whether the White Lotus Rebellion is a success or a failure.

He who gullibly suffered heavy losses will definitely be cleared out by Chen Xueying.

He will only die more miserably by then.

So no matter what, he is the one who least wants to wait any longer.

Even if you don't leave Datong Mansion, you should at least fight to the death.

See if you can get a chance.

Even if he failed, he had already thought of a response policy and was confident that he could escape from Datong Mansion, a place of right and wrong.

"You, an old man, should shut up!"

"Do you know how many members of our Holy Cult have been arrested by the Dog Court in the past few days?" the altar leader glared angrily and asked through gritted teeth.

Why would Old Man Kong care about this kind of thing?

Although he can control the world and the people with one mouthful, he seems to be very upright and awe-inspiring.

In fact, he only had revenge in his heart, and he just wanted to take revenge on Daming and Zhu Han.

Why do you care about ordinary people?

Of course Old Man Kong couldn't answer the altar master's question.

He retorted angrily: "So what if it's more? So what if it's less?"

"Since you have chosen this path, you should have the consciousness to make sacrifices for the Holy Religion."

"Not just them, even you, I must have the determination to sacrifice for the Holy Religion."

"If you don't even have this determination, how can you talk about overthrowing the Ming Dynasty?"

"You guys, are you just talking? You have never planned to sacrifice everything for the King of Han."

Of course it was just talk, and the altar owner complained disdainfully.

Only ordinary believers would take these words seriously.

People like them would not foolishly risk their own lives for the so-called revival of the great man.

Of course, he just said these words, and he would not say them stupidly.

Although Zhao Mingde and Zhou Tong had no expressions on their faces, their thoughts were not much different from those of the altar leader.

They are not stupid ordinary people. They join the White Lotus Sect just for their own interests.

"Please be clear to me, Your Majesty, I definitely don't mean that."

"Even if those people are ready to sacrifice for our Holy Religion, we can't just let them sacrifice in vain."

"Those hawks and dogs of the Dog Court always come in groups to capture people of our Holy Religion."

"Even if our people want to fight them to the death, they can hardly do any harm to them."

"These days, there have been more than a dozen battles that I know of. However, our people suffered heavy casualties, but the Dog Court did not suffer any losses."

"I'm not afraid of death, but I can't bear to see my followers die for no reason like this!"

Of course, there was another sentence that the altar leader did not say directly. He was unwilling to see the people he trained die for no reason.

If the person who died was someone from another altar owner, or even someone brought here by Chen Xueying.

He wouldn't even blink, and would even secretly applaud the court.

If Chen Xueying's men suffered heavy casualties, he might have a chance to kill the opponent and replace him like Chen Xueying.

After listening to the altar owner's words, Chen Xueying was also somewhat silent: "The members of my holy religion really shouldn't die here in vain."

Xu Shiheng, who had been standing in the corner of the room, trying to reduce his presence as much as possible, felt contempt in his heart.

"Looking forward and backward, you have no independent opinion. People like you still want to overthrow the Ming Dynasty? It's just nonsense."

"It seems like we should think of a way out as soon as possible."

Not only Xu Shiheng, but Zhao Mingde and Zhou Tong, who were still hesitant at first, also made up their minds at this moment.

As a leader, he can be willful and cruel.

Even if the ability is not very good, it is not really a big deal.

But the problem is, this Chen Xueying is really too opinionated, right?

Why does he feel that no matter what kind of cat or dog he is, he can easily influence his thoughts.

When I first met him, I thought he was a great person.

After all, Chen Xueying's appearance is really a plus. She looks very calm and capable, and seems to have a majestic appearance.

But after truly seeing what kind of character this guy was, these people truly realized that this guy was really a waste.

Apart from good looks, there are almost no other advantages.

Chen Xueying felt that what Old Man Kong said to the altar leader seemed to make sense.

For a moment, he really didn't know whether he should listen to the altar leader and immediately raise troops, or whether he should listen to Old Man Kong and continue to wait for the right time.

After hesitating for more than half an hour, Chen Xueying still had not made up her mind.

Finally, he waved his hand hesitantly: "You can leave first, I will think about it later."

His words gave Xu Shiheng and others another push.

Their last hope for this guy was completely gone.

Not long after they left, Zhao Mingde and Zhou Tong, two guys who quarreled whenever they met and seemed to be incompatible, got together secretly.

"Brother Zhou, we can't delay it any longer. If we don't make up our mind, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Zhou Tong agreed very much with what Zhao Mingde said: "Yes, with Chen Xueying's virtue, not to mention that the White Lotus Sect is not as good as the Dog Court now."

"Even if the power we have is more powerful than that of Gou Chaotian, I'm afraid we are no match for Gou Chaoting."

"Rather than perish together when the time comes..."

Before he could express his decision, a voice suddenly sounded from behind the two men: "The two generals are so excited. The Holy Cult is still thinking about eating and drinking at such a critical moment."

Both of them were covered in cold sweat and looked back sharply.

I found that the speaker was actually Xu Shiheng, who was wearing Confucian clothes and holding a folding fan.

He quickly looked behind the other person and saw that there was no one else with him except himself.

The two people looked at each other and immediately understood each other's thoughts.

Now that this person knows his secret, he cannot be allowed to go back alive.

This chapter has been completed!
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