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Chapter 596: You have to pay for entry

That makes sense...that's bullshit!

Zhu Han really wanted to point at his nose and spray this guy hard.

His fucking brains were kicked by a donkey.

The reason why he was able to receive relief grains was because the food pressure in Datong Prefecture was too great, and he had to raise food prices again.

It belongs to those grain merchants to transport grain to Datong Prefecture as much as possible.

And Zhu Han also understands the principle that a single move can affect the whole body.

Especially when it comes to something as critical as food, a slight increase in price will affect countless people.

Therefore, in order to minimize the impact of rising food prices, Zhu Han will naturally include some people who may be affected by food prices back into the protection.

And the guy in front of me is obviously the beneficiary of this decree.

It was obviously the court and him, the King of England, who did good things.

The results of it?

This credit was taken away by Chong Yunzi, a charlatan.

Just as Zhu Han was about to speak, Liu Shenhong came hurriedly with Zhang Fengnian from a distance.

Seeing Zhu Han from afar, Zhang Fengnian subconsciously wanted to step forward and salute: "King..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Liu Shenhong punched him lightly.

After all, Zhang Fengnian has been working hard in the mall, so he still has some reflexes.

He immediately realized that Zhu Han's identity could not be revealed in a place like this.

So he quickly changed his words and said, "Mr. Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your body still looks so healthy."

The response was pretty good. He was obviously a smart man, but he was deceived by Chong Yunzi, a big liar.

Zhu Han looked Zhang Fengnian up and down, but found that this guy seemed to look quite good.

His face was glowing red, and he was not as careless as Jin Yiwei reported to him.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is all thanks to Chong Yunzi, an old liar.

After all, what Zhang Fengnian is worried about is that his current strength has improved too quickly, and he is worried that he will not be able to hold on to the industry he currently owns.

As for Zhu Han, what Chong Yunzi did was just a magic show.

But for Zhang Fengnian, it really meant uprooting the demon that possessed him and sweeping away the haze in his heart.

There is no worry in my heart, and my whole spirit will naturally be different from before.

See what he looks like.

Zhu Han seemed to understand a little bit why a big businessman such as Ma was deceived by a charlatan in his previous life.

Maybe they don't necessarily know that everything the big liar said is false.

It's just that we are in their position and need some psychological comfort.

If this guy is just an ordinary charlatan, and he doesn't stand up to deceive at such a sensitive time.

Maybe Zhu Han really won't take action against Chong Yunzi.

After all, the times are here, and some things are inevitable.

As long as he doesn't cause particularly serious damage, he is just one of the products of this era.

But this Chong Yunzi was really good at the time of his selection. With the current internal and external troubles in Datong Mansion, it is a powder keg that may explode at any time.

If you put this guy Chong Yunzi in Datong Mansion again, God knows whether it will turn into an uncontrollable situation.

After all, according to Jin Yiwei's investigation, Taoist Chong Yunzi seems to have some unclear relationship with the White Lotus Sect.

The man who had spoken to Zhu Han before did not know where he went after Zhang Fengnian arrived.

Of course, Zhu Han was not interested in paying attention to an ordinary person. He lowered his voice and asked Liu Shenhong: "Have everything been arranged?"

Liu Shenhong nodded with a serious look on his face: "I have already made arrangements for my return to the prince, and I promise to keep it secret so that no one will find out."

Then he hesitated and said: "But Your Majesty, is it too dangerous to do this? What if..."

Zhu Han laughed and said nonchalantly: "Those people are not very smart, and even if they want to take action against me, they will not be able to do it easily."

"Actually, I hope that they can take action today. In this case, we can save a lot of trouble."

"What a pity..."

Zhang Fengnian listened with confusion. He could understand every word that His Royal Highness the King of England said to this gentleman.

But when these words were put together, Zhang Fengnian found that he had no idea what they meant.

But as a successful businessman, Zhang Fengnian knows one thing deeply.

If you can know some words yourself, you will definitely be able to obtain them through various channels.

If you are not supposed to know, then it means that the things you have access to and the things you talk about with the other party are not products of the same world at all.

At times like this, I don’t know, maybe it’s actually a happy thing.

After all, the person in front of me is His Royal Highness King Zhu Han. Who knows if what he is talking about is related to national affairs?

If an outsider like him heard about it, with Zhu Han's status, it would be easier to kill him than to kill an ant.

So Zhang Fengnian wisely chose to shut up and didn't ask any more questions.

A flash of appreciation flashed in Zhu Han's eyes, followed by some regret.

All I can say is that no one is perfect.

Zhang Fengnian is indeed a young man who understands the ways of the world and is very measured.

Know what to do and what not to do.

Obviously in a short period of time, he went from a little-known small businessman to a wealthy businessman.

If it had been anyone else, it might have floated to the sky long ago.

But this guy is still very sober. I have never heard of it. Because he became rich recently, he began to spend money and act recklessly.

This is one of the reasons why Zhu Han likes Zhang Fengnian.

Everyone has their own desires, but if you can't control even your own selfish desires, it won't be a big deal.

That's why Zhu Han came here specially this time just to help Zhang Fengnian.

Of course, it's not that he cares much about Zhang Fengnian, the most important thing is for his own layout.

At the very least, having one more person to restrain Shen Wansan and the others would definitely save him a lot of worry.

After giving a wink to the Jin Yiwei who was responsible for protecting them, those people quietly pushed their way through the crowd, quietly squeezing a way for Zhu Han and others.

After all, at this time, there is no such thing as queuing.

Basically, everyone relies on their own ability to see who is stronger and can squeeze in.

There were so many people at the scene that it was basically a crowded situation.

So this situation didn't attract anyone's attention.

The group of them soon arrived at Chong Yunzi's door.

Chong Yunzi's door was not closed, but it was only half opened.

The two young men blocked half of the door tightly and shouted at the top of their lungs to the people outside: "No one should crowd, otherwise the Taoist priest will be angered and no one will be able to get in line!"

The closer you get to Chong Yunzi's house, the better the order around you becomes.

There are also people who keep promising benefits to these two people in order to put themselves at the front of the queue and see Chong Yunzi as early as possible.

"Little brother, let me go in first, and I will give you ten taels of silver."

"Bah, you are so shameless. You want to see Taoist Master Chong Yunzi for ten taels of silver? I'll give you fifteen taels."

But this man's words aroused a lot of contempt. Listening to his words, I thought he wanted to add more silver, but in the end, he only added five taels.

"If you don't have money, don't pretend to be rich. I said twenty...no, thirty taels of silver, as long as Taoist Master Yunzi meets me first."

Some people are just paying lip service, but the more savvy people are already putting their money where their mouth is.

He immediately took out two ingots of silver and handed them to two people respectively: "Bi Ren saw that Taoist Chong Yunzi has something important to do, and it is extremely urgent!"

"These two ingots of silver are for inviting two young brothers to tea. If we can successfully meet Taoist Chongyunzi, I will definitely thank you very much."

I started with a heavy amount of silver, which felt like about five or six taels.

Although not as much as those who quoted the price, I did get these two ingots of silver firmly in their pockets.

The money paid by other people has long been remembered by the stingy Taoist Chong Yunzi in the courtyard.

At night, the other party will definitely take away the money and give them a few cents to spend.

So the two of them sent the man with the money in without even thinking about it.

In the eyes of others, this Chong Yunzi was a rare outsider.

But to the two gatekeepers, this guy was just a mean old man who was greedy for money.

It stands to reason that the money given by those people in order to see Chong Yunzi should basically belong to the two of them.

Under normal circumstances, there would be no boss, and the two concierges would only care about money.

But Chong Yunzi was different. According to what he said, he had already paid for hiring the two of them.

Then the money given to them by others should belong to Chongyunzi, so they must naturally hand it over.

But considering that they took the initiative to hand over the money, Cong Yunzi would not let their work go in vain.

They will also be given some rewards to some extent.

But compared with the money they received, the so-called reward was just a drop in the bucket.

Although the two gatekeepers didn't have any dissatisfaction on the surface, they cursed many times in private.

However, as they received more people, they gradually figured out a set of methods that were most beneficial to them.

That is, no matter what other people say, they both don't care at all.

But if someone secretly gives them money, no matter whether the person lowers the price on the surface or not, they will put the person in.

After all, Chong Yunzi could hardly see the money stuffed inside.

And even if you saw it, it doesn't matter. The worst thing you can do is hand over what Chong Yunzi saw.

There are more things that cannot be seen from Yunzi, and they can get some benefits to some extent.

Originally this was just a method they came up with because they wanted to make money.

What they didn't expect was just because of their actions.

On the contrary, many people feel that this Taoist priest Chong Yunzi is really an expert from outside the world.

Don’t give up for five buckets of rice.

As for the two men's secret collection of money, although it was noticed by others, no one thought it was because of Chong Yunzi.

They would only think that these two people were greedy and deceived Taoist Chongyunzi.

As for why Taoist Chongyunzi was so good at calculating, he didn't realize that the two gatekeepers around him were plotting against him.

That is of course because Taoist Master Chong Yunzi is kind to others and has never doubted the people around him.

These words were told by Liu Shenhong to Zhu Han. He was coming to see Chong Yunzi, and the Jin Yiwei did not dare to show any slightness.

They had already investigated Chong Yunzi's background thoroughly, and they even knew that Chong Yunzi had joined the White Lotus Sect.

Of course, they also found out that Chong Yunzi and Jin Yiwei didn't seem to be of the same mind.

It's been a long time since I've had any contact with the White Lotus Sect.

Although Jinyiwei is the number one intelligence department in the imperial court, they can't find out everything.

At least they didn't find out through investigation that Chong Yunzi had contacted the White Lotus Sect not long ago.

Looking at the two people in front of the door, they seem to be really upright gatekeepers who are not moved by money.

Zhu Han shook his head speechlessly, is this even fucking okay?

If someone secretly sends money in, someone will naturally express dissatisfaction.

"Why can the two of them go in? Do you think I can't afford the money?"

"Asshole, you dare to look down on us. Do you believe that I will make you look good in the future?"

"Brothers, please, I'm really in a hurry and need to see Taoist Master Chong Yunzi. Just let me in."

Some people are angry and threatening, some are pleading, and some are coercion and inducement.

However, these two guys were really unmoved. They turned their heads and looked into the yard and said indifferently.

"My brothers and I won't let you in, but there is no room inside."

"Even if you go in now, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the Taoist priest."

"And the Taoist Master has already said that he is not strong enough and cannot fully control his magic power when casting spells."

"If there are too many people, everyone may be injured if something unexpected happens."

"So we can only limit the number of people who can enter. Please wait patiently."

"Once there is an empty seat inside, I and I will definitely let you in as soon as possible."

People near the door looked at each other in shock.

"Is Taoist Chongyunzi's law so profound? It can actually hurt people easily."

"Others say I don't believe this, but I believe it when it comes from Chong Yunzi's mouth. You haven't seen the way Master Chong Yunzi casts the spell. It is indeed very scary."

Some people believe it, and others question it: "You can't control your own magic. Doesn't this mean that Taoist Chongyunzi is not very powerful?"

As soon as he said these words, he was criticized by everyone.

"If you don't understand anything, don't talk nonsense."

"This shows how powerful Taoist Chong Yunzi is. He is really capable of speaking modestly, so he said he can't control his magic power. Do you understand?"

"This shows that the Taoist priest is very powerful. Look at other so-called masters, right, like those liar monks from Ci'en Temple. They have never had anything happen to them that could not control their own laws."

"Only those with real magic power can't control it. Those liars who have no law don't need to control it."

This chapter has been completed!
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