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Chapter 768: Another plan

"Your Majesty, you see, the business in the silk and satin shop has not only returned to the city, but also made a lot of money in a short period of time."

"This is really the best news we can hear right now."

Ge Rong has always attached great importance to the business of the silk and satin shop. When he was doing business in Yingtian Mansion before, he wasted a lot of effort.

When Zhu Han heard what he said, he frowned slightly and took a look at the tent. It could be clearly seen on it.

Since these days, Yingtianfu's demand for silk and satin clothing has been gradually increasing.

This is all due to Zhang Fengnian, who has really worked hard on this.

If we can do a good job in this business in this short period of time, it will be no problem.

But he didn't expect that the impact of this business on him still didn't stop Zhu Di from showing off his power.

Wang An also heard about Zhu Han's affairs in the court.

Today, in front of Zhu Han, he carefully checked the account books at the Ministry of Accounts.

"The current income from silk and satin clothing is indeed good, but the income from the Ministry of Revenue has indeed caused quite a sensation in the past few days."

"It can be seen from this that there is no way to properly arrange some of the small incomes in the silk and satin shop."

"In order to gather all these as quickly as possible, we have arranged them very neatly. It can be seen from this that all the money comes from the silk shop."

Wang An's words completely dispelled Zhu Han's worries, and he sat in a chair and thought for a moment without saying a word.

Ge Rong looked at Zhu Han's appearance and quickly became anxious.

He had always attached great importance to the business of the silk and satin shop.

If something really happened now and affected them, then he would naturally have a lot of reluctance in his heart.

"My lord, what's wrong with you? This silk business has indeed had a great impact, but we can't just give up the opportunity."

Wang An's words made Zhu Han frown slightly. Looking at Wang An, he also reported his investigation of the silk and satin shop.

I told him that from the account books obtained from the silk and satin shop, it can be seen that Zhu Di's satin clothes are not that profitable.

But in just a few months, all the money can be taken out.

This was not something that ordinary people could do, and he immediately realized that Zhu Di must have had other motives for doing this.

Zhu Han looked at Wang An meaningfully.

"If you have any crisis, you must tell us immediately. You must not let things develop. Don't make yourself regret it when the time comes."

Wang An looked at Zhu Han and shook his head quickly.

At this moment, he had indeed arranged many things in Yingtian Mansion.

There has never been any worry that can hinder everything he does now.

He has made full preparations for the business in Yingtian Mansion and the account books at the Account Department.

If something really happens, we can get all the business done as quickly as possible.

"Your Majesty, there is indeed nothing wrong with the account books that were wrapped in silk this time, and everything has been written down in the account books of the Account Department."

"The money prepared by King Yan this time is indeed very sufficient, and it has been entered into the account books of the Ministry of Accounts."

Zhu Han seemed to suddenly think of something. He looked at Wang An and asked seriously.

"Did you personally see the money put into the treasury, or did someone else write it in the account book?"

Wang An recalled it and told Zhu Han categorically.

This account book was written by other officials of the Ministry of Accounts, and I did not see the money.

I just saw that the money was written very clearly on the account book, so I didn't have too many worries.

"That day, the prince asked me to investigate other policies of the Household Department, so I missed this opportunity. When I came back, all their account books had been written."

Zhu Han immediately grasped the key point.

He knows better than anyone else that if something happens to the business in Yingtian Mansion now, it will naturally cause him a lot of trouble.

Nowadays, Yingtian Mansion's account books have made many mistakes.

If there is an accident, the business will definitely be affected.

If the account books of the Account Department are maliciously tampered with or otherwise, a lot of opportunities will really be wasted.

"My lord, you are worried that this account book has been tampered with."

Wang An originally thought that there would be no accidents in this matter, but after Zhu Han said this, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Zhu Han nodded lightly. If there was really so much money put into the treasury, it would take several hours for the treasury to handle it.

But obviously, when Zhu Di got all the money, even the account books were closed.

Wang An was not involved in the whole process. Wang An is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, so now these are all under his control.

But if someone completes this matter under his nose, then it is very likely that someone is making a profit, otherwise such a thing would never happen.

"Then what should we do now? If His Majesty starts investigating, wouldn't it involve a lot of situations?"

Wang An suddenly became a little nervous, and even Ge Rong's expression changed drastically.

Zhu Yuanzhang has always been well aware of the account books at the Ministry of Accounts, but now such a major case has occurred.

If the investigation continues, problems will arise in the relationship between their father and son.

But if the money does not reach the accounts department, it will be a false account.

The consequences would be even more unimaginable.

What Zhu Yuanzhang hates most is when someone deceives him.

"When the prince arrives like this, if something goes wrong with this account, it is very likely that King Yan will blame Wang An for the mistake and want to make him a scapegoat."

Ge Rong immediately named the current situation.

Wang An only felt that his scalp was numb. He slumped on the ground and had no idea why this happened suddenly.

Originally, considering the situation, I could naturally make arrangements as soon as possible.

But now, I was tricked by someone without even realizing it.

Wang An's face gradually turned pale.

"Your Majesty, you have to save my life. I have no involvement in this matter."

Zhu Han frowned. Nowadays, there are many eyeliners of Zhu Di in the household department.

They worked together to do this, just to get Wang Anlai convicted.

If something happens to Wang An again this time, they are likely to catch him.

Zhu Han looked at Wang An with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

"Now you can only protect yourself first and keep all those account books."

"Don't write your name on it. If things get serious in front of His Majesty, you have to make yourself white."

Zhu Han reminded Wang Anke that all money transferred to the household department must be recorded in the account book and signed by the names of their respective officials.

Wang An is the Minister of Household Affairs, and all accounts must pass through his hands.

If he really signed it, he would not be able to explain it clearly in front of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Wang An nodded repeatedly after listening to Zhu Han's words.

He had been cautious in his words and deeds these past few days and would not be in trouble because of this. Zhu Han breathed a sigh of relief.

"With your words, I feel relieved."

Zhu Han sighed as he spoke. He looked at Ge Rong with complicated eyes, feeling guilty in his heart.

He placed Ge Rong and Wang An by his side, but unexpectedly put them in danger many times.

"You two have to work as quickly as possible to clearly see all the situations in the DPRK and be cautious."

"Otherwise, if you really take advantage of others, I might not even be able to protect you."

Many situations in the court were beyond their expectation, and many situations above were beyond their expectation. After all, Ge Rong and Wang An were Zhu Han's people.

Everyone in the court knew this, and Zhu Di attacked them if he wanted to target Zhu Han.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we will handle everything we arrange, but now King Yan is so concerned about what to do in the future."

Wang An felt that he might not be able to take the official position in Yingtian Mansion in the future.

Zhu Di has repeatedly found trouble for himself. If he doesn't manage it well, I'm afraid there will be a lot of entanglements.

If something really happened here, he might not even have time to react, fearing that it would hold Zhu Han back.

"Don't worry, I have other arrangements. You just need to do your job well in the household department. You must always be careful about the words and deeds of those around you."

After Zhu Han made the arrangements, he immediately asked Gao Fei and others to check the situation everywhere. As long as there were officials who were closely related to Zhu Di, they would be monitored. Even the Jin Yiwei had all been put into use.

Zhu Biao seemed to have noticed the clues in the past few days. He followed Zhu Han's instructions and went to see Queen Ma.

Queen Ma sat on a chair in the harem, looking at Zhu Biao in front of her, and brought Zhu Xiongying with her, with a smile on her face.

He held his grandson in his arms, looked at Zhu Biao seriously and casually asked about some of the things going on in the court these days.

"Now that you are the crown prince, you should take care of your father's worries more."

Zhu Ben didn't want to be here to talk to Queen Ma about other things, but now many officials in the court have deliberately started to sow discord.

He attaches great importance to the relationship between father and son, especially between brothers. Brotherly friendship and brotherly respect are the things he has always longed for most.

Therefore, no matter what others say, he still wants to turn a blind eye.

But now Zhu Di's power is starting to become stronger and stronger. If he doesn't fight back, he may not even be able to keep his position as prince.

So, in front of Queen Ma, Zhu Biao told Queen Ma without reservation what Zhu Di had done in Yingtian Mansion a few days ago.

"Mother, I know that I don't have much power over other officials with corresponding talents, but from the beginning to the end I want to be able to make decisions for them as soon as possible."

"Many things in my court are beyond my expectation. If I continue to ignore them, I'm afraid it will lead to catastrophe. In fact, these queen mothers should know better than me."

What he meant was that he wanted Queen Ma to give Zhu Di more advice. After all, the gap between the two sides was gradually widening.

If Zhu Di continues to look for trouble, Zhu Biao will naturally not stand idly by anymore.

Queen Ma already knew his thoughts.

"Don't worry, Queen Mother will naturally help you settle this matter, but many people have already begun to point fingers at you. If there is any mistake in this sentence now, it will definitely have some impact."

Many things in Yingtian Mansion have already exceeded their expectations.

In this regard, as long as we can make some efforts for them as soon as possible, we will definitely gain a certain advantage.

These are all very important to them.

Up and down the court, many situations have been gradually settled by them.

If any loopholes appear again, it will naturally have a lot of impact.

If you can arrange all of these properly, you will naturally be able to prepare everything more completely when the time comes.

Zhu Han said a lot of good things about Zhu Biao in front of Queen Ma.

Therefore, as soon as Zhu Biao mentioned it, many things appeared in Empress Ma's mind.

Empress Ma knows Zhu Han's status better than anyone else.

Now that he can assist Zhu Biao, Empress Ma is very satisfied.

Now that such a situation has arisen, naturally we will not just sit idly by.

"Now you go back first, and the Queen Mother will naturally take care of the rest for you."

What Zhu Han said was indeed reflected vividly by Zhu Biao. When Zhu Biao came out of the palace, he sat on the carriage and prepared to go back.

He was holding his son in his arms, but he was extremely shocked.

Zhu Han had already tried his best to think that Queen Ma would be on his side, so he came up with this strategy.

I really can't imagine that if anything happens again in the future, he may have a lot of impact.

For me, these are all ideas that can be put in place as soon as possible at the critical moment.

"Don't worry, these will naturally be prepared. If some unknown situation occurs after this, there will naturally be someone who can help you deal with it."

This sentence could not be ignored in Zhu Biao's mind for a long time.

He knew that he was the first son of Empress Ma and Zhu Yuanzhang. He followed them when he was young, but suffered a lot.

Now that the world must be Zhu Biao, we can breathe a sigh of relief.

He also made great efforts for the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang's regard for him has always been the most trusted point among the courtiers.

If anyone dares to go against him at this moment, he must be unable to stand in the court.

He wanted to see what Zhu Di would do if he challenged his bottom line again and again.

As long as Empress Ma comes forward, Zhu Di's thoughts will naturally be controlled.

Now he suddenly felt a little proud.

With the favor of Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma, he wanted to see who else in the court would dare to harm him.

After Zhu Biao put the child back home, he looked for Zhu Han.

But unexpectedly, Zhu Han went to the famous Zuihua Pavilion in Yingtian Mansion.

"Your prince has actually begun to miss Fireworks and Willow Alley. Zuihua Pavilion is the most famous restaurant."

He Fengyu was said to be a little embarrassed.

This chapter has been completed!
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