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Chapter 96 Reunion with second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu! Goodbye relatives!

"Deputy Commander, do you have any better way to boil salt?" Zhang Shide's eyes lit up.

After all, this is his profession since childhood. As soon as he entered the professional field, Zhang Shide's blood awakened his thirst for knowledge.

Zhu Han thought for a while and decided not to hide it, but to teach Zhang Shide and others, which would improve his efficiency in beating workers.

"I have a salt-drying method that can reduce your cost to 30% of the original price!" Zhu Han said.

"What, this is impossible!" Zhang Shide was shocked and showed an expression of disbelief.

The experience of cooking salt at the beach made him realize that salt farmers have already reduced the cost again and again, and it is impossible to reduce it to the original 30%!

In fact, it does not need to be lowered to 30%, it only needs to be lowered to 80%, and many salt households will worship him as their living ancestor.

Zhu Han burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Not only Zhang Shide, but also Zhu Yuanzhang, Shi Naian and others showed expressions of surprise and suspicion.

They also don't believe that Zhu Han can know how to boil salt better than Zhang Shide, an old salt farmer?

Faced with everyone's suspicion, Zhu Han immediately took out a pen and paper and began to draw quickly.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhang Shide, Shi Naian and Cui Changxing all gathered around to see what Zhu Han wanted to draw.

I saw Zhu Han holding a brush and writing eloquently on the rice paper, both pictures and words.

Soon I was drawing a bunch of miscellaneous things.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Shi Naian and others could not understand it and did not find anything surprising.

But Zhang Shide is completely different.

He was already petrified on the spot, like a piece of wood, staring at the paper in front of him.

"This, this, is this really the deputy commander's idea?" Zhang Shide finally asked with trembling lips.

"It's from a strange and broken book. I can't remember who wrote it." Zhu Han said with a smile.

The salt-drying method he described was a famous creation in history. It was not until the establishment of the Ming Dynasty that it was slowly spread throughout the country.

The sun salt method, through a large number of staged salt fields, turns the original boiling and evaporation into a sun salt method that utilizes sun exposure.

Not only has the output increased tremendously, but the cost has also been drastically reduced.

In particular, the use of some windmills to extract water has accelerated the salt drying process.

"Deputy Commander, can you teach me this method?" Zhang Shide asked anxiously.

"Haha, it's just for you, there's no point in keeping it." Zhu Han said generously.

Zhang Shide's eyes suddenly gleamed, he rolled up the rice paper and stuffed it into his arms like a treasure.

"Deputy Commander, don't worry, the price of salt is ten cents, I can make the decision!" Zhang Shide said hurriedly.

Zhu Han shook his head and said with a smile: "General Zhang, you are so unkind. With this salt-drying method, it would be too shameful for you to sell it for ten cents a pound."

Zhang Shide's old face turned red.

He is a very clean person.

If this salt-drying method is used, salt households can still make a lot more money than they would otherwise if it cost five cents per pound of salt.

"Well, for that handsome guy, tell me a price!"

Zhang Shide decided to put away his petty calculations and spoke frankly.

"We can't let you suffer a loss. A pound of salt is priced at five cents. As soon as it is loaded on the ship, it will be paid immediately. We will be responsible for all subsequent expenses ourselves!" Zhu Han said.

Five cents!

It's far from Zhang Shide's bottom line, and it's completely acceptable.

At the very least, if the five cents of salt piled up in Huaidong could be exchanged for grain, the Zhang family brothers would be able to wake up with a smile.

"Okay, it's settled then."

“It’s a deal!”

Finally, as the head of the family, Zhu Yuanzhang made the decision.

Zhang Shicheng's Huaidong Rebel Army won the title of Marshal of Huaidong Capital of the Red Scarf Army. The two parties agreed that the Chuzhou Rebel Army would purchase the salt from Huaidong at a discount of five cents per catty, and all future transportation and sales would be decided by Zhu Yuanzhang himself.

In addition to making salt, the Huaidong Rebels did not sell it outside the country.

Both sides got what they wanted, and Zhang Shide happily left Chuzhou to resume his duties. Shi Naian, as a representative of the Chuzhou Red Scarf Army, accompanied him to Huaidong to meet Zhang Shicheng.

The rest is basically a step-by-step process.

It is nothing more than arranging people to go to Jiangnan and Huguang to expand sales.

A few days later, Shi Naian returned to Chuzhou with dozens of large ships.

These big ships are full of salt.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han happily came to the ship to check.

"Haha, it's all the best salt, weighing 50,000 kilograms!" Shi Naian said with a smile.

Zhang Shicheng was also very satisfied with the agreement reached by both parties, and immediately ordered 50,000 kilograms of salt to be shipped first.

"How much would it cost to sell so much salt?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

Although what I want is food, in the end, I still have to calculate the price in money.

"I have inquired about it. Jiangnan is short of salt, Jiangxi is short of salt, Huguang is also short of salt, and even Henan is short of salt. We are also short of salt here in Chuzhou. No matter where you sell it, you will definitely make a profit." Zhu Han smiled.


The white salt in front of you is real gold and silver.

"Since you want to sell it, let's sell it to Jiangnan. It's closer to transporting grain." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"If it's a one-time deal, we'll sell it at a high price. But if we plan to do a long-term deal, we have to think carefully about the price. It can't be too high or too low," Zhu Han said.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "You are the best at this kind of businessman thing, so I'll leave it to you."

Zhu Han immediately rolled his eyes, "Brother, what you said is not kind!"

"Haha, calling you a profiteer is just a compliment!" Zhu Yuanzhang also laughed.

Fifty thousand kilograms of salt is actually not too much at all. At most, it is just asking for directions.

After arranging the storage of salt, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han walked all the way back to Chuzhou City.

The two discussed it and decided to send a person to Jiqing Mansion in Jiangnan to personally inquire about the local salt market and then set a price.

However, this choice is somewhat difficult.

The old brothers they knew well were all rough and tough, and they didn't even know a few Chinese characters, let alone doing business and gathering information.

As for those scholars and gentry who took refuge, they felt that they did not have enough trust and were afraid that they would collude with the wealthy businessmen of Jiangsu and Zhejiang and poach themselves.

After all, the temperament of Jiangnan's wealthy businessmen is not that of loyal men and women.

The two of them didn't come up with a solution all the way.

Just as we arrived at the gate of the government office, a voice came from the front.



Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han were both stunned.

Although their former names are well known to everyone, no one dares to shout them out in public.



The two people looked up.

I saw it in the corner of the front gate of the government office.

A man in ragged clothes came out, holding an eleven or twelve-year-old boy by his hand.

Several guards thought it was some bad guy and quickly stepped forward to stop him.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately recognized this person just by meeting him.

"Second brother-in-law!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang rushed forward and saw that it was his second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu.

The little boy next to him is his nephew Li Baoer.


Second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu burst into tears immediately.

"Chongba, I finally found you!!!"

While talking, Li Chongjiu pulled his son Baoer and said.

"Bao'er, kowtow to your uncle quickly!"

Bao'er immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Zhu Han was young before and had no impression of this second brother-in-law.

That is to say, Zhu Yuanzhang was old and could still remember this second brother-in-law who had repeatedly helped his family.

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang looked behind him and to the side, and his heart suddenly sank.

"Brother-in-law, where is our second sister!"

Upon hearing this, Li Chongjiu burst into tears again.

"Chongba, I'm sorry for your sister. She is so poor that she has never made a living. I can only watch her die!"

Li Chongjiu's words were like a heavy hammer, making Zhu Yuanzhang tremble all over.

"elder brother!"

Zhu Han quickly stepped forward to support him.

While the second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu was crying, he finally told his story.

It turned out that when Zhu Chongba and the others escaped from Huangjue Temple last year, the second sister had already suffered from the disease. Then there was a chaos near Haozhou. Li Chongjiu's family had a small fortune, but it was also robbed.

The second sister, Zhu Fonu, also died of fright, illness and starvation. The second brother-in-law, Li Chongjiu, took his son Baoer and became a refugee.

They didn't know that Longxing Temple, which was so famous at that time, was the eighth brother of Zhu Chong.

After several twists and turns, the good news about Chuzhou's plan to allocate land to local tyrants attracted them.

Two days ago, Li Chongjiu saw Zhu Yuanzhang's appearance from a distance on the street. He couldn't believe it at first. After several inquiries, he finally got the courage to recognize him.

After a conversation, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han were also sighing.

Now that the second sister has died of illness, they are the only two brothers and sisters left in this world.

"Chongba, it would be great if I found you, so I don't have to go hungry!" Li Chongjiu said excitedly.

He originally belonged to a well-to-do family and could eat a meal of whole grains, but now he was as hungry as a stick.

"Eat a full meal and never be hungry again!"

As Zhu Yuanzhang spoke, he took his nephew Bao'er's hand and led his brother-in-law and father-in-law to the government office.

After not seeing each other for many years, Zhu Yuanzhang had many things he wanted to say.

However, every time they could not say more than a few words, several people burst into tears.

In the end, Li Chongjiu finished three large bowls of braised cakes and finally regained some composure.

"I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving anymore. Chongba, please arrange an errand for me. It doesn't matter how much I pick up a piece of shit!" Li Chongjiu said sincerely.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that his second brother-in-law was a simple and honest man, so his words were not a pretense.

"What are you picking up excrement for? We are now the general marshal. If you are asked to pick up excrement, it will not be a slap in the face! Second brother-in-law, you can just take your babysitter and eat and drink well. Let's talk about errands later!" Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"Yes, second brother-in-law, I remember that you can also read and write. It should be enough to be a clerk in the future, right?" Zhu Han also said.


Li Chongjiu couldn't help but burped, and said with some embarrassment.

"I don't know how to read and write. It's just that my father asked me to learn business and read some words. Being a clerk will only embarrass you!"

When several people recognized each other, they were naturally reluctant to separate.

The second brother-in-law, Li Chongjiu, took his son Bao'er and lived directly in the government office. He ate and slept with Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han for three to five days, as if he wanted to count all the hardships in the past few years.

After a few days of recuperation, Li Chongjiu's complexion quickly improved, and he no longer looked as weak as before.

After his body became hard, Li Chongjiu felt uneasy again, feeling that he was eating and drinking for free, which was not a problem.

He then came to see Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han brothers, and repeatedly begged them to give him a job.

Facing the sincere request from his second brother-in-law, Zhu Han suddenly had an idea.

"Second brother-in-law, I remember that you said you had been to Jiqing Mansion?" Zhu Han asked.

"Yes, when I was an apprentice, I went to Jiqing Mansion several times. Hey! I have to say that Jiqing Mansion is big and good. It's as good as that one, that one. Anyway, it's big and good!"

Li Chongjiu said as he recalled the past.

Zhu Han glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang and said with a smile: "Brother, our second brother-in-law, what do you think?"

"What's going on?" Zhu Yuanzhang was a little confused.

"Go to Jiqing Mansion and inquire about the salt and grain prices for us," Zhu Han said.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he immediately laughed and couldn't help but clapped his hands in admiration.

"Okay, it's suitable! It's so suitable, hahaha!"

The second brother-in-law, Li Chongjiu, was the closest person to them and could definitely give him 100% trust. It was not difficult for him to investigate and discuss the business with the help of the second brother-in-law's mind.

Although Li Chongjiu is honest and responsible by nature, he is not a fool. Otherwise, he would have died eight hundred times in his more than one year of refugee life.

Moreover, when Li Chongjiu went to Jiqing Mansion, he represented Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han. As long as he greeted Liu Bowen well, I believe that the officials in Meng Yuan Dynasty would not dare to do anything to him.

Not only do you not dare to do anything, you also have to support him as an uncle!


Just as Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang thought, when they told Bo Lu and Fan Yao through Liu Bowen that they wanted to traffic salt to Jiangnan.

Bolu and Fan Yao almost went crazy with joy!

Table salt!

Table salt, which is worth a fortune, was originally a big deal for the government-run salt farms and salt dealers in Huaidong. Jiangsu and Zhejiang, which are just around the corner, have no chance to get involved.

Now, Zhang Shicheng killed all the officials and salt merchants in the imperial salt field.

If Zhu Yuanzhang transfers the salt to his own hands, he will not be able to sell it as much as he wants!

"Hahaha, Bowen, you are really my lucky star!" Zhang Bolu, Pingzhe County, Jiangsu Province, became more and more cute as he looked at Liu Bowen, and he couldn't help but kiss him twice.

"Bo Wen, how much salt did Zhu Han say? If it's too little, it means nothing." Fan Yao asked.

"Two adults, Zhu Han said, as for the salt, they have a monopoly on all the salt in Huaidong. You can get as much as you want. They will all follow the set price. After converting the price, they will settle with grain, cloth, etc." Liu Bowen said.

"No problem, we in Jiangnan have everything we want, but we are short of salt!" Bolu said loudly.

"Sir, this is private salt after all. The quantity is too large. Even if it is shared equally among the salt merchants, it would still be too eye-catching. If the court finds out that we are selling private salt, wouldn't it be dangerous?" Fan Yao was a little worried.


Selling illegal salt is a trivial matter, but if their collusion with the Red Turban Army is exposed, it will be dangerous.

"This,,,is indeed a bit difficult to handle." Bolu frowned and was a little scared.

However, this is not difficult for Liu Bowen.

Liu Bowen smiled slightly and said to Bolu and Fan Yao.

"My lords, are you mistaken? We are not selling private salt!"

"These are all illegal salts seized by imperial guards on the Yangtze River!"

Bolu and Fan Yao agreed, and were suddenly surprised and happy.

"Yes, yes, it's not about selling private salt!"

"Hahaha, they are all seized private salt! They were seized, not sold!"

Although Bolu Fanyao is the highest power controller in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, if he wants to sell private salt, he must rely on the power of big salt merchants.

Only the big local salt merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have the ability to distribute this salt layer by layer and eventually sell it to the people in exchange for money.

The center of the big salt merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was in Jiqing Mansion in Jinling. Bolu immediately gathered them all in Pingzhang Mansion with an invitation letter.

These big salt merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were actually at the lower level of Yangzhou Salt Division Yamen and Yangzhou Salt Merchants.

The Yangzhou area was completely wiped out by Zhang Shicheng, and the salt inventory in their hands was already seriously insufficient.

Under such circumstances, all major salt merchants strictly control the amount of salt sold every day, and the prices are getting higher and higher.

Before the Yangzhou Rebellion, a pound of salt cost less than 20 cents, and it has soared to more than 40 cents.

In many remote prefectures and counties, due to the increase in transportation costs of salt, the price per kilogram has reached one hundred and up to two hundred cents.

Therefore, when these big salt merchants came to Pingzhang Mansion and heard Bolu say that a large amount of salt could be shipped to Jiqing, their eyes gleamed green.

Several leading salt merchants even asked impatiently.

"I dare to ask Master Pingzhang, is this salt from Huaidong salt from Yangzhou or Sichuan salt?"

"Yangzhou Salt Official has been abolished. Will the court investigate whether the salt we sell is illegal?"

All major salt merchants are very concerned about these two issues.

It is not just a matter of making money, but also an issue related to their lives.

Bolu smiled slightly and said calmly.

"Although Yangzhou Yanguan is no longer there, there are still so many salt households in Huaidong. They can't do anything else except boil salt. As long as there is salt shipped out, we can sell it. Anyway, regardless of whether it is Yanguan's official

Salt is still private salt. From now on, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, there will only be private salt seized by imperial soldiers. If the seized private salt is sold, even if the court pursues it, no one can be held accountable!"

When all the salt merchants heard this, they all understood and agreed.

The last time Bolu, as the Pingzhang of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, used 1 million silver coins to redeem the city so that Zhu Han could withdraw his troops, most of the missing silver was raised from wealthy merchants such as these big salt merchants.

Many well-informed salt merchants have already heard about Bolu Fanyao and others secretly colluding with the red scarf thief.

Now it seems that most of these private salts were transferred by the Red Turban Army.

However, for the big salt merchants, it doesn't matter what official salt or private salt is.

Anyway, as long as you can make money.

"Sir, how much is this salt?" asked a salt merchant.

"As many as you want! It can be said that there are only a lot more than before!" Bolu said with a smile.

"What's the price of salt?" Another salt merchant asked again.

At this time, Fan Yao took over the conversation and said to the salt merchants: "The price of salt has not been determined yet, but it should not exceed the previous official salt price."

When the salt merchants heard this, they all became happy.

Just listen to Fan Yao continue to say; "However, even if the salt price is set, when the settlement is made, it may not only be silver, but also grain, cloth and other goods. You can find a way by yourself when the time comes. The government will not handle the settlement."

Don’t ask, just take half of the profit!”

Upon hearing this, the salt merchants immediately started discussing in low voices.

They quickly reached a consensus. Although the half profit was not low, because there was no tax card from the Yangzhou salt official and the price increase of the big salt dealers, even if they sold at the previous price, the salt dealers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang could still make more.


"Sir, there is no problem! As long as the salt comes, we will sell it for you!"

Bolu and Fan Yao looked at each other, smiled, and said in unison.


After settling the last link of salt distribution, Bolu and Fan Yao immediately asked Liu Bowen to inform Zhu Han that he could send someone to Jiqing Mansion.

Whether it was the safety of the envoy's trip or the hospitality and guidance, Bolu and the salt merchants had made all arrangements.

After receiving the letter sent by Liu Bowen, Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang both laughed.

"I didn't expect that Bolu and the others moved really fast." Zhu Han said with a smile.

"Yes, the second brother-in-law is not ready here yet. They are already anxious. It seems that they have to let the second brother-in-law go to Jiqing Mansion in advance." Zhu Yuanzhang also said with a smile.

The second brother-in-law, Li Chongjiu, has lived as a refugee for a long time. He has no meat on his body and is still in the nourishing stage with little oil and salt.

I originally thought about raising Baibai Chuangpang again to look richer, but the big salt merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang looked down upon me.

Now the only option is to leave early.

"Not only Bolu and the others are anxious, Zhang Shicheng is also anxious, waiting for us to deliver the follow-up food to them," Zhu Han said.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "Well, in that case, let the second brother-in-law set off as soon as possible. Anyway, the festival is close, so there won't be any surprises. Let him go and find out the bottom of the salt merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. We can't let our salt be sold."

It’s cheaper.”

Huaidong salt originally went through layers of salt officials, big salt merchants, tax cards, etc., and was already at a high price in the hands of Jiangsu and Zhejiang salt merchants. If Zhu Han and the others could sell Huaidong salt directly to Jiangsu and Zhejiang salt merchants, the intermediate profits would definitely be

greatly increase.

Second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu has been feeling a little uneasy these days while he is recuperating in Chuzhou.

This simple man always felt that he was neither military nor civilized. He had to eat for free from his two brothers every day, and he really couldn't bear to lose his face.

Especially after his son Li Baoer was taken in by Zhu Yuanzhang to teach and train him personally, his second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu felt that he had to give the two brothers a good fight.

"No problem, then I can leave for the celebration tomorrow!" Second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu expressed his eagerness immediately after receiving the news.

"Second brother-in-law, you don't need to be afraid or panic when you arrive at the Jiqing Festival. We are very confident. No matter what the request is, just ask the Tatar officials and salt merchants, and they will keep it without hesitation." Zhu Han smiled.

He said.

Now that Huaidong is in turmoil and the Yangtze River waterway is cut off, if I am willing to transport salt to Jiangsu and Zhejiang, I am sending money to Bolu and the salt merchants, so I can naturally make a difference.

"Yao brother, don't worry, I will go to Jiqing Mansion this time to take care of this errand and handle it properly!" Li Chongjiu said.

"Second brother-in-law, after you go to Jiqing, we will take Wen Zhong back to Dingyuan City first. We will wait for you to come back from Jiqing before going to see him." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

The so-called Wenzhong was his eldest nephew Li Baoer. Zhu Yuanzhang gave him a formal name, Li Wenzhong.

"Well, this is best, then I can go to the festival with peace of mind!" Second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu nodded and said.

After all, Chuzhou is close to the Meng Yuan territory in the south of the Yangtze River. If there is any war, it will definitely happen earlier than Dingyuan City.

Zhu Yuanzhang brought Li Wenzhong back to Dingyuan City, not only to take better care of him, but also to make him safer.

After all, Zhu Han, the younger uncle, was only two years older than Li Wenzhong, so he couldn't be considered a caregiver at all.

At least, that's how it seems to second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu.

Zhu Han sent someone to deliver a message to Liu Bowen and asked Bolu and others to make preparations to receive his envoy.

Bolu and Fan Yao were overjoyed immediately after receiving the news.

"Great, we have prepared everything and are just waiting for them to come up with the price!" Bolu said with a smile.

Bolu has slowly experienced the feeling of controlling the power of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Moreover, due to the cutoff of the Huaidong Canal and shipping, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty in the northern capital was unable to command and monitor him, which made Bolu very happy.

He can come to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces wherever he wants.

"Don't worry, sir, I have already made arrangements. I will personally lead the salt merchants to entertain this envoy from the north of the Yangtze River!" said Fan Yao, Zuocheng of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

This smuggling of illegal salt was the beginning of complete cooperation between Bolu Fanyao and the local gentry and wealthy families in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

As long as the trafficking of illicit salt is done well, even if the red scarf thieves and other rebels are wiped out in the future, they will be able to establish their own chain of illicit salt sales.

Even if the salt officer of the imperial court returns to Huaidong, it will not delay them from continuing to earn money.

"By the way, Bowen, what is the origin of the messenger and what are his preferences? We must arrange it well!" Bowen said with a smile.

Liu Bowen nodded slightly and said to Bolu: "Don't worry Pingzhang, your subordinates have already ordered people to prepare."

Two days later, as an envoy from Chuzhou in Jiangbei, the second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu arrived at Jiqing Mansion by boat.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications, all visits to the city were conducted in a low-key manner.

Li Chongjiu also dressed as an ordinary businessman and followed him into Jiqing Mansion.

After a long journey, Fan Yao, who transformed into a wealthy businessman, suggested that he first go to the best restaurant in Jiqing Mansion to greet the envoy.

As for exploring the pricing, we can definitely wait until tomorrow.

"Shopkeeper Li, what do you think of this arrangement?" Fan Yao asked Li Chongjiu.

Although he had been to Jiqing Mansion in Jinling before and was now wearing a high-end silk robe, Li Chongjiu still felt a little unconfident.

Even though Zhu Han had cheered him up in advance, he was still a little intimidated when he saw Fan Yao and other elegant and wealthy businessmen from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

However, Li Chongjiu held on to his confidence in controlling the price of salt.

"What Shopkeeper Fan said makes sense. I'm really hungry." Li Chongjiu said with a smile.

"Haha, okay, let's go have a meal first!"

Fan Yao said with a smile.

Surrounded by a group of big salt merchants, Li Chongjiu was invited to the best restaurant in Jiqing City in a soft sedan.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, Li Chongjiu was stunned.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The various beautiful decorations and accessories, as well as the lively scene of people coming and going, are all the things that make Li Chongjiu, who was a hungry refugee half a month ago,

I feel like my hands and feet have nowhere to go.

When he was seated in the best private room of the restaurant, Li Chongjiu, who was sitting in the VIP seat, was in trouble again.

Because he doesn’t know how to order at all!

But Fan Yao and others were all waiting for him to speak.

"Shopkeeper Li, just order whatever you want to eat!" Fan Yao reminded with a smile.

After getting along for a while, Fan Yao has figured out clearly that the Chuzhou envoy named Li Zhen in front of him is probably a poor man with poor legs. When dealing with such a person, he should not show off his wealth too much, otherwise he will think he looks down on others.


Therefore, Fan Yao was very patient at this time.

Before coming to Jiqing, Zhu Han asked his second brother-in-law Li Chongjiu to change his name. Because names such as Chongjiu and Chongba indicated that he was from a poor family and could easily make wealthy merchants from Jiangsu and Zhejiang look down on others, so he asked Shi Naian to change his name.

'Lee Jung''s new name.

"Then take a ****!" Second brother-in-law Li Zhen said after holding it in for a long time.

Fan Yao and others were stunned at first, and then they all laughed together and said that they also loved eating chicken.

“It’s good to eat chicken!”

"Then eat a**!"

"I wonder what kind of chicken Shopkeeper Li plans to eat?" Fan Yao asked.

Second brother-in-law Li Zhen: "Well, it's just boiled chicken."

"Okay, let's cook the chicken in plain water and arrange it immediately!" Fan Yao said to the restaurant owner who was waiting on the table.

The restaurant owner's face was already stiff with laughter. Hearing this way of eating, he quickly agreed.

Later, Fan Yao and others accompanied Li Zhen to drink tea and listen to music in the private room, waiting to eat chicken later.

The restaurant manager came to the kitchen and told the chef the guest's request.

"Boiled chicken?" When the chef heard this, he was stunned.

"Yes, it's boiled chicken. Today, Fan Zuocheng and a group of wealthy businessmen and gentry have brought guests. It's really weird. They don't want anything but boiled chicken!" The restaurant manager couldn't figure out the reason for this.

In fact, how did he know that the most delicious delicacy that his second brother-in-law Li Zhen had eaten in his life was a chicken that he stole from a neighbor's house when he was a child. After boiling it in plain water, the taste was unforgettable for the rest of his life. It would only be the same after decades.

one time.

"Haha, shopkeeper, I finally figured it out." The chef suddenly smiled and clapped his hands and said.

The restaurant owner didn't know why, "What do you want to understand?"

The chef smiled slightly, showing the confidence to see through everything, and then said: "Lord Fan Zuocheng, and those wealthy businessmen, they are such noble big shots, the distinguished guests they invite must also be of extraordinary origins, well-informed, what can they say about boiled water?

The chicken is actually a test of our restaurant’s cooking skills!”

"Ah? Is this really like this?" The restaurant manager suddenly became nervous. The provincial governor Zuo Cheng came to the restaurant. If the hospitality is not good, not only will the business be unable to continue, but his life will be in danger.

"It's definitely true! As a young apprentice, we already know that the simpler the dish sounds, the more it tests your kung fu!"

As the chef spoke, he pushed up his sleeves and said to the apprentices and chefs next to him.

"Cheer up, everyone, if something goes wrong with today's dish, we all have to get out!"

Afterwards, the chef of Zuixianlou became busy.

The entire kitchen of Zuixianlou was busy for more than half an hour, and a carefully prepared pot of boiled chicken was presented.

The soup is clear and bright, the aroma is mellow, and the meat is smooth and tender. It is definitely the culmination of decades of skill by the Zuixianlou chef.

"No problem, let's serve it." The chef checked it again to confirm that there was nothing wrong with it, and wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

The waiter quickly brought the boiled chicken to the table.

In other words, less than a moment later, the shopkeeper of Zuixianlou ran to the kitchen in person.

The shopkeeper's face was full of smiles, and he ordered the chef: "Hurry! Make another one quickly. Your guest is very satisfied with this boiled chicken!"

The chef smiled slightly and said proudly: "Haha, you're satisfied. Boss, my boiled chicken looks like white water, but it actually uses mushrooms from Fujian, mussels from Changdao, sea cucumbers from the North Sea, and abalone from Nanya.

, more than 20 kinds of precious dishes are used to make the soup base, not to mention the top-quality Xuanzhou chicken, even the stewed pancakes, the aroma will spread far and wide!"

"Stop bragging and do it quickly. The distinguished guests are waiting!" the restaurant manager interrupted.

"It's okay, don't worry, shopkeeper, I just made two in one go and just present them to you." The chef of Zuixianlou looked like he was in control.

"Great!" The shopkeeper was even more happy.

Soon, the second dish of boiled chicken was served.

After a while, the shopkeeper of Zuixianlou ran over again.

"Quickly, make another one quickly, no, make another pot! The distinguished guests don't have enough, and they want more after the roll call!"

Now, it was the restaurant chef's turn to sit still.

This boiled chicken dish is absolutely delicious!

But the chef has never seen this kind of customer who can't even eat two meals.

"Could this be the reincarnation of a starving ghost?"

As the chef quickly started working, he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

After a lot of work, the distinguished guest actually ate two more boiled chickens, which made the chef roll his eyes.

Boom, boom, boom!

A rush of footsteps came into the kitchen again, and the shopkeeper ran in with a panicked look on his face.

When the chef saw this, his jaw almost dropped in shock, "Shopkeeper, do you want another order?"

The shopkeeper was so anxious that he was sweating and didn't answer at all. He shouted anxiously: "Give me vinegar and minced garlic! The customer is so excited that he rolled his eyes!"


When it got dark, Li Zhen supported her sore waist and legs and finally stopped.

He ate four chickens in one go, tore them apart a little bit, took a big mouthful of vinegar-garlic paste, and walked around for a long time to digest.

It is only now that he is out of danger.

Li Zhen's performance made Bolu Fanyao and others completely relieved.

Inside Pingzhang Mansion.

"Hahaha, these Jiangbei Red Scarf Army are really bumpkin! A boiled chicken almost suffocated to death. It seems there is nothing difficult to deal with. Tomorrow, pick some precious beauties and so on and give them to Li Zhen and let him

If the price of salt is set lower, it won't be a problem at all." Bolu said with a smile.

"Yes, the price of salt is now almost fifty cents per catty. The price of salt in Huaiyang was originally only twenty cents. If we can get the salt price to fifteen cents, we will sell it to salt merchants.

You can make twice as much money!" Fan Yao said with a smile.

Liu Bowen on the side listened to the conversation between the two people, but felt extremely disgusted in his heart.

It turned out that although Bolu and Fan Yao had Huaiyang salt transported by the Red Scarf Army from Jiangbei, they did not intend to significantly reduce the price. They still wanted to keep the price of salt at a high level so that they could collect the people's support.

Regarding this issue, Liu Bowen once tried to persuade him, but it had no effect at all.

"Bowen, what do you think?" Bolu asked Liu Bowen with a smile.

Liu Bowen's expression was calm, "I feel that what the two adults said is absolutely true!"

"Haha, okay, then we will set aside 10% of the profits from the illegal salt collection for the court. We will keep it with me first and share the rest equally."

This time the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces sold the confiscated "private salt", which can be said to be the result of a united effort. Officials and sergeants at all levels must also get a bite of dividends, otherwise it will not be conducive to long-term maintenance.

Half a month later.

That is, in the twelfth year of Yuan Zhizheng, the first year of Longfeng in the Song Dynasty, August.


On the dock outside the city, hundreds of river boats arrived in Chuzhou carrying loads of food, cloth, ironware and other goods.

Zhu Han led the officials of Chuzhou's pacification envoy to the dock to appreciate the profits from the first batch of private salt.

"Deputy Commander, here are 50,000 shi of grain, 30,000 bolts of cloth, as well as ironware, medicinal materials, paper and other goods. All the account books are here. Please take a look at them, Deputy Commander!"

Li Zhen held an account book in her hand and said to Zhu Han respectfully.

Zhu Han smiled slightly and did not pick up the account book. Instead, he pulled Li Zhen to stand up and said.

"Second brother-in-law, we are all members of our own family. There is no need to salute like this. It's not too late to go back and look at the account books!"

However, Li Zhen was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "That's different. This is outside. If I don't take care of your handsome face, you won't be able to lead troops in the future!"

Li Zhen is a cautious and timid person, always afraid that her mistakes will bring bad consequences to brothers Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Han.

"Haha, second brother-in-law, you are so humble. This time, you were able to set a high price of fifteen cents per catty with the Jiangsu and Zhejiang salt dealers. You played a huge role in this." Zhu Han praised happily.

The price of salt in Zhu Han's hands was five cents per catty when sold to him by Zhang Shicheng. He originally thought that he would be very happy if he could earn double the gross profit by selling it to Jiangsu and Zhejiang salt merchants for ten cents per catty.

He never expected that his second brother-in-law Li Zhen would come back with a high price of fifteen cents per catty, which really made Zhu Han very happy.

Li Zhen was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I didn't do anything. Those salt merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang gave away money and women, and they insisted on setting the price of salt at fifteen cents. There was nothing I could do.


Zhu Han smiled and did not express any opinion on this matter.

No matter what the reason is, if Li Zhen is able to complete the mission and come back, then he is a meritorious official. As for whether it is a pie in the sky or a blind cat that kills me, it does not affect the merits and rewards.

"Second brother-in-law, when will the follow-up grain, grass and cloth be shipped?" Zhu Han continued to ask.

Li Zhen immediately said: "Three days at most! Salt merchants in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have already stocked up on food. As long as our salt is transported to Jiqing Wharf, the salt will be unloaded on the front foot and the grain and cloth will be loaded on the back foot!"

Zhu Han nodded with satisfaction at such a swift action.

Since controlling the Yangtze River waterway, it has been able to monopolize the salt business.

You no longer have to worry about not having enough food.

"Chen Baodao, Chang Yuchun, Hu Yiba!" Zhu Han called to the three generals behind him.

When the three of them heard the words, they immediately came out to respond.

"The end is here!"

"You have all seen that from now on, you no longer have to worry about insufficient food and grass. The original training once every three days will be immediately changed to once a day. Just choose the right level!" Zhu Han ordered.

"The general will obey your orders!"

All three responded happily.

In this day and age, the strongest military can only train once every three days, and it is already at the elite level. This is not because they don't want to train, but because the cost of training is really too high.

High-intensity training naturally requires good food. Meat is required almost every meal, and it must be large and filling, so that the soldiers can maintain their physical fitness.

Now that Zhu Han has money and food, he naturally wants to improve his military strength.

Seeing Chang Yuchun on the side, Zhu Han seemed to have remembered something.

"Chang Yuchun!" Zhu Han said.

"Deputy Commander, the general is here!" Chang Yuchun responded quickly.

"I remember, you said last time that some relatives from the countryside live in seclusion in the mountains?" Zhu Han asked.

"Yes, Deputy Commander, I have many old acquaintances, and I don't know how good our rebel army is. I want to take a leave of absence to recruit them all to Chuzhou!" Chang Yuchun said.

Chang Yuchun came to join the rebel army. He originally wanted to earn a living and see what the future of the rebel army would be like. If it was good, he would bring out all his relatives and friends who were hiding in the mountains.

Who would have known that after joining the rebel army, this little life was not just about getting enough to eat, it was like living a magical life. When you became a soldier, you would be assigned five acres of land, and you would eat brown rice during training for three days.

Eat fish or meat.

Chang Yuchun had long wanted to bring his wife, children, relatives and friends who were hiding in the mountains to Chuzhou to enjoy their happiness.

This chapter has been completed!
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