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Chapter 363 Reconciliation


Father Wen waved to his younger son, calmed down his whole body, and his face softened slightly because of his joyful mood, which made the child less afraid.

The children before were never afraid of Father Wen.

He has always been arrogant and mischievous, and even Father Wen could only shake his head and smile bitterly, but he still let him go.

However, Father Wen's slap in the face completely hurt the child, and left a deep and unforgettable impression on the child of Father Wen's ferocious and cold face.

It turns out that Father Wen is so terrible when he is angry.

When the child faced Father Wen, he became a little more timid.

Now, seeing the gentleness in Father Wen's eyes, even the cold lines of his face have softened a bit, and the corners of his mouth are slightly hooked, with a slight smile.

Such kind of father Wen is like a kind and generous elder.

The child thought of Father Wen's various good deeds, and turned his evasive eyes towards Father Wen. His subconsciously stiff body softened a bit because of Father Wen's call.

His gaze carefully moved to Father Wen's eyes.

It wasn't the cold rage that frightened him, but the warmth and broadness, which inexplicably made his uneasy heart slowly calm down.


The child turned to look at his brother, and Wen Shaoyang nodded to him.

Naturally, he doesn't want to see his family become estranged.

Both he and Mother Wen saw Father Wen's regret and regret.

It's just that the child was too nervous to notice this.

Now, the child's hallucination is solved.

The relationship between him and Wen's mother and children has also returned to its original state.

Even though Father Wen was wrong to hit someone at the time, it was not a big mistake for the elders to teach the younger ones, and Father Wen was also anxious at the time.

Because you pay too much attention, it is easier to lose control.

The children have been having troubles for some time.

Is there any reason to keep making trouble?

Besides, how can family members have an overnight feud?

It's time for them to reconcile.

The child turned his head and looked at Master Xiao, who was sitting on the sofa.

Xiao Xiao was a little surprised, but soon his eyebrows were slightly curved, showing a bit of encouragement.

After the hesitant child gained enough courage, he lowered his head slightly and slowly moved towards Father Wen.

The hall was very quiet, with only the faint sound of children's slippers stepping on the blanket.

Seeing the child crawling like a turtle, no one spoke to urge him.

Wen Shaoyang didn't, and Xiao Xiao didn't.

Father Wen pursed his lips, and even more so, he just looked at the child quietly, even though he was slowly approaching him.

Don't say a word.

There was a bit of expectation in his eyes.

The man who had always been dignified and solemn rarely showed a bit of urgency and anxiety.

The child finally arrived at Father Wen's side, but in fact he didn't care about the slap that much anymore.

He knew that he had made Father Wen angry.

And he was very, very angry.

Before, he only felt that Father Wen denied the existence of his friend and hit him, so he was very angry.

Now that the child knew that Xiaoyao was his imaginary friend, he understood Father Wen's mood at that time in a somewhat confused way.


Moreover, it is normal for boys to be taught a lesson.

There were a few boys in his class who kept complaining that they had another meal of "fried pork with bamboo shoots."

Moreover, Father Wen knows all about his good children.

He admired Father Wen and also liked Father Wen.

Wen's father later tried to please him in a subtle way, and the children also noticed it.

It’s just that because of Xiaoyao’s incident, I have been stubborn and refused to forgive.

Even if I feel uncomfortable.

Now, there was no reason for him to insist on ignoring Father Wen.


He was still a little evasive towards Father Wen. On the one hand, he was still a little frightened by the slap. On the other hand, he was also a little embarrassed and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Thinking of how I had lost my temper with my father, mother, and brother because of a false friend, even a child who has always been willful and domineering felt a little guilty and apologetic.

He felt so embarrassed.


Father Wen called out warmly and wanted to reach out to hold the child's hand, but after a pause he put down his slightly raised hand because he was afraid of scaring the child.

He certainly knows how powerful he is. Even an average adult man would not dare to express his anger in front of him, let alone a child?

He was so angry that he couldn't control himself and lost his temper with such a young child.


That slap, even if he finally controlled the force, the child's face immediately turned red and even swollen.

At that time, the child burst into tears, but he suppressed his voice and stared at him.

Whenever he thought of such a child, Father Wen wanted to beat himself up.

Look at what he did. He actually attacked a child?

He felt extremely distressed.

Thinking of this, Father Wen softened his voice a little more, even though it still sounded a bit cold to ordinary people.

But everyone in the Wen family knew how gentle Father Wen was at this time.

"Xiaoyuan, I'm sorry."

The apology I had been unable to express came out of my mouth.

Father Wen was stunned for a moment, but then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that the hardest part of the apology was said, Father Wen could speak the rest of it smoothly.

"Xiaoyuan, it's dad's fault."

"Dad didn't control his temper."

Father Wen reached out and touched the child's cheek where he was beaten, his eyes were full of love and apology.

The child's body suddenly stiffened, but he did not dare to move.

Even though the child was very scared, Wen's father did not give in. He wanted to restore the relationship with his younger son, so appropriate coercion was necessary.

"It hurt, right?"

Father Wen said in a low voice.

The child suddenly felt that his nose was a little sore.

There was mist coming out of his eyes.

However, the child pursed his lips stubbornly.

He won't cry.


"Forgive dad, okay?"

Father Wen said warmly, his face seemed as cold as stone, but his eyes were lowered, but he was clearly a little worried.

The child finally looked directly at Father Wen, but was stunned for a moment.

Father Wen laughed, "Why are you so dumb?"

The child blinked his eyes, blinking away the moisture from his eyes, and Father Wen's figure was clearly reflected inside.

"Dad, I'm sorry."

The child reached out and grabbed the corner of Father Wen's clothes, and lowered his head again.

There was a hint of choking in his voice.

Although he is not what most people call a good boy, he does not want to make his family sad.

He knew that he had made his father, mother and brother sad before.

Father Wen was stunned by the child's sudden apology, and then his expression softened a bit.

"Xiao Yuan, then we are even, right?"

Father Wen touched the top of the child's black hair and smiled heartily.


The child raised his head, narrowed his eyes and grinned at Father Wen, showing his big white teeth.

"Then we've reconciled, right?"

Father Wen continued to ask.


The child responded loudly, with a cheerful smile in his eyes.

Seeing the father and son finally reconciled, everyone else in the hall laughed.

This chapter has been completed!
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