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Chapter 616 Inexplicable

Xiao Xiao looked back calmly, as if he didn't notice the consideration in Meng's father's eyes at all.

"...Do as you are told."

Father Meng raised his eyes and looked at the rearview mirror in front of the car.


The driver quickly turned the steering wheel to the right.

His eyes were full of shock.

Who is this young man?

Why does Team Meng trust him so much? Let him show the way?

The northwest suburbs are not small.

If you don’t have a specific destination, searching them all will probably take a lot of time.

However, what is lacking most now is time.

However, looking at the baby spoon outside the window, Xiao Xiao's mouth curled up slightly.

With the baby spoon around, they naturally went straight to their destination.

Why do you need to go around so much trouble?

Liang Zai and A Fei are going crazy.

They were struggling, twisting, and avoiding like crazy, but the things in the dark were unwilling to let them go.

Teasing them with a bit of interest.

He has the calmness and bad taste like a cat playing with a mouse.

Liangzi and Afei have more and more wounds on their bodies.

The wrist bone of Liang Zai's left foot was broken.

At that time, my ears just caught a little "click~" sound, and the heartbreaking pain quickly spread from the ankle to the whole body.

His tears suddenly flowed out.

It really hurts.

His whole body was shaking.

His voice was a bit hoarse from shouting for too long.

Liangzi fell to the ground, curled up, and his back was wet.

His face was covered in blood stains.

A Fei is not much better.

The sharp shoulder blades on his arched back almost pierced his clothes.

His left hand hung limply by his side.

They say ten fingers are connected to the heart. When his fingers were crushed one by one, his vision went dark and he wanted to faint immediately.

However, despite the severe pain, he still maintained a trace of clarity.

In addition to the extreme panic and horror, his eyes slowly revealed strong resentment.

He has never been a man of integrity.

He could kill with no more than a nod, why did he do this to him?

"Who? Which grandson is he?"

Liang Zai said while panting heavily, with a vicious tone, but because of his low and hoarse voice, he showed a bit of lack of confidence and a harsh look.

“What kind of hero is he who hides his head and shows his tail?”

"Come out, Mr. Liang, get out!"

"That's right, coward."

"I don't even want to show my face."

The pain had already made Ah Fei a little confused. He might not even know what he said. He just subconsciously agreed with Liang Zai, and then he showed weakness. His hoarse voice with a crying tone was like sandpaper rubbing across the table. It was unpleasant.


"Let me go please."

"what would you like?"

"I'll give it all to you!"

"As long as you let me go."


The sound of tapping footsteps came.


"What happen to you guys?"

"Are you okay?"

A hand reached out to them, and Liang Zai and A Fei blinked their eyes, which were stained with sweat.

The corners of his eyes widened with a bit of ferocity.

The scarlet blood on his face was flowing wildly.

They never thought that one day, the uniforms that they always disliked, hated or even avoided would make them cry with joy.

It's the police!



Liang Zai and A Fei said in unison, but their voices were both hoarse and dry.

It was so vague that it was almost inaudible.

Just through their mouth movements, the police could read what they said.

They were really shocked by the miserable appearance of Liang Zai and A Fei.

They were still a little confused about the sudden order they received from Team Meng to quickly search and rescue the two victims.

They were clearly ambushing this area, so how did Captain Meng know that there were two victims in the northwest?

Did the murderer actually appear in the northwest suburbs today?

Unexpectedly, they found two victims.

However, they moved quickly to surround the two victims and looked around with vigilance.

But nothing was found.

How can it be?

The injuries on the bodies of the two victims cannot be faked.

So, where is the murderer?

Did he escape?

Or hiding somewhere?


"my hand!"

Liang Zai's right hand, which was tightly grasping the policeman's hand, suddenly and strangely loosened his grip, hanging limply on his wrist.

He looked at his right hand with a horrified expression, and a sharp pain suddenly swept over him. He roared like a wounded beast in his throat, and all the veins in his neck protruded. His intact left hand grabbed his right arm tightly.

, the rough and uneven nails dug deeply into the flesh.

It seemed like he was trying to divert the severe pain in his fingers.

But it has no effect.

His face was full of ferocity, and his mouth tasted a strong taste of blood.

"My feet, my feet!"

Ah Fei also shouted immediately.

If the policeman beside him hadn't helped him quickly, he would have staggered to the ground.

His right foot suddenly went weak, and the severe pain made his brain throbbing, as if a knife was scratching his nerve endings.

It really hurts.

Even though he has been unhappy since childhood, he has never suffered any physical pain.

What's more, being treated like torture?

He really wished he could pass out and forget it.

He had never wished so earnestly that he could faint.

Why can't he faint?

A Fei's face was filled with tears and blood mixed together, making him look embarrassed and pitiful.

But the police were really anxious and confused.

what happened?

There was obviously no one around, so why was he injured again?

what is going on?

"Call 120."

There are calm police officers who have called emergency services.

The top priority now is to send the two victims to the hospital for emergency treatment.

While waiting for the ambulance, no one dared to relax at all.

The current situation was full of weirdness. They were confused and at the same time felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

There seemed to be some unknown beast staring at them in the dark.

The light in his eyes was cold and ferocious.

Some police officers also took the time to ask: "Who hurt you?"

"Is he still around?"

"Where did he escape to?"

However, Liangzi and Afei no longer have any energy left to answer questions.

One second, they felt that they were in extreme pain, so painful that they were numb, but the next second, they found that they could hurt even more!


In the end, Liangzi and Afei could only make the sound of "drink~drink~".

The police all thought they were going crazy.

What the fuck is going on?

The two victims were injured again under their noses.

But they didn't even see the shadow of the murderer.

Even though they found the victim, they found that all they could do was the same as if they had not found the victim.

Nothing can be done!

They watched helplessly as the ones they wanted to protect were in so much pain, but they didn't know how to protect them from harm.

This chapter has been completed!
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