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Chapter 107 Kill the red eyes

 The Temple of Gods and Demons is very big, so there is nothing surprising about it.

But what surprised Xiao Yi was that the broad hall on the first floor seemed to extend infinitely, making it impossible to see the end at a glance.


The first batch of people who came in were all surprised. From the outside, it seemed that the Temple of Gods and Demons could be completed in a hundred steps at most.

Looking at how spacious it is now, it feels like it will take three days and three nights to walk.

Xiao Yi felt that maybe entering the Temple of Gods and Demons meant entering another space, or was this just an illusion?

No one else dared to move forward at will, for fear of some trap or something.

So the stick guard forcibly ordered five soldiers to take the lead and let them rush to the front, otherwise they would be punished under military law.

These five soldiers were very reluctant, but due to the order, they had no choice but to move forward.

But something strange happened. The five soldiers began to wave their arms and raise their legs, as if they were about to move forward.

After a while, the five soldiers were still standing still.

This made the stick guards angry, and they yelled: "What are you doing? Why don't you set off yet? Do you want to disobey military orders?"

Upon hearing this, the five people seemed to have been awakened. They quickly turned around and were shocked to see the furious expressions of the stick guards behind them.

"No, we've obviously been gone for a long time, why are we still here?"

The five soldiers looked in disbelief, and their panicked looks did not look like they were acting.

In order to prove this point, Xiao Yi and Gun Wei decided to go into battle in person.

They stepped forward together, counting each step silently in their hearts.

After walking thirty steps, it felt like they had walked a short distance. Xiao Yi and the stick guard looked at each other and signaled that it was almost done.

So the two of them turned back together and were surprised to see other soldiers behind them, a step away.

"We didn't move?"

After the stick guard experienced it himself, he believed that the previous five soldiers had not lied.

Xiao Yi is trapped, this is nothing, it is more uncomfortable than a ghost hitting a wall.

But one thing is for sure, there is no other space here, it is just a fantasy that disturbs your senses.

If we want to move forward, we must break this illusion, but everyone is worried about how to break it.

I obviously took a lot of steps forward, but found that I was actually standing still. This is wrong.

Xiao Yi looked at himself and then at the people behind him, thinking about the key.

Recall that Xiao Yi was in the team before, but when he wanted to test this place, he walked out of the team and stood at the front of the team.

Then moving forward becomes like standing still.

Xiao Yi thought about it. If he was always standing still, how did he get from the middle to the front of the team?

In order to confirm this, Xiao Yi ran back to the team, from the front of the team, to the back of the team, and then back to the front.

No problem, no problem at all, not standing still at all.

In response to this point, everyone began to actively discuss it.

Some people think that it must be because of the large number of people, and the breath of people will affect this area. As long as everyone acts together, real progress can be achieved.

This sounded very reasonable, so the stick guard asked everyone to line up and move forward together.

After all, it is an army. It is well-trained and obeys orders.

Following the stick guard's order, the team of one hundred people took one step forward, two steps, three steps... until ten steps.

Xiao Yi observed from behind for a while and then stopped immediately because the team of hundreds of people walked for a long time and were still standing still.

If you can't move forward alone, and if you can't move forward collectively, what is the problem?

Just when everyone was at a loss, Xiao Yi thought of a way, which was to walk backwards.

The reason is very simple. Xiao Yi can move forward at will in the team because he is surrounded by reference objects.

There is a person here and there is a person over there. You have a reference for moving forward.

But after walking to the front, there is an endless, empty place ahead, with no reference at all.

Now it's different if you walk backwards. You're facing everyone. You'll know right away if you move some distance away after walking backwards.

This is a good idea, and everyone immediately expressed their approval and support.

And Xiao Yi was also the first person to try this method, because he wanted to know immediately whether this method would work.

If it doesn't work, what would it be like to walk backwards and not be able to get far?

So Xiao Yi stood at the front of the team again. This time he faced everyone and leaned against the infinitely extending space.

It started. Xiao Yi took a deep breath and took the first step backward.

In an instant, Xiao Yi saw that there was a little distance between himself and others.

When the stick guards saw that Xiao Yi was no longer standing still, their eyes widened.

The distance is widened. Although it is only one step away, it is enough to inspire people.

This was not enough, Xiao Yi kept up his efforts and took ten steps back in one breath, further widening the distance.

It works, it really works.

The stick guard quickly summoned everyone to catch up, because Xiao Yi was already there as a reference, and they no longer stood still and could finally move forward.

At this moment, it seemed that a certain force here knew that Xiao Yi and Gun Wei could not be trapped.

The broad hall disappeared and returned to its original appearance.

Sixty huge pillars are divided into six rows to support the main hall.

The huge space gives people the feeling that a majestic figure once lived here.

The hard ground conveys a strong will and power, making people feel as if they are under an invisible oppression every step they take.

There are two stone statues facing each other in the main hall. One is solemn and sacred, and the other is ferocious and evil.

It is obvious that there is one god and one demon, which fits the three words of the temple of gods and demons.

Xiao Yi walked in the middle position and could feel that there were two breaths here, one of god and one of devil.

As for other people, get closer to the statue, and all you will feel is the breath of God.

On the contrary, if you get closer to the golem, you will feel the scent of the devil.

Invisibly, Xiao Yi faintly saw a dividing line between light and dark.

The two statues of gods and demons are like dividing the hall into two halves, one half filled with the aura of God and the other half filled with the aura of demons, which are mutually incompatible and infringing upon each other.

No, the auras of gods and demons are still fighting each other, stimulating each other, and becoming stronger and stronger.

The closer Xiao Yi gets, the more he can feel the special breath in his body being awakened and ready to move.

It was not that Xiao Yi walked in the middle of the hall deliberately, but he walked there unknowingly, and he was also confused.

Just now, I clearly moved closer to the statue and deliberately stayed away from the demon statue.

But as he walked, Xiao Yi was shocked to find that he was standing in the middle of the two statues of gods and demons.

This chapter has been completed!
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