Chen Tang woke up on the way to exile and found that this world was very unscientific. The divine stones from the sky, and hundreds of countries competed. Wen Ning and Wen's heart came true. Wu gathered his courage and split the mountains and seas. She thought that the little white face, with a word 'spouting the horse with a spear', the next second, the armor was possessed, the long spear in his hand, and one person formed an army, and thousands of troops could kill seven in and seven out! The tuberculosis in her eyes said, 'Scattered in the sky', the sky was like a round cover, the land was like a chess game, and the troops were arranged at will, and they could pick it up at will! This TM cannot be considered unscientific! It was clearly a scientific coffin board that was nailed to death by theology! And she 'Lord, Beijun has a severe drought, why don't you cry?' Chen Tang: '...' 'Lord, Hong, Nanzhou