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Chapter 26

Yuan Zongdao came to report that a friend was visiting, and Li Zicheng said goodbye to others and left.

Ai Yuchu had no time to talk nonsense anymore and hurriedly went to work on disaster relief.

A small gathering also broke up.

When Li Zicheng returned to the squad room, Shen Xiaoxier came up to say hello warmly.

After collecting the stolen goods for the first time, Shen Lao Xier returned to his hometown, and the business in Yulin was handed over to his eldest son Shen Yishi.

Shen Xiaoxier's visit this time was, firstly, to hide from "rogue thieves"; secondly, she wanted to find out when she would do business again.

After all, that small pawnshop was opened because of Li Zicheng, so there was no need to keep it open if it didn't open forever.

After hearing this, Li Zicheng felt a little embarrassed, "Just wait a little longer, I haven't made a move yet."

Shen Xiaoxi'er narrowed her eyes and said, "Boss, I heard about a rich man who is unkind to his wealth..."

A short while later that day, Ai Yuchu's three porridge sheds were erected.

And with him taking the lead, the number of people donating greatly increased. In the end, a total of more than 38,000 kilograms of grain and more than 600 taels of silver were given out.

The county magistrate Wang Xiangdui smiled from ear to ear.

Firstly, there were no bandits in Mizhi, secondly, no city was lost, thirdly, few people died of starvation, no faults are merit. This is political achievement!

Wang Xiangdui also performed a performance by inserting chopsticks into the pot without tipping it over to show that the porridge was thick.

There was a huge crowd, and the hungry people carrying broken bowls surrounded the porridge shed.

Li Zicheng arranged for Zhang Cheng to lead the police to maintain order. Those who didn't line up well were welcome and served with sticks.

Unexpectedly, a thief was caught inside.

It's really weird. It happens every day. The poor have to get porridge to drink. What can you steal?

What's even more surprising is that he actually stole three coins.

All I can say is that the free porridge is so good that everyone, rich or poor, wants to have a bowl.

The first day went smoothly, but the second day was terrible.

Early in the morning, before the city gates were opened, hundreds of people gathered outside.

Wang Xiang received his reward and hurriedly dressed up and climbed up the city wall to see, Oh my God.

He panicked.

Perhaps there are more hungry people on their way here, supporting the elderly and the young, but the porridge is limited. What happens after it’s all gone?

By then, tens of thousands of people will gather in the city and there will be no food to eat, which will inevitably lead to riots.

Wang Xiangdui convened a discussion with the cobblers, and finally decided to leave only one pot in the city, and set up a porridge shed ten miles outside the north gate, south gate, and Aidongzhuang on the west side of Wuding River to disperse the hungry people.

Li Zicheng originally donated only 10,000 kilograms of grain and 500 taels of silver. After receiving a report from Shen Xiaoxier, he doubled the amount of donation.

Anyway, the local tyrants will be attacked again soon, and if there is too much food stored up, it is impossible to take it all away in the event of an incident. It is better to scatter it. The life you can live will tell your fate.

Ai Yuchu really couldn't figure out where Li Zicheng got the food, but it was all wheat and rice. He could only sigh that the half-immortal was indeed very capable.

Li Zicheng didn't want to be in the limelight and refused Xiao Ai's name in the credit book.

How can that work?

Disaster relief is a great act of kindness, and after reporting it, the emperor may even issue an order to commend it.

Li Zicheng couldn't resist, and carelessly signed his name as Zhao Desheng. Now his pseudonym was exposed in advance, and he had to give up his nickname again.

The county magistrate Wang Xiangdui looked at the roster and asked Yahuazi, "Who is Zhao Desheng? Is there anyone who does good deeds these days without leaving his real name?"

Generally speaking, if a gentleman does some good deeds and does not build an archway to the sky, he is considered modest.

Cao Wenzhao, the deputy commander-in-chief of Yansui East Road, was also very happy. Mizhi was still quite wealthy, so would his food and salary have to be increased by 30%?

Only then did Wang Xiangdui remember that there was another great god that he had not sent away.

He knew that given the current situation, it was impossible to get much more food from the hands of the village chief. So he simply donated 500 taels of the disaster relief donation to the military leader.

Cao Wenzhao was not satisfied, so he struggled for a while, took another two thousand kilograms of grain, and strengthened several mules before giving up. He led Guan Ning's army to Yulin to conquer Wang Jiayin.

Lao Cao is from Datong. He joined the army in Liaodong in his early years. He served in Xiong Tingbi and Sun Chengzong, and rose to the rank of guerrilla through his merits.

At the end of the second year of Chongzhen, he followed Yuan Chonghuan to become King Guan Qin.

At the beginning of the third year, Cao Wenzhao, who had taken Shangfang's sword, led his generals Wang Chengyin, Zhang Shujia, Dusi Zuo Liangyu and others to ambush Jiannu in Yutian. They were promoted to generals for their meritorious service in fierce battles.

Then he moved from Daqian Mountain to the vicinity of Zunhua, and followed Ma Shilong and others to capture Da'an City and Catfish and other passes. Because of his achievements in recovering the four cities, the imperial court promoted him as the governor Qianshi.

In June, Cao Wenzhao was named the deputy commander-in-chief of Yansui East Road and led the Guanning Army into Shaanxi to conquer the rogue bandits.

Li Zicheng watched the team leave, feeling a little uneasy.

Guan Ning's army is all wearing helmets and armor, and they wear robes and skirts. They are not easy to mess with at first sight. You said you are not going to kill the Tatars, why are you here to hand over the peasant army?!


The disaster relief in Mizhi County lasted only more than half a month and ended.

It is certain that the geese will be plucked. As for how much food falls into the stomachs of the people, no one cares.

Li Zicheng didn't bother to get involved, he just wanted to do what he wanted.

Now a few generals of the Revolutionary Army have been trained with difficulty, and then they recruited more than 400 elite soldiers and asked them to teach them.

If we do not take into account the malnutrition caused by long-term hunger, the physical fitness of the ancients was much better than that of later generations.

Poor living, sanitation, and medical conditions are equivalent to a natural selection of the population at the cost of mortality. Those with poor physical fitness will not survive to adulthood, and the leftovers will be king.

Just by delivering the baby and cutting the umbilical cord with rusty scissors, the baby will die for an unknown amount of time. The one who can survive is naturally stronger.

Therefore, the base of military resources is quite good.

Li Zicheng took the time to go to the city and hang out with Han Jin'er for a few days. It was so fun that he couldn't quit.

Why is this such a big deal? Lao Li was enjoying himself while blaming himself.

It's July in a flash.

At the beginning of the month, Qu Shilu came again.

Li Zicheng talked with him in depth for several days, and Qu also focused on asking for advice on music theory.

There are countless people who can write lyrics these days, but only a few who can make good music. Otherwise, the music label would not be retained. One song can be paired with hundreds of lyrics.

It is rare for the old Zhu family to have a talent, and Zhu Zaiyu created the Twelve Laws of Equilibrium. However, due to various restrictions, his theory was not widely spread. He also passed away twenty years ago. What a pity!

Why is the Twelve Laws needed?

Due to the limitations of musical instrument manufacturing and human hearing, it is impossible to use infinite intervals in music, so choices need to be made, hence the temperament system.

And because simple intervals are more harmonious, they will be included in the temperament as much as possible. Among the most harmonious intervals: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, their least common multiple is exactly 12.

Twelve temperament is an octave divided into 12 parts, which serves as the basis of the temperament system.

As early as "Guanzi" and "Lu Shi Chunqiu", there was the "three-point profit and loss method". It can be roughly understood as the law of five degrees of mutual generation.

But whether it is five degrees of mutual growth or three points of profit and loss, two problems inevitably arise.

The mutual generation of five degrees cannot generate eight degrees. This has also become an eternal problem in China that "the yellow bell cannot be restored".

There will be subtle differences in the allophones derived from the mutual generation of fifths.

These two problems make it inconvenient for the law of fifths to be directly used in musical instrument manufacturing, and it needs to be improved. Therefore, the twelve equal temperament is necessary. 1

Scholars throughout the ages have been trying to solve the problem of "the yellow bell cannot be restored" - Zeng Hou Yi's chime spans five octaves, and the middle three octaves have complete twelve tones.

For example, He Chengtian, an astronomical mathematician in the Southern Song Dynasty, first proposed the sequence corresponding to the twelve equal laws in "Legislative System". Unfortunately, the original book has been lost.

At that time, the mainstream temperament system reached sixty temperaments through multiple gains and losses, but He Chengtian rejected this approach and invented the "new temperament".

The Ho's law is the average result based on the differences in chord lengths. It is not the true twelve equal temperament calculated according to the frequency ratio. However, it clearly has the twelve equal temperament thinking, and its actual effect is very close to the ten equal temperament.

The law of two equals.

From the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the Ming Dynasty, there were many similar ways to improve the law of mutual generation of five degrees.

For example, Cai Yuanding's Eighteen Rhythms of the Song Dynasty, when using the Twelve Rhythms as the palace, can maintain the unique sounds of the heptatonic scale of the three-part gain and loss method in all twelve laws.

In the Ming Dynasty, the most accomplished person was Zhu Zaiyu, a member of the Ming clan.

Since the chord length ratio of the octave is 2:1, to divide the octave into 12 equal parts, you need to find the common ratio of the geometric sequence x=2^(1/12). First, take the square root of the pure octave to get

Bin 1.414213562373095048801689; continue to square Ruibin, and get Nanlu 1.189207115002721066717500; then cube Nanlu, and get the semitone bell 1.059463094359295264561825...

Seven years ago, the French Masons published "Introduction to Harmony" and proposed the number 1.059463 for the first time in the West. The frequency ratio calculated by Zhu Zaiyu earlier than him was more accurate 1.059463094.

Did the law of twelve equals spread to Europe from China? Maybe, maybe not.

Li Zhizao mentioned the Twelve Laws of Equals in his works. He was the main disciple and had a close relationship with Matteo Ricci.

Matteo Ricci mentioned Zhu Zaiyu's calendar theory in his diary, so it is possible that he knew Zhu Zaiyu's twelve equal laws.

Matteo Ricci and Mason were good friends, so the two may have discussed Zhu Zaiyu's theory.

In short, Lao Zhu used an 81-bit abacus to calculate the twelfth root of 2, which is worthy of worship. Unfortunately, these are considered "wonderful skills" and have not been valued and promoted.

Especially after the "Shiquan Old Man" Qianlong came to power, he specially organized people to denounce the long-dead Lao Zhu, and denounced the Twelve Laws of Equalization as "conjecture."

Because the well-known "Chinese style" is five tones, Lao Zhu's advocacy of seven tones is naturally heresy. However, Huang Zhongda Lu still has 12 tones. What did Qianlong, a barbarian, know?

The court music he engaged in was so despicable that it was like mourning music. He couldn't stand it anymore and cursed the officials for their incompetence.

In short, the three-point profit and loss law, the pure temperament, and the twelve equal temperaments coexist in China, and different temperaments are used together. In the Southern Dynasties, Song Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty, the three tunes of Ping, Qing, and Se were combined with the Qing music of Sui, Tang, and Jiu Dynasties.

, both are qin, sheng and pipa are used together; for the qin-ruan ensemble in Zhou Wenju's "Palace in the Palace" volume of the Five Dynasties, the qin used should be pure temperament; the sheng used should be the three-point gain and loss temperament; pipa and ruan are equal temperament.

Therefore, the traditional version played to 5 is Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu, and the version played to 6 and 7 includes Qing Jiao, Qing Yu, Bian Zheng, Bian Gong, etc., such as Qingya Yanle.

In addition to factors such as regional and national characteristics, China has already had seven tones, and there are many folk musics. Sima Xiangru's "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", the ancient song "Flowing Water", Sha Baoliang's "Secret Fragrance", etc. are too many There are many more. Even further away is the Jiahu Bone Flute.

However, the tradition regards "elegant sound" as the correct sound, and has a tendency to reject dissonant sounds, calling them "arrogant and fierce sounds".

For example, "Historical Records: Biographies of Assassins": Gao Jianli was building a building, Jing Ke was singing in harmony, which was the voice of rebellion, and all the soldiers shed tears.

Music that uses bianzheng as the main theme sounds particularly strange and sad. So it is not surprising that "all the scholars shed tears".

Therefore, the 12356 pentatonic mode is commonly used in China.

Everything is exactly the opposite of the Japanese pirates who learned from Tianchao. They mostly use 13467, so the tone of the music is generally scary, weird and dark.

Twelve equal temperaments are good, but for things like music that are linked to the senses, if we only stay in theory, what do we appreciate?

Few people can understand the theory, and of course it is difficult to spread it far and wide. So what is more important is practice. But it is difficult to compose good music!

Just right for the plagiarist Li Zicheng.

Qu Shilu stayed for six days and returned to his hometown in Jiangnan with a pile of books.

Shaanxi was too chaotic and he didn't dare to stay longer.

Mizhi County is like the center of a typhoon, slightly calm, but surrounded by strong winds and heavy rain.

Needless to say, there is Yulin in the north, where Wang Jiayin's tens of thousands of people fight guerrillas.

In the south and in Suide, Baoan (Zhidan), Ansai, Fushi (Yan'an), Anding, Ganquan and other counties in the west, there are wars everywhere.

At the end of July, the Yulin garrison moved to the northwest to attack Wang Jiayin who occupied Huangpu River; Bai Ruxue, Wang's second subordinate in the former peasant army, led four to five thousand people to besiege Suide.

The surrounding government and military forces were involved, and Li Zicheng took the opportunity to leave his nest and head north.

The large group of carriages and horses traveled at night and took detours in the ravines, arriving near Baitian Bay five days later.

There is a big tycoon in front.

Gao Yuanshan's ancestors started their business by selling salt in Huaiyang. At the height of Wanli's reign, his capital was no less than three million taels.

After the corruption of Kaizhongfa, the Gao family gradually returned to Shaanxi. They stopped doing big business and only got some salt from Huamachi in Ningxia, earning an annual pocket money of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

As a third-generation rich man, Gao Yuanshan was served by a group of servants since he was a child, and he was pampered with fine clothes and fine food. Needless to say, he committed many evil deeds.

Li Zicheng wanted to do justice for heaven.

After lunch at noon, the team drove out of the ravine.

There can be no night raid this time.

Hundreds of foot soldiers were poorly trained, and chaos would inevitably occur when the number of soldiers increased. In addition, the Gao family's residence occupied an area of ​​fifty or sixty acres, and it was difficult to search and suppress them at night.

Dozens of people were separated to guard various intersections, and Li Zicheng led more than 300 people straight to the mansion.

Set up a ladder to attack.

There were nearly a hundred guards in the Gao family, and they were quite brave. The two sides fought hard, and Li Zicheng captured the mansion in the second half of the day.

The wealthy man had taken refuge in Yulin City with his family a few months ago and escaped unharmed.

After the war, a count showed that eleven of our own troops had been killed and thirty-five wounded.

One of the dead was a cousin of Li Zicheng.

I couldn't care less about my grief, and it was more important to load the loot into the car quickly.

Because there is Boluo Fort to the east and Xiangshui Fort to the west, which are not far away; and Yulin City is fifty miles to the north. As soon as the soldiers come out, Li Zicheng and the "thieves" will belch and catch cold.

There were sixty carts of grain, twenty carts of silver, ten carts of silk and silk, six carts of other valuables, and hundreds of livestock. A great harvest!

As usual, the convoy left first, and Li Zicheng stayed in the high house for the whole night, evacuating only at dawn.

The seizure this time was too much. After excluding the benefits given to the civilians, what was finally brought back to the base camp was 70,000 to 80,000 catties of grain and 550,000 silver.

So cool!

On the tenth day of August, Shen Yishi, who was looking forward to seeing what was going on, finally came to see Li Zicheng.

"Congratulations to the team leader on their successful start!"

"It's easy to talk, let's sit in the room."

Yuan Zongdao was busy serving tea and pouring water.

The two talked about the situation first.

The peasant army besieging Suide has been dispersed.

Wang Er, the leader of the peasant army who had been surrendered earlier, was also beheaded by Hong Chengchou because his culprit was exposed. He also beheaded Miao Dengyun and dozens of other surrendered leaders.

Instead, Wang Jiayin captured Fugu and proclaimed himself king.

He has Bai Yuzhu on the right and Zijin Liang on the left. He has more than 100 generals and 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers.

Shen Yishi said with emotion: "I don't know when the end of the world will come to an end. The biggest fear for us businessmen is that war will lead to disaster."

Li Zicheng smiled, "Really? It's a good opportunity to make a fortune with swords and weapons. For example, Fan Yongdou from Jiexiu."

"Fan Yongdou?"

Shen Yishi thought for a moment, "It seems... I've never heard of it."

"Old Fan will have to wait another two years to make his fortune. It's normal for him not to be famous."

Shanxi and Shaanxi are poor, so there are many merchants, and they do business all over the world.

Their wealth is comparable to that of the local tycoons in Jiangnan.

Many of them made their fortunes by trading with Mongolia, including Fan Yongdou from Shanxi.

In the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, Huang Taiji brought about 100,000 troops from his vassals Horqin, Zalut, Balin, Naiman, Aohan, Karaqin, Tumut, Wengniute, Asut and other tribes to conquer Han'er - —The name that makes people nervous, let’s change it to Chahar.

Huang Taiji was victorious. He marched south from Guihua City and marched directly to Datong, Xuanhua and showed off his power.

The Ming army envoys from Desheng Fort in Datong contributed cattle, sheep, silk, tea, tobacco, sugar, rock sugar, grain, etc. Huang Taiji also donated more than a dozen sheep in return.

General Xuanhua also sent envoys to discuss peace - all in private.

From then on, the border guards would allow Zhangjiakou merchants to conduct large-scale trade with the Tatars. Those merchants were especially Shanxi Lao Xier.

(Huang Taiji is not the real name of Emperor Taizong of the Qing Dynasty. The translated name can also be called Huang Taiji or Hong Taiji.

"Taiji" is suspected to be derived from the transliteration of the Chinese "Prince". In the Ming Dynasty, all Mongolians, including khans and Jinong-level leaders, had to give the honorific title "Taiji" to their children if they had their own feudal tribes.

Later, the honorific title was abused. A slightly older tribal leader named Taiji, although he was not a Khan or a Jinong, his son was also honored as "Taiji".

Huang Taiji or Hong Taiji are slightly more noble than "Taiji" and are suspected to be derived from the Chinese transliteration of "Crown Prince".

At first, only the eldest son of Khan or Jinong or the designated prince could use this honorific. Later, it was abused.

"Huang Taiji" is more common among Tumut and Oirat people.

But what does this have to do with the Manchus?

The Jurchens during the Nurhaci period were highly Mongolian, but they were different from the Mongols. Therefore, in order to better integrate with Mongolia, it is not difficult to understand that Nurhachi muddleheadedly named his child "Huang Taiji".

However, the more authentic approach of the Mongolians is that both "Huang Taiji" and "Taiji" are honorific names and are used as suffixes on names. No one directly uses this as a name. It is a bit similar to the "Special Service" in the Turkic era.

At that time, the descendants of various Central Asian ethnic groups who were Turkicized also began to use "Teqin" as a suffix in their names, gradually causing the original meaning of "Teqin" to completely disappear.

(It is recorded in ancient history books that a Turkic official was named Tele, and one of the six horses in the Zhaoling Mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty had a horse named Teleqiao. And now archeology has clarified that the official name of the Turks was Teqin. Tele was Teqin.

It was created through misinformation during many years of copying. History books also record that there was a man named Quetele. In modern times, the stone tablet of Queteqin's tomb has been discovered.)

When Nurhaci became Khan, he also followed the Mongolian system.)


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