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Chapter 29 I want to rebel

It is not enough to have the "Revolutionary Army Company Standing Law"; the officers should also go to the grassroots to strengthen control.

It's a pity that suitable political workers can't be found at all. The consciousness of the mud-legged people is limited, and we can't expect them to fight for the unity of the world for the rest of their lives. So, stop them for the time being!

Soldiers' committees can be set up. There are five main tasks: first, to participate in military management; second, to maintain military discipline; third, to supervise the economy; fourth, to do mass work; and fifth, to strengthen the political education of soldiers.

The non-commissioned officer can only make suggestions or questions about a certain issue, but cannot directly interfere or deal with it. If the soldiers want to hold a meeting, the chief officer must be present. In wartime, the military chief can suspend various activities of the non-commissioned officer committee.

Li Zicheng was very doubtful whether the soldiers could play tricks on the Servants Committee, so he would do it first. If nothing else, at least someone who embezzled food money could always be discovered.

After giving instructions to the leaders, Li Zicheng took Tian Jianxiu to chat alone.

"Xiu'er, those rough guys are useless. You have to shoulder the burden and help me with all your heart."

"Brother, just give me your orders, don't you dare not obey." Tian Jianxiu was deeply moved.

"Your mission is very important. Whether the revolutionary army can succeed or not depends mostly on you."

"My little life was given to me by my eldest brother. I will go through fire and water, and then die." Tian Jianxiu was so excited that tears almost filled her eyes.

"There is a saying in the Art of War: 'Know the enemy and know yourself, and you will be in danger in a hundred battles; know yourself without knowing the enemy, and you will win and lose every time; don't know the enemy and yourself, and you will be in danger in every battle.'

What you have to do is to serve as the eyes and ears of the revolutionary army and spread spies all over the world."

Li Zicheng took out a booklet with four big words on the cover: Secret Secret Code of Secret Service.

"Take it back and review it carefully, record everything in detail, and follow the rules to make sure everything is foolproof."

First, we need to arrange spies in Mizhi.

In the future, after the brigade leaves, the soldiers will have to send money and food back to their families, and no one will take care of them. Yuan Zongdao, the housekeeper, is still too conspicuous, and he might be arrested one day.

The second is to bury nails in the county town that will be captured in the future.

Early development should make it easier to understand the reality.

The third place is Ningxia, Hanzhong, Luliang Mountains, Taihang Mountains, Dabie Mountains and other places.

Li Zicheng plans to make more than a dozen base areas. He is not sure yet, so he will leave a few more as backup to see how the situation develops.

The spies further back go to the capital, Bianwai, Jiangnan, Shanhaiguan and other places.

There must always be a source of information. Always relying on "divine gift" will easily make people suspicious. And with the flapping of butterfly wings, Li Zicheng's "foresight" will come to an end sooner or later.

There are also two types of spies sent out, one is for ordinary people to gather information; the most important type is just dormant and not activated, waiting for miraculous results in war.

Tian Jianxiu was sent away, and Li Guo and Li Mantianxiang followed him in.

"Uncle, this is the situation..."

Li Mantian thought about it for a month and finally made up his mind to join the gang completely.

He wanted his son and daughter to recognize Li Zi as their godfather. It was a good plan.

By the way, Zhang Nai kept calling him godfather, but Li Zicheng tried to evade it several times to no avail. Li Mantian took the opportunity to decide together and changed the name of the child to Li Shuangxi.

"Let Li Guo take them in. I'm busy all day and have no time to discipline them. Instead, I'm delaying the baby. The surname and given name are still the same. They were all born to their parents. It's not good to take away someone's original surname."

This is the custom of the Ming Dynasty. From the princes and nobles to the common people, adopted sons and adopted fathers are everywhere. In the Ming Dynasty, common people could not keep slaves, and only those who were forty and childless could take concubines. Therefore, in order to take advantage of the loopholes, many slaves and concubines were exposed.

The above is the identity of godson and goddaughter, and he calls the master father and mother.

Also, Zhang Xianzhong had a dozen capable godsons, which made people envious and jealous! Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo and others were all from northern Shaanxi, but Li Zicheng could not find them.

After the matter of acknowledging the father was decided, the ceremony was completed, and the three children went to Changmao to visit Li Zijing the next day, bringing some gifts.

Then they returned with one more person.

Xing Xiuniang has been living in Changmao for two or three days, and she has been pretending to be Li Zicheng's wife.

Although Li Zijing was a person without any ideas, fortunately he was not stupid. He arranged for her to stay with Aunt Li Cheng and planned to observe her for a few days to see if there was any abnormality.

As soon as Li Guo arrived with his baby, he just happened to throw the woman out.

"You, you, you!" Li Zicheng said, one with two heads.

Xing Xiuniang knelt down and saluted, "This is a difficult situation for the master. I am proficient in writing and serve as attendants without asking for status. My red sleeves are enough to add fragrance."

As soon as she arrived at Xishan Mao, she heard shouts of killing, but she didn't panic and just thought it was a team training.

Li Lang was both civil and military, which made Xing Xiuniang even more enthusiastic.

"Why bother? I'll give you some money and find an honest man..."

"Master, there is no need to say more. If I want silver, all I have to do is go back to the south of the Yangtze River. Priceless treasures are easy to find, but lovers are rare."

Even though the women in the brothel make a living through flesh and blood, they all long to meet a true love.

This beloved man should preferably be a high-ranking official; otherwise, he should be a talented person who is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting; otherwise, he should be a small-time rich man. An honest person should step aside.

A beloved man needs to be deeply and unswervingly in love, how can it be so easy to find one?

There was Ma Xianglan in front of her and Du Cuijuan in the back. None of them had a good ending. Xing Xiuniang had heard and seen many of them.

Li Zicheng shook his head and sighed, "Since ancient times, passion has always been filled with hatred, and good dreams are the easiest to wake up from."

Li Youcai!

Xing Xiuniang's eyes lit up.

"I know that my status is low, so I only want to be a maid."

"I will ride all over the world for the rest of my life, but I can't take you with me."

"In ancient times, there was Liang Hongyu, and today there is Xing Xiuniang, why not? I can also ride a horse, and I am not a person with small feet." 1

"..." Li Zicheng had a headache.

In fact, it is good to arrange for Xing Xiuniang to open a Ziming Tower in the south of the Yangtze River, Li Chun Yuan, etc. It will be of great use in winning over scholars, purchasing military supplies, etc.

With Li Zicheng's ability, Li Chun Yuan can become famous all over the world in at most one year.

But this thing is easier said than done!

First persuade the teacher to be a good person, and then trick the good family into going to the kang?

Li Zicheng really didn't want to do that business.

"Do you know why I train troops? To put it bluntly, Lao Zhu's family has been on the throne for too long, making the people of the world miserable. I want to rebel!"

"..." Xing Xiuniang was stunned on the spot.

Li Zicheng urged again, "Go back to Jiangnan. Meeting you is also fate. I will give you a music score to ensure that you have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life."

Xing Xiuniang bit her lips tightly and lowered her head in silence.

"Think about it carefully." Li Zicheng turned around and went out.

The erhu "Butterfly Lovers" soon sounded in the yard.

The woman's beauty is really good, and her skills should also be outstanding. She is a toy to play with! Lao Li is very conflicted...

For several days, Li Zicheng was busy rectifying military affairs.

Xishan Maoshang is busy training troops.

After you are familiar with the basic queue, you need to start learning arrays.

Military formations are very important.

With the discipline and organization of the old farmers, if you dare to play skirmishers, they will dare to scatter and herd sheep. Therefore, they must be imprisoned in formations, and at the same time to improve combat effectiveness. In addition, the three-person combat team in later generations can also be regarded as a group.

Various formations, even aircraft carrier battle groups also have formations.

The current array uses one team as the basic unit.

Although there is a smaller organization such as "A", tactical units that are too small cannot be commanded on large battlefields and their combat effectiveness and survivability are worrying. They are only administrative units.

There are five basic formations in ancient China: square, round, curved, straight, and sharp.

The square formation is a stable formation that can attack and defend; the round formation is mainly used for defense; the curved formation is almost a horizontal formation. The horizontal formation is conducive to putting all troops into battle at the same time and surrounding the enemy, but it is not conducive to command when expanded;

A straight formation is a column, which is conducive to marching and commanding, but the battle front that can be engaged is narrow, and many troops cannot exert their combat effectiveness; a sharp formation is conducive to offense, especially breakthrough attacks.

Therefore, you can use a straight formation (column) when marching. If you encounter an enemy and the situation is unclear, you should convert to a square formation (subject to the terrain); if the enemy is not stable or at a disadvantage, the terrain is open and suitable for deploying troops.

, it can be converted into a curved formation (horizontal formation) to surround and annihilate the enemy; if the enemy is ready and the two sides must fight, the sharp formation can be used to impact and crush the enemy's front; if the enemy is attacked from several directions

In times of danger, you can form a circle formation to deal with threats.

Thirdly, there are regulations for the transformation methods between various military formations. This requires a long period of training to quickly switch to the appropriate formations in as short a time as possible, otherwise it will be very dangerous in actual combat. If the soldiers lack training

, if your position is chaotic during the war, you will be defeated without fighting.

Let’s expand on it in detail——

For infantry, the basic battle formations are simple: square formation, cone formation, and circle formation.

Whether the phalanx is an attack, a horizontal formation or a column formation depends on the situation.

The front of the horizontal formation is wide, which represents the concentration of troops in time. On the contrary, the depth is the concentration of troops in space.

When starting a battle, if your front is wider than the opponent's, then half the battle is won. Because the line of sight on the plain is not good, the opponent doesn't know how deep you are. As soon as they see how wide your front is, they will feel weak for fear of being surrounded.

Fighting is mainly based on hand-to-hand combat. Except for formations such as three lines that can mobilize depth, combat is usually on the front line, and the soldiers behind spend most of the time fighting. Therefore, during combat, depth does not play a positive role.

Quick and direct.

The front is a direct reflection of an army's attack power. It can be said that the wider your front, the stronger your effective combat effectiveness.

Of course, the width also needs to consider the terrain background, the quality of the soldiers, etc.

In short, when armies are fighting, the effect of depth will not be reflected quickly, but if your front is not wide enough, it is inevitable that you will be outflanked.

Finally, if the opponent has a strong army, they can form a column and attack directly, and the weak army will be broken by a single poke, no matter how wide the horizontal formation is.

How to allocate depth and frontage depends on the situation.

The square formation has relatively low training requirements for soldiers, but when forming the formation, elite veterans need to be arranged in the four corners and front of the formation to "clamp" the formation.

In this way, firstly, the array can be completed faster, and secondly, it can improve the solidity of the square array.

The cone formation is also an attack.

It has strong impact and can be used to break through the battle line and destroy the enemy's formation. It is just a little more difficult to practice. Moreover, after the formation was replaced by cavalry, the infantry cone formation was almost no longer used.

In the Ming Dynasty, only the southwestern chieftain soldiers still use the cone formation, with one person, three people, five people, seven people and seven people arranged in five rows to form a triangle, forming a flag. Several flags can then form a larger triangle.

The round formation and other variants of military formations such as the crescent moon formation or the hollow square formation are defensive formations.

This type of formation is frontal in every direction and can respond to attacks from all directions at the same time.

An ordinary phalanx needs to turn its front when defending. The larger the phalanx, the more difficult it is to turn, and it is easy to collapse when attacked by enemy cavalry.

In addition, the circular formation is convenient for command and suppression. When the threat in a certain direction is greater, the general can easily mobilize reserves for reinforcement; the circular formation is also convenient for protecting the military flag, the commander, the wounded and baggage, etc., and can also arrange certain internal arrangements

Cavalry and artillery are used to counterattack.

In addition, the hollow square formation is not simply anti-cavalry, or it is not as effective as the solid anti-cavalry. The main reason is that the hollow square can prevent the artillery from destroying the formation. After all, the biggest problem with the elimination of the traditional square formation is that the cavalry rushes around or pretends to attack.

, but don’t fight hard. The infantry will get closer and closer, huddle together, and then be beaten to pieces by artillery.

Formation plays a huge role, because often victory or defeat lies on the thin line.

For example, Wei Qing encircled and suppressed the Xiongnu in the Battle of Wangting. The Han army, which was unable to defend itself, met the Xiongnu who were also unable to defend themselves.

Whoever forms the formation first wins. The last defender narrowly wins.

In short, no matter what the formation is, it is based on the quality of the soldiers in "depth" and "frontal", and has different emphasis according to the situation and the enemy's conditions.

All formations have only one purpose: to use limited power in the right place, form a local advantage, and defeat the opponent.

There are many formations in history. Those things were not put up to look good, and most of them were not for use in battle, but for managing small soldiers in daily training.

Just like stacking "tofu cubes" between soldiers, does it help to kill the enemy? Yes! A very important point of the annoying internal affairs regulations is to cultivate discipline, organization, etc., and subtly teach them to obey absolutely and see the big from the small.

In addition to infantry, cavalry is also very important.

The characteristics of cavalry are strong mobility and strong impact.

Compared with the infantry formation, the cavalry formation is much looser.

The most basic cavalry formation is a small horizontal team, with each team having only a few dozen or even a dozen people.

The cavalry in the line must maintain appropriate distances to prevent direct collision with enemy cavalry and avoid obstacles or corpses.

Small cavalry detachments can be formed into large detachments, but the number cannot be too large, otherwise it will cause difficulty in commanding and the mobility will be reduced.

Cavalry can also form square formations.

Multiple cavalry columns line up together, and the distance between each column depends on the situation.

The "three walls" are three horizontal formations. Each formation is several feet or more than ten feet apart from the front and back. When it hits, it is like a raging sea wave, hitting the enemy one after another.

In addition to horizontal formations, cavalry can also form conical formations to attack infantry formations.

Its advantage is that it has good maneuverability and is easy to turn. All the cavalry needs to do is keep an eye on the flag at the front.

The conical shape has strong penetrating power, but lacks staying power.

After the front team rushes into the enemy formation, it may be stuck and difficult to get rid of, which will hinder the rear team from continuing to attack. It can be said to be a one-shot deal.

If the charging cavalry cannot penetrate the enemy infantry phalanx, it will fall into a melee. The cavalry's lack of mobility is equivalent to burping.

Therefore, this formation is very effective when used to attack weak press.

There is a record from the Song Dynasty: "Captains often used sharp formations when they used troops. They retreated one after another, and came again, and each formation was as heavy as one. When the heavy troops were in the village, the man formed a circular formation to turn the enemy around; if the enemy again formed a circular formation and faced outward, the man dismounted and fought on foot until he was defeated.

Go ahead, mount your horse and chase after him. This has been the case since the beginning of the war."

If the enemy's infantry formation is neat and orderly, the cavalry can also choose corner-cutting tactics when attacking to wear away the opponent bit by bit from the outside.

Cavalry tactics, it can be said that there are no tactics or metaphysics, no one knows which method can win the world. Just do it in one word! If you win, you will be a famous general, if you lose, you will get cold.

The strength of the cavalry lies in their mobility, and the corresponding infantry's response to the cavalry is to limit its mobility.

It can be said that a first-class army is dominated by infantry. If the infantry formation wins, the cavalry rushes out to collect the corpses; if the infantry formation collapses, everything is over.

In addition to infantry and cavalry training, there are many details to running an army——

How much food and grass are there? How much oil and salt are there? How many clothes, shoes and socks are there? How many tents and bedding are there? How much firewood is there? How many pots and pans are there? How much silver is there? How much has been embezzled by the superior officials?

How many human doctors are there? How many veterinarians are there? How many medicines are there? How many bandages are there? Are there plague, cholera, smallpox, malaria, dysentery, influenza, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, or leukemia?

How many carpenters are there? How many blacksmiths are there? How many spare ordnance are there? Are the logistics civilians recruited reliable?

Is the guide you find unreliable? How to camp in the wild? Can the tent protect you from wind and rain? How many pits should be dug and where? Is the water source enough? Is the water bitter or sweet? Is there any grass nearby for horses?

How far apart should a grain truck be placed? How far should sentries be spread out? If there are open posts, are there hidden posts? Are there any passwords?

Do the generals have prestige? Are there any conflicts among the officers? Is there anyone in the rear who is pulling a leg? Do the soldiers have morale? How much pension can they receive if they die or become disabled?

There are too many details in the battle.
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