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Chapter 1 Fire

The fifth day of the first lunar month.

The flags were waved in Maoshang, Xishan, and the "War Song of the Revolutionary Army" was played.

The Caotai Troupe's performance feels a bit like riding a donkey down a mountain.

After slaughtering pigs and cattle to sacrifice to the flag, the Fengtian Uprising National Revolutionary Army is ready to go.

Li Zicheng sat upright and ordered the generals.

The razor cuts across, and the long hair falls to the ground.

"Until the revolution is completed, you will never grow your hair!"

Finally I found a good reason and the annoying lice crawled away.

The commander-in-chief discussed this incident in advance, and all the generals looked at each other in confusion.

Don't dare to damage your body, hair, and skin by your parents. This is the beginning of filial piety. Although Nijizi is not as particular as Furu, but...

While Li Zicheng was washing his hair, Liu Zongmin strode onto the stage and had his hair cut!

"Forget it! It's cold, so keep your hair long to keep warm." The commander stopped the remaining generals in time.

Forcing others to do something difficult will easily lose the support of the people. Especially Feng Qilong, who covered his head and turned green with fear.

After packing everything up, Li Zicheng raised the Huama Sword high:

"Set off!"

Drum three links.

The "Military Song of the Revolutionary Army" was played.

"Forward! Forward! Forward!

Our team faces the sun..."

The soldiers sang loudly and lined up down the mountain.

On the ninth day of the lunar month, the revolutionary army marched to the vicinity of Baoan County and stationed themselves in a ravine.

The security guard can barely be considered Liu Bowen's hometown. This old man is probably one of the two most serious people in history. He is the so-called "grandfather of rumor spreading" who was only known for 500 years.

"It is difficult to avoid execution if you pass one copy, but you will be saved if you pass ten. If you copy and do not pass it on, the whole family will suffer." Is there a sense of déjà vu that is not Chinese if you don't pass it on? Li Zicheng can learn from it when doing propaganda work in the future.

Liu Bowen's eleventh generation grandson, Chengyi Bo Liu Shiyan, may have inherited some skills. One day, he said that there was a change in the stars and he wanted to lead troops to the capital to help King Qin. He was accused of crimes.

The young man shouted: "I have an iron ticket. If I beat anyone to death, I will be spared if I pay one. No one will give me trouble!"

The iron coupon is commonly known as the "gold medal to avoid death." It is made of pig iron and looks like a tile. It does have the words "Exempt from one death penalty."

"Noisy!" Emperor Wanli beheaded Liu Shiyan.

The year Liu Shiyan was killed, Li Zicheng was born...

Say a few more words.

Wei Zhongxian also had a "death-free card" and later surrendered it on his own initiative. His nephew Wei Liangqing also had an iron ticket. When Chongzhen came to power, he was granted the title of Ning Guogong and the title of Grand Master. Then he was beheaded the next month.

Wei Liangqing cried aggrievedly: "I grew up in the fields, and it was enough for me to bear the farm tools. How can I know how to be rich? Today I will praise you, and I will praise you tomorrow. My merits are towering, and I should be worshiped. I don't deserve to be my nephew, so I gave him the title of robe.

I am the one who praises me and uses wealth and honor to force me, so why am I guilty!!!"

Poor baby.

Just as the revolutionary army finished their meal in the ravine, more than 7,000 people from the Shenyuan Department arrived later, and the two parties joined forces.

Li Zicheng went to the big tent to visit and discuss with the brothers of the Shen family about attacking the city and dividing the spoils.

The tenth day of the lunar month.

Li Zicheng arrayed at the north gate of Baoan County.

He wrote a letter to persuade him to surrender, but he refused.

Bombard the city!

Li Zicheng only had one cannon, but Shen Yiyuan had five.

The caliber of the artillery is not large, and it fires solid bullets, so the damage is limited. The defenders will be safe if they hide behind the battlements.

The shelling was nothing more than a grand display of force. There were piles of sand and earth bags behind the smashed city gates. If it was a large city, there was often an urn at the gate. Rushing in rashly would be courting death.

It would be different if there were dozens of red cannons. In addition to frightening the defenders at the top of the city, a heavy blast might collapse a small section of the city wall. Once there is a gap, it would be much easier to attack the city.

A moment after the bombardment, Liu Zongmin, Gu Kecheng, and Yuan Zongdi each led their troops to rush towards the city wall.

The original moat has long been filled with silt, so you just need to set up a ladder and climb up with your head covered.

Attacking a city means heaping lives. Whoever can't afford it first loses.

There were only a hundred or so government officials in Bao'an County, and the people were strong. There was no preparation in advance, and they collapsed after only a little resistance.

This kind of weak chicken is suitable for military training, so Li Zicheng rushed to take the lead.

The battle was lackluster. Only a few unlucky ones were injured, including those who failed to hold on to the ladder and fell.

After Shen Yiyuan entered the city, military discipline was still good and the good people were not harassed.

Frankly speaking, the core of military discipline is the distribution of interests. All administrative, disciplinary, and political measures will ultimately revolve around the distribution of interests. How to reasonably distribute interests is politics.

If you let the soldiers have enough to eat, they will naturally not seize the common people's food; if you let the soldiers sleep well, they will naturally not seize the common people's kangtou.

Only after such a long period of time can we talk about the cultivation of discipline, so that soldiers can develop good habits and internalize the code of conduct in their hearts. Finally, they can obey orders and obey orders in any situation.

In the final analysis, do things first and shout slogans later. Slogans or the "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" are highly condensed summaries of how to do things. Don't just shout slogans. If you don't do things as much as you like, then your slogans will be empty words.


The discipline of the old-style army was good and bad. As long as you had enough to eat, it was good. If you didn't have enough to eat, you would go and rob homes and homes. There was no exception.

When logistics can support it, few generals deliberately break military discipline and indulge soldiers to burn, kill, and loot, because there is no benefit in doing so. It is easy to indulge but difficult to restrain, unless it is a retaliatory massacre.

That day, the peasant army raided the county treasury and arrested eight more local tyrants and evil gentry.

Li and Shen sat in the county government office and divided the stolen goods, dividing the money between four and six.

Li Zicheng took the main attack and took 60% of the benefits. He was divided into 80,000 jins of grain, 60,000 jins of silver, and more than ten carts of other goods.

On the 11th, each of the two ministries gave one-third of the captured goods for relief.

The people's hearts are at peace.

It's freezing cold, so it's no longer suitable to run around. The two troops are recuperating in the county town for the time being.

The Ministry of God has many soldiers, so they have to send people to the countryside to collect food.

Li Zicheng occupied the Beimen area, and the art battalion was dispatched to plaster the people's peace notices everywhere.

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance."

"I used to be a cow and a horse, but now I want to be a human being."


In the courtyard of a large earthen mansion, the warmth of a charcoal pot burns warmly.

Li Zicheng summoned several big bosses to sit around.

"The first battle after the army was launched was pretty good, but it also exposed many problems. Today we will summarize the pros and cons. From now on, we will have a discussion meeting after each battle in order to learn from experience and lessons and continue to improve.

Tactics. You will also hold a meeting with your subordinates after you go down."

Li Zicheng stood up, but then changed the subject.

"Liu Zongmin, what was it like for you to kill someone for the first time?"

"Me? It's my first time to kill someone... Let me think about it..."

Liu Zongmin scratched his bald head, "It must have been when he was fourteen years old. You had just left the iron shop, and Gai Hu came looking for bad luck. I was holding the rusty iron piece, and I was obviously scared to death, but I was yelling along with others.

.I couldn’t tell who was who, so I just started fighting randomly. In the end, I even injured two of my brothers.”

After he finished speaking, he laughed at himself.

Li Zicheng nodded, "That's right! Liu Zongmin reached the second level of fighting in his first attack. The easiest way in this situation is to fight more, so that you won't panic in the future. Gu Kecheng, tell me about your first time


"Hey, I'm probably better than Brother Liu. My family has been in the military for generations, so I've practiced doing it a few times. The first time I used a kitchen knife to chop someone, I knew where to hit just right. Unfortunately, I missed it, so I gave it to me.

Killed. Haha..."

Gu Kecheng is also a ruthless character.

Before Li Zicheng could speak, Liu Fangliang said first: "The first time I stabbed someone, I wasn't afraid at all. I just wanted to kill the bastard in front of me."

Li Zicheng looked at Tian Jianxiu again.


Tian Jianxiu grinned, "Back home, I was forced to do nothing, so I had no choice but to kill the person in front of me. I not only wanted to kill the person in front of me, but I also always looked around to see if anyone wanted to come over and kill me. If I couldn't be beaten,

Just ready to run away."

Yuan Zongdi said sheepishly: "My younger brother may be the weakest. There were many small fights, but the one at the vegetable market was the most dangerous. I just wanted to scare the other party, but I didn't expect a fight. I was very scared at the time.

Beat people to death. The result... you also know."

Li Guo and Feng Qilong have not killed anyone yet, so they will not be mentioned here.

Li Zicheng concluded: "Fighting is also divided into levels. When a novice fights for the first time, his heart beats faster, he sweats profusely, and his hands and feet are not in control. A yell from others can scare him to the point of peeing;

People on the second level are slightly more determined and at least dare to go forward and kill people, but they will be timid. As long as you are bolder than the opponent, you can win;

Liu Fangliang can be regarded as the third level, and he dares to fight and fight hard. But if the opponent has a numerical advantage and is more ruthless, he will inevitably suffer a loss..."

"Among you, Tian Jianxiu does better."

Tian Jianxiu was about to be humble when he heard this...

Li Zicheng continued: "However, his method is very easy to get distracted. Once there is a situation where the head is ignored and the body is ignored, defeat is certain in the rush."

Liu Zongmin asked curiously: "Brother, which floor are you at?"

Li Zicheng did not answer directly, but said to himself: "Take the two attacks on local tyrants and this siege as an example, more than 80% of the opponents we encountered belong to the first level I mentioned; 10% are considered the second level;

There are less than 10% of people left who dare to fight and fight..."

"Then here's the question. There are a thousand people on the opposite side, and it looks like they're all in a swarm. Are you panicking? In fact, as long as you defeat the hundred or so toughest ones, you'll definitely win this battle."

"That's right!" Li Guoshen felt deeply.

He recalled: "When I first entered the city gate, I was a little panicked at first. Later I saw Brother Liu cutting down several people, so I dared to rush out. I chased more than a dozen government officials and ran away by myself, and they were all frightened.

I'm so brave that I don't dare to stop and fight back."

Li Zicheng said: "So, taking various factors into consideration, we will take the route of elite soldiers in the future..."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Liu Zongmin tugged, "Don't start another topic, you haven't said what level you are on yet!"

Li Zicheng said modestly: "I am just getting started."

Liu Zongmin laughed, "Look! Just started? Doesn't it even count as the first floor?"

"No, no!" Gu Kecheng shook his head, "I've noticed that, it's not like that."


After a few polite words, Li Zicheng began to explain seriously.

When the two sides are fighting for their lives, they must eliminate all distractions from their minds and be calm and steady. The only things that can be seen in front of them are the points on their body that the other party wants to attack and the points that they want to attack.

For example, when Li Zicheng took action for the first time in the vegetable market, he saw that the person rushing towards him was not a handyman, but a face as big as a fist and a basin. So he avoided the fist and hit him directly in the face.

What the handyman saw was one person, but what Li Zicheng focused on were a few points.

"Unless there are too many people on the other side and they are not afraid of death, a dozen or so people will not be a big concern."

"It makes sense..."

I don’t know if these people understood it, but everyone nodded in agreement.

"What is entry? As the name suggests, you have just learned how to fight after you have entered the martial arts. At this level, it no longer matters about personal martial arts skills, but more importantly, the state of mind. Therefore, I am just starting, and I have not reached the second level.


Liu Zongmin asked eagerly: "What is the second level of realm?"

Li Zicheng said slowly: "It's a person who has died once! If you meet on a narrow road, are evenly matched, and win by luck in the end, then you can only reach the second level if you die once."

Liu Zongmin nodded, thoughtfully.

Li Zicheng continued: "People who have died once have either shrunk their eggs since then, so we won't talk about him; or they have taken life and death lightly. In the future fights, his state of mind will be incomparable to his opponents. We won't talk about it either.

You must be invincible, at least most people who are not afraid of death can survive."

Feng Qilong asked: "There should be no more on the second floor, right? I think a person who has died once can't die again, right?"

Everyone laughs.

"Of course! The third and fourth floors..."

Liu Zongmin frowned and interrupted, "Isn't that too ridiculous? Then just talk to the highest level, brother, don't fool us."
This chapter has been completed!
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