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Chapter 4 The Officers and Soldiers Unify

..Li Zicheng’s words did not convince Liu Zongmin..

He muttered: "The little soldier wears a sheepskin coat, and the elder brother also wears a sheepskin coat. Why aren't we equal?"

"Shit! Who am I wearing mink to show me? Do you know what mink is? It's not in vain!" Li Zicheng hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Mink skins are a good thing, and they were very popular in the late next year. The dignitaries in the capital alone used tens of thousands of them every year, so much so that Emperor Wanli banned the trade in mink skins.

Li Zicheng continued: "Every day I have been asking you to study hard, and yet you have made me an equality between officers and soldiers? Listen up, that is called unity between officers and soldiers!"

Liu Zongmin scratched his bald scalp, still dissatisfied, "Doesn't agreement mean the same? If they are all the same, isn't that equal?"

Li Zicheng ignored him and first called Zhang Neng over from a distance.

The two exchanged brief greetings.

Li Zicheng turned to Li Guo and said: "From now on, the method of corporal punishment should not rely on beatings and scoldings with sticks. Instead, we can add exercises, such as push-ups and duck walks. We are a team of ordinary people. The officers and soldiers are united. We cannot act like domineering officials."

Li Guo nodded, not daring to refute, but thinking in his heart, didn't you also punish us with sticks?

I followed Brother Li and got beaten with sticks every day.

Zhang Neng took a peek at Li Zicheng and said: "The general's intentions are naturally good, but those stupid people are all stubborn people, and they will not be successful unless they are beaten and scolded. If you are lenient, he will be lax. Although there has been a relationship between officials and officials since ancient times.

Having soldiers eat and live together boosts morale, but it is far less effective than clear rewards and punishments."

Feng Qilong laughed at the side and said: "Feng tried to explain the unity of the officers and soldiers of the general. The "Military Prophecy" says: Before the military well is reached, the general will not speak of thirst; before the military curtain is set, the general will not speak of fatigue; before the military stove is cooked,

A general does not express hunger. He does not wear fur in winter, does not use a fan in summer, and does not open his roof when it rains. This is called the courtesy of a general."

"The reason why there are general etiquette is nothing more than to encourage soldiers to fight with their lives to win the battle."

"The key to using military force is to respect etiquette and pay high attention to salary. If etiquette is respected, wise men will come; if salary is high, righteous men will despise death. Therefore, the sages do not love money and reward merits within the time limit, so they will use their strength to annex and weaken the enemy's country.

The way you use people is to respect them with titles and support them with wealth, then soldiers will come; if you receive them with courtesy and encourage them with righteousness, they will die. A general must share the same experience and safety with his soldiers, so the enemy can be added. Therefore.

The army will be completely victorious and the enemy will be completely imprisoned."

Feng Qilong pulled Duan Wen and said again: "However, Corporal Li Xian needs to be used according to the situation and cannot be like this every day. That would be worthless. After all, the status of officers and soldiers are different. It seems inappropriate if they are completely the same."

What he was embarrassed to say was that the old man was on an equal footing with the mud-legged man. What a shame!

"What Zhang Neng and Feng Qilong said is good and makes sense." Li Zicheng nodded in approval and immediately changed his words, "But what I said about officers and soldiers being consistent does not mean absolute equality..."

Absolute equality is undesirable and simply impossible.

What's more, where does the general's authority come from after officers and soldiers are equal?

Many people have a mean mentality. If you treat them well, they will gradually become more presumptuous; if you occasionally give some favors, they will be grateful.

For example, in the early days of the Red Army, absolute egalitarianism developed very strongly. It opposed the classification of minor and serious injuries and demanded equal payment of expenses; it was considered unequal for officers to ride horses; they also had to share the same level of housing.

Even a bigger house would be scolded.

The old man corrected us and said that we must oppose absolute egalitarianism regardless of any reason. This is because this is not the need of the struggle and is counterproductive.

The conditions were so difficult during the Long March, but we had to try our best to ensure that regimental officers had one chicken per week.

Li Zicheng continued: "Our revolutionary army must abide by the three major principles of unity between officers and soldiers, unity between army and civilians, and the disintegration of enemy forces.

The unity between officers and soldiers is that there is only a distinction between high and low positions between them, and there is no distinction between high and low. Officers care about soldiers, and soldiers respect officers, unite and help each other, and share joys and sorrows. The army implements leadership and establishes conscious discipline..."

In the old army, officers and soldiers were separated and hierarchical; in the revolutionary army, officers and soldiers were identical.

Of course, the treatment cannot be the same.

This is an objective reality issue, not a simple subjective issue.

First of all, classes or hierarchies are the realistic basis for the existence of human society and cannot be eliminated with just a word of opposition.

Only when there is class can there be organization. Otherwise, equality among everyone means that the group becomes a piece of loose sand.

In an organization, those at the top naturally enjoy more resources, which is also the value of the promotion system.

The second is economy.

The current productivity, or materials, is limited, and it is impossible for everyone to have plenty of food and fish.

After Li Zicheng explained it, he said: "A soldier is not an animal. He, like an officer, is a son of his father and his mother. This is what the officers and soldiers said unanimously, but it does not mean that they are treated the same way."

"What officials pursue is to rise through the ranks and become generals and prime ministers; as for soldiers, they just want to have food to eat at first. They have been restrained when they enter the military camp, and they may lose their heads when they go to war. If they continue to be beaten and scolded every day, and their food is not as good as animals,

How much combat effectiveness can such an army have?"

At that time, Montgomery couldn't understand why Chinese people liked to be soldiers so much. The old man answered directly: because they had five yuan a month.

Don't talk too much about big things with ordinary soldiers. First, meet the most basic needs for food and clothing before talking about anything else.

"Ni Ming's kind of officers eating meat and soldiers eating chaff will not work. Our officers in the revolutionary army can eat less meat and let the soldiers be full. So our officers and soldiers are relatively equal."

"Li Guang, the flying general of the Han Dynasty, was a less successful example...

When the generals of the army are wide, there is water wherever there is no water. The soldiers do not drink all the water, and the soldiers do not go near the water. The soldiers do not eat all the food, but the soldiers do not taste the food. Be gentle and slow, but not harsh, and the soldiers use this as a pleasure.

Li Guang achieved the ultimate in the general etiquette in "Military Prophecy". Sima Qian commented that he "does not speak a word, but makes his own mistakes."

However, "the Xiongnu defeated the Guang army and gained Guang. The number of their generals was humiliated, and they also injured the fierce beasts they shot. Guang was surrounded by outwards, and Hu rushed to attack them, with arrows falling like rain. More than half of the Han soldiers died... It was time

The Guang army is almost gone, so let's return."

With such a record, what's the use of your generals and soldiers being equal? ​​So Wang Bo, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, said: "Feng Tang Yi Lao, Li Guang is difficult to seal."

Being able to win the battle is the first priority. If you don't have a record, it's all in vain.

"There was such a dialogue between emperor and ministers during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It cannot be found in history books. Let me tell you about it...

Liu Che: Why don’t you eat?

Huo Qubing: I don’t like this way of eating.

Liu Che: Then what do you do when you go to war?

Huo Qubing: Just bring a few more cooks.

Li Guang: Do you need to prepare a special chef for war? How can a general not share the joys and sorrows with his soldiers?

Huo Qubing: Being a general does not necessarily require the same treatment as soldiers, as long as they are rewarded and punished. This can arouse the soldiers' desire for victory. As long as they know that if the battle is won, they will have everything they want. Why be rigid?


Li Guang: I don’t understand! I’m behind the times.

Wei Qing: Sharing joys and sorrows is still necessary.

Huo Qubing: Leading troops in war requires more than benevolence and righteousness. A general has only one goal, and that is to win. If a battle cannot be won, even if he shares the joys and sorrows with the soldiers every day, he will still be an incompetent general.

Champion’s record——

Age 18 - In the Battle of Monan, he captured 2,000 prisoners with 800 Qingqi, and was awarded the title of Marquis;

Nineteen years old - in the Battle of Hexi, 20,000 hussars killed and captured 100,000, surrendered and slaughtered the two kings of Hunxie, and established four counties in Hexi;

Twenty-one years old - In the Battle of Mobei, he defeated the Xian King of Zuo, killed 70,000 prisoners, and sealed the wolf as Xu.

On the other hand, Flying General Li Guang...perhaps he had a last resort, but he got lost after all.

However, given the conditions at that time, getting lost can be said to be normal. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing were abnormal. Because they were so abnormal, people thought that getting lost was abnormal.

"Would a soldier be willing to die with a lost general who shares the joys and sorrows with him? Or would he rather follow a champion to defeat the enemy and perform meritorious service?"

Feng Qilong responded: "Of course he is willing to follow the commander-in-chief and enjoy glory and wealth!"

Zhang Neng sighed, "I don't even know how to read. I'm afraid I won't be able to become a champion under the command of the general."

Liu Zongmin laughed and said: "Brother, my brother turned out to be a rough guy. Since he joined the commander-in-chief, he can now recognize two to three hundred Chinese characters."

Li Zicheng kicked him, "How dare you say that? How many words have you learned in half a year?"

"I can also pinyin, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division..." Liu Zongmin lowered his head and muttered, and slowly took two steps back.

Li Zicheng looked at everyone, "Actually, fighting is easy, just compete with whoever makes fewer mistakes. A famous general like the Champion may not appear in hundreds of years."

Zhang Neng nodded thoughtfully, "What the Commander-in-Chief said is true."

It was getting late at this time.

Li Zicheng concluded: "This time I briefly talked about the unity of officers and soldiers. Let's go back and think about it carefully. The book I gave you is written clearly. Also, if a general wants to win the battle, a very important point is command ability. We have plenty of manpower.

In the future, I will set up a martial arts hall in the army, where I can learn military skills and engage in actual combat at the same time."

Later, Li Zicheng had a detailed discussion with Zhang Neng alone and asked him to return to his team that night.
This chapter has been completed!
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